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User talk:Specs92/sandbox

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Oops. This is Pswht. I mistakenly starting reviewing this page. Please ignore all the edits/undone stuff. Thanks!

- Your article contains a lot of information relevant to cognitive affective architecture however I might suggest expanding a bit more in your introduction section, perhaps briefly elaborating a bit more on what cognitive affective architecture is. You also start to refer to cognitive affective architecture as CogAff, which I might suggest you reference what that is in the introduction section of the article, just so that readers are aware of what you are trying to say.

- I thought your use of hyperlinks to other Wiki pages was helpful

- In your section of cognitive affective model you mention that there are ‘three main areas of the CogAff architecture are…’ I would suggest maybe listing the three areas before describing them just so that and again with regards to the three levels as well

- I like how your sentences are short and to the point – really allows for brevity

- I might also suggest defining some of the technical terms such as MAMID, or simply stating what it stands for would also be helpful

- Overall, your article is very in-depth and covers a wide range of information!

Here are some suggestions on how to improve your article. You did a very good job and I only have a few minor suggestions. Feel free to disregard any of my comments and I hope you don't take offence.

- I agree your article does contain a great deal of valuable information, but I would also suggest expanding more in the first section by adding a few more sentences about what cognitive affective architecture actually is.

- I also agree that perhaps right in the beginning when you first mention the words cognitive affective architecture, put (CogAff) in brackets so everyone is clear that that is what you are referring to throughout the article.

- I also think it would be helpful to write out what MAMID stands for.

-In the affective computing section, in the 4th sentence do you actually mean "affecting computing" or do you mean "affective computing" -- I didn't want to change because I was unsure if that was correct or not.

-I noticed that you only have 10 references. Perhaps adding a few more would enhance your article.

-When you start to describe the three main areas of CogAff architecture I found that it could flow a little better. My suggestion is something along the lines of "The first of the three main areas of the CogAff architecture is perceptual mechanisms. Perceptual mechanisms are…..etc. The second main area is central processing, which is how the main….etc. the third main level is action, which is where the planning……etc."

-I think your use of tables is extremely helpful! Not sure how you feel about this but I personally think that you should add the tables right into the body of the text and just use the tables alone to explain the main areas and levels, rather than write them out in the text and then also provide a table with the same information. Either way, the tables are great!

-The sentence "Reactive Mechanisms these mechanisms take information and immediately act upon it. Do whatever is felt to be needed at this point in the process of the organism or robot." sounded a little awkward. Perhaps you could rephrase it to something like, "Reactive Mechanisms these mechanisms take information and immediately do whatever is felt needed at this point in the process of the organism or robot."

-The sentence, "The information selected in this architecture shape is a very small." Did you mean "is very small" and if not, is a very small what?

-The sentence, "The hard part in defining them is that the word emotion is a very vague word." could perhaps be rephrased as "It is difficult to define them because the word emotion can be very vague."

-Perhaps these sentences could be combined, "Along with the components, it allowed the researcher to look at the different ontology used in the system. So they can compare and contrast different the ontology to see how the systems work." combined into "Along with the components, it allowed the researchers to look at the different ontology used in the system allowing them to compare and contrast different the ontology to see how the systems work"

-The sentence, "One of the debates that is being worked on in research being conducted with CogAff architecture is what is an emotion." Another way of saying that could be, "One of the debates that cog aff research is working on is determining what exactly an emotion is."

-The sentence "He says that emotions are certain areas in the mind that are working together in a pattern to create an emotion." Just want to clarify that he is saying that emotions working together in a pattern create another emotion? or do you just mean that emotions are certain areas in the mind that are working together in a pattern? I was just a little confused with that sentence but if that is what you mean then definitely keep it, I just thought I should mention it.

-The word "Subsubsumption" looks sort of funny. Just want to draw your attention to it and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

-I noticed that you were inconsistent with your spacing. I tried to fix all that I could find but just keep in mind that you are to double space after a period before beginning a new sentence.

-In some of your sentences you used the word "you." Perhaps try and change that to "a person" or "an individual" EX. Lastly, the self-conscious reflection level deals with how you feel you are doing with the values and morals that you set for yourself and the actions you do.

-This probably doesn't matter but is there any chance that there is a better picture that you can post?

-The things that I actually changed in your article are the spacing, a few spelling errors, added some transition words and combined some sentences to make it flow a little better. Other than that and the few sentences that I mentioned above you did a very good job at summarizing the information that is relevant to cognitive affective architecture.

Good luck with the rest of your project! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Amarmed (talkcontribs) 04:37, 2 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]