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Hello, if you are not aware of the truth, then you should know, about the "Illuminati" a Secret Society Founded on May 1st, 1776. And most don't believe but, Money in total is slavery! Someone has to work to earn it, Taxes are used for Underground tunneling! Yet 16.7 Trillion in US, UK and Canadian Taxes have been used in there conquest to live! In subsequent use, "Illuminati" refers to various organisations which claim or are purported to have links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies,the other names are... Builderburg Group, Free Masons, The Company and the others are fictional but the world has ended 3 or 4 times and the illuminati probably was founded the first time round, It ends because Nibiru has came by our Solar System and yet only 20k Miles away from our Atmosphere billions of Asteroids and Meteorites fall from its Gravitational Belt and that's why they spend so much on Underground Tunnels! Thats also why the earth keeps getting smaller! And if you'r wondering now if Aliens exist, well... They do! :O and further more the Annunaki and the Greys are the Dracos enemys, well get to the Dracos in a moment... As I was saying the Annunaki and the Greys are kinda allys because they Despise (Pour Le Francais Deteste) The Dracos and Reptellians, The Reptellians and the Illuminati have Created the 2nd World War... Hitler was a pawn, just like the clone "Barack Obama"! First of all the people he claims he went to high school with all have denied that, oh and Reptellians are shape shifters and the Dracos were planning to make us a slave race...

But there plans didn't work as planned, And that's why they are enemys with the Illuminati, PS The Nibiru date is Claimed to be on June-July 2017 PPS The queen runs it all and the Rothchild Family Owns the US Mint and PPPS Watch "The Alex Jones Channel" on Youtube!