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Wikipedia:Statement on Wikipedia from participating communications firms/info

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At SXSW 2015, Paid Editing of Wikipedia: Getting Past "Gotcha" discussed the complex and divisive issue of public relations and advocacy on the world's top reference site. Wikipedia has long dealt with editors with conflicts of interest. But in recent years, the frosty relationship between PR professionals and Wikipedia editors has begun to thaw as many people seek a way forward.

Panelists at SXSW 2015 on Wikipedia and paid editing

Important links from the SXSW 2015 session, March 13, 2015

SXSW panelists

  • Andrew Lih, Assoc Professor, American University (@fuzheado)
  • Phil Gomes, Sr VP, Edelman (@philgomes)
  • Sam Ford, Dir of Audience Engagement, Peppercomm (@sam_ford)
  • William Beutler, President, Beutler Ink (@thewikipedian)

