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The Worst Form of Government By keeliya glaze

In my opinion the worst form of government just from what i've seen in my own country is the republic. I already know you won't agree with me but that does not determine my grade. In the republic government we can only elect our officials to make the decisions for us they can change or make laws and take away our freedom without our vote. In the U.S.A which is a republic officials are changing our constitution, supporting systematic racism, systematic homophobism, and religious bias. The officials are allowed to change our rights and constitution or amendments for good or for bad without us, the peoples hand in it. In our schools we have to have separation of church and state, i believe the public school system needs to have a group for all religions that way those who practice christianity can talk about their religion freely but christianity won't be forced onto the other religions so that they begin to resent christians. In this country we have systematic racism we can only change by electing new officials that only are to be replaced next election by the people who want minorities to continue to be oppressed. Some may argue that we should not be able to protest for the rights of black people that we've fought for for 400 years. And guess who gets to decide that, the elected officials. They get to decide if the cops can go to protest and throw tear gas and shoot unarmed protesters with rubber bullets. They determine if the killers of breonna taylor, trayvon martin, tamir rice, michael brown, eric garner, philando castile, and so many others to rome free with no repercussions for their actions. Some say that black people aren't oppressed or that white people are more oppressed, but they forget the definition of oppression, prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. If a government has not had to overturn a law placed to keep you and your people oppressed, if your ancestors didn't build or contribute to this land and are still being killed to this day, if your people weren’t lynched for the fun of other people. You do not understand oppression. You may experience prejudice but never the oppression that non white passing minorities have to experience on a daily basis. I know that as christians were arent supposed to be bi, lesbian, gay, panasexaul, or transgender but we still have to support them. In the bible Mark 12:30-31 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.” we are to love them or be prejudiced towards them. For donald trump, our elected official, to diminish gays LGBTQ+ community was unbelievable. They were willing to risk their lives for a country who doesn't want them. And how are we supposed to minister to them as christians if we are the people they hate because we are their oppressors christiiians and the government. I've witnessed in my 12 years of life on this earth an unbelievable amount of religious bias. People hate musilms because of 9-11 which was a horrible day but it was also a small group of terrorist who happened to be islamic. Once again how are we supposed to minister to them if we are the reason they fear the slurs and attack may come upon them for only wearing their hijabs. In conclusion I believe that the republic is the worst form of government. Since this paper is opinionated i hope you wont grade this badly because against your white cis male opinion( not a slurr it just means you arent part of the LGBTQ+ community)

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