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''For the 'government' in parliamentary systems, see [[Executive (government)]]
''For the 'government' in parliamentary systems, see [[Executive (government)]]

A '''government''' is "the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit,"<ref>[http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=government Wordnet Search 3.0: Government]</ref> "the ruling power in a political society,"<ref>[http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Government LoveToKnow: 1911 Encyclopedia: Government]</ref> and the apparatus through which a governing body functions and exercises authority.<ref>American 760</ref> "Government, with the authority to make laws, to adjudicate disputes, and to issue administrative decisions, and with a monopoly of authorized force where it fails to persuade, is an indispensable means, ''proximately'', to the peace of communal life."<ref name="adler 80">Adler 80-81</ref> The necessity of government derives from the fact the people need to live in communities, yet personal autonomy must be constrained in these communities.<ref name="adler 80"/>
A '''government''' is a body that has the power to make and the authority to enforce rules and laws within a [[civil]], [[corporation|corporate]], [[religious]], [[academic]], or other [[organization]] or group .<ref name="Columbia"> Columbia Encyclopedia, ''Government'', Columbia University Press.</ref>

Depending on closeness to those who are governed, a government consists of different levels including: local governments, regional governments and national governments.
A [[state]] of sufficient size and complexity will have different layers or levels of government: local, regional and national.

== Types of Government ==
== Types of Government ==
*[[Monarchy]] - Rule by an individual who has inherited the role and expects to bequeath it to their heir.
*[[Monarchy]] - Rule by an individual who has inherited the role and expects to bequeath it to their heir.<ref>American 1134</ref>
*[[Dictatorship]] - Rule by an individual who has full power of the country.
*[[Dictatorship]] - Rule by an individual who has full power of the country.<ref>American 503</ref>
*[[Oligarchy]] - Rule by a small group of people who share the same interests.
*[[Oligarchy]] - Rule by a small group of people who share similar interests or family relations.<ref>American 1225</ref>
*[[Democracy]] - Rule by a government where the [[people]] as a whole hold the power. It may be exercised by them ([[direct democracy]]), or through representatives chosen by them ([[representative democracy]]).
*[[Democracy]] - Rule by a government where the [[people]] as a whole hold the power. It may be exercised by them ([[direct democracy]]), or through representatives chosen by them ([[representative democracy]]).<ref>American 483</ref><sup>[⇐]</sup>
*[[Theocracy]] - Rule by a religious elite.<ref>American 1793</ref>
*[[Anarchy]] - A lack of government or imposed rule.
*[[Anarchy]] - A lack of government.<ref>American 65</ref><ref>Technically, anarchy is not a form of government.</ref>
*[[Theocracy]] - Rule by a religious elite

Some countries have hybrid form of Government such as modern [[Iran]] with its combination of democratic and theocratic institutions, and constitutional monarchies such as [[The Netherlands]] combine elements of monarchy and democracy.
Some countries have hybrid forms of Government such as modern [[Iran]] with its combination of democratic and theocratic institutions, and constitutional monarchies such as [[The Netherlands]] combine elements of monarchy and democracy.<ref>
{{cite web
|title=CIA World Factbook -- Iran
|publisher=Central Intelligence Agency
}} ([https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/ir.html printable version])</ref><ref>
{{cite web
|title=CIA - World Factbook -- Netherlands
|publisher=Central Intelligence Agency

==Origin of Government==
In the 19th and 20th centuries many oligarchies such as the UK and USA evolved into supposed democracies through a series of extensions of the franchise, as restrictions on gender, wealth, and race were abolished, and in some cases the voting age was lowered. The boundaries between some of the above forms of government are not absolutely clear. For example most democracies deprive some people of the vote such as those in prison or insane asylums (parts of the USA also deprive ex-convicts of the vote).

For many thousands of years, humans lived in small, "relatively non-hierarchical" and mostly self-sufficient communities. However, the human ability to precisely communicate abstract, learned information allowed humans to become ever more effective at agriculture,<ref name="christian networked">Christian 146-147</ref> and that allowed for ever increasing population densities.<ref name="christian 245">Christian 245</ref> David Christian explains how this resulted in states with laws and governments:
A defining characteristic of government is how it collects resources such as money or forced labour. Some governments use taxation while others rely on customers (like [[Disneyland]]) or members (like the [[Catholic Church]]) to trade for goods and services or to donate their resources. As a general rule, governments that do not use taxes must obey governments "over" them that do.

{{quote|As farming populations gathered in larger and denser communities, interactions between different groups increased and the social pressure rose until, in a striking parallel with star formation, new structures suddenly appeared, together with a new level of complexity. Like stars, cities and states reorganize and energize the smaller objects within their gravitational field.|David Christian, p. 245|<u>Maps of Time</u>}}
===Order and tradition===
The various forms of [[conservatism]], by contrast, generally see the government as a positive force that brings order out of chaos, establishes laws to end the "[[Bellum omnium contra omnes|war of all against all]]", encourages moral [[virtue]], while punishing [[vice]], and respects [[tradition]]. Sometimes, in this view, the government is seen as something ordained by a higher power, as in the [[divine right of kings]], which human beings have a duty to obey.

The exact moment and place that the phenomenon of human government developed is lost in time; however, history does record the formations of very early governments. About 5,000 years ago, the first small city-states appeared.<ref name="christian 245"/> By the third to second millenniums BC, some of these had developed into larger governed areas: the [[Indus Valley Civilization]], [[Sumer]], [[Ancient Egypt]] and the [[List of Neolithic cultures of China|Yellow River Civilization]].<ref name="christian 294"/>
The legitimacy of government is based entirely upon the willingness of the individuals over which it exercises authority to support it. As a famous author has written, when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, the legitimacy of the their government, if that be the "other," is lost. That actual moment in a person's life when it becomes necessary is up to that person, and when enough people reach that point, it usually takes a revolutionary war.

===Fundamental purpose of government===
===Natural rights===
The fundamental purpose of government is the maintenance of basic security and [[public order]]--without which individuals cannot attempt to find happiness.<ref>Schulze 81</ref> The philosopher [[Thomas Hobbes]] figured that people, as rational animals, saw submission to a government dominated by a sovereign as preferable to [[mob rule]].<ref name="dietz 68">Dietz 68</ref> People in a community ''create'' and ''submit to'' government for the purpose of establishing for themselves, safety and public order. <ref name="hobbes transfer">Dietz 65-66</ref><ref name="hobbes">[http://www.iep.utm.edu/s/soc-cont.htm#H2 Social Contract Theory]</ref><ref>Hobbes idea of the necessity of the formation of government is known as the [[social contract]] theory.</ref><ref>The field of study and thought about the necessity of governments and governments' relationships with people is known as [[political philosophy]].</ref>
{{main|Natural rights}}
[[Natural rights]] are the basis for the theory of government shared by most branches of [[liberalism]] (including [[libertarianism]]). In this view, human beings are born with certain ''natural rights'', and governments are established strictly for the purpose of protecting those rights. What the ''natural rights'' actually '''are''' is a matter of dispute among liberals; indeed, each branch of liberalism has its own set of rights that it considers to be ''natural'', and these rights are sometimes mutually exclusive with the rights supported by other liberals. As a result, there is some debate between natural rights theorists, ranging from modern writers such as [[Tibor Machan]] to [[Age of Enlightenment|Enlightenment]] thinkers such as [[John Locke|Locke]], [[Immanuel Kant|Kant]], or [[Thomas Jefferson|Jefferson]]. Today, natural rights are the basis for many issues involving the scope of governmental powers.

===Early Governments===
'''Fiduciary Control'''
These are examples of some of the most-early governments:

* '''Ancient Egypt'''—3000 BC<ref name="christian 294">Christian 294</ref>
International equity expert Professor Paul Finn has underlined, “the most fundamental fiduciary relationship in our society is manifestly that which exists between the community (the people) and the state, its agencies and officials. "
* '''Indus Valley Civilization'''—3500 BC<ref name="christian 294"/><ref name="higham">Higham, "Indus Valley Civilization"</ref>
* '''Sumer'''—3200 BC<ref name="christian 294"/>
* '''Yellow River Civilization (China)'''—2000 BC<ref name="christian 294"/>

===Expanded roles for government===
Some suggest the basic problem of stopping Human Rights violations and political negligence stems from the lack of understanding by media and politicians on the laws of fiduciary control. In equity fiduciary control suggests obligations that not only comprise of duties of good faith and loyalty, but also include duties of skill and competence in managing the people's interests. After all, Government is a trust structure created by people to manage certain services within society with the politicians depended on by the people to do that task. Therefore the relationship between government (and it's politicians) and the governed is clearly a fiduciary one.

====Military defense====
Rules such as [[Sovereign Immunity]] and Crown and [[Judicial immunity]] are now being targeted as the tools of oppression that are preventing victims from taking action against the people controlling the country who are causing the failure of care (Originating from within the Courts of Equity, the fiduciary concept was partly designed to prevent those holding positions of power from abusing their authority.)

The fundamental purpose of government is to protect one from his or her neighbors; however, a sovereign of one country is not necessarily sovereign over the people of another country. The need for people to defend themselves against potentially ''thousands'' of non-neighbors necessitates a national defense mechanism—a [[military]].
This new thinking suggests anyone accepting any political or government control over the interests of people should be judged by the most exacting fiduciary standards given politicians are the most important fiduciaries in any society given they hold power over the people with power that comes from the people through elections. The fiduciary relationship arises from the government and it's politicians ability to control people with the exercise of that power. In effect the argument is, if politicians have the power to abolish or ignore any rights they should be burdened with the fiduciary duty to protect people's rights because the government (or others engaging politicians on their behalf) would benefit from the exercise of discretion to extinguish rights which it alone had the power to dispose of.

Militaries are created to deal with the highly complex task of confronting large numbers of enemies. A farmer can defend himself from a single enemy person--or even five enemies, but he can't defend himself from twenty thousand--even with the help of his strongest and bravest family members. A far larger group would be needed, and despite the fact that most of the members of the group would not be related by family ties, they would have to learn to fight for one another ''as if'' they were all in the same family. An organization that teaches men to do this is called an [[army]].
===Social Contract===
One of the most influential [[theories]] of government in the past two hundred years has been the [[social contract]], on which modern [[democracy]] and most forms of [[socialism]] are founded. Contemporary [[liberalism]] such as in the [[United States]], also tends to work under a social contract theory. The social contract theory holds that governments are created by the people in order to provide for collective needs (such as safety from crime, invasion, natural disasters) that cannot be properly satisfied using purely individual means. Governments thus exist for the purpose of serving the needs and wishes of the people, and their relationship with the people is clearly stipulated in a "social contract" (a [[constitution]] and a set of laws) which both the government and the people must abide by. If a majority is unhappy, it may change the social contract. If a minority is unhappy, it may persuade the majority to change the contract, or it may opt out of it by emigration or secession.

Wars and armies predated governments, but once governments came onto the scene, they proceeded to dominate the formation and use of armies. Governments seek to maintain monopolies on the use of force,<ref name="adler 80"/> and to that end, they usually suppress the development of armies within their states.
This theory is based on the idea that all men live in a [[state of nature]] which is not ideal to perfect harmony. It is also an agreement among the members of an organized society or between the governed and the government defining and limiting the rights and duties of each. [[Thomas Hobbes]], [[John Locke]], [[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]], and [[Thomas Jefferson]] are four of the most famous philosophers of [[contractarianism]].

====Economic security====
==Governmental operations==
{{main|Government operations}}
Governments concern themselves with regulating and administering many areas of human activity, such as [[trade]], [[education]], or [[medicine]]. Governments also employ different methods to maintain the established order, such as [[Covert#government secrecy|secrecy]], [[censorship]], [[police]] and [[military forces]] (particularly under [[despotism]], see also [[police state]]), making agreements with other states, and maintaining support within the state. Typical methods of maintaining support and legitimacy include providing the [[infrastructure]] for [[Public administration|administration]], [[justice]], [[transport]], [[communication]], [[social welfare]], etc.; claiming support from [[deity|deities]]; providing benefits to [[elites]]; providing [[retailing|shops]] for important posts within the state; limiting the power of the state through [[law]]s and [[constitution]]s; and appealing to [[nationalism]]. The modern standard unit of [[Territory (country subdivision)|territory]] is a [[country]]. In addition to the meaning used above, the word [[state]] can refer either to a government or to its territory. Within a territory, [[subnational entity|subnational entities]] may have [[local government]]s which do not have the full power of a national government (for example, they will generally lack the authority to [[Declaration of war|declare war]] or carry out diplomacy).

Increasing complexities in society resulted in the formations of governments, but the increases in complexity didn't stop. As the complexity and interdependencies of human communities moved forward, economies began to dominate the human experience enough for an individual's survival potential to be affected substantially by the region's economy. Governments were originally created for the purpose of increasing people's survival potentials, and in that same purpose, governments became involved in manipulating and managing regional economies.<sup>[⇐]</sup> One of a great many examples would be [[Wang Mang]]'s attempt to reform the currency in favor of the peasants and poor in ancient China.<ref>General Zhaoyun par. 1</ref>
Different [[Ideologies of parties|political ideologies]] hold different ideas on what the government should or should not do. One [[political spectrum]] related to the role of government is that of personal [[Freedom (political)|freedom]], from [[authoritarianism]] (or a lot of government) to [[liberalism]] to [[libertarianism]] (or very little government). Economic policy can range from a [[command economy]] to [[laissez-faire]], with most countries using some form of [[mixed economy]] with various degrees of government involvement. Another spectrum, often called ''left'' and ''right'' relates to the degree of redistribution. At one extreme, [[Communism]], all productive output is divided evenly among the citizenry, also called [[liberalism]] at a lesser extreme. At the other extreme, [[Capitalism]], all productive output is retained by those who produced it, for their own use.

At a bare minimum, government ensures that [[money]]'s value will not be undermined by prohibiting [[counterfeiting]], but in almost all societies--including [[capitalist]] ones, governments attempt to regulate many more aspects of their economies.<sup>[⇐]</sup> However, very often, government involvement in a national economy has more than just a purpose of stabilizing it for the benefit of the people. Often, the members of government shape the government's economic policies for their own benefit. This will be discussed shortly.
==History of government==
Governments arose with the increasing complexity of human society during the history of recorded civilization - the promulgation of the [[Code of Hammurabi]], the formation of [[theocracy|theocracies]] in the middle east, Athenian democracy, the Roman Republic and Roman Empire, and the formation of states in medieval Europe are signal events from which understanding of government and politics arose. The early modern era in the West saw the rise of monarchy, revolutions, democracy, and nationalism, and for parts of the 20th century regimes based on [[fascism]] and [[Communism]]. In other parts of the world, particularly the Middle East and Africa, religious, tribal and clan-based governments formed and then later interacted with foreign religious and colonial forces during [[empire building]].

====Social security====
==World government==

Social security is related to economic security. Throughout most of human history, parents prepared for their old age by producing enough children to ensure that some of them would survive long enough to take care of the parents in their old age.<ref name="nebel 165">Nebel 165-166</ref> In modern, relatively high-income societies, a mixed approach is taken where the government shares a substantial responsibility of taking care of the elderly.<ref name="nebel 165"/>
{{main|World government}}
A [[world government]] is the concept of a political body that would make, interpret and enforce [[international law]].<ref name="StanfordEnc"> Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/world-government/ ''world government''] </ref> Its ambition has existed in human history since the ancient times among various kings but it has never been realized. <ref name="StanfordEnc"/>

This is not the case everywhere since there are still many countries where social security through having many children is the norm. Although social security is a relatively recent phenomenon, prevalent mostly in developed countries, it deserves mention because the existence of social security substantially changes reproductive behavior in a society, and it has an impact on reducing the [[cycle of poverty]].<ref name="nebel 165"/> By reducing the cycle of poverty, government creates a self-reinforcing cycle where people see the government as friend both because the the financial support they receive late in their lives, but also because of the overall reduction in national poverty due to the government's social security policies--which then adds to public support for social security.<sup>[⇐]</sup>
Inherent to the concept of a world government is the idea that nations would be required to pool or surrender (depending on point of view) [[sovereignty]] over some areas. In effect, a world government would add another level of administration above the existing national governments or provide coordination over areas national governments are not capable of adequately addressing as independent polities.

==Government as friend==
Currently, there has not been a nation to officially put forward plans for a world government, although some people do see international institutions (such as the [[International Criminal Court]], [[United Nations]], [[Bilderberg Group]] and [[International Monetary Fund]]) as the beginning elements of a world government system. An organization comprised of legislators from various nations known as [[Parliamentarians for Global Action]] have promoted ideas of [[democracy|democratic]] [[global governance]], though such promotion has varied in its scope and intensity during the organization's history.
Governments vary greatly, and the situation of [[citizens]] within their governments can vary greatly from person to person. For many people, government is seen as a friend.

===Upper economic class support===
Some see the creation of a world government as a negative, [[dystopic]] development, often out of concern over [[totalitarianism]] or other kind of [[Global domination|world domination]] or simply the atrophy of freedom.

Governments often seek to manipulate their nations' economies--ostensibly for the nations' benefit. However, another aspect of this kind of intervention is the fact that the members of government often take opportunities to shape economic policies for their own benefits. For example, capitalists in a government might adjust policy to favor capitalism, so capitalist would see that government as a friend. In a feudal society, feudal lords would maintain laws that reinforce their powers over their lands and the people working on them, so those lords would see their government as a friend. Naturally, the exploited persons in these situations may see government ''very'' differently.
==Notes and references==

<ref>Encyclopedia Britannica 1911: http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Government </ref>

Government can benefit from religion, and religion can benefit from government. While governments can threaten people with physical harm for observed violations of the law, religion often provides a psychological disincentive for socially destructive or anti-government actions.<ref name="dietz 151">Dietz 151n70</ref><sup>[⇐]</sup> Religion can also give people a sense of peace and resolve even when they are in trying circumstances, and when an individual's religious beliefs are aligned with the government's, that person will tend to see government as a friend--especially during religious controversies.<sup>[⇐]</sup>

==Government as enemy==
Since the positions of individuals with respect to their governments can vary, there will always be some people who see a government or governments as enemies.


In the most basic sense, a people of one nation will see the government of another nation as the enemy when the two nations are at war. For example, the people of [[Carthage]] probably saw the [[Rome|Roman]] government as the enemy during the [[Punic wars]].<sup>[⇐]</sup>


In early [[human history]], the outcome of war for the defeated was often enslavement. The enslaved people would not find it easy to see the conquering government as a friend.

===Religious opposition===

There is a flip side to the phenomenon of people's ability to view a government as a friend because they share the government's religious views. People with opposing religious views will have a greater tendency to view that government as their enemy. An good example would be the condition of [[Catholicism in England]]. Protestants--who are politically dominant in England--have used political, economic and social means to reduce the size and strength of Catholicism in England over the last few centuries, and as a result, Catholics in England have felt that their religion was being oppressed.<sup>[⇐]</sup>

===Class oppression===

Whereas capitalists in a capitalist country may tend to see that nation's government as their friend, a class-aware group of industrial workers--a [[proletariat]]-- may see things very differently. If the proletariat wishes to take control of the nation's [[means of production|productive resources]], and they are blocked in their endeavors by continuing adjustments in the law made by capitalists in the government, then the proletariat will come to see the government as their enemy--especially if the conflicts become violent.

The same situation can occur among peasants. The peasants in a country, e.g. Russia during the reign of [[Catherine the Great]], may revolt against their landlords, only to find that their revolution is put down by government troops.<ref>McKay 613</ref>


Government is sometimes an enemy and sometimes a friend. Government exalts some of us and oppresses others of us. At times, governments are aligned with our religious, economic and social views, and at other times--misaligned. However, throughout the world, government seems indispensable to modern societies. Although [[anarchist]]s are noteworthy exceptions, very few people--even when faced with the [[Nazi Germany|most repugnant government]], envision replacing it with nothing.

The role of government in the lives of people has expanded significantly during human history. Government's role has gone from providing basic security to concern in religious affairs to control of national economies and eventually to providing lifelong social security. As our societies have become more complex, governments have become more complex, powerful and intrusive. The controversies over how big, how powerful and how intrusive governments should become will continue for the remainder of human history--but it is nearly certain that the phenomenon of government will also continue for the remainder of human history.


== References ==
* {{cite book
|title=The Common Sense of Politics
|first=Mortimer J.
|publisher=Fordham University Press, New York

* {{cite book
|title=American Heritage dictionary of the English language
|edition=4th edition
|publisher=[[Houghton Mifflin]] Company
|location=222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116
|pages=pp. 572, 770

* {{cite book
|title=Maps of Time
|publisher=University of California Press

* {{cite book
|title=Thomas Hobbes &amp; Political Theory
|first=Mary G.
|publisher=University Press of Kansas

* {{cite web
|title=WANG MANG: China History Forum
|last=General Zhaoyun
|publisher=China History Forum

* {{cite web
|title=LoveToKnow Classic Encyclopedia
|publisher=LoveToKnow Corp.

* {{cite book
|title=A History of World Societies
|first=John P.
|coauthors=Bennett D. Hill, John Buckler
|publisher=[[Houghton Mifflin]] Company

* {{cite web
|title=WordNet Search 3.0
|work=WordNet a lexical database for the English language
|publisher=Princeton University/Cognitive Science Laboratory /221 Nassau St./ Princeton, NJ 08542
|first=George A.
|coauthors=Christiane Fellbaum, and Randee Tengi, and Pamela Wakefield, and Rajesh Poddar, and Helen Langone, and Benjamin Haskell
|id=wordnet:earth science

* {{cite book
|title=Environmental Science (7th ed.)
|first=Bernard J.
|coauthors=Richard T. Wright
|publisher=Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

* {{cite book
|title=States, Nations and Nationalism
|publisher=Blackwell Publishers Inc, 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148, USA

== Additional References ==
<!-- Some of these entries are links to articles in
online databases that some people may not have access to; beneath the online database reference is a list of references that that article uses. Please do not remove this explanation. -->
*Higham, Charles F. W. "Indus Valley Civilization." ''Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations''. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2004. ''Ancient and Medieval History Online''. Facts On File, Inc. http://www.fofweb.com/activelink2.asp?ItemID=WE49&iPin=EAAC0309&SingleRecord=True (accessed December 7, 2007).<!-- name: higham indus -->
:*Kenoyer, J. M. ''Ancient Cities of the Indus Civilization''. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
:*Possehl, G. L. ''Harappan Civilization: A Recent Perspective''. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1993
:*''Indus Age: The Writing System''. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996
:*“Revolution in the Urban Revolution: The Emergence of Indus Urbanisation,” ''Annual Review of Anthropology'' 19 (1990): 261–282.

*Higham, Charles F. W. "History of ancient and medieval Asia." ''Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations''. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2004. ''Ancient and Medieval History Online''. Facts On File, Inc. http://www.fofweb.com/activelink2.asp?ItemID=WE49&iPin=EAAC0871&SingleRecord=True (accessed December 7, 2007).<!-- name: higham history -->

==See also==
==See also==

Revision as of 23:42, 9 December 2007

For the 'government' in parliamentary systems, see Executive (government)

A government is "the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit,"[1] "the ruling power in a political society,"[2] and the apparatus through which a governing body functions and exercises authority.[3] "Government, with the authority to make laws, to adjudicate disputes, and to issue administrative decisions, and with a monopoly of authorized force where it fails to persuade, is an indispensable means, proximately, to the peace of communal life."[4] The necessity of government derives from the fact the people need to live in communities, yet personal autonomy must be constrained in these communities.[4]

A state of sufficient size and complexity will have different layers or levels of government: local, regional and national.

Types of Government

Some countries have hybrid forms of Government such as modern Iran with its combination of democratic and theocratic institutions, and constitutional monarchies such as The Netherlands combine elements of monarchy and democracy.[12][13]

Origin of Government

For many thousands of years, humans lived in small, "relatively non-hierarchical" and mostly self-sufficient communities. However, the human ability to precisely communicate abstract, learned information allowed humans to become ever more effective at agriculture,[14] and that allowed for ever increasing population densities.[15] David Christian explains how this resulted in states with laws and governments:

As farming populations gathered in larger and denser communities, interactions between different groups increased and the social pressure rose until, in a striking parallel with star formation, new structures suddenly appeared, together with a new level of complexity. Like stars, cities and states reorganize and energize the smaller objects within their gravitational field.

— David Christian, p. 245, Maps of Time

The exact moment and place that the phenomenon of human government developed is lost in time; however, history does record the formations of very early governments. About 5,000 years ago, the first small city-states appeared.[15] By the third to second millenniums BC, some of these had developed into larger governed areas: the Indus Valley Civilization, Sumer, Ancient Egypt and the Yellow River Civilization.[16]

Fundamental purpose of government

The fundamental purpose of government is the maintenance of basic security and public order--without which individuals cannot attempt to find happiness.[17] The philosopher Thomas Hobbes figured that people, as rational animals, saw submission to a government dominated by a sovereign as preferable to mob rule.[18] People in a community create and submit to government for the purpose of establishing for themselves, safety and public order. [19][20][21][22]

Early Governments

These are examples of some of the most-early governments:

  • Ancient Egypt—3000 BC[16]
  • Indus Valley Civilization—3500 BC[16][23]
  • Sumer—3200 BC[16]
  • Yellow River Civilization (China)—2000 BC[16]

Expanded roles for government

Military defense

The fundamental purpose of government is to protect one from his or her neighbors; however, a sovereign of one country is not necessarily sovereign over the people of another country. The need for people to defend themselves against potentially thousands of non-neighbors necessitates a national defense mechanism—a military.

Militaries are created to deal with the highly complex task of confronting large numbers of enemies. A farmer can defend himself from a single enemy person--or even five enemies, but he can't defend himself from twenty thousand--even with the help of his strongest and bravest family members. A far larger group would be needed, and despite the fact that most of the members of the group would not be related by family ties, they would have to learn to fight for one another as if they were all in the same family. An organization that teaches men to do this is called an army.

Wars and armies predated governments, but once governments came onto the scene, they proceeded to dominate the formation and use of armies. Governments seek to maintain monopolies on the use of force,[4] and to that end, they usually suppress the development of armies within their states.

Economic security

Increasing complexities in society resulted in the formations of governments, but the increases in complexity didn't stop. As the complexity and interdependencies of human communities moved forward, economies began to dominate the human experience enough for an individual's survival potential to be affected substantially by the region's economy. Governments were originally created for the purpose of increasing people's survival potentials, and in that same purpose, governments became involved in manipulating and managing regional economies.[⇐] One of a great many examples would be Wang Mang's attempt to reform the currency in favor of the peasants and poor in ancient China.[24]

At a bare minimum, government ensures that money's value will not be undermined by prohibiting counterfeiting, but in almost all societies--including capitalist ones, governments attempt to regulate many more aspects of their economies.[⇐] However, very often, government involvement in a national economy has more than just a purpose of stabilizing it for the benefit of the people. Often, the members of government shape the government's economic policies for their own benefit. This will be discussed shortly.

Social security

Social security is related to economic security. Throughout most of human history, parents prepared for their old age by producing enough children to ensure that some of them would survive long enough to take care of the parents in their old age.[25] In modern, relatively high-income societies, a mixed approach is taken where the government shares a substantial responsibility of taking care of the elderly.[25]

This is not the case everywhere since there are still many countries where social security through having many children is the norm. Although social security is a relatively recent phenomenon, prevalent mostly in developed countries, it deserves mention because the existence of social security substantially changes reproductive behavior in a society, and it has an impact on reducing the cycle of poverty.[25] By reducing the cycle of poverty, government creates a self-reinforcing cycle where people see the government as friend both because the the financial support they receive late in their lives, but also because of the overall reduction in national poverty due to the government's social security policies--which then adds to public support for social security.[⇐]

Government as friend

Governments vary greatly, and the situation of citizens within their governments can vary greatly from person to person. For many people, government is seen as a friend.

Upper economic class support

Governments often seek to manipulate their nations' economies--ostensibly for the nations' benefit. However, another aspect of this kind of intervention is the fact that the members of government often take opportunities to shape economic policies for their own benefits. For example, capitalists in a government might adjust policy to favor capitalism, so capitalist would see that government as a friend. In a feudal society, feudal lords would maintain laws that reinforce their powers over their lands and the people working on them, so those lords would see their government as a friend. Naturally, the exploited persons in these situations may see government very differently.


Government can benefit from religion, and religion can benefit from government. While governments can threaten people with physical harm for observed violations of the law, religion often provides a psychological disincentive for socially destructive or anti-government actions.[26][⇐] Religion can also give people a sense of peace and resolve even when they are in trying circumstances, and when an individual's religious beliefs are aligned with the government's, that person will tend to see government as a friend--especially during religious controversies.[⇐]

Government as enemy

Since the positions of individuals with respect to their governments can vary, there will always be some people who see a government or governments as enemies.


In the most basic sense, a people of one nation will see the government of another nation as the enemy when the two nations are at war. For example, the people of Carthage probably saw the Roman government as the enemy during the Punic wars.[⇐]


In early human history, the outcome of war for the defeated was often enslavement. The enslaved people would not find it easy to see the conquering government as a friend.

Religious opposition

There is a flip side to the phenomenon of people's ability to view a government as a friend because they share the government's religious views. People with opposing religious views will have a greater tendency to view that government as their enemy. An good example would be the condition of Catholicism in England. Protestants--who are politically dominant in England--have used political, economic and social means to reduce the size and strength of Catholicism in England over the last few centuries, and as a result, Catholics in England have felt that their religion was being oppressed.[⇐]

Class oppression

Whereas capitalists in a capitalist country may tend to see that nation's government as their friend, a class-aware group of industrial workers--a proletariat-- may see things very differently. If the proletariat wishes to take control of the nation's productive resources, and they are blocked in their endeavors by continuing adjustments in the law made by capitalists in the government, then the proletariat will come to see the government as their enemy--especially if the conflicts become violent.

The same situation can occur among peasants. The peasants in a country, e.g. Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great, may revolt against their landlords, only to find that their revolution is put down by government troops.[27]


Government is sometimes an enemy and sometimes a friend. Government exalts some of us and oppresses others of us. At times, governments are aligned with our religious, economic and social views, and at other times--misaligned. However, throughout the world, government seems indispensable to modern societies. Although anarchists are noteworthy exceptions, very few people--even when faced with the most repugnant government, envision replacing it with nothing.

The role of government in the lives of people has expanded significantly during human history. Government's role has gone from providing basic security to concern in religious affairs to control of national economies and eventually to providing lifelong social security. As our societies have become more complex, governments have become more complex, powerful and intrusive. The controversies over how big, how powerful and how intrusive governments should become will continue for the remainder of human history--but it is nearly certain that the phenomenon of government will also continue for the remainder of human history.


  1. ^ Wordnet Search 3.0: Government
  2. ^ LoveToKnow: 1911 Encyclopedia: Government
  3. ^ American 760
  4. ^ a b c Adler 80-81
  5. ^ American 1134
  6. ^ American 503
  7. ^ American 1225
  8. ^ American 483
  9. ^ American 1793
  10. ^ American 65
  11. ^ Technically, anarchy is not a form of government.
  12. ^ "CIA World Factbook -- Iran". Central Intelligence Agency. 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-04. (printable version)
  13. ^ "CIA - World Factbook -- Netherlands". Central Intelligence Agency. 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-04.
  14. ^ Christian 146-147
  15. ^ a b Christian 245
  16. ^ a b c d e Christian 294
  17. ^ Schulze 81
  18. ^ Dietz 68
  19. ^ Dietz 65-66
  20. ^ Social Contract Theory
  21. ^ Hobbes idea of the necessity of the formation of government is known as the social contract theory.
  22. ^ The field of study and thought about the necessity of governments and governments' relationships with people is known as political philosophy.
  23. ^ Higham, "Indus Valley Civilization"
  24. ^ General Zhaoyun par. 1
  25. ^ a b c Nebel 165-166
  26. ^ Dietz 151n70
  27. ^ McKay 613


  • Adler, Mortimer J. (1996). The Common Sense of Politics. Fordham University Press, New York. ISBN 0-8232-1666-7.
  • American Heritage dictionary of the English language (4th edition ed.). 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116: Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. pp. 572, 770. ISBN 0-395-82517-2. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help); |pages= has extra text (help); Unknown parameter |ids= ignored (help)CS1 maint: location (link)
  • Christian, David (2004). Maps of Time. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-24476-1.
  • Dietz, Mary G. (1990). Thomas Hobbes & Political Theory. University Press of Kansas. ISBN 0-7006-0420-0.
  • Miller, George A. (2006). "WordNet Search 3.0". WordNet a lexical database for the English language. Princeton University/Cognitive Science Laboratory /221 Nassau St./ Princeton, NJ 08542. wordnet:earth science. Retrieved 2007-11-10. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Nebel, Bernard J. (2007). Environmental Science (7th ed.). Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. ISBN 0-13-083134-4. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Schulze, Hagen (1994). States, Nations and Nationalism. Blackwell Publishers Inc, 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148, USA.

Additional References

  • Kenoyer, J. M. Ancient Cities of the Indus Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
  • Possehl, G. L. Harappan Civilization: A Recent Perspective. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1993
  • Indus Age: The Writing System. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996
  • “Revolution in the Urban Revolution: The Emergence of Indus Urbanisation,” Annual Review of Anthropology 19 (1990): 261–282.

See also


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