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Viewing filter 987: Empty edit request

Editing filter 987 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:987


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:41,422 hits
Statistics:Of the last 188,410 actions, this filter has matched 22 (0.01%). On average, its run time is 0.11 ms, and it consumes 1 condition of the condition limit.
page_namespace % 2 == 1 & !contains_any(user_groups, "extendedconfirmed", "sysop", "bot") & edit_delta < 500 & added_lines irlike ( /* * This is terribly brittle, but avoiding FPs is what's most important here. * We don't want to yell at people just for putting the request on the wrong line. */ "^\n*==.*?protected edit request on \d+ \w+ \d+\s*==\n+" + "\{\{edit (?:\w+-)?protected.*?\}\}\n+" + "\{\{subst:trim\|1=\n<!--.*?-->\n+" + "<!--.*?-->\n+" + "\}\} ~~~~\n*$" ) & !user_name in (old_wikitext + page_recent_contributors) /* In case they're adding the template to an existing request */
Filter last modified:20:11, 11 May 2022 by Zzuuzz (talk | contribs)
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