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The Valkyrie Pack - Basics


The term Valkyrie comes from Norse mythology. They were a host of female figures that decided who lived and died in battle. The name translates to 'chooser of the slain'. In that light we have chosen to claim the name for ourselves. The highest ranking pack members are all females who have seen their share of war and are prepaired to fight, defend, and die for their sisters and brothers. The Valkyrie live in the shadow of a mountain where their grounds have been carved from the hard stone. The nearest town is a staggering six hours away, the terrain below filled with dense forest and hard packed earth. Due to their solitude, the pack has learned to be self-sufficient. The Valkyrie pack is open to all forms of shifters, predatory and otherwise. Currently we are not accepting mythical being shifters (dragons, unicorns, etc). Roleplay is done mostly in third person though we do not discriminate against other styles so long as your posts are quality. The setting is modern with some acceptions (ie technologies or medicines that don't really exist, etc).

Structures on Pack Grounds


The buildings that can currently be found on pack grounds are:

Four cabins belonging to the Alpha and the Elders.

A greenhouse that allows the inhabitants to lessen their lengthy trips to the city.

Uninhabited cabins (to be constructed as needed).

A central pavilion containing a large fire pit.



The rankings within the Valkyrie pack are somewhat unique. Instead of labels that denote one's standing in the pack, members are instead put into groups under an Elder, determined by their skills.

Odin - Elizabeth May

The Odin classification is for the Alpha only. It is indicitive of her power to lead and her knowledge. While she values her Elders and her pack members, the final decisions rest with her. This classification is not open to placement.

Heimdall - Elder Saska

The Heimdall clasification is of defence. Those that are placed in this category will be tasked with protecting the grounds and other pack members to the best of their abilities. They will be the eyes and ears of the Valkyrie pack and our first line against attack.

Thor Elder - Absentia

The Thor classification is the offense. These chosen members will be our proverbial swords in combat. However, it does not mean that those that fall into this rank are inherently warlike...they simply posess the aptitude to protect us against our enemies. Both the Thor and Heimdall ranks work closely with each other in times of war.

Loki- Elder Snow

The Loki classification is one of diplomacy. Any that find themselves here will be tasked with the much needed tending of the greenhouse, healing fellow pack members (for those who have the ability), and learning magic from Snow (again, if they have the ability).

While each pack member will be placed into one of these four groups they will be trained in all of the skills the pack has to offer. Above all we are Valkyrie and we are family. No group is better or worse than any other and without all three we are nothing.

[Placement will be determined by the character, the Alpha, and the Elders. We will not place you into any one section without your consent!]