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Kerry suspected that some prisoners had been left behind by the Nixon and Ford administrations in their eagerness to disengage from the war.<ref name="bg062103"/> However, he doubted intelligence that indicated there were secret camps in operation. Some POW/MIA activists and some media reports were not so quick to disregard the intelligence.<ref name="bg062103"/>
Kerry suspected that some prisoners had been left behind by the Nixon and Ford administrations in their eagerness to disengage from the war.<ref name="bg062103"/> However, he doubted that there were secret camps in operation, as had been touted by POW/MIA activists and some media reports.<ref name="bg062103"/>

The committee was responsible for getting the [[Department of Defense]] to declassify over one million pages of documents.<ref name="alexander-152"/> However, despite claims to the contrary<ref name="alexander-152"/>, Kerry and McCain failed to get the Vietnamese government to provide full access to their records.
The committee was responsible for getting the [[Department of Defense]] to declassify over one million pages of documents.<ref name="alexander-152"/> Kerry and McCain and others were able to get the Vietnamese government to give full access to their records.<ref name="alexander-152"/>

The senators' work was often hands-on. Smith would get leads about possible whereabouts of a POW, and then Kerry would follow up on them.<ref name="tour-of-duty">{{cite book | last=Brinkley | first=Douglas | authorlink=Douglas Brinkley | title=Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War
The senators' work was often hands-on. Smith would get leads about possible whereabouts of a POW, and then Kerry would follow up on them.<ref name="tour-of-duty">{{cite book | last=Brinkley | first=Douglas | authorlink=Douglas Brinkley | title=Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War
| publisher=[[HarperCollins]] | year=2004 | isbn=0060589760}} pp. 768–769.</ref> Because of Kerry's activities with [[Vietnam Veterans Against the War]], the North Vietnamese deemed him honorable and opened their facilities to him.<ref name="tour-of-duty"/> There had been numerous intelligence reports of U.S. prisoners held under the [[Ho Chi Minh]] Mausoleum in [[Hanoi]] or in nearby tunnels; Kerry and Smith were allowed to go underground. However, claims that Senator Smith was satisfied that no Americans were being held there<ref name="tour-of-duty"/> were false--Smith stated the Vietnamese refused to allow access to some underground areas.
| publisher=[[HarperCollins]] | year=2004 | isbn=0060589760}} pp. 768–769.</ref> Because of Kerry's activities with [[Vietnam Veterans Against the War]], the North Vietnamese deemed him honorable and opened their facilities to him.<ref name="tour-of-duty"/> There had been persistent reports of U.S. prisoners held under the [[Ho Chi Minh]] Mausoleum in [[Hanoi]] or in nearby tunnels;<ref name="tour-of-duty"/> Smith had stated in hearings that the Vietnamese Defense Ministry had an underground prison in its compound near the mausoleum, which a Vietnamese official called "a myth and an affront to the people of Vietnam."<ref name="nyt080992">{{cite news | url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CEFD61E3DF93AA3575BC0A964958260 | title= Hanoi Official Sees M.I.A. Searches as Spying | author=Barbara Crossette | work=[[The New York Times]] | date=[[1992-08-09]] | accessdate=2008-01-23}}</ref> Kerry and Smith were personally led through a patchwork of tunnels and [[catacomb]]s under Hanoi, until Smith was satisfied that no Americans were being held there.<ref name="tour-of-duty"/> The number of live-sighting searches, include those on short notice, sometimes led to Vietnamese officials accusing the whole process of being a cloak for [[espionage]].<ref name="nyt080992"/>

At times the hearings became heated and contentious.<ref name="haass"/> McCain was being vilified by some POW/MIA activists as a traitor or a brainwashed "[[The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)|Manchurian Candidate]]";<ref name="bg062103"/> occasionally his famous temper flared during hearings and Kerry had to calm him down, for which McCain later claimed he was grateful.<ref name="bg062103"/>
At times the hearings became heated and contentious.<ref name="haass"/> McCain was being vilified by some POW/MIA activists as a traitor or a brainwashed "[[The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)|Manchurian Candidate]]";<ref name="bg062103"/> occasionally his famous temper flared during hearings and Kerry had to calm him down, for which McCain was later grateful.<ref name="bg062103"/>

Another conflict occurred over whether [[Henry Kissinger]]'s testimony was complete regarding what top levels of the Nixon administration knew about POWs at the end of the war.<ref name="alexander-152"/> Kerry suggested calling [[Richard Nixon]] himself to testify, but after Nixon showed that he was unwilling to do so, Kerry decided not to call Nixon.<ref name="alexander-152">{{cite book | title = Man of the People: The Life of John McCain | first = Paul | last = Alexander | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=9jN5cwr_YIwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22Man+of+the+People%22&sig=BXDf3N8PIDpDkNEH95RhDJsdAMU | id = ISBN 0-471-22829-X | year = 2002 | publisher = [[John Wiley & Sons]]|pages=pp. 152–154}}</ref>
Steve Kiba, a former POW from the Korean War who was held by the Chinese after the war, brought the CSPAN televised hearings to a virtual stop when he pointed out that only Senator Smith was present. Kiba asked "Where are all the other senators?" An embarrassed Kerry eventually rushed in. The moment was captured in the film Missing Presumed Dead, narrated by Ed Asner.
The question of testimony by [[Ross Perot]] before the committee in 1992 also led to conflict, with Perot fearing a circus-like atmosphere due to his candidacy in the [[1992 U.S. presidential election]].<ref name="nyt062092">{{cite news | url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CE1DC133FF933A15755C0A964958260 | title=Perot and Senators Seem Headed for a Fight on P.O.W.'s-M.I.A.'s | author=Patrick E. Tyler | work=[[The New York Times]] | date=[[1992-06-20]] | accessdate=2008-01-05}}</ref> Committee members also wanted to question Perot about his unauthorized back-channel discussions with Vietnamese officials in the late 1980s, which led to fractured relations between Perot and the Reagan and Bush administrations.<ref name="nyt062092"/>

Another conflict occurred over whether [[Henry Kissinger]]'s testimony was complete regarding what top levels of the Nixon administration knew about POWs at the end of the war.<ref name="alexander-152"/> Kerry suggested calling [[Richard Nixon]] himself to testify, but after Nixon showed that he was unwilling to do so, Kerry decided not to subpoena the former president.<ref name="alexander-152">{{cite book | title = Man of the People: The Life of John McCain | first = Paul | last = Alexander | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=9jN5cwr_YIwC&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22Man+of+the+People%22&sig=BXDf3N8PIDpDkNEH95RhDJsdAMU | id = ISBN 0-471-22829-X | year = 2002 | publisher = [[John Wiley & Sons]]|pages=pp. 152–154}}</ref>
[[Ross Perot]] brought many witnesses before the committee who remembered a briefing the then CIA station chief, Mr. Devlin, about twenty some American POWs being held in Laos--more than were returned from Laos.<ref name="nyt062092">{{cite news | url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0CE1DC133FF933A15755C0A964958260 | title=Perot and Senators Seem Headed for a Fight on P.O.W.'s-M.I.A.'s | author=Patrick E. Tyler | publisher=[[The New York Times]] | date=[[1992-06-20]] | accessdate=2008-01-05}}</ref> Committee members also wanted to question Perot about his unauthorized back-channel discussions with Vietnamese officials in the late 1980s, which led to fractured relations between Perot and the Reagan and Bush administrations.<ref name="nyt062092"/>

Yet another source of conflict were the different factions within the POW/MIA community.<ref name="haass"/>
Yet another source of conflict were the different factions within the POW/MIA community.<ref name="haass"/>
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Normalization of relations with Vietnam did not happen right away after the committee concluded. Delay occurred in early 1993 because of Vietnam's refusal to "go the last mile" and the Bush administration's desire to dump the problem on the incoming [[Clinton administration]].<ref name="haass"/> Further delays resulted from issues related to [[Cambodia]]<ref name="haass"/> and avoidance due to the 1994 congressional elections. But in 1995, President Clinton announced normalized diplomatic relations with the county of Vietnam,<ref name="time072495">{{cite news | url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,983202,00.html | title=Good Morning, Vietnam | author=James Walsh | work=[[Time (magazine)|Time]] | date=[[1995-07-24]] | accessdate=2008-01-05}}</ref> with McCain and Kerry both very visible as supporters of the decision.<ref name="time072495"/>
Committee vice-chairman Smith again cited the words "compelling evidence," words that were unanimously agreed upon by the Senate Select POW/MIA Committee, when he cited new evidence of live prisoners. <ref name="nyt090893"/> After the committee, Senator Smith asked the Justice Department to investigate ten federal officials for perjury and other crimes. ref name="nyt090893"/> Kerry and McCain both opposed an investigtion into the charges.<ref name="nyt090893"/>

Key unanimous recommendations of the 1991-1992 Senate Select POW/MIA Committee have not been implemented to this day. Members of Congress continued to point out Vietnam's failure to be forthcoming with information about many prisoners they held. When lifting the trade embargo against Vietnam was suggested, Kerry argued what progress had been made might be lost, and that the Vietnamese would not increase cooperation. Smith pointed out the Vietnamese had been less than forthcoming. A large number of POWs wrote a letter opposing the lifting of the trade embargo, but a handful of former POWs, including John McCain, took the opposite position. With the support of John McCain and John Kerry, President Clinton broke his pre-election pledge to the POW/MIA families, lifting the trade embargo and in 1995 normalizing relations with Vietnam. ,<ref name="time072495">{{cite news | url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,983202,00.html | title=Good Morning, Vietnam | author=James Walsh | publisher=[[Time (magazine)|Time]] | date=[[1995-07-24]] | accessdate=2008-01-05}}</ref> <ref name="time072495"/>

Committee vice-chairman Smith seemed to back away from the committee's findings within months of their being issued, appearing in April 1993 on ''[[Larry King Live]]'' with POW/MIA activist [[Bill Hendon]],<ref name="cnn041593">{{cite news | url=http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/2527/lklshow.html | title=Transcript #805 | work=[[Larry King Live]] | publisher=[[CNN]] | date=[[1993-04-15]] | accessdate=2008-01-23}}</ref> stressing his partial dissent from the majority report and touting new evidence of North Vietnam having held back prisoners in 1973,<ref name="cnn041593"/> and then in the Senate in September 1993, saying he had "very compelling" new evidence of live prisoners.<ref name="nyt090893"/> He also asked the Justice Department to investigate ten federal officials for perjury and other crimes in conjunction with a cover-up of POW/MIA investigations.<ref name="nyt090893"/> Kerry and McCain both denounced Smith's actions, with McCain saying "In my dealings with these people, it is clear that mistakes may have been made in a very complex set of issues. But at no time was there any indication that they were giving anything but their most dedicated efforts. I frankly don't feel it's appropriate to publicly make these charges without public substantiation."<ref name="nyt090893"/> However, a decade later Smith would break party lines and endorse Kerry during the latter's [[John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004|2004 presidential campaign]].<ref>{{cite web | url=http://images.dailykos.com/images/user/3/102904_smith_letter.pdf | title=Letter from Senator Bob Smith to Senator John Kerry | author=[[Robert C. Smith|Bob Smith]]
| date=[[2004-10-28]] | accessdate=2008-01-23}}</ref>

In 1994, journalist [[Sydney Schanberg]], who had won a [[Pulitzer Prize]] in the 1970s for his ''[[New York Times]]'' reporting in [[Cambodia]], wrote a long article for ''[[Penthouse (magazine)|Penthouse]]'' magazine in which he said the committee had been dominated by a faction led by Kerry that "wanted to appear to be probing the prisoner issue energetically, but in fact, they never rocked official Washington's boat, nor did they lay open the 20 years of secrecy and untruths."<ref name="schan94">{{cite news | url=http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0408,schanberg2,51267,1.html | title=Did America Abandon Vietnam War P.O.W.'s? | author=[[Sydney Schanberg]] | publisher=[[Penthouse (magazine)|Penthouse]] | date=September 1994 | accessdate=2007-06-01}}</ref> Schanberg stated that key committee staff had had too close a relationship with the Department of Defense, and that while other committee investigators were able to get evidence of men left behind into the full body of the report, the report's conclusions "were watered down and muddied to the point of meaninglessness."<ref name="schan94"/> Kerry denied that the committee had engaged in any cover-up.<ref name="schan94"/> Schanberg would return to the subject during [[John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004|Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign]] in a series of articles for ''[[The Village Voice]]''; he recounted Kerry's order to shred documents, suppressed testimony, and sanitized findings during his time as chairman of the committee.<ref name="villagevoicekerry">{{cite news | author=[[Sydney Schanberg]] | title =When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A. | publisher =[[The Village Voice]] | date =[[2004-02-24]] | url =http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0408,schanberg,51276,1.html | accessdate = 2007-06-01 }}</ref> Kerry responded overall by saying, "In the end, I think what we can take pride in is that we put together the most significant, most thorough, most exhaustive accounting for missing and former P.O.W.'s in the history of human warfare."<ref name="villagevoicekerry"/>
In 1994, journalist [[Sydney Schanberg]], who had won a [[Pulitzer Prize]] in the 1970s for his ''[[New York Times]]'' reporting in [[Cambodia]], wrote a long article for ''[[Penthouse (magazine)|Penthouse]]'' magazine in which he said the committee had been dominated by a faction led by Kerry that "wanted to appear to be probing the prisoner issue energetically, but in fact, they never rocked official Washington's boat, nor did they lay open the 20 years of secrecy and untruths."<ref name="schan94">{{cite news | url=http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0408,schanberg2,51267,1.html | title=Did America Abandon Vietnam War P.O.W.'s? | author=[[Sydney Schanberg]] | work=[[Penthouse (magazine)|Penthouse]] | date=September 1994 | accessdate=2007-06-01}}</ref> Schanberg stated that key committee staff had had too close a relationship with the Department of Defense, and that while other committee investigators were able to get evidence of men left behind into the full body of the report, the report's conclusions "were watered down and muddied to the point of meaninglessness."<ref name="schan94"/> Kerry denied that the committee had engaged in any cover-up.<ref name="schan94"/> Schanberg would return to the subject during [[John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004|Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign]] in a series of articles for ''[[The Village Voice]]''; he claimed that Kerry had shredded documents, suppressed testimony, and sanitized findings during his time as chairman of the committee.<ref name="villagevoicekerry">{{cite news | author=[[Sydney Schanberg]] | title =When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A. | work =[[The Village Voice]] | date =[[2004-02-24]] | url =http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0408,schanberg,51276,1.html | accessdate = 2007-06-01 }}</ref> Kerry denied these allegations and responded overall by saying, "In the end, I think what we can take pride in is that we put together the most significant, most thorough, most exhaustive accounting for missing and former P.O.W.'s in the history of human warfare."<ref name="villagevoicekerry"/>


Revision as of 04:45, 24 January 2008

The Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs was a special committee convened by the United States Senate during the George H. W. Bush administration to investigate the fate of United States service personnel listed as missing in action during the Vietnam War. The committee was in existence from August 2, 1991 to January 2, 1993.


During the late 1970s and 1980s the friends and relatives of unaccounted-for American personnel became politically active, requesting the United States government reveal what steps were taken to follow up on intelligence regarding last-known-alive MIAs and POWs. When initial inquiries revealed important information had not been pursued, many families and their supporters asked for the public release of POW/MIA records and called for an investigation. Serious charges were leveled at the Bush administration regarding the POW/MIA issue. The United States Department of Defense, headed by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, had been accused of covering up information and failing to properly pursue intelligence about American POW/MIAs.

In 1991, Senator and Vietnam veteran Bob Smith introduced a resolution to create a Senate Select POW/MIA Committee. The fate of possible missing or captured Americans in Vietnam had been Smith's major issue since coming to Congress in 1985,[1] partly spurred on by his growing up without knowing how his own father died in World War II.[1]

Senator and also Vietnam veteran John Kerry was eventually named chairman of the committee by Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell,[2] with Smith vice-chairman.

The full committee consisted of twelve senators, including:

Al Gore was the only Vietnam-era veteran who declined to participate.[2]

Running the committee was seen as politically risky for Kerry, and one that his advisors recommended he not do.[3] Indeed, as Bob Kerrey later said, "Nobody wanted to be on that damn committee. It was an absolute loser. Everyone knew that the POW stories were fabrications, but no one wanted to offend the vet community."[2]

Another motivation of the committee became establishing the framework for normalization of relations with Vietnam, and congressional approval of same.[4]


Kerry suspected that some prisoners had been left behind by the Nixon and Ford administrations in their eagerness to disengage from the war.[3] However, he doubted that there were secret camps in operation, as had been touted by POW/MIA activists and some media reports.[3]

The committee was responsible for getting the Department of Defense to declassify over one million pages of documents.[5] Kerry and McCain and others were able to get the Vietnamese government to give full access to their records.[5]

The senators' work was often hands-on. Smith would get leads about possible whereabouts of a POW, and then Kerry would follow up on them.[6] Because of Kerry's activities with Vietnam Veterans Against the War, the North Vietnamese deemed him honorable and opened their facilities to him.[6] There had been persistent reports of U.S. prisoners held under the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi or in nearby tunnels;[6] Smith had stated in hearings that the Vietnamese Defense Ministry had an underground prison in its compound near the mausoleum, which a Vietnamese official called "a myth and an affront to the people of Vietnam."[7] Kerry and Smith were personally led through a patchwork of tunnels and catacombs under Hanoi, until Smith was satisfied that no Americans were being held there.[6] The number of live-sighting searches, include those on short notice, sometimes led to Vietnamese officials accusing the whole process of being a cloak for espionage.[7]

At times the hearings became heated and contentious.[4] McCain was being vilified by some POW/MIA activists as a traitor or a brainwashed "Manchurian Candidate";[3] occasionally his famous temper flared during hearings and Kerry had to calm him down, for which McCain was later grateful.[3]

Another conflict occurred over whether Henry Kissinger's testimony was complete regarding what top levels of the Nixon administration knew about POWs at the end of the war.[5] Kerry suggested calling Richard Nixon himself to testify, but after Nixon showed that he was unwilling to do so, Kerry decided not to call Nixon.[5] The question of testimony by Ross Perot before the committee in 1992 also led to conflict, with Perot fearing a circus-like atmosphere due to his candidacy in the 1992 U.S. presidential election.[8] Committee members also wanted to question Perot about his unauthorized back-channel discussions with Vietnamese officials in the late 1980s, which led to fractured relations between Perot and the Reagan and Bush administrations.[8]

Yet another source of conflict were the different factions within the POW/MIA community.[4]


The committee issued its unanimous findings on January 13, 1993. In response to the central question of whether any American POWs were still in captivity, it stated:

While the Committee has some evidence suggesting the possibility a POW may have survived to the present, and while some information remains yet to be investigated, there is, at this time, no compelling evidence that proves that any American remains alive in captivity in Southeast Asia.[9]

With specific regard to the "some evidence", the committe said this: "But neither live-sighting reports nor other sources of intelligence have provided grounds for encouragement,[12] particularly over the past decade. The live-sighting reports that have been resolved have not checked out; alleged pictures of POWs have proven false; purported leads have come up empty; and photographic intelligence has been inconclusive, at best."[9] Two senators, Smith and Grassley, dissented at note 12, with the report saying "they believe that live-sighting reports and other sources of intelligence are evidence that POWs may have survived to the present."[9]


Normalization of relations with Vietnam did not happen right away after the committee concluded. Delay occurred in early 1993 because of Vietnam's refusal to "go the last mile" and the Bush administration's desire to dump the problem on the incoming Clinton administration.[4] Further delays resulted from issues related to Cambodia[4] and avoidance due to the 1994 congressional elections. But in 1995, President Clinton announced normalized diplomatic relations with the county of Vietnam,[10] with McCain and Kerry both very visible as supporters of the decision.[10]

Committee vice-chairman Smith seemed to back away from the committee's findings within months of their being issued, appearing in April 1993 on Larry King Live with POW/MIA activist Bill Hendon,[11] stressing his partial dissent from the majority report and touting new evidence of North Vietnam having held back prisoners in 1973,[11] and then in the Senate in September 1993, saying he had "very compelling" new evidence of live prisoners.[1] He also asked the Justice Department to investigate ten federal officials for perjury and other crimes in conjunction with a cover-up of POW/MIA investigations.[1] Kerry and McCain both denounced Smith's actions, with McCain saying "In my dealings with these people, it is clear that mistakes may have been made in a very complex set of issues. But at no time was there any indication that they were giving anything but their most dedicated efforts. I frankly don't feel it's appropriate to publicly make these charges without public substantiation."[1] However, a decade later Smith would break party lines and endorse Kerry during the latter's 2004 presidential campaign.[12]

In 1994, journalist Sydney Schanberg, who had won a Pulitzer Prize in the 1970s for his New York Times reporting in Cambodia, wrote a long article for Penthouse magazine in which he said the committee had been dominated by a faction led by Kerry that "wanted to appear to be probing the prisoner issue energetically, but in fact, they never rocked official Washington's boat, nor did they lay open the 20 years of secrecy and untruths."[13] Schanberg stated that key committee staff had had too close a relationship with the Department of Defense, and that while other committee investigators were able to get evidence of men left behind into the full body of the report, the report's conclusions "were watered down and muddied to the point of meaninglessness."[13] Kerry denied that the committee had engaged in any cover-up.[13] Schanberg would return to the subject during Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign in a series of articles for The Village Voice; he claimed that Kerry had shredded documents, suppressed testimony, and sanitized findings during his time as chairman of the committee.[14] Kerry denied these allegations and responded overall by saying, "In the end, I think what we can take pride in is that we put together the most significant, most thorough, most exhaustive accounting for missing and former P.O.W.'s in the history of human warfare."[14]


  1. ^ a b c d e Adam Clymer (1993-09-08). "Claim of P.O.W. Cover-Up Rends Senate Decorum". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-01-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ a b c Joe Klein (2004-01-05). "The Long War of John Kerry". The New Yorker. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ a b c d e John Aloysius Farrell (2003-06-21). "At the center of power, seeking the summit". The Boston Globe. Retrieved 2008-01-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^ a b c d e Brown, Frederick Z. (2000). "The United States and Vietnam: Road to Normalization". In Richard Haass, Meghan L. O'Sullivan (ed.). Honey and Vinegar: Incentives, Sanctions, and Foreign Policy. Brookings Institution Press. ISBN 0815733569. pp. 149–150.
  5. ^ a b c d Alexander, Paul (2002). Man of the People: The Life of John McCain. John Wiley & Sons. pp. pp. 152–154. ISBN 0-471-22829-X. {{cite book}}: |pages= has extra text (help)
  6. ^ a b c d Brinkley, Douglas (2004). Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War. HarperCollins. ISBN 0060589760. pp. 768–769.
  7. ^ a b Barbara Crossette (1992-08-09). "Hanoi Official Sees M.I.A. Searches as Spying". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-01-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ a b Patrick E. Tyler (1992-06-20). "Perot and Senators Seem Headed for a Fight on P.O.W.'s-M.I.A.'s". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-01-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ a b c "Executive Summary". Report of the Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs. U.S. Senate. 1993-01-13. Retrieved 2008-01-03. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  10. ^ a b James Walsh (1995-07-24). "Good Morning, Vietnam". Time. Retrieved 2008-01-05. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  11. ^ a b "Transcript #805". Larry King Live. CNN. 1993-04-15. Retrieved 2008-01-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ Bob Smith (2004-10-28). "Letter from Senator Bob Smith to Senator John Kerry" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-01-23. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  13. ^ a b c Sydney Schanberg (September 1994). "Did America Abandon Vietnam War P.O.W.'s?". Penthouse. Retrieved 2007-06-01.
  14. ^ a b Sydney Schanberg (2004-02-24). "When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A." The Village Voice. Retrieved 2007-06-01. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)

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