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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Davenport, Rock Island and North Western Railway

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The railroad of Davenport, Rock Island and North Western Railway Company, herein called the carrier, is a single-track, standard-gauge, steam railroad, situated in the States of Iowa and Illinois, extending from Clinton, Iowa, through Davenport, Iowa, and Rock Island and Moline, Ill., to a point near Carbon Cliff, Ill., 47.066 miles. Included in the property of this company is the so-called "Crescent Bridge" over the Mississippi River between Davenport, Iowa, and Rock Island, Ill. The carrier does not operate any trains, but performs a switching service for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company and the Burlington within a limited area adjacent to the Mississippi River. Its main line between Clinton, Iowa, and East Moline, Ill., approximately 44 miles, is used by the companies named under joint agreement of February 27, 1901, as explained in more detail in Appendix 2.


The carrier was incorporated February 26, 1884, under the general laws of the State of Iowa, for the purpose of constructing a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the city of Davenport, Iowa.

[can't get the full text; here's the history:



Of the 47.782 miles of railroad owned by the carrier, including the 0.716 mile of jointly owned road, 3.836 miles were acquired by construction and 43.946 miles by purchase. The date[sic] with respect to the miles of road constructed [...]

Road constructed by the carrier, 1897 to Jan. 1, 1900, from Iowa Avenue, Davenport, Iowa, to Seventeenth Street, Rock Island, Ill., including bridge across the Mississippi River and jointly owned road between Seventeenth and Thirty-eighth Streets, Rock Island, Ill. 3.836
Road purchased July 30, 1901, from—
The Davenport, Clinton and Eastern Railway Company, constructed by that company, 1898 to Jan. 8, 1900, Clinton to Davenport, Iowa (Mississippi Avenue) 34.365
Davenport, Rock Island and Northwestern Railway Company, constructed by that company, 1900 to Jan. 6, 1901, Thirty-eighth Street, Rock Island to East Moline, Ill. 5.867
Moline and Peoria Railway Company, constructed by that company, 1901, East Moline to north bank of Rock River, Ill. 6.688
Total recorded mileage 50.756
Less road abandoned, Carbon Cliff to north bank of Rock River, Ill. 2.250
Difference between recorded mileage and mileage inventoried on date of valuation 0.724
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 47.782