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Governor Square and Olentangy Commons Neighborhood




Governor Square and Olentangy Commons is a neighborhood in Northwest Columbus. It is bordered on the North by Bethel Road, on the East by Olentangy River, on the south b W.Henderson Road, and on the West by Reed Road.



As of the census of 2014, the population of Upper Point and Olentangy Commons was 7912 total. The average age was about 40 years old. Female are more than males, the scale of them are 50: 47.7



Centennial High School


Centennial High School is a college preparatory high school with PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) College opportunities, advanced placement courses, and an extensive program in the arts. Students learn through advanced technology, and cooperative learning.

Students can prepare themselves for highly selective colleges and universities. Advanced Placement (AP) courses in Calculus, French, Spanish, English Literature, English language, computer science, biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, and government. Students may also participate in career education programs, internships and Post-Secondary Enrollment Options at local colleges.

More than 60 percent of students choose to attend Centennial through the choice lottery option because they want the quality education that Centennial provides. Centennial’s diverse population, representing over 35 nationalities, exposes our students to a true global perspective.



CAM International Market


Bethel Road Center


Kenny Center




Olentangy Commons
