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User talk:Rriesr/creepmeter

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Xiaohansong (talk) 08:24, 23 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Rosie,

Nice wiki page! My comments are presented below.

Feel free to reply me if you have any thoughts or suggestions. My suggestions is for reference only.


Very clear leading with concise information about the definition and function of the creepmeter. Maybe a summary of creepmeter’s application value (e.g., It helps to understand …) or a brief history of creepmeter helps readers to understand the importance of the creepmeter. (e.g., when was creepmeter invented?)


The structure is clear and reasonable, beginning with the construction and ending with the application values. The only suggestion is to use higher order heading format (“==example==”) for the two headings, “construction” and “Use in Scientific Research”.


The article balances quite well. No source obviously overwhelms another. Although sometimes one source takes over one section, it’s inevitable if there are only limited reliable sources.

Neutral content[edit]

Very neutral content. This article is generally in neutral narrative tone without subject preferences.


The content is clear and concise, though several potential improvements may exist:

In the “construction” part, you might want to organize the logic as: basic structure -- how the function is achieved (e.g., “when creep happens …, something will …”) -- how the instrument will continue measuring.

In the “Use in scientific research” part, you might want to focus more on the new discoveries or achievements brought by the implement of creepmeter, instead of where it is used. Presenting more exciting findings using creepmeter might emphasis the application value of creepmeter better. Besides, you could state where are some creepmeters newly installed with a brief sentence.

Source reliability[edit]

Half of the references are from websites, instead of publications. Although it might be inevitable as there are not many sources for creepmeter. If you can find more published studies with creepmeter applied, they would not only benefit your “Application” part but also strengthen your article’s reliability.

Also, you may want you give references a "References" heading.


Do you have a picture of creepmeter able to share? It helps the reader to have a visual concept about what creepmeter is. (maybe you could reproduce a picture?)

Review response[edit]

Hi Rosie!

This was very clear and concise article about creepmeters; I definitely learned a lot. Here's my feedback:

1. For the leading part, I really appreciated how you can explain what they are in a concise way. If the definition of a creep is "slow surface displacement of an active geologic fault in the earth", maybe the sentence can become: "A creepmeter is an instrument that monitors the slow surface displacement of an active geologic fault in the earth, or a creep". Maybe a slight nod to what a creep is would make it better understood. Also, it'd be nice to see an additional line as to why studying creeps is important.

2. So the whole uploading-images-to-wikipedia thing is an absolute nightmare, but I think the construction section could be really well served by a visualization. Maybe USGS has something since their stuff will be open access?

3. "Most creepmeters have rods that are buried only a couple meters deep" --> "Most creepmeters have rods that are buried only a few meters deep". I also think Earth is supposed to be capitalized on wiki but i could be totally wrong.

4. The page could use some links to other wikipedia page. A few that jump out to me are "fault", "creep", "coseismic displacements", "aseismic displacements", maybe even USGS.

5. And I think the locations could use some images as well but again the whole image thing is a real pain, so totally understandable if it's not worth it.

I hope these comments are useful, and again, this was a great article and really easy to understand. Good luck! Mvida (talk) 23:07, 3 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]