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User talk:Rinaldorui

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Hello, this is solunaris149. I would like to inform you that there is a slight error in the recognition of the article you have written. This mountain was once called Himlung Himal. Hirosaki University's mountain club made its first climb in 1983, and Shinshu University Mountain Club made its second climb in 2009. In the 1990s, a few years after the first ascent in 1983, when demarcating the border with China, the Nepalese government changed the traditional name of Himlung Himal to another mountain about 4 kilometers north. The peak between them is properly called Himjung. Of course, it's not Mimrun Himal, nor is it just Himlung. It is a mountain with such a historical background. The new Himrun Himal was first climbed by the Hokkaido University Expedition in 1992. We appreciate your understanding in the future. So you'll excuse me.