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There is no remembrance of former things,

nor will there be any remembrance of later things

among those who come after.
Ecclesiastes 1:11

Better Mail Than Jail


I like this guy.


Again, welcome! DickClarkMises 14:39, 24 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OK, this guy can send me canned messages, but not you... or that silly perl script you call a bot.Yakuman



Yakuman: Kudos to you too for knowing both the great Charles Goyette and "talk show host man" Ron Smith! I love those guys! (I never sent a personal message before to someone on Wikipedia...so hopefully you will see this...) --PHX-WIKI

Sarcasm's Greatest Hits


From my old talk page: This is a Wikipedia user page. This is not an encyclopedia article. Duh... This user does not suffer fools gladly... Yakuman is a Japanese legend, similar to our Santa Claus. On July 23, he visits every anime-addicted, Linux-obsessed, porn-downloading, pencil-necked geek, nerd and wussie in the country... and pimp-slaps them good and hard. Then all the good little boys and girls celebrate... This user is both edgy and cantankerous, like Dr. House without the Vicodin... I get angry when obsessive-compuslsive misanthropes try to push their weight around... I trust no one under the age of 30... I am not interested in sophistry contests with uncultured escapees from the IT department, bored college students, or manic OCD patients... An admin once tried to block me. I ate her liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti... Those who behave like insolent IT admins will be asked to do something useful... like change the toner in my LaserJet... and to quit using my T1 for serving up unlicensed reruns of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Remember, there are starving people in Carjackistan who will gladly run my help desk for a bag of Skittles and some Gatorade. --Yakuman

Masterful job on the Neoconservative - Paleoconservative Conflict page!


I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent job you've done in keeping the Neoconservative - Paleoconservative Conflict on track. It is a fascinating subject, one that I enjoy reading up on constantly. Keep up the good work.--Son of More 07:50, 10 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You sir, are freaking insane. In a good way, that is.


611 edits to the Paleoconservatism article and 603 edits to the Pat Buchanan article? You seriously need to go outside. With your knowledge, you could cure cancer. I'll be sure to contact you if I ever start an article that needs some serious attention. Until then, keep up the good work! Floaterfluss 04:14, 20 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Happy Cute Puppy


On the other hand...


I can't argue with your comment, "Wikipedia's policy and administration structure is a form of anarcho-tyranny: 'law without order: a constant busybodying about behavior that does not at all derive from a shared moral consensus.'" Wikipedia could be so much better than it is. :( Wahkeenah 06:21, 15 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]