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Wikipedia:Cmd.exe deletion script

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Script for quick deletion. Admin-use only. It was created by User:CO, modified by User:ReedyBoy, and first tested by User:Anonymous Dissident.

What it does

This is a speedy-deletion script. It fetches pages from categories, shows the text, and, with a simple command, the page can be deleted or not deleted. After the choice is made, the next page in a category is fetched, and so on. Before use, please remember to modify the script as needed; bold pieces of the script comprise the text that needs to be modified. Don't worry; a zero-knowledge of programming is required.

Pre-requisite downloads and necessaries
Installation and configuring
  1. Download dotnetwikibot framework, and save in a folder, entitled C:\CBot
  2. Open up a text editor, such as notepad
  3. Insert the script, making necessary modifications in the right places.
  4. Save file as delete.cs, in the same folder that dotnetwikibot framework (C:\CBot)
  5. Open cmd.exe
  6. Type in cd:\CBot and hit enter
  7. Paste the following into the cmd.exe: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc delete.cs /debug:full /o- /reference:DotNetWikiBot.dll
  8. Hit the enter key.
    The .cs file should now compile into a .exe in C:\CBot.
  9. Now simply type "delete.exe" and hit enter into the cmd.exe, and the file should execute.
How to use
  • After you do all of the above, the cmd.exe should display several messages. Among others:
  • The page at en.wiki should be grabbed
  • You should log in
  • The script will search the relevant cat, grab pages.
  • Display the text of the pages in the category, one at a time
  • At this point, the script will ask you whether you want to delete or not delete the page in question.
  • Typing in "N" and hitting enter at this time will not delete the page
  • Typing in "Y" and hitting enter at this time will delete the page.
Things to change

Before you use the script, you will need to make some slight modifications.

  • "YOURUSERNAMEGOESHERE" - change this part of the script to whatever your username is: ie. "Anonymous Dissident". Forget the User: prefix.
  • "YOURPASSWORDGOESHERE" - your password. Don't fear for password security - remember, the modified version of the script specific to you will only be readily available on your own home PC.
  • "CATEGORYNAME(DO NOT INCLUDE THE CATEGORY: PREFIX" - the category from which the pages are to be fetched from: ie. "Attack pages for speedy deletion" In case you didn't figure, the Category: prefix isn't needed.
  • "REASON FOR DELETION" - modify to a generic, simple reason for deletion that will be repeatedly used as a deletion summary while you make use of the script.

I hope this script proves useful.

The script. Copy as needed

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using DotNetWikiBot;

 class MyBot : Bot
    public static void Main()
        Site enWP = new Site("http://en.wikipedia.org", "YOURUSERNAMEGOESHERE", "YOURPASSWORDGOESHERE");
        PageList pl = new PageList(enWP);
        PageList plSave = new PageList(enWP);
        // Pages to delete
        foreach (Page i in pl)
            if (i.text.Contains(""))
                Console.Write("Would you like to delete " + i.title + " (Y/N)? ");
                if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "Y")
                    i.Delete("REASON FOR DELETION");