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Media coverage of the 2014 Gaza War

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Collage of the 2014 Israeli-Gaza conflict

Media coverage of the 2014 Gaza War were varied depending on the media source. In the English-speaking world, U.S. news sources were often more sympathetic to Israel, while British news sources were more critical of Israel.[1] Commentators on both sides have claimed that the media is biased either for or against Israel.[2] According to The Times of Israel, British sources were more often critical of Israel.[1] As the conflict progressed and Palestinian deaths increased, media became somewhat more critical of Israel.[3]

Within Israel, the newspaper Haaretz issued an editorial that the "soft Gaza sand ... could turn into quicksand" for the Israeli military and warning about the "wholesale killing" of Palestinian civilians. The article declared, "There can be no victory here."[4] Naturally there was a lot of coverage in the Israeli media.

In Egypt, Hamas received criticism from TV hosts.[5]

Operation names

  • The Israeli media the operation called "מבצע צוק איתן" meaning "Strong Cliff".
  • Israel chose to use "Operation Protective Edge" in English. Most media around the world didn't distinguish between the operation against Hamas and the Israel–Gaza conflict.
  • Hamas's media called the operation "العصف المأكول".[6] The last sentence from Surat Al-Fil,[7] "and He made them like eaten straw".
  • PIJ called it "البنيان المرصوص",[8] also from the Quran, Surat 61.4, "Verily, God loves those who fight in His cause in rows as if they were a solid structure"

Threats against reporters

Hamas allegedly threatened reporters in Gaza and deterred them from reporting news that was critical of Hamas.[9] This is allegedly why many news updates were released only after the TV teams left Gaza strip. NDTV published news that Hamas had fired from civilian areas.[10] The reporter Gallagher Fenwick from FRANCE 24, used exclusive footage of a Hamas rocket to prove the militant group has been firing from populated areas.[citation needed]

Israel's Channel 10 was hacked by Hamas with a message "Prepare for a drawn-out stay in bomb shelters", showing pictures of wounded civilians in Gaza.[11] Thousands of editors requested on Yonit Levi's Facebook page that she should be fired after she reported on, the deaths and casualties in Gaza, on Israel's Channel 2 Prime Time News. Many threats were so abusive that police had to conduct an investigation of them.[12] In the Knesset Yariv Levin called for Gideon Levy, who had been the subject of numerous death threats, which required him to be protected by bodyguards,[13] to be indicted for treason because his articles displayed empathy with Palestinians and were vocal in opposing the war. Eldad Yaniv on Facebook wrote "The late Gideon Levy: get used to it." Friends recommended that he should leave the country for his own safety.[13][14] Israeli-Arab Knesset member Haneen Zoabi controversially said that those who had murdered the three kidnapped Israeli teenagers were not terrorists but responding to the ongoing Israeli occupation of the West Bank. Later she also became the victim of a death threat campaign and was confined to her home on security grounds.[13]

Criticism of coverage

Purported pro-Israel bias

In The Guardian, Owen Jones called the BBC's headline "Israel under renewed Hamas attack" [as] "perverse as Mike Tyson punching a toddler, followed by a headline claiming that the child spat at him", and that "the macabre truth is that Israeli life is deemed by the Western media to be worth more than a Palestinian life."[15]

In London, Newcastle, Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow, protesting demonstrators accused the BBC of "pro-Israeli bias" in its coverage of the ongoing conflict. It claimed that news coverage was "entirely devoid of context or background". An open letter to BBC director signed by 45,000 people including Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Ken Loach, Brian Eno and Jeremy Hardy said it would "like to remind the BBC that Gaza is under Israeli occupation and siege [and] that Israel is bombing a refugee population". (Israel ended its occupation of Gaza in September 2005.) The BBC has defended its coverage.[16][17]

Building on research by the Glasgow University Media Group that examined the media coverage of recent Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, Greg Philo, research director of the university's media unit, described how senior BBC journalists have spoken to him about being unable to get the Palestinian viewpoint across. The organization, through a spokesperson, has said in response to criticism, "We cover stories based on how newsworthy they are, and what else is happening."[16]

ABC News received criticism when Diane Sawyer misidentified photos of rubble in Gaza as being in Israel. Sawyer later apologized on-air for the error.[18]

British politician George Galloway said that "300 Palestinians are completely ignored by the same newspapers, by the same television stations and by the same political leaders who are threatening sanctions and war against Russia.... Why the double standard? Why is the blood in Ukraine so much more noteworthy than the blood in Gaza?"[19]

NBC News was criticized for ordering its correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin out of Gaza after witnessing the killing of four Palestinian children. He was later reinstated. NBC News stated that their deployments are constantly reassessed, but did not officially give a reason for his removal or reinstatement.[20]

Purported anti-Israel bias

CAMERA, a pro-Israel media advocacy and lobbying body and its affiliates (including BBC Watch), criticized British and American news outlets, including The New York Times,[21][22][23] CNN,[24][25][26] The Guardian, Associated Press, The Washington Post, and the BBC,[27][28][29][30] for an anti-Israel bias. It alleged factual errors, omissions, biased wording and anti-Semitism that led to Israel being portrayed in what it construed as an overly-negative light.

Investigative reporter Judith Miller criticized US media, and her former employer The New York Times in particular, for being unsympathetic to Israel and downplaying the context of the kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers.[31]

Diplomat Dore Gold and his Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs think tank have been highly critical of international media coverage of the conflict, saying "The real truth about what transpired during the war was superseded by a highly subjective presentation that suited the Hamas interest, and which it skillfully sold to international opinion-makers."[32]

In June 2015 the Israeli Foreign Ministry released a controversial cartoon video that mocked international media coverage of the conflict, claiming it was heavily biased against Israel.[33] The Foreign Press Association in Jerusalem released a statement officially rebuking the video.[34][35]

Social media

The ubiquity of social media in this conflict has in its immediacy[36] changed how people understand war, given how it short circuits the traditional editorial process.[37] There are more journalists on the ground than during the 2009 conflict, and what once could have been a remark made to a friend in bar can now be sent out on Twitter.[38]

In the eight days leading up to Operation Protective Edge, the social media site Twitter hashtag #GazaUnderAttack was used over 375,000 times. Often the hashtag was used on tweets using photos that claimed to show how people were suffering due to Israeli attacks. A BBC study showed that in some cases these photos were from previous Israeli attacks, or from wars in Syria and Iraq,[39][40] with some images being recycled from as long ago as 2007.[41]

A false report was circulated on social media and via SMS that a rocket from Gaza had hit a petrochemical plant in Haifa. These reports cited Haaretz as their source but turned out to be false. Haaretz denied issuing such warnings.[42]

A photograph published by Danish journalist Allan Sørensen on Twitter caused uproar online, gathering more than 8,500 retweets. It showed Israelis in Sderot gathered on top of a hill to celebrate and cheer as they watched Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. People reportedly brought chairs, sofas, popcorn, and hookahs with them.[43] The scene was described as "something resembling a party".[44] Similarly, according to The Jerusalem Post, Palestinians in Hebron cheered as Gazan rockets were fired at Tel Aviv. People reportedly stood at rooftops chanting "Allahu Akbar!" ["God is greatest!"] at the sight.[45] When four Palestinian children were killed by Israeli fire while playing on a beach in Gaza, the Israeli newssite Walla!'s talkback received comments ranging from "There isn't a more beautiful picture than those of dead Arab children," and "Really, these are great pictures. They make me so happy, I want to look at them again and again," to "As many children as possible should die."[46]

After 13 soldiers were killed in Gaza on 20 July, many families found out about their family member's death via WhatsApp hours before officially being told by the IDF,[47] which eventually led to the arrest of three soldiers for leaking the news.[48]

Many foreign journalists inside Gaza have Tweeted that they were witnessing Hamas using human shields by launching rockets from within civilian areas including hospitals and the hotels the journalists were staying, as well as Hamas members allegedly dressing up as civilians while hiding weapons. Pro-Palestinian Tweeters responded by making threats and calling the journalists Israeli spies.[49]


Shock Israel's Security is a propaganda song produced by Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades in 2012, advocating shocking the security of Israel by terrorist attacks. It removed from YouTube because it violated its policy prohibiting hate speech.[50][51]

On 16 July, reserve soldiers resented Netanyahu for not letting them into Gaza after nine days on the border, having left their wives and work. Mordechai Yitzhar of Battalion 630 uploaded to YouTube, a song with the Hebrew title "The Protective Edge Anthem".[52] It reported that soldiers are worried that they have abandoned their private lives in vain if Israel gives up the ground incursion into the Gaza Strip.[53] During the last week of the operation, many citizens, in a parody of the Ice Bucket Challenge uploaded to YouTube under the hashtag "RubbleBucketChallenge" or "GazaBucketChallenge". Instead of emptying a bucket of iced water over their heads, participants used a bucket of dust and rubble to raise awareness of the situation in Gaza.[54]

Ethnix's song, "Tomorrow I will return home" (מחר אני בבית), became one of the most famous songs after operations. It was sung by the band to Israeli soldiers in the middle of the ground offensive.[55]

The Israel Broadcasting Authority banned a 1-minute, 25-second radio advert, produced by the Israeli human rights' group B'Tselem, which listed the names and ages of some Palestinian children killed in the conflict in Hebrew; the grounds given were that the advert was "politically controversial".[56][57] B'Tselem appealed the decision, which it said was a "far-reaching statement" that amounted to censorship, and the organization asked: "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge." Their appeal was declined. They announced that they would petition the Supreme Court of Israel.[57]

Publication of antisemitic material

The Sydney Morning Herald apologized for running an antisemitic cartoon after Australian Attorney-General George Brandis denounced it as "deplorable".[citation needed]

Questions on civilian deaths

The BBC reviewing the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights figures, stated the 725 civilian men killed outnumbered the 214 women by 3.5 to 1. Additionally 216 confirmed Hamas members makes the disparity larger.[58]

The New York Times presented statistics questioning that 72% were civilians. They stated that men ages 20–29, the most common for Hamas militants, made up 34% of the death toll despite making up 9% of the Gaza population. Additionally women and children made up just 33% of the deaths, despite making up 71% of the population.[59]

Hamas claims during the fighting

During the fighting media sources affiliated with Hamas were reported as claiming to have killed a large number of Israeli soldiers;[60][61][62] taken soldiers captive;[60][63] shot down an F16 plane,[64] destroyed at least two Merkava tanks[65][66] and flying UAVs over Tel Aviv and taking pictures of the IDF HQ.[67]

See also


  1. ^ a b Zion, Ilan Ben (11 July 2014). "Gaza war seen rather differently in US, UK newspapers". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 13 July 2014.
  2. ^ Goodale, Gloria (15 July 2014). "US media coverage of Gaza is deeply flawed, both sides in conflict say". The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 15 July 2014.
  3. ^ Ahren, Raphael (13 July 2014). "As Gaza deaths mount, press grows critical of Israel". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 13 July 2014.
  4. ^ "Israeli Mood Turns Dark With Mounting Casualties". ABC News. 21 July 2014. Retrieved 22 July 2014.
  5. ^ "Egyptian media reveals just how isolated Hamas is". The Washington Post. 31 July 2014.
  6. ^ "العصف الماكول - فلسطين الان". Archived from the original on 25 May 2015. Retrieved 29 August 2014.
  7. ^ "القرآن الكريم/سورة الفيل". wikisource.org.
  8. ^ "إسرائيل تطلق عملية "الجرف الصامد" والجهاد ترد بـ"البنيان المرصوص" وحماس تستخدم "سام 7"". CNN Arabic.
  9. ^ "Media cover-up of Hamas crimes starting to unravel". 29 July 2014.
  10. ^ "NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets". NDTV.com. 5 August 2014.
  11. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4543596,00.htm
  12. ^ Remnick, David (17 November 2014). "The One-State Reality". The New Yorker.
  13. ^ a b c Lazareva, Inna (28 July 2014). "Far-Right extremism on the rise in Israel as Gaza conflict continues". The Daily Telegraph.
  14. ^ Frazer, Giles (7 August 2014). "Against the war: the movement that dare not speak its name in Israel". The Guardian.
  15. ^ Jones, Owen (9 July 2014). "'Israel under renewed Hamas attack', says the BBC. More balance is needed". The Guardian. Retrieved 14 July 2014.
  16. ^ a b "BBC defends coverage of Israeli air strikes in Gaza after bias accusations". The Guardian.
  17. ^ "'BBC pro-Israel bias' of Gaza coverage in cities across the UK". The Independent. Archived from the original on 12 May 2022.
  18. ^ "Diane Sawyer apologizes for World News Error". ABC News. 10 July 2014.
  19. ^ "Thousands rally for Palestine in London". Gulf Times. 20 July 2014. Retrieved 22 July 2014.
  20. ^ "NBC Correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin Is Returning to Gaza". The New York Times. 18 July 2014.
  21. ^ "Rudoren Does It – Again and Again and Again". CAMERA.
  22. ^ "NY Times Corrects: Netanyahu Immediately Denounced Murder". CAMERA.
  23. ^ "NYT Corrects: There Were Jerusalem Clashes". CAMERA.
  24. ^ "CNN's Michael Holmes Praises UNRWA Man's Gaza Lies". CAMERA.
  25. ^ "Fool Me Twice: CNN Falls for False Casualty Numbers". CAMERA.
  26. ^ "CNN Corrects: Criticism of Israel from UN, not US, Official". CAMERA.
  27. ^ "BBC: Israel, Gaza and Hamas". CAMERA.
  28. ^ "An overview of BBC coverage of the Middle East in 2014". BBC Watch. 6 January 2015.
  29. ^ "BBC TV news airs claim that Gazans are being deliberately starved to death by Israel". BBC Watch. 24 July 2014.
  30. ^ "BBC promotion of the inaccurate notion of exceptional civilian casualties in Gaza". BBC Watch. 30 September 2014.
  31. ^ "Judy Miller: The Israelis Believe Obama Has Not Been Sympathetic To Them". Real Clear Politics. 12 July 2014. Retrieved 22 July 2014.
  32. ^ Amouyal, Noa. "Gold: World media misled by Hamas version of summer war". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  33. ^ "Watch: Israel gets 'animated' about Gaza war coverage". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  34. ^ Kaplan Sommer, Allison. "'South Park'-style video mocking Gaza war coverage angers foreign journalists in Israel". Haaretz.
  35. ^ "FPA". fpa.org.il. October 2022.
  36. ^ Orr Hirschauge, Nicholas Casey and Lisa Fleisher (23 July 2014). "Israel and Hamas Take Fight to Social Media". The Wall Street Journal.
  37. ^ "Why Israel Is Losing the Social Media War Over Gaza". The Huffington Post UK.
  38. ^ Colin Daileda (22 July 2014). "Israel Is Losing Control of the Gaza Media War". Mashable.
  39. ^ "As Israel strikes back, fake Gaza images dominate social media". YnetNews. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  40. ^ "#BBCtrending: Are #GazaUnderAttack images accurate?". BBC Online. Retrieved 12 July 2014.
  41. ^ "Israel-Gaza conflict: Social media becomes the latest battleground in Middle East aggression – but beware of propaganda and misinformation". The Independent. Archived from the original on 12 May 2022.
  42. ^ "Fake Hamas Message Claims Haifa Chemical Plant Hit by Gaza Rocket". Algemeiner. 9 July 2014. Retrieved 10 July 2014.
  43. ^ "Image of Israelis allegedly cheering on Gaza bombing sparks outrage". Irish Independent. Retrieved 12 July 2014.
  44. ^ "When bombs receive applause". Kirsteligt Dagblad. Retrieved 12 July 2014.
  45. ^ "Palestinians in Hebron cheer as Gaza rockets fly toward Israeli population centers". The Jerusalem Post. Reuters. 13 July 2014. Retrieved 17 July 2014.
  46. ^ Gideon Levy, Images from Gaza should trouble every Israeli, Haaretz 24 July 2014.
  47. ^ Soldiers arrested for leaking news of fellow soldiers' deaths on social media, timesofisrael/com; accessed 23 July 2014.
  48. ^ Three soldiers arrested for news leaks, Cleveland Jewish News; accessed 23 July 2014.
  49. ^ "Gaza reporters' tweets: Hamas using human shields". The Jerusalem Post.
  50. ^ "الحياة - "حماس" تنشر نشيد "زلزل أمن إسرائيل" بالعبرية". Alhayat. Archived from the original on 26 March 2018. Retrieved 7 September 2014.
  51. ^ "How a Hamas Anthem Became a Hit in Israel". Tablet Magazine.
  52. ^ "'We will yet return to Gush Katif'". The Times of Israel.
  53. ^ http://news.nana10.co.il/Article/?ArticleID=1069428 Archived 3 September 2014 at the Wayback Machine nana10
  54. ^ "Rubble Bucket Challenge: Ice Bucket Challenge adapted in solidarity with Gazans whose homes have been destroyed in conflict". The Independent. Archived from the original on 12 May 2022.
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  56. ^ "Israel bans radio ad listing dead children's names". The Sydney Morning Herald. 25 July 2014.
  57. ^ a b "Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza". The Guardian. 24 July 2014.
  58. ^ "Caution needed with Gaza casualty figures". BBC News.
  59. ^ Rudoren, Jodi (5 August 2014). "Civilian or Not? New Fight in Tallying the Dead From the Gaza Conflict". The New York Times.
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  63. ^ Anadolu Ajansı (c) 2012. "مسؤول في حماس: المقاومة الفلسطينية كسرت نظرية " الجيش الاسرائيلي الذي لا يقهر"". aa.com.tr. Archived from the original on 14 January 2015. Retrieved 7 September 2014.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
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