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[[Image:NP 1999 D 20 29.jpg|thumb|Gebran Tueni]]
''' Gebran Ghassan Tueni ''' ([[arabisches language|Arabic]]: ''' جبرانتويني ''') ([[15. September]], [[1957]] – [[12. Dezember]], [[2005]]) waren a [[Lebanon|Lebanese]] Politiker und der ehemalige Herausgeber und der Verleger der Massenzirkulation [[An-Nahar]] täglichen Zeitung innen [[Beirut]], der Libanon. Tueni war ein drittes Erzeugung [[Journalist]]. An-Nahar wurde von seinem Großvater hergestellt, auch genannt Gebran Tueni, 1933. Sein Vater, [[Ghassan Tueni]], ließ die Zeitung für Dekaden laufen. Tueni hatte Grad im Journalismus, in den internationalen Relationen und im Management [[France|French]] von den Universitäten. Sein Onkel war das Anti- [[Syrien]] n [[Druze]] [[Nachrichtentechniken]], Minister [[Marwan Hamadeh]]. Tueni kam zum internationalen Vorsprung, im März 2000 als er ein schrieb [[Leitartikel]] Benennen für [http://www.meib.org/articles/0004_doc1.htm Zurücknahme der syrischen Truppen vom Libanon]. Im März 2005 organisierte er mit die [[Zeder-Revolution]] Demonstrationen, Während der Pro- libanesischen `Volkserweckung`. mit über einer Millionen Christen, Drusen und Sunniten, trug er sein berühmtes „Im Namen Gottes, Wir sind Moslems und Christen, wir versprechen, daß wir vereint bis zum Ende der Zeit, unseren Libanon verteidigen und gemeinsam regieren werden“ emotional vor. Im Mai 2005 er wurde ein Mitglied von [[Parlament vom Libanon]] für den [[orthodoxes Ostchurch|Greek orthodox]] Sitz in Beirut auf einem Anti- gewählt [[Syrien]] n Schiefer, der vorbei geführt wurde [[Saad Al-Hariri]], Sohn des ermordeten ehemaligen Premierministers [[Rafik Al-Hariri]]. Er war ein Mitglied der politischen Koalition [[Qornet Shehwan Versammlung]] vorangegangen vom katholischen Maronite Bishop Youssef Bechara, dem informierte libanesische politische Analytiker glauben, ein syrisches Intelligenzvertreter gewesen zu sein (einige erwägen die Rolle des katholischen Maronite Bishop in der Ermordung Tuenis). == sein Ermordung == Tueni war [[Assassination|assassinated]] durch a [[Autobombe]] an [[12. Dezember]] [[2005]]. Er ist Heiliges Dimitrius an den Kirchegräbern nach dem Begräbnis begraben worden, das Heiliges George an der Kirche Beirut stattfand. Ausgangsreports zeigten an, daß eine bisher unbekannte Gruppe,“ [[Strugglers für die Einheit und die Freiheit des AlVorgetäuschten]] „(wo AlVorgetäuschtes sich bezieht [[Bilad Al-Sham|ancient grösseres Syrien]]) Verantwortlichkeit behauptete. Die Aussage, die Verantwortlichkeit nimmt, war zu [[Reuters]] und eine Warnung gefaxt einschloß, daß das gleiche Schicksal andere Konkurrenten von „Arabism“ im Libanon erwartete, behauptete, daß die Ermordung gefolgt hat, mit, „herauf“ einen Traitor zu schließen und „An-nahar“ (arabisch für Tag) zu dunkle Nacht macht. Ermordung Tuenis stimmte mit der Freigabe des zweiten Zwischenberichtes a überein [[Nationen]] der Anfrage in Miteinbeziehung Syriens in der Ermordung von [[Rafik Hariri]]. In der Antwort libanesisches [[Premierminister]] [[Fouad Siniora]] verkündet, daß er [[Nationen Sicherheit Rat]] bitten würde syrische Mitschuld in den Todesfällen von Tueni und von anderen vorstehenden Anti-Syrischen Abbildungen nachzuforschen. Vor seinem Tod warb Tueni für eine internationale Prüfspitze in vor kurzem entdeckte Massengräber in Anjar nahe bei den syrischen Intelligenz-hauptsächlichHauptsitzen. In seinem letzten redaktionellen Tueni beschuldigtes Syrien der festlegen„Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit“ und getadelt ihnen für die Massengräber und andere Grausamkeiten festgelegt im Libanon während ihrer Anwesenheit. Seine Artikel und Leitartikel in An-Nahar hoben häufig das ire der Syrians an. 10 Tausenden Trauernde füllten die Straßen von Beirut für Begräbnis Tuenis an [[14. Dezember]] [[2005]]. Viele Trauernde getadeltes Syrien für seinen Tod und gesungenen Anti-Syrischen Slogans. Mitglieder des libanesischen Parlaments beobachteten auch einen Moment der Ruhe während eines speziellen parlamentarischen Lernabschnittes. Das Spiel auf Wörtern mit „An-nahar“ fortsetzend ('' das Tag''), angaben Familie Mitglieder, daß Nacht nicht auf die Zeitung fallen würde. Gibran starb im Alter von 48 Jahren und hinterläßt eine Witwe und 2 eben geborene Töchter zusammen mit 2 anderen Töchtern von einer vorhergehenden Ehe. Da Gibran Tueni`s einziger Bruder, 21-jährig bei einem Autounfall in Frankreich verstarb und er selbst keine Söhne hat, wurde auch mit seinem eigenen Tod, seine direkte Nachfahrenschaft ausgelöscht. == externes Verbindungen == {{wikiquote}} * [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2006/01/the_song_of_gib.php das Lied von Gibran: ein Tribut durch eine Nichte des späten Journalisten], [[Ya Libnan]], [[5. Januar]] [[2006]] * [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2005/12/lebanon_mourns_8.php Fotos Gibran Tuenis des Begräbnisses], [[Ya Libnan]], [[16. Dezember]] [[2005]] * [http://www.1stbusinesslebanon.com/tueni/tueni Gibran Tueni Ermordung u. Begräbnistagabbildungen] * [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4522694.stm der Libanon P.M. drängt auf UNO Untersuchung], [[BBC Nachrichten]], [[12. Dezember]] [[2005]] * [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2005/12/lebanon_loses_a.php der Libanon verliert einen Führer. Tueni getötet in einer Autobombe], [[Ya Libnan]], [[12. Dezember]] [[2005]] * [http://www.ifex.org/en/content/view/full/71097/ Presse-Freiheit Gruppen verurteilen Tueni Ermordung], [[IFEX]], [[13. Dezember]] [[2005]] * [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4527006.stm der Libanon Trauerndentlüftungsöffnung Syrien Wut], BBC Nachrichten, [[14. Dezember]] [[2005]] * [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2005/12/obituary_gibran.php Nachruf: Gibran Tueni war auf Liste Erfolg Syriens], [[Ya Libnan]], [[12. Dezember]] [[2005]] * [http://yalibnan.com/MT/cgi-bin/mt-search.cgi?search=%22gibran+tueni+editorial%22&go.x=0&go.y=0&go=go vorgewählte Leitartikel durch Gibran Tueni] * [http://www.ifex.org/en/content/view/full/72701/ Weltverbindung der Zeitungen verkündet Preis zu Ehren Gibran Tueni] - [[IFEX]] * [http://www.naharnet.com/ das libanesische Portal eingeweiht Annahar Zeitung und Gebran Tueni] * [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2006/12/connecting_the.php, das die Punkte im Libanon anschließt] [[Kategorie: 1957 births|Tueni, Gibran]] [[Kategorie: 2005 deaths|Tueni, Gibran]] [[Kategorie: Libanesisches journalists|Tueni, Gibran]] [[Kategorie: Libanesisches politicians|Tueni, Gibran]] [[Kategorie: Ermordetes journalists|Tueni, Gibran]] [[Kategorie: Ermordetes libanesisches politicians|Tueni, Gibran]] [[Kategorie: Zeitung Verleger des 21. Jahrhundert (Leute) |Tueni, Gibran]] [[ar: جبرانتويني]] [[De: Gebran Tueni]] [[Fa: جبرانتوینی]] [[Franc: Gébrane Tuéni]] [[er: ג ' בראןתוויני]] [[nl: Gebran Tueni]] [[pl: Gebran Tueni]]

'''Gebran Ghassan Tueni''' ([[Arabic language|Arabic]]: '''جبران تويني''') ([[September 15]], [[1957]] – [[December 12]], [[2005]]) was a [[Lebanon|Lebanese]] politician and the former editor and publisher of the mass circulation [[An-Nahar]] daily newspaper in [[Beirut]], Lebanon.

Tueni was a third generation [[journalist]]. An-Nahar was established by his grandfather, also named Gebran Tueni, in 1933. His father, [[Ghassan Tueni]], ran the newspaper for decades.

Tueni had degrees in journalism, international relations and management from [[France|French]] universities. His uncle was the anti-[[Syria]]n [[Druze]] [[Telecommunications]] Minister [[Marwan Hamadeh]].

Tueni came to international prominence in March 2000 when he wrote an [[editorial]] calling for the [http://www.meib.org/articles/0004_doc1.htm withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon]. In March 2005, he contributed to the [[Cedar Revolution]] demonstrations during which he gave the famous "In the name of God We, Muslims and Christians, Pledge that united we shall remain to the end of time to better defend our Lebanon" speech. In May 2005 he was elected a member of [[Parliament of Lebanon]] for the [[Eastern Orthodox Church|Greek Orthodox]] seat in Beirut on an anti-[[Syria]]n slate led by [[Saad al-Hariri]], son of assassinated former Prime Minister [[Rafik al-Hariri]]. He was a member of the political coalition [[Qornet Shehwan Gathering]] headed by Catholic Maronite bishop Youssef Bechara whom informed Lebanese political analysts believe to have been a Syrian intelligence agent.

== His assassination ==
Tueni was [[Assassination|assassinated]] by a [[car bomb]] on [[December 12]] [[2005]]. He has been buried at Saint Dimitrius church graves after the funeral that took place at Saint George church Beirut. Initial reports indicated that a hitherto unknown group, "[[Strugglers for the Unity and Freedom of al-Sham]]" (where al-Sham refers to [[Bilad al-Sham|ancient Greater Syria]]) claimed responsibility. The statement taking responsibility was faxed to [[Reuters]] and included a warning that the same fate awaited other opponents of "Arabism" in Lebanon, claiming that the assassination has succeeded in "shutting up" a traitor, and "turning An-nahar" (Arabic for Day) into Dark Night.

Tueni's assassination coincided with the release of the second progress report of a [[United Nations]] inquiry into Syria's involvement in the assassination of [[Rafik Hariri]]. In response, Lebanese [[Prime Minister]] [[Fouad Siniora]] announced that he would ask the [[United Nations Security Council]] to investigate Syrian complicity in the deaths of Tueni and other prominent anti-Syrian figures.

Before his death, Tueni was campaigning for an international probe into recently discovered mass graves in Anjar next to the main Syrian intelligence headquarters. In his last editorial Tueni accused Syria of committing "crimes against humanity" and blamed them for the mass graves and other atrocities committed in Lebanon during their presence. His articles and editorials in An-Nahar often raised the ire of the Syrians.

Tens of thousands of mourners filled the streets of Beirut for Tueni's funeral on [[14 December]] [[2005]]. Many mourners blamed Syria for his death and chanted anti-Syrian slogans. Members of the Lebanese parliament also observed a moment of silence during a special parliamentary session. Continuing the play on words with "An-nahar" (''The Day''), family members stated that night would not fall on the newspaper.

Gibran died at the age of 48 leaving a widow and 2 newly born daughters along with 2 other daughters from a previous marriage.

== External links ==

* [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2006/01/the_song_of_gib.php The Song of Gibran: a tribute by a niece of the late journalist], [[Ya Libnan]], [[5 January]] [[2006]]
* [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2005/12/lebanon_mourns_8.php Photos of Gibran Tueni's Funeral], [[Ya Libnan]], [[16 December]] [[2005]]
* [http://www.1stbusinesslebanon.com/tueni/tueni Gibran Tueni Assassination & Funeral day Pictures]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4522694.stm Lebanon PM urges UN investigation], [[BBC News]], [[12 December]] [[2005]]
* [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2005/12/lebanon_loses_a.php Lebanon loses a leader. Tueni killed in a car bomb], [[Ya Libnan]], [[12 December]] [[2005]]
* [http://www.ifex.org/en/content/view/full/71097/ Press freedom groups condemn Tueni assassination], [[IFEX]], [[13 December]] [[2005]]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4527006.stm Lebanon mourners vent Syria fury], BBC News, [[14 December]] [[2005]]
* [http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2005/12/obituary_gibran.php Obituary: Gibran Tueni was on top of Syria's hit list], [[Ya Libnan]], [[12 December]] [[2005]]
* [http://yalibnan.com/MT/cgi-bin/mt-search.cgi?search=%22gibran+tueni+editorial%22&go.x=0&go.y=0&go=go Selected editorials by Gibran Tueni]
* [http://www.ifex.org/en/content/view/full/72701/ World Association of Newspapers announces award in honour of Gibran Tueni] - [[IFEX]]
* [http://www.naharnet.com/ Lebanese Portal dedicated to Annahar newspaper and Gebran Tueni]
*[http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2006/12/connecting_the.php Connecting the dots in Lebanon]

[[Category:1957 births|Tueni, Gibran]]
[[Category:2005 deaths|Tueni, Gibran]]
[[Category:Lebanese journalists|Tueni, Gibran]]
[[Category:Lebanese politicians|Tueni, Gibran]]
[[Category:Murdered journalists|Tueni, Gibran]]
[[Category:Newspaper publishers of the 21st century (people)|Tueni, Gibran]]

[[ar:جبران تويني]]
[[de:Gebran Tueni]]
[[fa:جبران توینی]]
[[fr:Gébrane Tuéni]]
[[he:ג'בראן תוויני]]
[[nl:Gebran Tueni]]
[[pl:Gebran Tueni]]

Revision as of 16:51, 9 February 2007

File:NP 1999 D 20 29.jpg
Gebran Tueni

Gebran Ghassan Tueni (Arabic: جبران تويني) (September 15, 1957December 12, 2005) was a Lebanese politician and the former editor and publisher of the mass circulation An-Nahar daily newspaper in Beirut, Lebanon.

Tueni was a third generation journalist. An-Nahar was established by his grandfather, also named Gebran Tueni, in 1933. His father, Ghassan Tueni, ran the newspaper for decades.

Tueni had degrees in journalism, international relations and management from French universities. His uncle was the anti-Syrian Druze Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh.

Tueni came to international prominence in March 2000 when he wrote an editorial calling for the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon. In March 2005, he contributed to the Cedar Revolution demonstrations during which he gave the famous "In the name of God We, Muslims and Christians, Pledge that united we shall remain to the end of time to better defend our Lebanon" speech. In May 2005 he was elected a member of Parliament of Lebanon for the Greek Orthodox seat in Beirut on an anti-Syrian slate led by Saad al-Hariri, son of assassinated former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri. He was a member of the political coalition Qornet Shehwan Gathering headed by Catholic Maronite bishop Youssef Bechara whom informed Lebanese political analysts believe to have been a Syrian intelligence agent.

His assassination

Tueni was assassinated by a car bomb on December 12 2005. He has been buried at Saint Dimitrius church graves after the funeral that took place at Saint George church Beirut. Initial reports indicated that a hitherto unknown group, "Strugglers for the Unity and Freedom of al-Sham" (where al-Sham refers to ancient Greater Syria) claimed responsibility. The statement taking responsibility was faxed to Reuters and included a warning that the same fate awaited other opponents of "Arabism" in Lebanon, claiming that the assassination has succeeded in "shutting up" a traitor, and "turning An-nahar" (Arabic for Day) into Dark Night.

Tueni's assassination coincided with the release of the second progress report of a United Nations inquiry into Syria's involvement in the assassination of Rafik Hariri. In response, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora announced that he would ask the United Nations Security Council to investigate Syrian complicity in the deaths of Tueni and other prominent anti-Syrian figures.

Before his death, Tueni was campaigning for an international probe into recently discovered mass graves in Anjar next to the main Syrian intelligence headquarters. In his last editorial Tueni accused Syria of committing "crimes against humanity" and blamed them for the mass graves and other atrocities committed in Lebanon during their presence. His articles and editorials in An-Nahar often raised the ire of the Syrians.

Tens of thousands of mourners filled the streets of Beirut for Tueni's funeral on 14 December 2005. Many mourners blamed Syria for his death and chanted anti-Syrian slogans. Members of the Lebanese parliament also observed a moment of silence during a special parliamentary session. Continuing the play on words with "An-nahar" (The Day), family members stated that night would not fall on the newspaper.

Gibran died at the age of 48 leaving a widow and 2 newly born daughters along with 2 other daughters from a previous marriage.

External links