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Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

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Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Utopia Planitia surface shipyards from space
General information
LocationMars Orbit and surface
Year(s) built2155

Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards otherwise known as Utopia Planitia is a United Federation of Planets construction facility built on the surface of Utopia Planitia basin of Mars.

There are various large drawing and drafting rooms for starship design and planetary facilities on the surface of Mars, as well as a number of dry-docks and space stations in orbit. One of the most well known drafting rooms is drafting room 5 which Galaxy Class Starship Development Project was based out of.

Famous Ships


The USS Voyager underwent final construction phase in an orbital drydock.



Command crew


Commanding officer

Theoderich Patterson (2363)



General Starship Design


Theoretical Propulsion Group

  • Design Team 7: Devoted to warp drive development for explorer-type starships
 * Team lead
   2364 - 2367: Leah Brahms
 * Engineer
   2363: Leah Brahms

Galaxy-class Development

  • Project duration: 2348 - 2363
  • Project supervisor
 2348 - 2363: Thomas Halloway

Starship Construction

  • Commanding officer
 2354 - 2363: Orfil Quinteros
  • Construction of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
 2363: Michael Argyle
 2363: Heather MacDougal

Andromeda-class Development (2363)

  • Project supervisor
 2363: Thomas Halloway

Defiant-class Development (2366-2367)

  • Project supervisor
 2367: Benjamin Sisko
  • Designers
 2366 - 2367: Xin Ra-Havreii

Intrepid-class Development (2367-2370)

  • Designers
 2367 - 2369: Xin Ra-Havreii

Luna-class Development (2369-2373, 2376-2379)

  • Project supervisor
 2369 - 2379: Xin Ra-Havreii
  • Theoretical engineer
 c.2340 - 2366: Xin Ra-Havreii




On April 5, 2385, otherwise known as First Contact Day, Utopia Planitia was running a skeleton crew, due to the number of workers who were away for the national holiday. Rouge synths took the crews lives and hacked into the planetary defence network, which is a network of space based weapons satellites and turned the systems inwards towards the planet,destroying the service bases.


  1. ^ "Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards - Trek DB".