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Game Night (T.V. Series)[edit]

Game Night is a South African drama mystery thriller television series conceptualised by Mamello Sephula and developed by Brandon Kupa as an assignment for their F2 Filmmaking course 58394 : Scriptwriting. The series is premised in an undisclosed era and follows the lives of seven college students and focuses on the newest member of the seven. The college newbie has to literally run and hide from death when her newfound friends chase her for her life during a game night turns out to be deadlier than what she was led to believe, as part of her acceptance into to the circle of friends. The series features ana ensemble cast from a film institution - African Academy Of Cinematic Arts.

PLOT Excited and anxious about college, Vanessa is just happy to be away from her lonely life and meet new people who she believes will be everything she’s always dreamed of - loving and accepting. Vanessa meets Jess on campus and they talk like they’ve known each other for years. Jess happens to know of Vanessa’s mom and insist that Vanessa be part of her society. They’re shortly joined by the rest of Jess’s friends and introductions are made per arrival. Vanessa meets Jade and Ntombi, step sisters, Pearl, Jess’s childhood friend, Marlot and TJ, friends made on campus. Happy to be part of a group, Vanessa agrees to meet her newfound friends for a game night on Friday to officially make her part of their group.

Friday night Vanessa meets up with her friends on an abandoned building. At 23:45, the group of friends gather and Ntombi explains that back in the day, the founders of their society played a game and everything changed after that night. Their society now gained respect from the entire campus and things ran smoothly for them and for their society to uphold its reputation, the game is to be played every time a new person joins their society. A deck of plain cards is to be shuffled by the newest member of the society and they have to pick a card. Whatever game is displayed on the card is the game that’ll be played that night. As per game rules, Vanessa shuffles the cards and finally picks a card. Everyone around her seems anxious. Vanessa smiles and chuckles and they relax a bit. She looks at them with a smile reveals to them that they’ll be playing “Hide and Seek” that night. She is then sent to hide and believing that this is an innocent game, she goes into hiding. Her friends remain arguing whether to carry the game through or not when Pearl and Marlot question them about the risk of playing the game and TJ briefly convinces them to play. 00:00. The search begins.

Pearl question’s Jess’s real motive for having Vanessa join them even though she knew there was a high possibility of her drawing the Hide and Seek card and Jess bitterly spills the truth. 00:36. Tired of hiding, Vanessa gets out of her hiding place and spots Jess and Pearl armed and arguing. She cannot make out what they are saying so she gets a little closer and catches the last part of their conversation where Pearl is pleading with Jess to reconsider because there’s no way they can undo the act of murder. Shocked at what she just heard, Vanessa gets a panic attack and struggles to breathe. Pearl spots her, they lock eyes and Vanessa runs for her life. Jess fires her weapon and the bullet hits Vanessa in her leg. She continues running. She finds a hiding place and Jess and Pearl come really close to finding her, but they don’t. Fear. 01:12

Vanessa gets to the store room and finds herself a weapon. She’s fuming that every important detail about the game was deliberately left out. Exiting the store room, she bumps into Marlot. He gives her an apologetic look and she pleads with him not to tell the others and he agrees. They both try to find the best possible hiding place for Vanessa. Footsteps resound right behind them and scared Vanessa turns around already flinging her weapon in the air and kills Pearl. One down. 01:48

Jade overdoses on drugs and passes out. TJ drags her away and Ntombi walks in. Thinking TJ killed her sister she shoots TJ, misses and the stray bullet hits Jade and kills her. Ntombi and TJ both fire and her bullet kills TJ and she gets hit in the stomach. She storms out to go look for Vanessa. She’s been drinking, but she’s not drunk too drunk to walk or fight. She finds Pearl’s body and fear and rage fill her. She breaks down. 02:24 An object hitting the ground sounds and Ntombi gets herself together. She follows the sound and she finds Marlot. She updates Marlot on the passing of her sister and of Pearl’s and Marlot suggests that they find Vanessa before she kills all of them. They stay together and Vanessa is on her own again.

Jess finds Vanessa , knocks her out and calls the rest of the team. They all gather around, tie her up and have her laying down. It’s almost 3 o’clock and everyone is anxious that the entire sacrifice happens before the 3rd hour. They pour Vanessa with some of their ceremonial beverage and wakes her from her unconsciousness. They drink from their ceremonial cups and as they drink, Jess takes this time to explain to Vanessa why she wanted her to be a part of the society and how she really knows Vanessa’s mom. 02:50. They chant their lungs out and Jess raises her knife to kill Vanessa once and for all. Just as she forcefully brings the knife onto Vanessa’s heart, Marlot dives just in time and the knife slits his chest and he dies instantly. Silence. Ntombi finally collapses and dies from the gunshot wound. Vanessa and Jess look at Ntombi, lock eyes and the clock strikes 03:00.

CHARACTERS Vanessa -Naive. See the good in everyone

                except her parents. 
              -Has inferiority issues and 
               is dealing with anxiety
             -Grew up with parents always away 
              with work. 
             -Will do anything to feel like she’s seen 
               and appreciated by anyone.

Jess -Angry.

         -Knows Vanessa’s family. 

Jade -Sweet.

         -Does drugs. 

Ntombi-Certified alcoholic.

            -Jade’s step sister.
            -Rude and cares about no one but 
             herself. And Jade (though she doesn’t 
             like showing it). 

Pearl -Questions everything before it’s done.

         -Always goes with the majority even 
          when she disagrees 
          with it.
        -Jess’s childhood friend. 

Marlon-Book worm -everything he knows, he’s

             read about it.
           -Totally not brave.
           -Emotional - most humane in the group.
           -Has a crush on Vanessa. 

TJ -Spoilt.

       -Always listening to music.
       -Finishes what he started.

The series has six episodes and will be premiered on the 3rd of September 2020 in the African Academy of Cinematic Arts. Neptunite (talk) 15:15, 11 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]