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Praise for Myths Debunked


You are my new favorite comedian!:) Keep up the fresh, entertaining humor. You are very skilled in the art of comedy. Especially the knee-slapper about nonbelievers going to hell, side-splitting.:) Yeltensic42.618 01:58, 30 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Another narrow mind. Your myths page is absolutely ridiculous as well as it is hilarious.

Is that you, phatcat, editing while not logged in? If so, your remark about my narrow mind is one of your classic knee-slappers. Your brand of right-wing Christianity, which preaches that all who disagree with you are going to hell, is one of the most narrow-minded worldviews on Earth. What an easy, convenient way to fend off other opinions, just say your opponents are going to hell! Your myths page is especially repugnant in that, as mentioned above, we are supposed to be collaborating on writing an encyclopedia, but here you are using your userspace as a soapbox to spread bigotry and silence voices of reason and tolerance...surely you must be aware of the large number of gay/bisexual Wikipedians, and non-Christian Wikipedians? Also, if you don't like the way Wikipedia handles Christianity, you probably don't belong here. Yeltensic42.618 22:43, 2 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hello! I just wanted to state for the record that I did not make the entry that Yeltensic42 believes I made above. Why would I call myself narrow minded and trash my own Myths Debunked page? Also, I just want to remind everybody that The Bible (The Word of God) says that unbelievers will go to hell. That did not originate with me, but with our creator and sustainer but I do believe it. phatcat68 22:44, 3 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I thought that was you calling me narrow-minded and trashing the myths page on my userspace, but apparently it was someone else agreeing with me. All I was saying is that, whether you intended it or not, it is kinda trollish to come here and say that we're going to hell. You're entitled to your beliefs (as strongly as I disagree with them), but this just isn't really the place. We're supposed to be collaborating on writing an encyclopedia, so it's pretty disruptive to say things like that about us, it just hurts unity. It's fine to express your views on your userspace (after all, we have category listings of Wikipedians by religion and political affiliation), but bluntly labeling us as hellbound kinda crosses the line (after all, where I mention my atheism, I don't claim that Christians are headed for Madalyn Murray O'Hair Land). So you should consider removing that stuff, and having it on your own website or something, otherwise it looks a bit like you came here just to convert all of us heathens. As for your comments about how Wikipedia handles Christianity...this is an encyclopedia, not a religious text. As encyclopedists, we have a very basic responsibility to observe a neutral perspective and provide only the facts, not support one belief system over another. Yeltensic42.618 03:53, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Didn't you read on the user page that he was leaving Wikipedia because he could not stay neutral. As a Bible believing Christian he is supposed to grow closer to Christ and to spread the message of hope to people. Seems to me that he's doing a good job! Hope God works on your heart so you will open your eyes to the Truth.

I sure hope not, I'm quite happy being an atheist, I don't plan on ever changing my belief system to one of intolerance and rejection of scientific evidence in favor of some book written when people believed the world was flat. But fine, stick to your beleifs, whatever makes you happy. I was only suggesting that perhaps phatcat should consider removing his myths page, because presenting his intolerant opinions as if they are solid fact and bluntly accusing those who disagree with him of being hellbound, knowing that many Wikipedians fall into those categories, ruins the collaborative nature of this project. Yeltensic42.618 17:41, 6 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I should make it clear again why I have a Myths Debunked page and so forth. I am a Born-again Christian and I have a calling to tell the world the Truth about Jesus being The Way, The Truth & The Life...the ONLY way to heaven. The Bible teaches us Christians to do that and I cannot compromise my beliefs to be a part of a "tolerant" world-wide community.
It would not be very Christian of me to keep the Truth to myself and let people die and go to Hell. If I saw a bridge out, I would stop people before they could drive over the side and drown or die in the crash. That is the same principle with Hell. I am called by God to spread His Gospel and I absolutely cannot compromise my beliefs. That is why it is so hard to get anybody to allow things like my Myths Debunked page. Too many Christians have given in and allowed the Gospel to be watered down.
I am hardly on Wikipedia these days but I do occasionally check my pages and have been checking more recently with the increased activity on my talk page. To the anonymous user, thank you for your comments...God is good! phatcat68 23:05, 7 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
On the other hand, the Bible (and the Koran etc. for that matter) also tell us to kill nonbelievers, gays etc. But anyway, on Wikipedia, your beliefs need to take a backseat to encyclopedic duties. Why don't you start up an evangelical website? You could even link to it from your userpage if you want. It's just in bad taste to come here to convert us, many non-Christians simply do not want to convert, and it builds a negative atmosphere to press the issue when we're all trying to collaborate on writing a reference work. Yeltensic42.618 21:52, 8 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

It's not that I'm trying to be anonymous, I just don't know much about computers and my son gets tired of trying to teach me. I wrote before about my daughter and if it's not too much to ask could you please pray for us. She's going to be coming home from the girls home/church where she stayed during her pregnancy and I'm starting to panic. I'm a widow and I work two part time jobs. I'll be sending her to school near where I work but school lets out more than three hours before I'm through working so I'm a little nervous. I keep wondering what I've done wrong as a parent and has she learned enough that she won't repeat her sin. My church is small and most of the people are really busy but a newly married girl has offered to pick my daughter up from school occasionally and spend time with her so that will help. Hope I don't sound like a whiner but I'm feeling totally unprepared for the year and a half it's going to take her to finish high school. I know I need to put everything in God's hands but that's something I struggle with. My husband was sick and I had to take care of most things. Sometimes I think I really don't rely on God enough. Hope you don't mind me bothering you. Thanks, Karen

I hope everything works out okay for you and your family. Yeltensic42.618 06:47, 9 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the nice thought. Karen

Hi Karen! I have been and will continue to pray for you! It is hard to go through some things but if we look to the Lord, He will guide us through. My mother just fell off a roof...about a 10 foot drop...and she broke her nose, both wrists and had a horrible facial cut. It was God who got me through that. God kept me calm so I could apply pressure to the wound, call the ambulance and keep her and my stepfather calm while we waited. God helped us all through the 10 days she was in the hospital and God is already healing her at rates I never though possible. I know our situations are different, but that is just an extreme example of how looking to the Lord will get us through hard times. I don't mind you "bothering" me at all. I feel honored that you would ask me to pray for you and I will continue to do so! Any time you need anything, just let me know! May the Lord's Peace be with you! phatcat68 22:50, 9 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the encouragement. Glad your mother is healing and hope she continues to progress well. Karen

Karen, I should also mention what God did with the horrible situation my mother was in. Prior to her fall, she had been rear-ended in a car wreck and was having some back pain because of it. Years prior to her fall, she had broken her right wrist and the doctor did not fix it right so she could barely use it. She also had alot of breathing problems due to her nose in recent years.
Because of her fall, she now can breathe better than she has in years, her right hand is already stronger than it has been in years and her back pain is gone. So God used her problem for His plans! I hope that encourages you with what you and your daughter are going through! From what you had said previously, it is a blessing from God that your daughter had her baby. Today's society teaches that abortion is OK (I don't know if that was an issue or not) but God did not allow that to happen. God will use this problem for His glory. Believe me, I have seen it too many times and God has drawn me closer to Him through many trials in the last few years. We can trust in Him to see us through! I will be praying for you and your daughter! The Lord just gave me this...your daughter is probably as nervous & scared as you are to be coming home. You could use that as a bonding point. Praise the Lord! phatcat68 12:30, 10 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for sharing the details on your mom. Abortion was never a thought for us. I had written some other stuff but felt the need to delete it. We had an awesome missionary at both church services today. I feel like such a whiny brat who wants to be the center of attention after listening to him. Hopefully, in spite of my bad memory, I will remember to keep my focus on God so my pathetic problems will quit draining my energy. Karen

I'm puzzled. Is this for real? What is this junk doing on Wikipedia? Either this is a public encyclopedia or not; what it should not be is someone's blog about religion. Can't this kind of nonsense be placed somewhere else instead of this otherwise pretty good attempt at cataloging knowledge?

Wittgenstein 16:07, 3 May 2006 (UTC)wittgenstein[reply]