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Do I need tO tell yA??? JUst Add mex! It's An eAsIer wAy tO gEt tO knOw mex...

Still?? OK, Here it gOex...:)))

♥ ƒïr§T ï Åm TrŸïng TØ prØvë mŸ §ëlƒ ThÅT ï Åm ξm☻. Thën ï'll cØnvïëncë mŸ §ëlƒ ThÅT ï Åm ÅcTØr ;p

♥ I'm Dilshad. My fRiends cAll meX with my nAme Or with sOmething fUnny. I jUxt dOne my Inter. And still figuUing what I want tO dO with my life. I Am A demAnding persOn And sOmetimeX, spOiled.

♥ ThrOwing tAntrUms and reAlly, A drAma ActOr. I cRy when I can't hOld On tO my teaRx. Few yeArs back I dOn't knOw hOw tOugh it is tO lOve. And nOw, I knOw hOw. :)

♥ I lOve mOI fRiendx. I cOnsIdered thEm As my secOnd fAmily. I cAn tAlk with them eVery thing what's In my heAd And theY AlwAys heAr meX Out. Even thOugh they dOn't UnderstAnd what I'm sAying. :P

♥ I am Often timex, " cRazzy".

♥ I loVe beIng sUrrOunded with gIrlx ;p Ahh jUxt KiddIn.;p lmAo,

♥ Yes, yes! I lOve muZic! MuZic is my eVerydAy routine. I can't gA An A dAy withOut musiX. YOu cAn tell mY emOtions jUst by the sOngs I'm listenIng tO. I lOve listenIng tO sOngs with jUst a piAnO/guitAr As An instrUment. I loVe mUzix. I like seArching Over the Internet goOd sOngs. It's my treAsUreX. :)

♥ I am jUst everybOdy else. WeiRd. Getting a bAd hair dAy. A bAd Zit. COmpletely incOmplete. *:p* I Am clUmsy and sOmetimes, stUpid. Getting a bAd, bAd moOd mOst Of the mOnth. Cold-heArted snAke. I tAke fOr grAnted someOne else's feelings. . I mAde stupid decisiOns. And yeX, As a persOn.. I regret beIng like thAt.

♥ I Always tell whAt my mInd wAnts. BUt strUggling fOr wOrds fOr whAt my heArtx wAnts.

!!!!!! tHx Ix whAt I Am !!!!!!! :)) If u3w havE a prOblEm wD mEyH thEn gO tO www.facebook.com/pages/Talha-Dilshad/442832775769850 :)

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