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Stranger rapes in which the rapist assaults the victim on the street with no prior contact. Generally, the suspect "comes out of nowhere.".<ref name="Annual Crime Report"/> <ref>[http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cvusst.htm United States Department of Justice document]</ref>
Stranger rapes in which the rapist assaults the victim on the street with no prior contact. Generally, the suspect "comes out of nowhere.".<ref name="Annual Crime Report"/> <ref>[http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cvusst.htm United States Department of Justice document]</ref>

'''[[===Spousal rape===
===Spousal rape===
{{further|[[Spousal rape]]}}
{{further|[[Spousal rape]]}}
Also known as spouse, marital rape, wife rape, husband rape, partner rape or intimate partner sexual assault (IPSA), is rape between a married or ''de facto'' couple.
Also known as spouse, marital rape, wife rape, husband rape, partner rape or intimate partner sexual assault (IPSA), is rape between a married or ''de facto'' couple.
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Even more so, if two people are regularly sexually intimate, in many countries it is not a crime for one partner to have sex with their sleeping or drunk partner even though that partner did not give express consent.
Even more so, if two people are regularly sexually intimate, in many countries it is not a crime for one partner to have sex with their sleeping or drunk partner even though that partner did not give express consent.

===College campus rape===
===College campus rape===

Revision as of 10:13, 7 February 2008

There are several types of rape, generally categorized by reference to the situation in which it occurs, the identity or characteristics of the victim, and/or the identity or characteristics of the perpetrator.

Types of rape - by sex

Acquaintance ("date") rape

These are non-domestic rapes committed by someone who knows the victim. They include rapes of co-workers, schoolmates, friends, and other acquaintances, including "date rapes."[1]

Forcible date rape

The term "acquaintance rape" or "date rape" refers to rape or non-consensual sexual activity between people who are already acquainted, or who know each other socially friends, acquaintances, people on a date, or even people in an existing romantic relationship—where consent for sexual activity is not given, or is given under duress. The vast majority of rapes are committed by people who already know the victim.[2]

Drug facilitated date rape

Various drugs are used by rapists to render their victims unconscious, some also cause memory loss.

Blitz rape

Stranger rapes in which the rapist assaults the victim on the street with no prior contact. Generally, the suspect "comes out of nowhere.".[1] [3]

Spousal rape

Also known as spouse, marital rape, wife rape, husband rape, partner rape or intimate partner sexual assault (IPSA), is rape between a married or de facto couple.

It is often assumed that spousal rape is less traumatic than that from a stranger. Research reveals that victims of marital/partner rape suffer longer lasting trauma than victims of stranger rape,[4] possibly because of a lack of social validation that prevents a victim from getting access to support; a problem that domestic violence services combat.

Different countries have different rape laws. In many countries it is not possible to commit the crime of rape against one's own wife or husband.

Even more so, if two people are regularly sexually intimate, in many countries it is not a crime for one partner to have sex with their sleeping or drunk partner even though that partner did not give express consent. </ref>

College campus rape

Some studies indicate a particular problem with rape on college campuses. The subject attracts attention because of the presence of many young men and women, often experiencing their first years away from home together, in an environment where prior controls, supervision and discipline are to a great extent removed, and where youths are in a position to engage in adult behavior with some anticipating new activities and freedoms, whilst others are left more vulnerable and less supervised.

In the United States, students are allegedly most vulnerable to rape during the initial weeks of the first two years.[citation needed] According to the U.S. Justice Department, 3.8% of college women and 1.7% of men were victims of completed rape within a six month period, and in 90% of the cases the attacker was known to the victim.[citation needed] In a typical college career, one-fifth to one-fourth were victims of attempted or completed rape. According to one 1992 study, one out of twelve college aged men and one in every twenty college aged women committed rape, making each responsible for an average of three rapes.[5]

The Department of Justice study also found that in "about half of the incidents categorized as completed rapes, the women or man did not consider the incident to be a rape."[6] According to the Journal of Counseling and Development, women aged 16–24 are at the highest risk of sexual assault. One study has concluded that as many as one in four college aged females has been a victim of either rape or attempted rape.[7]

Group rape

Group rape (also known as "gang" "gang bang", "run a train" or "pack" rape) occurs when a group of people participate in the rape of a single victim. 10% to 20% out of all rapes involve more than one attacker. It is far more damaging to the victim, and in some jurisdictions, is punished more severely than rape by a single person.[citation needed] The term "gang bang" was a synonym for gang rape when public discussion of sexual activity in general was taboo; in the advent of the pornography industry and relaxed sexual tensions, that term is now often used as a slang term for consensual group sex.

This is also related to rape as means of warfare, where the pack mentality is highly predominant. The word tournante is a French adjective meaning "turning" and is used as a slang term to mean a gang rape. According to the testimony of numerous victims, young Muslim women who stray from traditional conduct in the immigrant neighborhoods, such as behaving and dressing like a westerner, or wanting to live as Europeans or refusing to wear the traditional clothing, have been considered by some to be "fair game" for tournantes.[8][9] According to Samira Bellil in a CNN interview, there was a trial in Lille regarding a 13-year-old girl who had been allegedly gang-raped by 80 men.[10]

Rape of children by parents, elder relatives, and other responsible elders

This form of rape is incest when committed by the child's parents or close relatives such as grandparents, aunts and uncles. It is considered incestuous in nature but not in form when committed by other elders, such as priests, nuns or other religious authorities, school teachers, or therapists, to name a few, on whom the child is dependent. Psychologists estimate that 40 million adults, 15 million of those being men (Adams 1991), in the United States were sexually abused in childhood often by parents, close relatives and other elders—of both genders—on whom they were dependent.

Children, including but not limited to adolescents, raped by their parents and other close elders are often called 'secret survivors' by psychologists, as they often are unable or unwilling to tell anyone about these rapes due to implicit or explicit threats by the adult rapist, fear of abandonment by the rapist, and/or overwhelming shame. Since the signs of these rapes are usually invisible except to trained professionals, these children often suffer ongoing offenses in silence until independence from the adult rapist is attained. By that time, the statute of limitations is often long-expired, the adult victim's repressed memories are often considered inadmissible as evidence and the child-rapist is able to avoid punishment. It should be noted that repressed memory syndrome is no longer an issue of debate and has been dismissed as spurious by virtually all responsible psychologists and legal experts. For more information, see the "repressed memories" article.

More than 67,000 cases of rape and sexual assaults against children were reported in 2000 in South Africa. Child welfare groups believe that the number of unreported incidents could be up to 10 times that number. A belief common to South Africa holds that sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure a man of HIV or AIDS. South Africa has the highest number of HIV-positive citizens in the world. According to official figures, one in eight South Africans are infected with the virus. Edith Kriel, a social worker who helps child victims in the Eastern Cape, said: “Child abusers are often relatives of their victims - even their fathers and providers.”[11]

According to University of Durban-Westville anthropology lecturer and researcher Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala, the myth that sex with a virgin is a cure for AIDS is not confined to South Africa. “Fellow AIDS researchers in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Nigeria have told me that the myth also exists in these countries and that it is being blamed for the high rate of sexual abuse against young children.”[12]

Statutory rape

National and/or regional governments, citing an interest in protecting "young people" (variously defined but sometimes synonymous with minors), treat any sexual contact with such a person as an offense (not always categorised as "rape"), even if he or she agrees to the sexual activity. The offense is often based on a presumption that people under a certain age do not have the capacity to give informed consent. The age at which individuals are considered competent to give consent is called the age of consent. This varies in different countries and regions, and in the US ranges from 14 to 18. Sex which violates age-of-consent law, but is neither violent nor physically coerced, is sometimes described as "statutory rape," a legally-recognized category in the United States.

Prison rape

Many rapes happen in prison. These rapes are virtually always homosexual in nature (since prisons are separated by sex). These acts are mostly committed by people who were not homosexual before prison.[citation needed] The attacker is most commonly another inmate, but prison guards may also be involved, primarily in female prisons. [13]

Rape as means of warfare

This type of rape is also known as 'war rape.' During war, rape is often used as means of psychological warfare in order to humiliate the enemy and undermine their morale. Rapes in war are often systematic and thorough, and military leaders may actually encourage their soldiers to rape civilians. Likewise, systematic rapes are often employed as a form of ethnic cleansing. During the Yugoslavian Civil War, it was reported that Serbian soldiers herded enemy women into camps, who were then raped on a daily basis until pregnancy occurred.[14][15]

Norman Naimark writes in "The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949." that although the exact number of women and prepubescent girls who were raped by members of the Red Army in the months preceding and years following the capitulation will never be known, their numbers are likely in the hundreds of thousands, quite possibly as high as the 2,000,000 victims estimate made by Barbara Johr, in "Befreier und Befreite". Many of these victims were raped repeatedly. Naimark states that not only did each victim have to carry the trauma with her for the rest of her days, it inflicted a massive collective trauma on the East German nation. Naimark concludes "The social psychology of women and men in the soviet zone of occupation was marked by the crime of rape from the first days of occupation, through the founding of the GDR in the fall of 1949, until - one could argue - the present."[16]

German women who became pregnant after being raped by Soviet soldiers in World War II were invariably denied abortion to further humiliate them as to carry an unwanted child. As a result, according to the book "Berlin: The Downfall, 1945" by Antony Beevor, some 90% of Berlin women in 1945 had venereal diseases as results of consequential rapes and 3.7% of all children born in Germany 1945-1946 had Russian fathers. The history behind this particular rape of the German women by the Soviet troops was considered a taboo topic until 1992. (see also Red Army atrocities)

Additionally, in China during World War II, the Nanking Massacre occurred, where rape was used as a tool to humiliate the civilians under Japanese oppression. As many as 80,000 women were raped by the Japanese soldiers during the six weeks of the Nanking Massacre.[17] Comfort women is a euphemism for up to 200,000 women, who were forced into prostitution in Japanese military brothels.[18]

According to a review of "The GI War against Japan: American Soldiers in Asia and the Pacific during World War II",[19] rape is seen as a method for soldiers to bond with each other, and also to enhance their aggressiveness, and it also "reflects a burning need to establish total dominance of the other"[the enemy]. As a consequence U.S. soldiers rape of Japanese women was "general practice". "The estimate of one Okinawan historian for the entire three-month period of the campaign exceeds 10,000. A figure that does not seem unlikely when one realizes that during the first 10 days of the occupation of Japan there were 1,336 reported cases of rape of Japanese women by American soldiers in Kanagawa prefecture alone".[20] (see also Allied war crimes during World War II)

French Moroccan troops known as Goumiers, committed rapes and other war crimes after the Battle of Monte Cassino. (See Marocchinate.)[21]

In 1998, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda established by the United Nations made landmark decisions that rape is a crime of genocide under international law. In one judgement Navanethem Pillay said: "From time immemorial, rape has been regarded as spoils of war. Now it will be considered a war crime. We want to send out a strong message that rape is no longer a trophy of war."[22] An estimated 500,000 women were raped during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.[23]


  1. ^ a b Cambridge Police 97 crime report
  2. ^ aaets.org
  3. ^ United States Department of Justice document
  4. ^ Finkelhor and Yllo (1985) and Bergen (1996)
  5. ^ Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, 1992
  6. ^ rainn.org college rape
  7. ^ Warshaw, R. (1994). I never called it rape. New York, NY: HarperPerennial.
  8. ^ Sexism in the Cités
  9. ^ Girls terrorized in France's macho ghettos
  10. ^ Muslim Women Rebel In France
  11. ^ South African men rape babies as 'cure' for Aids
  12. ^ Child rape: A taboo within the AIDS taboo
  13. ^ hrw.org
  14. ^ new Internationalist issue 244, June 1993. Rape: Weapon of War by Angela Robson. accessed on 2006-11-12
  15. ^ Human Rights News Bosnia: Landmark Verdicts for Rape, Torture, and Sexual Enslavement: Criminal Tribunal Convicts Bosnian Serbs for Crimes Against Humanity 02/22/01, accessed on 2006-11-12
  16. ^ Norman M. Naimark. The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949. Harvard University Press, 1995. ISBN 0-674-78405-7 pp. 132,133
  17. ^ Chinese city remembers Japanese 'Rape of Nanjing'
  18. ^ Comfort Women Were 'Raped': U.S. Ambassador to Japan
  19. ^ A Heterology of American GIs during World War II by Xavier Guillaume, Department of Political Science, University of Geneva July 2003, (H-NET review of Peter Schrijvers. The GI War against Japan: American Soldiers in Asia and the Pacific during World War II. New York: New York University Press, 2002)
  20. ^ A Heterology of American GIs during World War II by Xavier Guillaume, Department of Political Science, University of Geneva July 2003, (H-NET review of Peter Schrijvers. "The GI War against Japan: American Soldiers in Asia and the Pacific during World War II". New York: New York University Press, 2002) The citation is cited to page 212 of "The GI War against Japan".
  21. ^ Italian women win cash for wartime rapes
  22. ^ Quoted in citation for honorary doctorate, Rhodes University, April 2005 accessed at [1] 2007-03-23
  23. ^ Violence Against Women: Worldwide Statistics