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Hey Ryan!

Im glad you decided to write on my page. I am also sad that we don't work together anymore, but I'm sure some point we will!



  • Discuss the definition of Ayni (mutualism)
  • Detail the origin of Ayni
  • Explore the concepts that Ayni is tied to (the other four concepts)


  • Applications of Ayni (house construction, agriculture, etc.)
  • Usages of Ayni Today in Quechua/Aymara/other societies

Similar Concepts

  • Mutual aid/communal work
  1. Bee (United States)
  2. Barn-raising (North Americas)
  3. Others (Global)


  • Cusicanqui, Silvia Rivera. “Liberal Democracy and Ayllu Democracy in Bolivia: The Case of Northern Potosí.” Journal of Development Studies 26, no. 4 (July 1990): 97.
  • Webster, Steven. "Interpretation of an Andean Social and Economic Formation" Man Vol. 16, no. 4 (Dec. 1981)
  • Jürgen Golte (1973) "Bauern in Peru" Doctoral Thesis. Freie Universistät Berlin, Gebr. Mann. Berlin
  • Carlos Milla Villena (2003) "Ayni. Semiotica de los espacios sagrados. Ley de reciprocidad." Asociacion Cultural Amaru Wayra, Lima
  • Katja Grunow (2009): Credit-scoring in Mikrofinanzinstiutionen. S. 35 ff., Generalisierte und balanzierte Reziprozität (in German).
  • Leonora Arriagada Peters (2011) "Andenwissenssystem [...]. El Sistema de Conocimientos Andinos[...]. The Andean knowledge System. Fundamental knowledge and interrelations of the high culture of the Andes" Doctoral Thesis. Freie Universistät Berlin.
  • Mannheim, Bruce. "The Language of Reciprocity in Southern Peruvian Quechua." Anthropological Linguistics Vol. 28, no. 3 (Fall 1986): 267-273.
  • Poliak, Lisa. "Peru: Life of the Quechua." Scholastic. Scholastic Inc., 12 May 2007. Web. 11 Apr. 2015.
  • Williams, J. E. The Andean Codex: Adventures and Initiations among the Peruvian Shamans. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Pub., 2005. Print.
  • Kropotkin, Peter. Mutual aid: A factor of evolution. Courier Corporation, 2012.