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User talk:Peterblaise/macrobiotics

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This evaluation was created by Denny and Susan Waxman.

1. Create a dinner menu for yourself that will balance your present condition. Explain your choices.

2. What is the spirit of macrobiotics, and what does it mean to you?

3. How have you lived the spirit of macrobiotics?

4. How many people have you shared this macrobiotic way of life with? Explain in what ways.

5. What is the motto of macrobiotics, and what does it mean?

6. List George Ohsawa's Seven Conditions of Health.








7. List the Seven Progressive Development Stages of Illness.








8. Give examples of normal or daily discharge.

9. Give examples of excessive discharge.

10. Give examples of acute discharge.

11. Give examples of chronic discharge.

12. List the common areas where excess deposits and accumulates.

13. What is the difference between illnesses of adjustment and those that are degenerative?

14. Describe the uniqueness of brown rice.

15. Why do we recommend minimizing the use of flour products?

16. What are the healthiest flour products to consume? What is the best preparation of these and why?

17. What is our principal food and what does it create in our health and life?

18. What are our secondary foods and what do they create in our health and life?

19. a. What is hypoglycemia? b. What is the major organ involved with it. What are the c. dietary and d. lifestyle causes of hypoglycemia?





20. What are the causes of hypoglycemia in people practicing macrobiotics?

21. What are the most important recommendations for overcoming hypoglycemia?

22. What three things would you recommend to help someone loose weight?

23. What are 3 factors that determine our constitution?




24. List 3 possible physical characteristics of a yang constitution.




25. List three possible physical characteristics of a yin constitution.




26. What are the basic polarities we use in diagnosis?






27. List three practical examples of "All physical manifestations are yang at the center and yin at the periphery":




28. Give a practical example of the principle: "All antagonisms are complementary".

29. Which of the 12 Laws of Change in the Unifying Principle explains how imbalances perpetuate themselves? Give other practical examples of this law.

30. Briefly describe supreme judgment.

31. Describe the important role mechanical judgment plays in human life?

32. What are three important factors for developing excellent diagnosis?




33. What are the main causes of the following conditions as well as the main dietary and lifestyle recommendations for each:

a. Sore throat

b. Common cold

c. Urinary or bladder infection

d. Sleep problems

34. List the type of dietary excess for the following areas of the body:

a. Hips and thighs

b. Buttocks

c. Abdomen

d. Upper chest

e. Upper back

35. Trouble with the knees usually relates to which organs?

36. List the meridians that run to the each finger and toe. List whether that meridian runs up the body (yin meridian) or down the body (yang meridian).

Meridian: Up Yin or Down Yang: Fingers and toes:

37. What activities should pregnant women avoid?

38. What are the three main areas of Tai-Kyo or embryonic education?




39. What is the purpose of prayer and food offering?

40. What are the causes of frequent urination during the day and night?

41. Is menstruation yin or yang?

42. What does it mean when a woman menstruates on or around the full moon?

43. What dietary adjustments can women make to promote easy menstruation?

44. What are the most important things to emphasize in diet and lifestyle to regulate hormonal balance in general?

45. What is Ki?

46. What are three traditional practices to develop Ki?

47. How do we create "Ki" in cooking?

48. Please explain what we mean by Macrobiotic Format and Macrobiotic Food Choices and Quality? Where is the most important area to concentrate your efforts and why?

49. What role does "The Cook" play in the home? Why is it important that the condition of the cook be balanced?

50. What are some common causes of arguments within a macrobiotic household?

51. What is the difference between "binging" and "making balance"; and how are we personally aware which may apply in our choices?

52. Why do we recommend pressure-cooking brown rice?

53. What type of shoyu do we recommend using?

54. Briefly explain how to make the following dishes. What is your image of each?

a. Pressure-cooked brown rice

b. Miso soup

c. Blanched vegetable salad

55. Practically speaking what does it mean in cooking to start with an image and why is it important?

56. Draw and notate the locations of the following tsubo and describe at least one treatment application for which they may be used by pressure or moxa:

a. Large Intestine 4 points:

b. Spleen 6 points:

c. Stomach 36

d. Bladder 1

e. Gall Bladder 20

57. What are the following remedies used for:

a. Carrot-Daikon Drink

b. Ume-Sho-Kuzu

c. Ume-Sho-Bancha

d. Sweet Vegetable Drink

e. Ginger Compress

f. Hot foot soak

58. What does the word "shiatsu" mean?

59. When giving a shiatsu what is one of the most important concepts to keep in mind?

60. As shiatsu practitioners, what area of our body do we work from?

61. How do you treat a headache with shiatsu?

62. What is the Macrobiotic approach to emotional problems and can they be helped by diet?

63. What are the causes of anger, criticism, and complaining? What organs do they relate to, and are these emotions ever healthy? Cause Organs Ever healthy? Anger



64. a. List the 7 Levels of Judgmental Consciousness. b. What level are you on?








65. Why do you practice macrobiotics?

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