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Wikipedia:The woman you never meet 2017

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The woman you never meet 2017
Bertha Lutz (1894-1976) zoóloga y feminista brasileña
Editing contest
The woman you never meet 2017

From March 4 to April 9 2017, the Iberocoop network is launching the editing contest The women you never meet. This initiative, framed in the month of women and supported by the Iberocoop network was organized in 2015 and 2016 with a total of 1700 articles edited.

But for the 2017 edition We want the proposal to become global!

To do it we want to invite all the Wikimedia user groups and chapters the contest. We invite each group, from its place and context, to push and join this proposal, whose main objective is to improve the content on women Wikipedia, taking into account, also the quality of it.

Are you getting interested?

Contest objetives


The contest has clearly defined its objectives as follows:

  • Improving content on Wikipedia referred to women. We also understand all content related to women's organizations and feminist movements that might help the construction of feminism on Wikipedia.
  • Improving the quality of Wikipedia by incorporating the gender perspective in the edition. The purpose of Wikipedia should not be just how much new knowledge we make accessible, but how. The gender gap is present in the edition, which in many cases reproduces sexist patterns. To reproduce them supposes to settle these patterns in the thousands and of users of the project.
  • Favoring the incorporation of women as editor of Wikipedia. The contest is just one of the activities planned in the framework of the month of the woman. The objective is to be able through the initiative to organize activities in the different contexts, involving the participation of new groups of women with the objective of installing the debate on women as a knowledge builder.

How to edit including the gender perspective in Wikipedia?

  • Title: name the woman by her first name and last name. Avoid the married name if she is known professionally by her maiden name.
  • Avoid defining women compared to men: the reference as a woman, being a wife or daughter should appear in the section of her biography, never in the introduction. The introduction in the articles should describe the contributions, activities and professional achievements avoiding mentioning her gender or marital status.
  • Avoid using the term "wife of", "wife of" and introduce concepts such as "husband and wife", "companion and companion" etc. According to the circumstances. We can say, for example, that "the woman is married to" rather than using the term "woman of".
  • Avoid the use of the term "female" in the description of the woman. It is not necessary to say "woman writer" when "writer" already includes gender.
  • Avoid using diminutives such as "Amalita" or "Anita". We name women by their last name as in the biographies of men.
  • In articles, avoid using images of your husband, father, or family, unless it is strictly necessary and add quality to the article. These images do not represent the singularity of the woman and do not add quality information to the article.

¿Qué aportan las entidades organizadoras?


A nivel global, la red Iberocoop se encarga:

  • Hacer llegar el logo distintivo del proyecto para 2017
  • Coordinar el trabajo y la puesta a punto de la propuesta en los diferentes contextos con las organizaciones locales
  • Ser referentes ante cualquier duda sobre el concurso
  • Organizar un jurado a nivel internacional
  • Premios a nivel internacional

A nivel local, las entidades locales organizadoras se comprometen:

  • Organizar una página en Wikipedia o en el proyecto que consideren para dar cabida al concurso
  • Atender las dudas de su comunidad local
  • Organizar un jurado que revise los artículos presentados a nivel local
  • Recompensas y premios a nivel local
  • Representar la propuesta localmente

¿Cómo anotarse?


¡Anotarse es muy fácil!
Estamos buscando a los líderes de la iniciativa a nivel internacional, con el objetivo de poder organizar el concurso en cada contexto. Para ello, añade en el lugar correspondiente tu nombre, organización, contacto y ubicación para que podamos ponernos en contacto contigo. El objetivo es que al menos haya un/a representante por cada organización interesada en participar.


Sudamérica Ubicación Organización Nombre de usuario Mail de contacto
Anna Torres Adell Argentina Wikimedia Argentina Anna Torres (WMAR) de@wikimedia.org.ar
Dennis Tobar Chile Wikimedia Chile Superzerocool dennis.tobar@wikimediachile.cl

América del Norte

América del Norte Ubicación Organización Nombre de usuario Mail de contacto


África Ubicación Organización Nombre de usuario Mail de contacto


Europa Ubicación Organización Nombre de usuario Mail de contacto
Santiago Navarro España Wikimedia España Millars santiagonavarro@wikimedia.es
Camelia Boban Italia WikiDonne (Wikimedia Italia) Camelia camelia.boban@gmail.com / camelia.boban@wikimedia.it


Oceanía Ubicación Organización Nombre de usuario Mail de contacto
