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Wikipedia:WikiProject Seventh-day Adventist Church/Library

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The following is a list of works currently in the public domain which are included in the bibliographies of works relating to the topic of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Where possible, the works below are listed according to the name of the individual article in whose biography they are included. Otherwise, they are listed according to the format of that bibliography.

Historical Dictionary of Seventh-Day Adventists


Historical Dictionary of Seventh-Day Adventists by Gary Land, Scarecrow, 2005, ISBN 9780810853454

General Reference

  • Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook

Backgrounds to Seventh-day Adventist History

  • '”Days of Delusion, by Clara Endicott Sears;
  • History of the Seventh-day Adventist Message, by Isaac C. Wellcome;

Seventh-day Adventist History



  • Historical Sketches of Foreign Missions (Basel, 1886);
  • The Great Second Advent Movement,by John N. Loughborough;
  • Rise and Progress of the Seventh-day Adventists, by John N. Loughborough;
  • Outline of Mission Fields Entered by Seventh-day Adventists (Washington, 1905);
  • Our Story of Missions, by William A. Spicer;

Australia, New Zealand, and South Pacific

  • Mutiny of the Bounty and Story of Pitcairn Island, 1790-1894, by Rosalind Amelia Young;

Caribbean and Latin America

  • The Advent Message in the Sunny Caribbean, by George F. Enoch;

North America

  • From Acorn to Oak, by L. Flora Plummer;

Autobiographies, Memoirs, and Biographies


Autobiographies and Memoirs

  • With Our Missionaries in China, by Emma Anderson;
  • On the Trail of Livingstone, by W. H. Anderson;
  • Memoirs of William Miller, by Sylvester Bliss;
  • Missionary Adventures in Africa, by William H. Branson;
  • In Coral Isles, by E. H. Gates;
  • '”From Judaism to Christianity and Gospel Work Among the Hebrews, by F. C. Gilbert;
  • '”Experiences of a Pioneer Evangelist of the Northwest, by W. B. Hill;
  • Among the Arabs in Bible Lands, by W. K. Ising;
  • In the Lion Country, by S. M. Konigmacher;
  • In the Land of the Incas, by F. A. Stahl;
  • Journey by Land and Sea, by G. C. Tenney;
  • In the Land of Pagodas, by Robert B. Thurber;
  • Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, by Ellen G. White;
  • Life Incidents in Connection with the Great Advent Movement, by James S. White;
  • Afoot and Afloat in Burma, by A. H. Williams;

Belief, Practice, and Polity


Apologetics, Doctrine and Theology

  • The Ministration of Angels, by D. M. Canright;
  • The Two Laws, by D. M. Canright;
  • The Story of Redemption, by William Covert;
  • Bible Handbook, by S. N. Haskell;
  • Christianity at the Crossroads, by Carlyle B. Haynes;
  • The Bible from Heaven, by Moses Hull;
  • Synopsis of the Present Truth, by Uriah Smith;
  • The Biblical Institute, by James White;
  • Christ in the Old Testament, by James White;

The Bible

  • Handbook for Bible Students (Washington, 1922);
  • Source Book for Bible Students (Washington, 1919);

Selected Works of Ellen G. White

  • The Acts of the Apostles in the Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus, by Ellen G. White;
  • Christ's Object Lessons, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White;
  • Early Writings of Ellen G. White, by Ellen G. White;
  • Education, by Ellen G. White;
  • Fundamentals of Christian Education, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Ministry of Healing, by Ellen G. White;
  • Patriarchs and Prophets, by Ellen G. White;
  • Sketches from the Life of Paul, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Southern Work, by Ellen G. White;
  • Spiritual Gifts, by Ellen G. White;
  • Steps to Christ, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Story of Prophets and Kings as Illustrated in the Captivity and Restoration of Israel, by Ellen G. White;
  • Testimonies for the Church, by Ellen G. White;
  • Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, by Ellen G. White;
  • A Word to the 'Little Flock', by Ellen G. White, James White, and Joseph Bates;
  • Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, by James White;

Selected Compilations of Ellen G. White

  • Christian Service, by Ellen G. White;
  • Counsels on Health, by Ellen G. White;
  • Counsels to Teachers, Parents, and Students Regarding Christian Education, by Ellen G. White;
  • Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, by Ellen G. White;
  • Gospel Workers, by Ellen G. White;
  • Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, by Ellen G. White;

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Trinity

  • The Spirit of God, by J. H. Waggoner;

Jesus, Christology, and Atonement

  • Christ, the Divine One, by J. L. Shuler;
  • Looking Unto Jesus, by Uriah Smith;
  • The Atonement, by Joseph H. Waggoner;

Salvation, Justification, and Sanctification

  • Power for Witnessing, by A. F. Ballenger;
  • Sanctification, by D. T. Bourdeau;
  • The Abiding Spirit, by S. M. I. Henry;
  • The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection, by Alonzo Trevier Jones;
  • Christ and His Righteousness, by Ellet J. Waggoner;


  • History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week, by John N. Andrews;
  • The Change of the Sabbath, by George I. Butler;
  • The Morality of the Sabbath, by D. M. Canright;

Creationism and Science

  • The New Geology, by George McReady Price;
  • Outlines of Modern Christianity and Modern Science, by George McReady Price;
  • Q. E. D., by George McReady Price;
  • The Scriptural Foundations of Science, by L. A. Reed;

Conditionalism and Spiritualism

  • Mother and Spirit, by Dudley M. Canright;
  • Harmony of Science and the Bible..., by John H. Kellogg;
  • The State of the Dead and the Destiny of the Wicked, by Uriah Smith;

The Sanctuary

  • A More Excellent Ministry, by E. E. Andross;
  • Christ Our Advocate, by M. H. Brown;
  • The Cross and Its Shadow, by Stephen W. Haskell;
  • The Great Judgment Day, by John L. Shuler;

Prophetic Interpretation and Eschatology

  • The Three Messages of Revelation XIV, 6-12, by John Nevins Andrews;
  • Heralds of the King, by Calvin P. Bullman;
  • The Mystery Unfolded, by L. R. Conrad;
  • The World War, by Arthur G. Daniels;
  • The Twelve Great Signs of the Return of Jesus, by Carlyle B. Hughes;
  • Our Paradise Home, by S. H. Lane;
  • The Saints' Inheritance, by J. H. Loughborough;
  • The Eastern Question in the Light of God's Promises to Israel, by H. E. Robinson;
  • Our Country, the Marvel of Nations, by Uriah Smith;
  • Thoughts on the Book of Daniel and the Revelation, by Uriah Smith;
  • Heralds of the Morning, by Asa Oscar Tait;
  • His Glorious Appearing, by James White;
  • The Coming King, by James Edson White;

Church, Evangelism, Worship, and Mission

  • The Church, by J. N. Loughborough;
  • Manual of Ministry, by Ministerial Association, GCSDA;
  • The Printing Press and the Gospel, by Edwin R. Palmer;
  • Soul Winning, by George B. Thompson;
  • The Honor Due to God, by E. J. Waggoner;

Christian Life

  • The Life That Was, by Matilda E. Andrews;
  • The Lighted Way, by Milton E. Kern;
  • In His Name, by G. B. Thompson;


  • Alone with God, by Matilda Erickson;
  • In Touch with God, by William P. Pearce;

Family, Marriage, and Sexuality

  • Making Home Happy, by L. D. Avery-Stuttle;
  • Making Home Peaceful, by L. D. Avery-Stuttle;

Health and Temperance

  • Principles and Practice of Hydrotherapy, by George Knapp Abbott;
  • The Home Physician and Guide to Health, by Newton Evans et al.;
  • The House We Live In, by Vesta J. Farnsworth;
  • Keeping Well, by Louis A. Hanson;
  • Home and Health (Washington, 1907);
  • The Home Hand-Book of Domestic Hygiene and Rational Medicine, by John Harvey Kellogg;
  • Rational Hydrotherapy, by John Harvey Kellogg;
  • The Uses of Water in Health and Disease, by John Harvey Kellogg;
  • Good Health and How to Acquire It, by M. G. Kellogg;
  • The Way to Health, by H. W. Miller;
  • Health, by B. Franklin Richards;
  • The Practical Guide to Health, by Frederick M. Rossiter;
  • The Shadow of the Bottle (Washington, 1915);
  • The Home Dietician, by Belle Wood-Comstock;
  • Physiology, by Belle Wood-Comstock;


  • Education in the Bible, by Marion E. Cady;
  • True Education Reader Series, by Katherine B. Hale et al.;
  • Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns, by E. A. Sutherland;

Art, Literature, and Music

  • Studies in English and American Literature, by G. H. Bell;


  • Ecclesiastical Empire, by Alonzo Trevier Jones;
  • The Empire of the Bible, by Alonzo Trevier Jones;
  • The Great Empires of Prophecy, by Alonzo Trevier Jones;

Society, Culture, and International Affairs

  • The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America, by Percy T. Magan;
  • World Problems, by George W. Rine et al.;
  • The Conflict between Capital and Labor, by E. T. Russell;

Religious Liberty

  • American State Papers Bearing on Sunday Legislation, by William A. Blakeley;
  • Freedom, Civil and Religious, by International Religious Liberty Association;
  • Civil Government and Religion, by Alonzo Trevier Jones;
  • The Struggle of the Ages for Civil and Religious Liberty, by Alonzo Trevier Jones;
  • The Coming Conflict, by Wolcott H. Littlejohn;
  • The Vatican and the War, by Percy T. Magan;
  • Religious Liberty in America, by Charles M. Snow;

Dissident Movements, Critics, and Adventist Responses

  • Trying the Spirits, by Charles G. Bellah;
  • Life of Mrs. E. G. White, by D. M. Canright;
  • Seventh-day Adventism Renounced..., by D. M. Canright;