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Wikipedia:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/Guidelines/News

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A guiding path that makes the collaboration among cultural institutions and Wikipedia easier. It has been created for WikiAfrica and gives its contribution to the GLAM project.

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News sample to be published on your own website and to be spread by e-mail/newsletter.

... [institution name] adopts the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license


From ... [date]... [institution name] adopts the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike CC-BY-SA license, with which it gives its authorization to use its own texts and their editing according to two terms: the source has to be quoted (“Attribution”), and the person who uses the material has to adopt on his/her turn the same license kind (“ShareAlike”). Thanks to CC BY-SA license, ... [institution name] documentation can be distributed, published, enriched, and used to contribute to Wikipedia.

We have chosen to adopt Creative Commons CC BY-SA license because it promotes a full access to knowledge and to the resources published on the website. The requirement of a quoted source guarantees that the free license gives great visibility to authors and cultural institutions that have decided and will decide to spread projects, tools and resources through our website.

The adoption of the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license on our texts is included in “Share Your Knowledge” project, a training path that boosts cultural institutions contents sharing, making the adoption of Creative Commons licenses (http://www.creativecommons.org) and the creation of Wikipedia articles (http://www.wikipedia.org) much easier. Thanks to these tools your own contents can be freed (indicating in a clear and simple way how you want your documentation to be used or not), given more visibility and involve your own audience in their enrichment. “Share Your Knowledge” is a project promoted by Fondazione lettera27 with the collaboration of Fondazione Cariplo, Wikimedia Italia and NEXA Center of Università di Torino/Creative Commons Italia/SeLiLi.

A special thank to Simona Bodo and Silvia Mascheroni, the curators of Patrimonio e Intercultura for the original text editing. May 2011.