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Many things have been posted on Usenet about me that are not true. I made a website at http://kathymosesian.name to make a disclaimer about all of the garbage that has been said about me. I also wanted to have the page there for others who have been cyber-stalked or maybe someone who has been stalked by the person or persons doing it to me.

It seems the Internet has given many people opportunities to libel people anonymously and get away with it, yet, could this be done if there were no computers? I don't know. In real life I suppose someone can call you anonymously on a payphone, but libel, how would they get their libel so widespread without the help of a computer?

We need to put some laws in place that first, make people accountable for what they say on the Internet. We need to make anonymous re-mailers obsolete where records can be obtained through a court order if someone is libeled. It should be made a criminal act to libel someone so viciously as to accuse them of being a criminal when they are not. Right now, people are not being held accountable for what they do.

Sue Scheff recently won a judgment of $11.3 MUSD, but will she ever see a dime of that? Probably not or at least not much. According to Sue, the person libeling her is crying victim since they lived near where Katrina struck. So, is it okay to be bad if you have had misfortune? If that is the case, there would be a lot more of this going on. We ALL have misfortune, but most of us don't use it as an excuse to be bad. Sue set a legal precedent in the state of Florida, but will her reputation ever be free of the damage that has already been done?

Libel is treated as a civil case when brought to court, not criminal. With the widespread reach of the computer, perhaps that law should be examined.

All of this seems to be so widespread since Usenet has a high priority with Google since, they do own it. I love Google, don't get me wrong and the founders are brilliant. I just wonder if they are aware of how damaging Usenet can be and that Usenet kooks run rampant. With the priority given to Usenet in search engines and feeds taking this stuff off Usenet and onto other sites, it is giving a fertile breeding ground to these space cadets with too much time on their hands. With these kooks badmouthing people and making stuff up at will, it certainly cannot be creating a better world. It is breeding contempt.

With the recent trial by media for Howard K. Stern, I totally empathized with him at how he was being trashed without proof. I am not going to go into an opinion about him, but it really is irresponsible for the media to do something like this. His situation is totally different than mine and so much worse than mine, I have to think at how devastated he must be. But I thought, if the media is acting like a Usenet kook, what hope is there for the world since they have such influence on the public? People are too lazy to search things out for themselves, so they switch on the TV and take these alleged journalists at their word.

I have also found that people on the Internet are so quick to jump on the bandwagon of trashing a person without proof. What makes people want to be like this? Don't they know that it is all a circle and what goes around comes around?

So, I appeal to anyone reading this not to take anything at face value, but research things before you accuse or simply stay out of it. It could just as easily be you. Maybe those you have joined forces with will one day turn on you. Hey, it is not about who you are, it is just an opportunity for them to trash someone. They are vigilantes deciding who needs to be punished without a trial by jury. They are also narcissists who feel that their opinion is the one the rest of the world should live by. It is that playground bully mentality. People who have no backbone and have such a desire to "belong" will blindly join in on the bullying for fear if they don't, they will end up being a target. I have a suggestion for those people. Just do not get involved. If you do not give these people the numbers behind their bullying, perhaps they will back off. Just consider it and do it to discourage this type of behavior. You may be grooming characters who will do this to a loved one someday. If it happens and you have not taken a stand against this behavior, then you only have yourself to blame.

So, make sure you do not let people on the Internet know if you are pretty, have money, have a wonderful family, have a fantastic job or anything positive. It is not going to sit well with at least one person and that is all it takes to start a campaign of trashing your reputation. Remember, on the Internet, one person can take on several names. They can make it appear as if a group of people are against one individual, when it is only one lone person. So you think, well, if this group is saying it, it must be true. So then you join them and further ruin a person's reputation when you have absolutely no proof of what you are claiming.

If you are too afraid to go up against the bullies, just keep quiet and don't give them the numbers. If they see they are the only one doing it, perhaps they will back down. Please, just do it, if not for yourself, for your loved ones. Please remember my words.

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