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User talk:Sidmerijaan

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  • Meaning

Sidmerijaan is a name of a guy named SIDDHARTH GOGALIA. A guy who lives in MUMBAI with his family. He is 17 years old. He is being facing many problems in his life, like facing friends problems, his own problems and family problems too, but living this things apart he loves his famliy and friends very much. His father's name is SURESH GOGALIA, his mother's name is SANTOSHI SURESH GOGALIA and his brother's name is "RAHUL GOGALIA".

  • Living

Sidmerijaan was born on 2nd September 1998 in MUMBAI, he used to study in VICTORIA HIGH SCHOOL in MAHIM-16. He was a scholar student till his 9th standard but after that he slowly slowly took his mind out of his studies and he was interested in CREATING MUSIC so he tried to create his own MUSIC but he couldn't get much scope in it, so he just tried to just enjoy the MUSIC and try to be HAPPY :-) and get out of his own STRESS. He is a EDM lover, for him EDM's are like his LIFE, he only depends on music in his GOOD and BAD TIMES and not on any particular person. He is a TEA lover too, he also loves tea too much but too much TEA is harmful for him isn't it? But no 1 treis to make him understand that what is right and what is worng in his life.

  • Friends

He had many friends in his life but he didn't knew who is GOOD and BAD for him, he has a habbit of being GOOD to everyone and he also EXPECTS GOOD in return but many of his friends were not GOOD, he was like a choice for everyone, a helper,an adviser, a working hand for everyone but in return he alwasy used to get nothing expect a hurting line " IF YOU HAVED HELPED ME SO IT WAS YOUR CHOICE NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES ",this thing would hurt him alot but he is a guy who can even have a CUTE SMILE:-) on his face in his BAD TIMES. He had 1 friend in his life who used to help him like a brother but unfortunately he met an accident and left him alone in his life without letting him know that what should he do with the GOOD friends and what to do with the BAD one, that thing was like an unspoken GOODBYE for him and everyone can imagine what does the unspoken GOODBYE means :'(. But after that he met 2 guys named ADIL KHAN and OVEZ DARVESH this 2 guys helped him alot in his life making him understand what's actually GOOD for him and what's actually BAD for him, they are the only 2 friends who can make him understand those things because he and his freinds were teenager so they could make understand eachother.He had many problems in his studies like some difficult things he would not understand fast but his friends would explain him everything physically. Sidmerijaan, Adil and Ovez they all would go for a walk everyday whether in afternoon in hot sun or in the dark night, but it was like a compulsary walk for them, he loves them both very much, they both helped him alot, they both are like brothers for him.

  • Family

His family is little bit crazy, he enjoys his family, there are many ups and downs in his famliy like all familys have but beyond this his family is just amazing for him. He only have 1 brother, mom and his dad, he dont have any real sister, like born from his mother's wormb but he has his aunty's 2 daughters whom he calls his sister.

  • Passion

His only passion is to become a MUSIC PRODUCER and No.1 DJ in the WORLD and make his parents and friends proud. He have a habbit of listening EDM MUSIC through the whole day and night, he never feels bore of it, he also have a habbit of watching every EDM'S REMAKE on YOUTUBE, that thing makes him feel like as if he can also create one of those MUSIC and can become popular in the WORLD. He keeps on listening to EDM'S like.. 1) Hardstyle music 2) House music 3) Trap music 4) House and progressive music etc... . He is MAEM(MAD ABOUT EDM MUSIC), he always keep on searching for some or the other MUSIC on youtube which he has never heard.

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