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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Wheeling Terminal Railway

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Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States, Valuation Reports, Volume 23

The Wheeling Terminal Railway


Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of The Wheeling Terminal Railway Company, herein called the Wheeling Terminal, consists of 9.773 miles of single-track, standard-gauge, steam railroad located in Ohio and West Virginia, extending from Martins Ferry, Ohio, to Bellaire Bridge, W. Va., with branch lines extending from Wheeling and Lake Erie Junction to DeHass Bridge, Martins Ferry, Ohio, Peninsula to Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Junction, Wheeling, W. Va., and Alley "F" to Wheeling passenger station. It also owns 15.231 miles of yard tracks and sidings. Its road thus embraces 25.004 miles of all tracks.



The Wheeling Terminal is a corporation of the States of Ohio and of West Virginia, having its principal office for the State of Ohio at Martins Ferry, and for the State of West Virginia at Wheeling. It is controlled by the Pennsylvania Company through ownership of a majority of the outstanding capital stock. While title to its property was acquired by deed dated June 14, 1900, possession was not given until July 1, 1900. From the latter date to date of valuation the property of the Wheeling Terminal has been operated by its own organization. The road is used under trackage rights by The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company and the Pennsylvania Company.

Corporate History


The Wheeling Terminal was incorporated under the general laws of Ohio and West Virginia. Articles of incorporation dated May 28, 1900, were filed in the office of the secretary of state of Ohio June 20, 1900. Articles of incorporation dated May 31, 1900, were filed June 7, 1900, in the office of the secretary of state of West Virginia, who issued a certificate of incorporation on the same date. The purpose of incorporation was to buy, construct, own, and operate the railway in Ohio and West Virginia known as the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. The following chart shows data on incorporation and succession.

Predecessors of Wheeling Terminal
No. Name Incorporation Succession
1 The Wheeling Terminal Railway Company. Under general laws of Ohio June 20, 1900, and of West Virginia June 7, 1900.
2 Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. See 3 Sold under foreclosure May 22, 1900, and conveyed June 14, 1900, to form 1.
3 The Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company of West Virginia. Under general laws of West Virginia Mar. 25, 1884. Name changed Sept. 12, 1889, to form 2.
4 The Martins Ferry Terminal Railroad Company. Under general laws of Ohio Oct. 6, 1888, and May 20, 1890. Sold Dec. 12, 1892, under foreclosure and deeded Apr. 10, 1893, to R. H. Stearns and by him deeded Apr. 17, 1893, to form 2.
5 Elm Grove and State Line Railroad Company. Under general laws of West Virginia Nov. 10, 1883. Consolidated Mar. 25, 1884, with 6, to form 3.
6 Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company. Under general laws of West Virginia Mar. 6, 1882. Consolidated Mar. 25, 1884, with 6, to form 3.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The owned mileage of the Wheeling Terminal, 9.773 miles, was acquired by it through reorganization from its predecessor, the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal. Of the four corporations which comprise the line of succession culminating in the Wheeling Terminal as at present constituted, two corporations did not construct or improve any property. These two corporations were: Elm Grove and State Line Railroad Company and Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company. The data with respect to the road constructed by the two remaining corporations follows:

Constructed by The Martins Ferry Terminal Railroad Company:

Portion of main line including connection with The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company all in Martins Ferry, Ohio, constructed in 1890. 2.37

Constructed by the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal:

Main line across Ohio River Bridge through Wheeling to connect with The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, including two connections, constructed from 1888 to 1891. 4.70
Main line from Twenty-seventh Street, Wheeling to Riverside Iron Works, constructed in 1895. 2.20
Riverside Iron Works to Benwood, W. Va., constructed in 1896. .38
Total. 9.65

Difference between recorded mileage and mileage inventoried: .123

Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation. 9.773

Leased Railway Property


Other companies used jointly with the Wheeling Terminal on the date of valuation facilities owned by it to the extent indicated in the statement following: The amounts stated as rentals receivable are those applicable to the year ended on the date of valuation.

Solely owned, but jointly used, used with—

The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company—
Passenger station at Wheeling on basis of $1,200 monthly. $10,800.00
Peninsula roundhouse facilities on basis of $38.25 monthly and proportion of expenses. 459.00
Freight station at Wheeling on basis of $205 monthly and proportion of expenses. 2,460.00
Entire line on basis of fixed rate per loaded freight car. 85,918.53
Pennsylvania Company
Freight station at Wheeling on basis of $86.66 monthly and proportion of expenses. 1,039.92
Entire line on basis of fixed rate per loaded freight car. 52,421.71

Predecessor Companies


Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Railway Company; The Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company of West Virginia



The report filed by this company with us for the year ended June 30, 1900, does not indicate that the control was with any individual or corporation on date of demise.

The railroad of the company owned and operated on date of demise, June 14, 1900, consisted of about 10 miles of single-track, steam railroad in Ohio and West Virginia. Its main line extended from Martins Ferry, Ohio, to Bellaire Bridge, W. Va., about 8 miles, and its branch lines extended from Wheeling and Lake Erie Junction to DeHass Bridge, Martins Ferry, Ohio; from Peninsula to Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Junction, Wheeling, W. Va., and from Alley "F" to passenger station, Wheeling, W. Va. On date of demise the property was in the hands of a receiver, and the receiver continued operation until June 30, 1900, on which date possession was surrendered to the Wheeling Terminal. Until the appointment of the receiver, the property had been operated by the Wheeling Terminal.

Development of Fixed Physical Property

Of the 9.65 miles of road recorded as owned by the company on the date of sale, it had acquired 2.37 miles from the Martins Ferry Terminal and had constructed 7.28 miles with its own forces. Details with respect to the construction of this property are given in the chapter on development of fixed physical property of the Wheeling Terminal. In the construction of the road a large part of the work was done by the Wheeling and Eastern Improvement Company for the account of the company. The available records do not disclose whether the contractor was affiliated with the company. The construction contracts provided for payment largely in its securities, including a majority of its capital stock.

Leased Railway Property

The company operated from 1890 to April 16, 1893, the road of the Martins Ferry Terminal, Martins Ferry to Glenns Run, Ohio, about 2.37 miles. On April 17, 1893, title to this property was acquired by it and it was thenceforth operated as its owned road.

The Martins Ferry Terminal Railroad Company


This company was incorporated under the general laws of Ohio in the interests of The Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company of West Virginia. Articles of incorporation dated October 5, 1888, were filed in the office of the secretary of state of Ohio October 10, 1888. A certificate for the construction of a branch line from the DeHass farm, Martins Ferry, Ohio, to a connection with the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Railway and the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway Company, was filed in the office of the secretary of state of Ohio May 20, 1890.

On October 28, 1892, a decree of foreclosure was entered by the common pleas court of Belmont County, Ohio, and on December 12, 1892, the road was sold. Conveyance was made to R. H. Stearns by deed dated April 10, 1893, from M. M. Scott, sheriff, and by deed of April 17, 1893, from R. H. Stearns and wife, conveyance was made to the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Railway Company, successor to The Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company of West Virginia by change of name.

The road on date of demise consisted of about 2.37 miles of first main track extending from a junction with The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company near Glenns Run to the Ohio end of the Ohio River bridge at Martins Ferry, Ohio, and from Wheeling and Lake Erie Junction to DeHass Bridge. Construction work was completed and the road opened for operation the latter part of the year 1890. The work was performed by the Wheeling and Eastern Improvement Company, which also constructed the road of the Wheeling and Harrisburg of West Virginia. The available records did not disclose to what extent, if any, the construction company was affiliated with the company.

From the date the road was completed and opened for operation, in the latter part of the year 1890, the property was operated by the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Railway Company, which company on April 17, 1893, acquired title in its own name and from that date operated the property as owned road. There were no records available and the information contained in this report has been taken from returns of the Wheeling Terminal and the corporate history of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh.

Elm Grove and State Line Railroad Company


This company was incorporated under the general laws of West Virginia by articles of incorporation dated November 10, 1883 filed with the secretary of state of West Virginia November 10, 1883, and a certificate of incorporation issued by the secretary of state the same date. It was incorporated for the purpose of building a railroad from the village of Elm Grove, Ohio County, West Virginia, to a point on the Pennsylvania-West Virginia State line at or near the middle fork of Wheeling Creek.

There were no records available and the information contained in this report has been taken from the return of the Wheeling Terminal and the corporate history of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh. It is stated that no work was ever done under the charter of the company.

It was consolidated with the Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company to form The Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company of West Virginia by articles of consolidation entered into March 11, 1884, and a declaration of merger and consolidation dated March 18, 1884, filed in the office of the secretary of state of West Virginia March 25, 1884.

Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company


This company was incorporated under the general laws of West Virginia by articles of incorporation dated February 28, 1882, filed in the office of the secretary of state of West Virginia March 6, 1882, and a certificate of incorporation issued by the secretary of state on the same date. It was incorporated for the purpose of building a railroad from the west corporate line of the city of Wheeling to a point on the State line of Pennsylvania in Marshall County at or near where it is crossed by Wheeling Creek.

There were no records available and the information contained in this report has been taken from the return of the Wheeling Terminal and the corporate history of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh. It is stated therein that no important construction was performed by the company.

The company was consolidated with the Elm Grove and State Line Railroad Company to form The Wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company of West Virginia by articles of consolidation entered into March 11, 1884, and a declaration of merger and consolidation dated March 18, 1884, filed in the office of the secretary of state of West Virginia March 25, 1884.