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'''Black Sunday, 1937''' refers to a series of acts undertaken by Jewish militants of the [[Irgun]] faction against Arab pedestrians on the 14th November 1937.
==Background overview==
In 1936, Palestinian Arabs launched [[1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine|a revolt]] that was to last three years against [[Mandatory Palestine|British colonial rule]], by resorting to industrial strikes and also to attacks on outlying Jewish settlements. In the preceding year Jewish immigration, blocked in the United States and many European countries had risen to 66,672 over the 4075 in 1931.<ref name="Newsinger" >[[John Newsinger]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=H3oYDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA6 ''British Counterinsurgency,''] Springer 2016 p.6.</ref>In July 1937, the [[Zionist Organization]] accepted in pirnciple the [[Peel Commission]]’s proposal, published on July 7, for a division of the country and the [[Population transfer|transfer]] of 225,000 Arabs out the designated future Jewish territory.<ref name="Gannon">[[James Gannon]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=1sDgR3KKfBAC&pg=PA33 ''Military Occupations in the Age of Self-determination: The History Neocons Neglected,''] ABC-CLIO, 2008 pp.32-33.</ref> In contrast ,the [[Arab Higher Committee]] rejected the plan, as did the Revisonist Zionists<ref name="Pogrund">Benjamin Pogrund, [https://books.google.com/books?id=KOgLBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA31 ''Drawing Fire: Investigating the Accusations of Apartheid in Israel,''] [[Rowman & Littlefield]], 2014 p.31.</ref>. Soon after, a district commissioner, [[Lewis Yelland Andrews]], was murdered.<ref name="Gannon" />
=='Havlagah' vs. militancy==
The mainstream Zionist approach to the insurgency, set forth by [[David Ben-Gurion]], was to avoid reprisal and rather prioritize the strengthening of defenses in Jewish areas, a policy known as 'Havlagah' (''lit''. [[Havlagah|Restraint]]). Jewish supernumeraries had however been active after been recruited by the British army to help repress the Arab revolt.<ref name="Morris" >[[Benny Morris]],[https://books.google.com/books?id=xC_uIe9G2FYC&pg=PT252 ''Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1998,''] [[Knopf Doubleday]] Publishing Group, 2011 pp.145f.</ref>
A militant form of Zionism, constituting a [[paramilitary organization]] calling itself [[Irgun]] soon broke ranks with the Haganah over the issue of restraint. It was dominated by activists hailing from [[Ze'ev Jabotinsky]]’s [[Betar|Betar movement]], which had been founded in 1923, and eventually evolved into the core of [[Revisionist Zionism|Zionist Revisionism]]. Jabotinsky himself initially advised a diplomatic approach and held reservations about recourse to measures of retaliation. The Irgun, adopted a policy change from passive defense to active aggression, and considered terrorism against Palestinians a form of [[deterrence]] against Arab attacks. The active defense tactic adopted consisted of 4 kinds of assault: (a) assassinations (b) shooting fellahin or urban Arabs (c) ambushes of transport vehicles carrying Arabs and (d) outright terrorist assaults on densely populated Arab areas <ref> Leonard Weinberg, Ami Pedahzur, Arie Perliger, [https://books.google.com/books?id=xHaTAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA82 ''Political Parties and Terrorist Groups,''] [[Routledge]], 2008 pp.81-82.</ref> Some of these practices were not new: on 20 April 1936, 2 Palestinians had been murdered while tending a banana grove, and on 20 April, pedestrians in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem were subject to attacks where guns and hand-grenades were used. In March 1937 right-wing Zionists had thrown a bomb into a coffee house frequented by Arabs in Tel Aviv. Throughout the three years of the revolt, the revisionist group mounted some 60 acts of terrorism against Palestinian targets. <ref>[[Geoffrey Shindler|Colin Shindler]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=U_ukZhiBzykC&pg=PA36 ''A History of Modern Israel,''] [[Cambridge University Press]] 2013 p.36</ref><ref name="Shindler2015" >[[Geoffrey Shindler|Colin Shindler]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=vjAZCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA182 ''The Rise of the Israeli Right,''] [[Cambridge University Press]] 2015 pp.182-183 </ref>
==Black Sunday, 1937==
In July 1937, Jabotinsky met with [[Robert Bitker]], a military commander of the Irgun, Moshe Rosenberg and the future lead of [[Lehi (group)|Lehi]] [[Avraham Stern]] in the city of Alexandria, and at the meeting underwrote, despite his personal reservations, the proposal to have recourse to retaliatory actions in the future. Jabotinsky posed only one condition to his assent, that he not be kept informed about too many details.<ref name="Shindler2009" > [[Geoffrey Shindler|Colin Shindler]],[https://books.google.it/books?id=hlIBAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA195 ''Triumph of Military Zionism:Nationalism and the Origins of the Israeli Right,''] [[I. B. Tauris]] 2009 pp.195-196.</ref> At this stage in the revolt, the Arab uprising had degenerated into, in [[Geoffrey Shindler|Colin Shindler]]’s words, ‘internecine Arab violence and nihilist attacks on Jews.’<ref name="Shindler2009" />
Demand for retaliation within the Irgun heightened with the killing of rabbi Eliezer Gerstein on 3 September while he was en route to pray at the [[Western Wall]]. Again, on September 23, 1937 five Jewish agricultural labourers were killed while working the soil in Kibbutz [[Kiryat Anavim]] on the 9 November. Retaliation was swiftly enacted with the killing of 13 Arabs.<ref name="Shindler2015" /><ref>[http://www.jta.org/1937/10/31/archive/jew-killed-2-wounded-in-jerusalem-troops-hunt-bands-near-nablus 'Jew Killed, 2 Wounded in Jerusalem; Troops Hunt Bands Near Nablus,'] [[Jewish Telegraphic Agency]] 31 October 1937.</ref>From 29 October to 11 November, 21 attacks were made against British police and Jewish colonists, 5 with bombs, resulting in 11 murders, many of them affecting Jews.<ref> [[Henry Laurens (scholar)|Henry Laurens]] , " La Question de Palestine:Une mission sacrée de civilisation, " [[Fayard]] 2002 p.374,p.654 n.74</ref>

At this point the Irgun leader [[David Raziel]] authorized a programme of active rather than passive defense, consisting of bombing Arab coffee houses, in cities such as [[Haifa]] and [[Rosh Pinah]], and attacks around Jerusalem, and on buses travelling between the cities of [[Tiberias]] and [[Safed]].<ref name="Shindler2015" />, in which Black Sunday marked the turning point.<ref name="Pogrund" />Jaa’cov Eliav, the Irgun’s master bomb maker, was in charge of the operations generally that led to the November 14 attack,<ref> [[Bruce Hoffman]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=X5NoBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT534 ''Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947,''] [[Knopf Doubleday]] Publishing Group, 2015 pp.17-18.</ref>David Raziel organized the attacks in Jerusalem.
'''Tien Len''' is a [[Vietnam]]ese [[card game|Card Game]] from which games such as [[President (game)|President]] originated. Also called '''Thirteen''', or '''Killer''' in other areas of the world, Tien len is intended for up to 4 players, though modifications to the rules can allow for 2-3 players. Also known as '''Viet Cong''', ('''Vietnamese Cards''', or just plain "'''VC'''") in the [[United States]], Tien Len is simple enough for children yet fun enough for adults.

The first attack had taken place on 11 November, when the Irgun murdered 2 Arabs at a [[Jaffa]] bus deposit, and wounded a further 5.<ref name="Morris" /><ref name="Gannon" /> <ref>Ya'aḳov Eliav, ''Wanted,'' Shengold Publishers, 1984 pp.34f.</ref> The second occurred early on the morning of 14 November.<ref> Patrick Bishop,''The Reckoning: Death and Intrigue in the Promised Land-A True Detective Story,'' [[HarperCollins]], 2014 p.23.</ref>Raziel had ordered multiple attacks to be undertaken almost simultaneously in order to hamper a coherent police response. At 7 am. 2 Arab pedestrians were shot on Aza Street in [[Rehavia]], a neighbourhood in Jerusalem, by Joseph Kremin and Shlomo Trachtman. A half an hour later, another two were shot. In both cases, one of the victims survived. Some time later, Zvi Meltser armed an Irgun operative who then attacked an Arab bus, killing 3 passengers and wounding 8.<ref>Zev Golan,[https://books.google.com/books?id=3hOsEdaunMEC&pg=PA122 ''Free Jerusalem: Heroes, Heroines and Rogues who Created the State of Israel,''] Devora Publishing, 2003 p.122.</ref><ref name="Shindler2015" /> By the end of the operation, 10 Arabs had been killed and many more wounded <ref> [[J. Bowyer Bell]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=Df_2trrOLPAC&pg=PA39 ''Terror out of Zion,''] [[Transaction Publishers]] 2nsd ed 2009 p.39</ref>
The Irgun regarded the operation as a commemorative symbol evoking the revolt of [[Judas Maccabeus]] against the [[Seleucids]].<ref name="Shindler2015" />. Raziel himself said that the operation had wiped out the shame of the policy of restraint.<ref> Monty Noam Penkower,'' Twentieth Century Jews: Forging Identity in the Land of Promise and in the Promised Land,'' Academic Studies Press, p.312.</ref>
A standard deck of 52 [[playing cards]] is used, although additional decks can be used to accommodate more players. The ranking of the cards from lowest to highest are as follow: '''2''' > '''A''' > '''K''' > '''Q''' > '''J''' > '''10''' > '''9''' > '''8''' > '''7''' > '''6''' > '''5''' > '''4''' > '''3'''. These are the ranking of the cards themselves. In this case, the "'''2'''" is the highest card in the game, and the "'''3'''" is the lowest card.
The Irgun commemorated the incidents on 14 November as "the Day of the Breaking of the Havlagah".<ref name="Morris" />

One practice adopted by the Irgun in particular at the time, and subsequently by the Lehi gang, according to [[Benny Morris]], introduced an innovation to the armed conflict: for the first time, powerful bombs were planted in densely frequented Arab locations to achieve a maximum effect of indiscriminate killing. This technique formed a precedent that would be imitated eventually by the Arabs themselves in future decades.<ref name=Gannon />

The Irgun approach soon fueled a [[Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine|Jewish insurgency]], notable incidents peaking in the summer of 1938, such as .
The cards are also ranked based on their Suits. The suits of each card varies. However, in Tien Len their ranking from highest to lowest are as follow: <font color=red>&#x2665;</font> ('''Hearts''') > <font color=red>&#x2666;</font> ('''Diamonds''') > &#x2663; ('''Clubs''' or '''Clovers''') > &#x2660; ('''Spades'''). These are the ranking of each card suit. In this case, the "'''2'''" of "'''Hearts'''" (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''2''') is the highest single card in the game, since the "'''2'''" is the highest ranking card, and the "'''Hearts'''" is the highest ranking suit. Consequently, the "'''3'''" of "'''Spades'''" (&#x2660;'''3''') is the lowest single card in the game, since the "'''3'''" is the lowest card, and the "'''Spades'''" is the lowest suit. However, the card rank takes precedence over the suit. For example, the "'''10'''" of "'''Spades'''" (&#x2660;'''10'''), is higher than the "'''9'''" of "'''Hearts'''" (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''9'''), because the card "'''10'''" is higher than the card "'''9'''".
*6 July 1938 an Irgun militant in Arab garb planted milk cans loaded with explosives in an Arab market in Haifa killing 21, and wounding 52.<ref name="Gannon" /><ref name="Morris" />
*25 July 1938 in the same market, operatives left an explosive-filled container marked ‘sour cucumbers’ which, on explosion, resulted in the death of 39 Arabs and the wounding of a further 46
*26 August 1938, explosives planted in the Jaffa market took a lethal toll of 24 Arabs and 39 wounded.<ref name="Gannon" />
The British initially took no action against the Irgun itself, but rather arrested members of Jabotinsky’s group on suspicion they were connected to the incident. Jabotinsky distanced himself from the action adopted but later spoke of it as 'a spontaneous outbreak of the outraged feelings of the nation’s soul.' <ref name="Shindler2015" />

The British also enlisted 19,000 Jewish policemen to assist them in countering the insurgency, and eventually organized [[Special Night Squads]] whose aim was to conduct raids on Arab areas and killings under cover of darkness. <ref name =Newsinger /> The Irgun revolt effected a change in mainstream Jewish policy also. Despite official shock at these incidents, the tactic of a defensive response underwent reexamination, was found to be ineffective, with the result that the Haganah command began to set up field companies to engage in ambushes. [[Orde Wingate]]'s night squads and [[Yitzhak Sadeh]]'s mobile military units (''plugot ha'Sadeh''), established in December of that year,<ref name="Shindler2015" /> also exercised an influence on the creation of such clandestine forces, -Gurion in turn had one officer secretly establish ''pe'ulot meyudahot'', or special operation squads specializing in retaliatory operations against Arab terrorists, villages and, at times, British units themselves. These units operated under Ben-Gurion's control, and lay outside the official Haganah chain of command.<ref name="Morris" />

==See also==
Once a player has these basic guidlines of the game in mind, they can now learn the more complex areas of the game. There are many terms in Tien Len a good player must be familiar with in order to be extremely effective while playing. These include:
* [[Zionist political violence]]
* [[List of Irgun attacks]]
* [[The Bloody Day in Jaffa]]

* '''Straight''' or '''Sequence''': A combination of at least three cards that are in a sequence. The card suits do not matter in a sequence. However, the order of the cards must be in a consecutive order, from lowest to highest. The highest ending card in a straight is the '''Ace''' ('''A'''), whereas the lowest beginning card is the '''Three''' ('''3'''). Which means that the '''Two''' ('''2'''), cannot be included in any sequence. This also means that any straight including the '''Ace''' of '''Hearts''' (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''A''') is unbeatable.
** Examples: <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''4''' &#x2660;'''5''' &#x2660;'''6''' || <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''6''' &#x2663;'''7''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''8''' &#x2660;'''9''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''10''' || &#x2660;'''8''' &#x2660;'''9''' &#x2663;'''10''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''J''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''Q''' &#x2663;'''K''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''A'''

A sequence can '''only''' be beaten by a higher sequence. In order to defeat a sequence, the higher sequence must be in the same quantity as the defeated sequence, and the last card must also be higher. If for example: A person playes <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''6''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''7''' &#x2660;'''8''', that straight can be defeated by any 3 card straight ending with at least the '''8''' of '''Clovers''' (&#x2663;'''8'''). If a person extends the sequence, it must be defeated by matching the number of cards played, only in a higher sequence.

* '''Double-Sequence''' ('''Straight''') or '''Breaker''': A combination of at least 3 double cards, that are in a sequence. The card suits do not matter in a Double Sequence. This is also called a "Breaker" in some parts of the world, because it has the ability to defeat any single '''Two''' ('''2''').
** Examples: <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''3''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''3''' &#x2660;'''4''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''4''' &#x2660;'''5''' &#x2663;'''5''' || &#x2660;'''10''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''10''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''J''' &#x2660;'''J''' &#x2663;'''Q''' &#x2660;'''Q''' &#x2660;'''K''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''K''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''A''' &#x2663;'''A'''

A Double-Sequence can '''only''' be beaten by a higher double sequence. In order to defeat a double sequence, the higher sequence must be in the quantity as the defeated sequence, and the last cards must be higher. The Double-Sequence has the exact same guidlines as a sequence. The only difference is that the last double cards can be beaten by the double same cards, but in a higher suit. For example: If a player plays <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''9''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''9''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''10''' &#x2660;'''10''' &#x2663;'''J''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''J''' for whatever reason, then another player can play the other set of these same cards and beat it, which are &#x2660;'''9''' &#x2663;'''9''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''10''' &#x2663;'''10''' &#x2660;'''J''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''J'''. Notice that the last pairs of double in the second sequence, contains the '''Jack''' of '''Hearts''' (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''J'''). Because Hearts is the highest suit in the game, that sequence automatically defeats the original double sequence that was played. This also implies to all other Double Sequences, or Sequences.

*'''Lock''': A combination of at least 3 cards in the same suit, that are in a sequence. A lock is a special type of sequence, very similar to a flush in Poker. All the cards in a lock have the same suit.

Examples: <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''4''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''5''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''6''' || &#x2660;'''8''' &#x2660;'''9''' &#x2660;'''10''' &#x2660;'''J''' &#x2660;'''Q''' &#x2660;'''K'''.

A Lock can '''only''' be defeated by a higher lock. It is much more difficult to defeat than a regular sequence, because it is an advance play. However, much like a sequence, the more cards in a lock, the more powerful it becomes. Thus making the whole play extremely difficult to defeat. Also, if a player plays any lock including the '''Ace''' of '''Hearts''' (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''A'''), it is unbeatable. This is because a lock is a sequence, which means that '''Twos''' ('''2''') are not included. Likewise, if the player includes all Hearts including the Ace, they have played a '''Super Lock'''. This unique lock is the most powerful play in the game. Not only is it unbeatable, it can even give the player a rare instant win occasion.

* '''Singles''', '''Loners''', '''Solo''': A single played Card. These are the basic plays of the game. In many versions, they are called "Singles". However, in some alternate versions, some players call them '''Loners''' or sometimes '''Solo''' cards, because they are by themselves.

* Examples: <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''2''' || &#x2660;'''K''' || <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''9'''

Singles can '''only''' be defeated by higher Singles. Single cards are the easiest plays to defeat in the whole game. Even the '''Two''' of '''Hearts''' (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''2''') which is the most powerful single card in the game, can be a sinch to defeat by most players. Although it is the lowest card in the game, the '''Three''' of '''Spades''' (&#x2660;'''3''') is also the most important (and very rarely the most valuable) card in the game. If a player holds the three of spades, they allready have complete controll of the game, because with this card, a player can commence the game. Even though it is a sinch to defeat, Singles can be the most difficult head scratchers. As the cards get higher, players begin to choose to eliminate the best in their hand, to defeat another player's Single card.

* '''Pair''' or '''Double''': A combination of exactly 2 cards of equal value. Similar to Poker, Pairs are one the easiest plays to defeat. However, the higher the card, the harder it becomes to defeat.

Examples: &#x2660;'''4''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''4''' || <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''5''' &#x2663;'''5''' || &#x2660;'''A''' &#x2663;'''A''' || <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''J''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''J'''

Similar to a Double-Sequence, a Pair can '''only''' be defeated by a higher Pair. If a player plays a Pair that does not include the Hearts, it can be defeated by the other set of Pairs. For example: If a player plays the '''Ace''' of '''Spades''' (&#x2660;'''A''') and the '''Ace''' of '''Diamonds''' (<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''A'''), if another player holds the other 2 remaining Aces, which are the '''Ace''' of '''Clubs''' (&#x2663;'''A''') and the '''Ace''' of '''Hearts''' (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''A'''), they can play them and defeat the original pair of Aces. This is because the Hearts is included in the 2nd pair of Aces, and because the Hearts is the highest Suit, it automatically defeats the other pair, even though the Clubs is lower than the Diamonds.

* '''Triple''': A combination of exactly 3 cards of equal value. A triple is a more complex type of Pair. It becomes more difficult to defeat the higher the value.

Examples: &#x2660;'''4''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''4''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''4''' || &#x2660;'''K''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''K''' &#x2663;'''K''' || <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''2''' &#x2660;'''2''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''2'''

Triples can '''only''' be defeated by a higher triple of a higher value. Unlike a standard Pair, Triples must be defeated a higher value Triple. For example: If a player plays '''Triple 4's''', then another player must have at least a '''Triple 5''' to defeat it. Triples are more difficult to defeat than most plays in the game, because they require the sacrifice of 3 cards, which in turn can become more powerful using '''Trade'''.

* '''Four of a Kind''' or '''Bomb''': A combination of all 4 cards of equal value. These can often be the most difficult plays to defeat. A Four of a Kind has the same property as the '''Double-Sequence''', in which it has the ability to defeat any '''Two''' ('''2''')

Examples: <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''3''' &#x2660;'''3''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''3''' &#x2663;'''3''' || <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''A''' &#x2663;'''A''' <font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''A''' &#x2660;'''A'''

Four of a Kinds or Bombs can '''only''' be defeated by a higher Four of a Kind. These plays are extremely powerful. It doesn't matter how low each card in the the Four of a Kind ranks, it's quantity severly makes up for it. These awsome type of Pairs have the same ability as the Double-Sequence, in which it can defeat any '''Two''' ('''2'''). However, unlike the Double-Sequence, which can be easily extended, a single Four of a Kind is limited to only one Two. This means that if a player wishes to defeat more than one Two using a four of a kind, they must extend the Four of a Kind. In doing so the player will transform it into a Sequencial Four of a Kind. For example: Having all 4s can only defeat one Two. However, having all Fours, all Fives, and all Sixs can defeat three twos. This is because each of those are considered a Four of a Kind. Which means each of them can defeat a two. However, because this is so difficult and too rare, many players find it easier to extend the Double sequence to topple any number of Twos. In Tien Len, there is one Four of a Kind that will grant it's user an automatic victory. This is all '''Four Twos''' (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''2''' &#x2660;'''2''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''2''' &#x2663;'''2'''). However, a player must be naturally dealt the four twos to recieve this rare feature. Four Aces (<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>'''A''' &#x2660;'''A''' <font color=red>&#x2666;</font>'''A''' &#x2663;'''A''') are typically considered the most powerful Bombs in the game, seeing as though it is entirely rare for another player to hold four twos.


In a standard four-player game each player is dealt 13 cards, with a card being dealt one at a time to each player clockwise or counter-clockwise (which is at the dealer's discretion). The cards can also be dealt single handedly to each player, totalling their pile to 13. This will totalize in the whole 52 cards being dealt. The same applies with less players. The dealer can be anyone, and is normally designated by the players themselves. When playing with less than 4 players, the whole deck can be dealt out to each player. However, this would make each player more predictable for the other, since each player (especially when it is a 2 player match) has almost every card the other does not.


There are many variations of rules that the game is played by so if you playing with a new group of people expect there to be "discussions" on what is allowed or not allowed as the game progress.

In the first game the player with the lowest card goes first (which is the '''&#x2660;3'''). This card will need to be lead either singularly or in a combination. After subsequent games, the winner from the previous game may go first. However, house rules may imply the '''&#x2660;3''' to begin all games. This will need to be negoiated among the players prior to play. The next player going clockwise may choose to play a combination that is greater than that on the table or to pass. Even if that player possesses a playable combination, the choice to play that round (or trick) is optional.

If that player chooses to play, he or she must play a higher ranking combination of the same type. If the player chooses to pass or cannot beat the combination, then that player forfeits the right to play until another player makes a play that causes all other players to pass. The player who plays such a combination can now play any combination of cards, commonly termed "free choice." (eg. It is now the 3rd Player's free choice) In any case, after a player has finished his or her turn, the next player in the direction of play takes a turn.

Once a player has played all of his or her cards, the game is won. Two things can happen after this; either play continues among the remaining players until there is one loser who still holds cards in his or her hands, or the game is ended after the first winner has gone out.
===Card Combinations===
The legal combinations of cards that can be played:

'''Single Card'''
*The highest card is the '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>2''', while the lowest card is the '''&#x2660;3'''.

'''Pair''' or commonly called '''Double'''
*Any pair of cards with equal values.
**Example: '''&#x2660;Q''' and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q'''
*Two different pairs with the same values are compaired by the highest card in each pair.
**Example: One player plays '''&#x2663;Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>Q''', but this can be beaten by the pair of '''&#x2660;Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q''' since the '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q''' ranks above the '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>Q'''.

'''Three of a Kind''' or commonly called '''Triple'''
*Three cards of equal value.
**Example: '''&#x2660;Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>Q''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q'''.

'''Four of a Kind''' or commonly called '''Quad'''
*Four cards of equal value. This combination can beat a single 2.
**Example: '''&#x2663;Q''', '''&#x2660;Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>Q''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q'''.

'''Sequence''', '''Run''' or commonly called '''Combo'''
*Three or more cards in sequence, can be made among the cards ranked from three low to ace high.
*Two's cannot be used in sequences and hence, the highest end card of a sequence is ace.
**Example: The '''&#x2663;4''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>6'''
*As with pairs, to determine which of two straights is higher, the highest card of each sequence is compaired.
* Aces are always considered high, so a sequence of ace, two, and three is illegal.
* Sequences involving two, three, four or king, ace, two are also illegal

'''Paired sequence''' or commonly called '''Double Combo'''
*Three or more pairs in a row
**Example: '''&#x2663;8''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>8''', '''&#x2660;9''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>9''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>10''', '''&#x2663;10'''

Some exceptions apply to the general gameplay, mainly dealing with winning and beating two's

'''The Instant Win exceptions:'''

There are three types of immediate wins, winning prior to the beginning of play.
*If a player holds all four two's in their hand.
**Example: '''&#x2663;2''', '''&#x2660;2''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>2''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>2'''

*If a player has in their hand a '''Dragon''' which is one of each card of each rank, regardless of suit. In effect this is a 12 card sequence of three to ace with a two as the last card.
**Example: '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>3''', '''&#x2663;4''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>6''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>7''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>8''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>9''', '''&#x2660;10''', '''&#x2663;J''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>K''', '''&#x2663;A''' and '''&#x2660;2'''
*If a player holds a '''Mah Jong''' or a '''Full Hand''', a hand with no single (loose) cards and no sequences. In effect this hand contains only pairs, triples or four of a kinds.
**Example: '''&#x2660;4''', '''&#x2663;4''', '''&#x2660;5''', '''&#x2660;5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>5''', '''&#x2663;7''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>7''', '''&#x2663;J''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>J''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q''', '''&#x2663;2''' and '''&#x2660;2'''
* Some variations allow for any 6 pairs and a single (loose) card.

*While claiming an instant win is only optional, only a complete hand with 13 cards can do this.
*Usually an instant win can be claimed prior to play or on that respective players turn. It is possible for play to continue, and should be noted that an instant win OUTRANKS ANY combination. It is the most powerful play available, even greater than a four-of-a-kind of twos.
*The combination of all four twos, if not used for an immediate win, can be used to outrank any combination, apart from any of the instant wins.

'''Combinations that outrank twos:'''

Commonly these are termed chops (derived from the vietnamese word to cut), slams, bombs or busters. These combinations are unique in that they can be used to beat twos, but no other rank of cards. Thus a chop can not be used to beat a jack or ace.
*A four of a kind can beat any single two. It can be beaten by a higher four of a kind.
**Example: '''&#x2663;6''', '''&#x2660;6''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>6''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>6'''

*Three consecutive pairs can beat any single two. It can be beaten by a higher three consecutive pairs or a four of a kind.
**Example: '''&#x2660;6''', '''&#x2663;6''', '''&#x2660;7''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>7''', '''&#x2663;8''' and '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>8'''

*Four consecutive pairs can beat any single two or any pair of twos. It can also beat a lower set of three consecutive pairs. It can be beaten by a higher set of four consecutive pairs.
**Example: '''&#x2660;J''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>J''', '''&#x2660;Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q''', '''&#x2663;K''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>K''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>A''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>A'''

*Five consecutive pairs can beat any single two or any pair of twos. It can also beat a lower set of three or four consecutive pairs. It can be beaten by a higher set of five consecutive pairs.
**Example: '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>3''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>3''', '''&#x2660;4''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>4''', '''&#x2660;5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>5''', '''&#x2663;6''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>6''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>7''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>7'''

*Six consecutive pairs can beat any single two, any pair of twos or any triple of twos. It can also beat a lower set of three, four or five consecutive pairs. It can be beaten by a higher set of six consecutive pairs.
**Example: '''&#x2660;5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>6''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>6''', '''&#x2660;7''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>7''', '''&#x2660;8''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>8''', '''&#x2663;9''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>9''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>10, and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>10'''

*Three consecutive three-of-a-kinds can beat any single two or any pair of twos. It can also beat a lower three consecutive pairs or a lower three consecutive three-of-a-kind. It can be beaten by a higher consecutive three-of-a-kind.
**Example: '''&#x2663;5''', '''&#x2660;5''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>5''', '''&#x2663;6''', '''&#x2660;6''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>6''', '''&#x2660;7''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>7''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>7'''

*Three consecutive four-of-a-kinds can beat any single two, any pair of twos or any triple of twos. It can also beat a lower four-of-a-kind, a lower 3 consecutive pairs, a lower 3 consecutive three-of-a-kind or a lower three consecutive four-of-a-kind. It can be beaten by a higher three consecutive four-of-a-kind.
**Example: '''&#x2663;10''', '''&#x2660;10''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>10''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>10''', '''&#x2663;J''', '''&#x2660;J''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>J''', '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>J''', '''&#x2663;Q''', '''&#x2660;Q''', '''<font color=red>&#x2666;</font>Q''', and '''<font color=red>&#x2665;</font>Q'''

*No possible chop can outrank a four-of-a-kind of twos. Since a total of 16 or more cards will be required in the combination, which exceeds the 13 cards dealt to each player in normal play.

If the players have agreed to play for money beforehand, then the loser of a game pays a fixed amount to each of the other players. This game is often played this way and can even be played for stakes in the thousands of dollars [http://www.pagat.com/climbing/thirteen.html#end].


===House Rules===

There are many variations and house rules that are agreed upon before playing. The names Tien Len, Thirteen, VC, etc many times are used interchangeably and do not necessarily imply a set or rules. Because of the great combinations of rules some of the rules are by nature conflicting and one or the other must be chosen. Some variations from the above rules are:

*Some people allow 2's to be used at the top of a straight but not on the bottom. Ex: 2 A K
*If a person is chopped then the last person to be chopped owes the person who chopped them card(s) in the next round. The person receiving the card can return any card of their choice back. You can only claim an instant win with four 2's if you are dealt the four 2's and do not owe anybody.
*Cards owed variations:
**Highest 2
**Any 2
**Highest card
*Variations on number of cards owed:
**Stacking - add a card owed for each 2 or chop above the first 2.
**Doubling - double the number of card owed for each 2 or chop above the first 2.
**No stacking - one card is owed regardless of layering. Two card for pairs, etc.
*Alternate instant win hand - 5 conscecutive pairs (not including 2's).
*Four conscecutive pairs cannot chop a single 2. It must be broken up. Same for five conscecutive pairs and a pair of 2's
*Four conscecutive pairs can chop a single 2 or smaller chop even if the player has previously passed.
*Five conscecutive pairs can chop a pair of 2's or smaller chop even if the player has previously passed.
*Three conscecutive pairs can be played at the beginning of the game without being the lead. This variant is widely accepted but rarely used so there is no universal agreement on whether this applies to 3 conscecutive pairs only or all chops.
*A 'lock' is when a straight flush is played. Only higher straight flushes can be played after this. Alternate versions are that the player can choose to 'lock' or 'unlock' the set as desired. You do not need to lead to lock a straight. Most versions of the game do not allow for locking.



Although this game can be played exactly like Tien Len, the following variations are common:
*The straight pairs can beat ''any'' single card, not just twos. These are called '''Two Killers''' or '''Bombs''' but must be agreed upon by all players before dealing.
*Along with the above listed type of "bomb" four of a kind is also a bomb.
*The first game is led by the player with the lowest card and every hand after that is led by the winner. If a player leaves the game and a new player joins, it starts by who has the lowest card again. The deal then is passed clockwise after each game. Also, the first play must contain the lowest card.

There are some less common variations as well:
*If you pass you do not forfeit your right to play.
*Four of a kinds do beat a single two.
*Straights cannot contain twos.
*The first play of a game cannot be a straight of pairs.
*Three of a kind can beat a single ace,ex. three fives beat an ace.
*The first play of any game must contain the ♠3or the lowest card anyone has.
*If there are only two players and no one has the ♠3 who ever has the lowest card in their hand goes first.

===Killer (Hawaii Version)===
Basic Rules: Everything is about the same. Some of the exceptions and rules are
*2's can't be included in straights.
*The 3 of spades must be played first and can be played as a single or with a straight.
*Four of a kinds and three consecutive pairs or more are BOMBS
*BOMBS can only be used on 2's
*Having four 2's is an automatic win.
*A player can pass if he wants to and doesn't have to wait till a new round is played to play again.
For example, a pair 10 of clubs is thrown and the next player passes. The player that passed, can play when it comes his turn again.

There may be some exceptions, depending on how the people play or how they want to play.
Some are:
*Two consecutive Four of a kinds can beat a deuce of 2's. Three consecutive Four of a Kinds can beat triple 2's.
*A sequence of four consecutive pairs can beat deuce 2's. Five consecutive pairs can beat triple 2's.
*The Four of a kind BOMB is stronger than the three consecutive pairs BOMB. This comes into effect when someone plans to put a BOMB on another player's BOMB.

===Killer (Southern California Version)===
This is not really a variation of Tien Len. Rather, it is more of a separate game, like [[pusoy dos]] or [[big 2]]. See [[Killer (card game)|Killer]].

Revision as of 14:02, 26 August 2016

Black Sunday, 1937 refers to a series of acts undertaken by Jewish militants of the Irgun faction against Arab pedestrians on the 14th November 1937.

Background overview

In 1936, Palestinian Arabs launched a revolt that was to last three years against British colonial rule, by resorting to industrial strikes and also to attacks on outlying Jewish settlements. In the preceding year Jewish immigration, blocked in the United States and many European countries had risen to 66,672 over the 4075 in 1931.[1]In July 1937, the Zionist Organization accepted in pirnciple the Peel Commission’s proposal, published on July 7, for a division of the country and the transfer of 225,000 Arabs out the designated future Jewish territory.[2] In contrast ,the Arab Higher Committee rejected the plan, as did the Revisonist Zionists[3]. Soon after, a district commissioner, Lewis Yelland Andrews, was murdered.[2]

'Havlagah' vs. militancy

The mainstream Zionist approach to the insurgency, set forth by David Ben-Gurion, was to avoid reprisal and rather prioritize the strengthening of defenses in Jewish areas, a policy known as 'Havlagah' (lit. Restraint). Jewish supernumeraries had however been active after been recruited by the British army to help repress the Arab revolt.[4] A militant form of Zionism, constituting a paramilitary organization calling itself Irgun soon broke ranks with the Haganah over the issue of restraint. It was dominated by activists hailing from Ze'ev Jabotinsky’s Betar movement, which had been founded in 1923, and eventually evolved into the core of Zionist Revisionism. Jabotinsky himself initially advised a diplomatic approach and held reservations about recourse to measures of retaliation. The Irgun, adopted a policy change from passive defense to active aggression, and considered terrorism against Palestinians a form of deterrence against Arab attacks. The active defense tactic adopted consisted of 4 kinds of assault: (a) assassinations (b) shooting fellahin or urban Arabs (c) ambushes of transport vehicles carrying Arabs and (d) outright terrorist assaults on densely populated Arab areas [5] Some of these practices were not new: on 20 April 1936, 2 Palestinians had been murdered while tending a banana grove, and on 20 April, pedestrians in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem were subject to attacks where guns and hand-grenades were used. In March 1937 right-wing Zionists had thrown a bomb into a coffee house frequented by Arabs in Tel Aviv. Throughout the three years of the revolt, the revisionist group mounted some 60 acts of terrorism against Palestinian targets. [6][7]

Black Sunday, 1937

In July 1937, Jabotinsky met with Robert Bitker, a military commander of the Irgun, Moshe Rosenberg and the future lead of Lehi Avraham Stern in the city of Alexandria, and at the meeting underwrote, despite his personal reservations, the proposal to have recourse to retaliatory actions in the future. Jabotinsky posed only one condition to his assent, that he not be kept informed about too many details.[8] At this stage in the revolt, the Arab uprising had degenerated into, in Colin Shindler’s words, ‘internecine Arab violence and nihilist attacks on Jews.’[8] Demand for retaliation within the Irgun heightened with the killing of rabbi Eliezer Gerstein on 3 September while he was en route to pray at the Western Wall. Again, on September 23, 1937 five Jewish agricultural labourers were killed while working the soil in Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim on the 9 November. Retaliation was swiftly enacted with the killing of 13 Arabs.[7][9]From 29 October to 11 November, 21 attacks were made against British police and Jewish colonists, 5 with bombs, resulting in 11 murders, many of them affecting Jews.[10]

At this point the Irgun leader David Raziel authorized a programme of active rather than passive defense, consisting of bombing Arab coffee houses, in cities such as Haifa and Rosh Pinah, and attacks around Jerusalem, and on buses travelling between the cities of Tiberias and Safed.[7], in which Black Sunday marked the turning point.[3]Jaa’cov Eliav, the Irgun’s master bomb maker, was in charge of the operations generally that led to the November 14 attack,[11]David Raziel organized the attacks in Jerusalem.

The first attack had taken place on 11 November, when the Irgun murdered 2 Arabs at a Jaffa bus deposit, and wounded a further 5.[4][2] [12] The second occurred early on the morning of 14 November.[13]Raziel had ordered multiple attacks to be undertaken almost simultaneously in order to hamper a coherent police response. At 7 am. 2 Arab pedestrians were shot on Aza Street in Rehavia, a neighbourhood in Jerusalem, by Joseph Kremin and Shlomo Trachtman. A half an hour later, another two were shot. In both cases, one of the victims survived. Some time later, Zvi Meltser armed an Irgun operative who then attacked an Arab bus, killing 3 passengers and wounding 8.[14][7] By the end of the operation, 10 Arabs had been killed and many more wounded [15] The Irgun regarded the operation as a commemorative symbol evoking the revolt of Judas Maccabeus against the Seleucids.[7]. Raziel himself said that the operation had wiped out the shame of the policy of restraint.[16]


The Irgun commemorated the incidents on 14 November as "the Day of the Breaking of the Havlagah".[4]

One practice adopted by the Irgun in particular at the time, and subsequently by the Lehi gang, according to Benny Morris, introduced an innovation to the armed conflict: for the first time, powerful bombs were planted in densely frequented Arab locations to achieve a maximum effect of indiscriminate killing. This technique formed a precedent that would be imitated eventually by the Arabs themselves in future decades.[2]

The Irgun approach soon fueled a Jewish insurgency, notable incidents peaking in the summer of 1938, such as .

  • 6 July 1938 an Irgun militant in Arab garb planted milk cans loaded with explosives in an Arab market in Haifa killing 21, and wounding 52.[2][4]
  • 25 July 1938 in the same market, operatives left an explosive-filled container marked ‘sour cucumbers’ which, on explosion, resulted in the death of 39 Arabs and the wounding of a further 46
  • 26 August 1938, explosives planted in the Jaffa market took a lethal toll of 24 Arabs and 39 wounded.[2]

The British initially took no action against the Irgun itself, but rather arrested members of Jabotinsky’s group on suspicion they were connected to the incident. Jabotinsky distanced himself from the action adopted but later spoke of it as 'a spontaneous outbreak of the outraged feelings of the nation’s soul.' [7]

The British also enlisted 19,000 Jewish policemen to assist them in countering the insurgency, and eventually organized Special Night Squads whose aim was to conduct raids on Arab areas and killings under cover of darkness. [1] The Irgun revolt effected a change in mainstream Jewish policy also. Despite official shock at these incidents, the tactic of a defensive response underwent reexamination, was found to be ineffective, with the result that the Haganah command began to set up field companies to engage in ambushes. Orde Wingate's night squads and Yitzhak Sadeh's mobile military units (plugot ha'Sadeh), established in December of that year,[7] also exercised an influence on the creation of such clandestine forces, -Gurion in turn had one officer secretly establish pe'ulot meyudahot, or special operation squads specializing in retaliatory operations against Arab terrorists, villages and, at times, British units themselves. These units operated under Ben-Gurion's control, and lay outside the official Haganah chain of command.[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b John Newsinger, British Counterinsurgency, Springer 2016 p.6.
  2. ^ a b c d e f James Gannon, Military Occupations in the Age of Self-determination: The History Neocons Neglected, ABC-CLIO, 2008 pp.32-33.
  3. ^ a b Benjamin Pogrund, Drawing Fire: Investigating the Accusations of Apartheid in Israel, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014 p.31.
  4. ^ a b c d e Benny Morris,Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1998, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011 pp.145f.
  5. ^ Leonard Weinberg, Ami Pedahzur, Arie Perliger, Political Parties and Terrorist Groups, Routledge, 2008 pp.81-82.
  6. ^ Colin Shindler, A History of Modern Israel, Cambridge University Press 2013 p.36
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Colin Shindler, The Rise of the Israeli Right, Cambridge University Press 2015 pp.182-183
  8. ^ a b Colin Shindler,Triumph of Military Zionism:Nationalism and the Origins of the Israeli Right, I. B. Tauris 2009 pp.195-196.
  9. ^ 'Jew Killed, 2 Wounded in Jerusalem; Troops Hunt Bands Near Nablus,' Jewish Telegraphic Agency 31 October 1937.
  10. ^ Henry Laurens , " La Question de Palestine:Une mission sacrée de civilisation, " Fayard 2002 p.374,p.654 n.74
  11. ^ Bruce Hoffman, Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2015 pp.17-18.
  12. ^ Ya'aḳov Eliav, Wanted, Shengold Publishers, 1984 pp.34f.
  13. ^ Patrick Bishop,The Reckoning: Death and Intrigue in the Promised Land-A True Detective Story, HarperCollins, 2014 p.23.
  14. ^ Zev Golan,Free Jerusalem: Heroes, Heroines and Rogues who Created the State of Israel, Devora Publishing, 2003 p.122.
  15. ^ J. Bowyer Bell, Terror out of Zion, Transaction Publishers 2nsd ed 2009 p.39
  16. ^ Monty Noam Penkower, Twentieth Century Jews: Forging Identity in the Land of Promise and in the Promised Land, Academic Studies Press, p.312.
