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Yamato chauvinism refers to a form of Japanese nationalism or ethnocentrism that places emphasis on the superiority of the Yamato people, who are considered the dominant ethnic group in Japan. The term "Yamato" is often used synonymously with "Japanese" and has historical connotations, referring to the ancient Yamato Province, which played a significant role in the formation of the Japanese state.

Yamato chauvinism can manifest in various ways, including a strong sense of Japanese cultural pride, a belief in the uniqueness and superiority of Japanese traditions, and a tendency to downplay or dismiss the contributions and perspectives of other cultures. It can be associated with exclusionary or ethnocentric attitudes, particularly in relation to Japan's historical and territorial disputes. It is also compared to neo-nazism and hate for many Koreans.

It is also related to the idea of the Japanese being superior genetically to all other Asian races and branches of the Mongoloid race thus having the right to rule over other nations
