Draft:Weebo VT

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Weebo VT, formally known as Dyll on her Instagram, is an English speaking, British artist on Instagram and Twitter.

While a developing her career as an author, she is also an artist and a soon-to-be tuber. She creates all her art on Procreate and occasionally IbisPaintX, often testing new software to enhance her skills.

Weebo often creates fan art illustrations of influencers she looks up to, often VTubers and/or PNG streamers while also drawing lovely illustrations of her original characters.

Weebo is currently in education, taking on her persona in her free time to be the influencer she strives to be. She currently writes on Wattpad, her most recent stories being "A little something called love", and "The night I met you", which she intends to publish once completed. In addition, she also has some anime fan-fictions which she writes, requested by her fans on Spotify who follow her podcast. Her podcast  features herself, reading fan fictions for her listeners, keeping all stories rated 16+.

However, she, until further notice, has been on break from April 2023. Weebo announced she will return in 2024, in process of making her 'Return' episode. However, there has been no official date as to when this may be. She mentioned in an update that she is struggling with college and her mental health, and so it may be a while until she returns to her fans, but she is grateful to the support she has received and acknowledges her fans longing for her. Her 'Return' episode will consist of two fan fictions, along with updates and information about her VTubing career and the winners of the shoutout contest.

It is not certain when Weebo is to debut as a VTuber, however she constantly updates her fans on her social media, showing sketches and the drawn model she has created (In editing and rigging developments).

She has been quiet for the past year, focusing on more important aspects of her life, such as education, family and health, but continues to interact as much as she can. In this process however, Weebo has opened up commissions for her art and writing and many more.