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Wikipedia:Ambassadors/Steering Committee/Campus Ambassador Applications

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This page lists Campus Ambassador Applications.


  • Step 1: A new ticket arrives. You will get an email notification (make sure that "New ticket notification" in your OTRS preferences is turned on). If the ticket is not listed below, please add it to the adequate section.
  • Step 2: Each application needs someone who is responsible for the ticket. Usually this is the Steering Committee member who "manages" the specific university. Please add your signature to the list below (section "Owner") for all applicants who are based at universities you have signed up to manage.
  • Step 3: Every time you review an applicant (at any stage of the screening process - application, Skype, or in-person), add a note to the ticket on OTRS. For example, after you finish reviewing an application (stage 1), add a note that includes the scores you give to that application. That way, everyone on the Steering Committee knows what the status of each application is.
  • Step 4: Repeat Step 3 for each stage of the screening process - application review (stage 1), Skype screening (stage 2), and in-person screening (stage 3)...
  • Step 5: Once the application process for the respective ticket is complete, change the section "Status" to either "Accepted" or "Not accepted". Close the ticket on OTRS. The list below will serve as a link archive if you need to re-open an old ticket again.

Applicants by Region & University


Note: The asterisk (*) means that there is currently no professor from that university who has given verbal commitment to participate in the Public Policy Initiative and who qualifies for the Wikipedia Teaching Fellowship. Universities with an italicized name start earlier than their regional training.

Boston region


Boston University (2 CAs total needed)


Classes begin: January 18

  • MEG M.
    • Owner: …
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Needs followup.

Harvard University (3 CAs total needed)


Classes begin: January 24

  • MIC C.  accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • BRA S. Accepted
    • Owner: PJ Tabit
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted. (Need to notify Steering Committee)
  • JOH S.
    • Owner:
    • Status: Passed Stage 1. Needs followup.
  • ANN B. Accepted
    • Owner:
    • Status: Passed State 1. Needs followup.

*Simmons College

  • DOM M. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted.

(not yet paired up with an university)

  • MIC U. Accepted - has not yet replied to email about training availabilities
    • Owner: PJ Tabit
    • Status: Accepted. Based at Brown University but can help out in Boston/Cambridge.
  • STE G. Accepted
    • Owner: PJ Tabit
    • Status: Accepted. Based at University of Rhode Island but can help out at Harvard.

New York / New Jersey region


Camden County College (1 CA total needed)


Classes begin January 19

  • CHR G. Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: is instructor for class)

Syracuse University (3 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 18

  • BON K. Accepted
    • Owner: Fletcher Commons
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). "Passed" stages 2 & 3 when Annie met her in person in October 2010.
  • DOM G.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • GAB M.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)

*Columbia University


Classes begin January 19

  • JOS S.
    • Owner: Open
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Scheduling Skype screening now.
  • REB S. no no time in spring 2011 - might come to January training
    • Status: Passed Stage 1. Conducted Skype screening.



Classes begin January 28

  • AND L. Accepted
    • Owner: Sage Ross
    • Status: Passed Stage I (application review). Passed Stage II based on phone conversation with Sage Ross.

*Cornell University


Classes begin January 24

  • ALE M.
    • Owner: Sage Ross
    • Status: Accepted accepted, needs to be trained

Washington, DC region


Georgetown University (4 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 12

  • ROB P.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • PJ T.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • ADA L.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • HAY C.
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage I (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted.
    • Result: Accepted
  • JEF S.
    • Owner:Alex Stinson
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review).
    • Result: Accepted

James Madison University (4 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 10

  • ERI M.
    • Owner: Alex Stinson
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Passed personal interview.
    • Result: Accepted - suggest working with Cindy Allen
  • Nam N.
    • Owner Alex Stinson
    • Status: Pending stage 1. Interview completed.
    • Result: no Declined -notes on OTRS but will be participating in activities with student organization
  • MAD H.
    • Owner: Alex Stinson
    • Status: Stage 1 complete. Interview completed.
    • Result Accepted
  • AUS D.
    • Owner:Alex Stinson
    • Status: Both reviews and interview completed
    • Result: Accepted
  • MIC S.
    • Owner:Alex Stinson
    • Status: Pending second review. Accepted

Western Carolina University (2 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 11

Joa A. Owner:Alex Stinson

  • Passed stage 1 (application review). screening passed.
  • Result: Accepted - but contingent on whether or not can make training

Lau C. Owner:Alex Stinson

  • Stage one pass. Screening passed
  • Result: Accepted

*George Washington University


Classes begin January 10

*University of Maryland, College Park


Classes begin January 24

  • LIS F.
    • Owner: Alex Stinson
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Screening passed.
    • Result: Accepted

Midwest region


*University of Kentucky (2-3 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 12

  • SAR J. no Declined
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Finished Skype screening, declined. (Need to notify Steering Committee & applicant)
  • ELI M. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage 1. Finished Skype screening, accepted. (Need to notify Steering Committee)
  • BEN N. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Finished Skype screening & accepted. Applicant has accepted this role.

Michigan State University (4 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 10

  • CHR C. Accepted - will attend SF training
    • Owner: Cheryl Moy
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Finished Skype screening & accepted.
  • DAV G. Accepted - will attend SF training. Pair up with Professor Obar.
    • Owner: Cheryl Moy
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Finished Skype screening & accepted.
  • STE S. no Declined
    • Owner: Cheryl Moy
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, declined. (Need to notify applicant.)
  • CLI B. no Declined
    • Owner: Cheryl Moy
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, declined.
  • All M. - pair up with Professor Obar if selected. Accepted
    • Owner: Cheryl Moy
    • Status: reviewing stage 1 (application review)

*University of Michigan


Classes begin January 5

  • MAT W. no Dropped Out
    • Owner: Cheryl Moy
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Passed Stage II & III per interactions with Cheryl Moy.
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)

Indiana University at Bloomington (5 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 10

  • ELL D.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • CHA B.  Accepted
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
    • (automatically accepted: returning Campus Ambassador)
  • BRE B. Accepted
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Passed Stages II & III based on Annie's conversations with her in July and October 2010.
    • She is a staff member at IUPUI but doesn't mind going to Bloomington weekly for the Campus Ambassador role.
  • ELI B. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage I (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted. (Need to notify Steering Committee)
  • SAE M. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage I (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted. (Need to notify Steering Committee)

*IUPUI - Indiana U Purdue U at Indianapolis


Classes begin January 10

*University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

  • RAC S. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Conducted Skype screening, accepted.
  • BRI M.
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Needs followup.

(Tied to a non-public-policy class and would like to become CA)

  • LOR P. Accepted
    • Tied to IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis)
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). "Passed" stages 2 & 3 when Annie met her in person in October 2010.
  • DAV G. no Dropped Out
    • Tied to IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis)
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Scheduling Skype screening now.

Southern region


Troy University (2 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 3, but professor won't need a CA in her class until January 24.

  • MIC A.
    • Owner:Alex Stinson
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Screening done.
    • Result: Accepted
    • Note: is a professor at the University Alabama Montgomery and will primarily be there, but expressed interest in supporting the class at Troy, but will have to travel ~1 1/2 hours in order to do that. Also cannot do training until after Jan 8.
  • TON G. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1. Conducted phone screening, accepted.

Texas Southern University (2-3 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 18

  • BIL H.
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Application undergoing review
    • (He is a staff member at the University of Houston, but is willing to support the Texas Southern University class.)

Louisiana State University (CAs needed: number pending)


Classes begin January 18

  • BEC C.
    • Owner:
    • Status: Passed stage 1. Needs followup.

*University of Texas at Austin


Classes begin January 18

  • AND B. Accepted
    • Owner:
    • Status: Undergoing application review.

*University of Alabama Montgomery

  • MIC A.
    • Owner:Alex Stinson
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Screening done.
    • Result: Accepted

San Francisco Bay Area region


UC Berkeley (2 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 18

  • JAE K. no Declined
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Finished Skype screening, declined. (Need to notify Steering Committee.)
  • MAT S. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted.
  • JON S. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted in-person screening & accepted. Applicant has accepted this role.

San Francisco State University (2 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 24

  • MAX K. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Passed Stages II & III based on conversations with Annie Lin. Applicant has accepted this role.
  • DER C. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted. Applicant has accepted this role.

Southern California region


University of Southern California [USC] (1 CA total needed)


Classes begin January 10

  • DAV L. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted. (Need to notify Steering Committee)

*UC San Diego


Classes begin January 3

  • ALE W. no Declined
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, declined.



Montana State University (2-3 CAs total needed)


Classes begin January 12

  • MIK C. Accepted
    • Owner: Sage
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, accepted. Applicant has accepted this role.
  • MAR H.
    • Owner: Sage
    • Status: Passed Stage 1 (application review). Conducted Skype screening, making decision now.
  • BON M. Accepted
    • Owner: Annie Lin
    • Status: Passed Stage I. Passed Stage II per phone conversation with Annie Lin. Accepted. (Need to notify Steering Committee)

Accept & Decline Messages


These are template messages that can be used when emailing applicants about selection results. Please feel free to add, modify, and cut as you see fit.


Hi [NAME],

Congratulations! I am happy to inform you that you have been selected as a Wikipedia Campus Ambassador for the [UNIVERSITY NAME] campus, for the Spring 2011 academic semester. We enjoyed speaking with you and think that you can bring a lot of energy and experience to the Wikipedia Ambassador program.

Could you let me know by the upcoming Friday whether or not you would like to accept this position?

We'll be in touch again shortly with more logistical information.

Thank you, and welcome to the Wikipedia Ambassador program!