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Statement about the Dafa and Fa-rectification (response to Asdfg): Let me calmly step back on this one for now. You are triumphant, Tomananda!
Tomananda (talk | contribs)
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Actually, let me append one thing (you may like this part, Tomananda): '''I will not make that revert again for the rest of this month.''' There should be obvious reasons for this. One of them is to try and demonstrate in an open and dignified way that I want my edits to be in good faith, that I do not want to engage in edit wars, that I believe in the principles of wikipedia, and also that I believe that in the end this behaviour, which I now see is at least [[WP:TE]] and quite probably also [[WP:DE]], will be otherwise dealt with appropriately. It is also to demonstrate that consensus is opposed to this edit and this type of behaviour in general. That's all for now. Let me draw Armed's attention to this. As I mentioned I have quite some other things to do, so I will not check this page again until I do it all, then we will see what should be done. You win, Tomananda. --[[User:Asdfg12345|Asdfg12345]] 11:55, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Actually, let me append one thing (you may like this part, Tomananda): '''I will not make that revert again for the rest of this month.''' There should be obvious reasons for this. One of them is to try and demonstrate in an open and dignified way that I want my edits to be in good faith, that I do not want to engage in edit wars, that I believe in the principles of wikipedia, and also that I believe that in the end this behaviour, which I now see is at least [[WP:TE]] and quite probably also [[WP:DE]], will be otherwise dealt with appropriately. It is also to demonstrate that consensus is opposed to this edit and this type of behaviour in general. That's all for now. Let me draw Armed's attention to this. As I mentioned I have quite some other things to do, so I will not check this page again until I do it all, then we will see what should be done. You win, Tomananda. --[[User:Asdfg12345|Asdfg12345]] 11:55, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

== Li says the Dafa is the "Great law of the cosmos" ==

Li says the Dafa is the "Great law of the cosmos" but if I report this in Wikipedia I am "playing tricks" and Asdfg will flag that statement as "dubious"? Give me break! I am not violating any Wikipedia policies by reporting the words of your Master. If I can't report your Master's words complete with appropriate citations), then you can't either. Should I start blanking your Li quotes now? The problem is not in my editing, Asdfg, it is in your refusal to accept any honest reporting about what Li calls the teachings "at the higher levels." You acknowledge above that the Fa-rectificication does have a direct relationship to the mission of the Epoch Times. I thank you for that acknowledgment. But what you don't do is allow me to report on that (using your master's own words) or, alternatively, provide your own edits. You make excuses, saying you will get to this eventually.

Other Falun Gong practitioners made similar excuses on the Falun Gong talk page many months ago. Please understand that I have great sympathy for you. The Master has created quite a predicatment by having you believe certain things, but then demanding that you not talk about those things with "ordinary people." By my way of thinking, that makes you brainwashed...or at least incapabable of thinking independently about the higher teachings of Master Li. If you could think independently, I'm sure you would be able to construct a simple sentence about the Dafa judging all beings (actually that's what Li himself says) and then adding something about Fa-rectification and how it relates to the mission of the Epoch times (or for that matter your own mission as one of Li's "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples." That is what Li calls his disciples these days, isn't it? Or do you think I'm making up those words too? Or playing tricks?

Asdfg, this issue has been at the core of the editor debates since the very beginning. If you go back and check the discussion pages in March, 2006 (almost a year ago), you'll see much discussion about the need to report on all the teachings of Master Li. You'll see, for example, that it took many months of heated debate and endless reverts to get agreement on the section on homosexuality. You'll also see that it consists of a compiliation of direct quotes from Master Li, all of which are fully cited from Falun Gong's own web pages. Back then is when I first introduced some edits on Li's Fa-rectification and then, as now, it elicited a series of attacks against me and my intentions. In effect, nothing I have ever reported (I say reported instead of "written" because I always use Li's own words) has ever been accepted by the FG practitioners. At the same time, no FG practitioner has ever written (or reported) in a simple and concise way about the judgment of the Dafa and the elimination of beings who are not worthy. Again, those are Li's words, not mine. Yes, it's true that more recently Li has changed his focus on this subject. Now, instead of talking about the elimination of degenerates during the Fa-rectification, Li tends to direct all his attention to the "evil and wicked Chinese Communist Party" and ayone who dares to resist his Fa-rectification or think badly about it.

Asdfg, many reputable cult experts in the United States consider these kinds of manipulative techniques a form of brainwashing, or "undue influence." Real psychological damage can be done to an individual when he is made to give up his ability to reason independently. And I know from direct personal experience that Li Hongzhi has damaged more than one family in the United States, leading to divorces and other kinds of break-ups, all in the name of his "Dafa."

As an editor on the Falun Gong pages, my objective is not to take a stand on the Chinese Communist Party (sorry about that!). I believe I have acted in good faith all along, exercising restraint and flexibility in the editing process, yet also suffering an enormous amount of personal attacks. I put up with the attacks against me (didn't you recently characterize me as "inarticulate" when writing about the FG?) and Samuel puts up with all the legal threats from the Falun Gong, becauase we both
recognize there is a story to be told about the Falun Gong which the Western media has yet to fullly understand or articulate. That story...let's call it "the dark side of Falun Gong"...can be told in Wikipedia simply by allowing an honest reporting of what Li teaches, plus reporting the opinions of academics and other critics of the Falun Gong. That's what I have done from the very beginning and its what I will continue to do. --[[User:Tomananda|Tomananda]] 18:32, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

Revision as of 18:32, 11 February 2007


Employing Falun Gong people?

Is there any truth in the allegations that The Epoch Times employs a disproportionate number of Falun Gong practitioners? [1] That might warrant an mention, if true...

Wall Street Journal once ran an investigation on Epoch Times's tax records, and found that XU Kangang, a FLG speaker, is the chairman of the paper's board.

Hello!? It's the "Epoch" Times, isn't it transparent from the name what it's all about? Don't people know what Falun Gong is about any more?
What should we be able to tell from the English name? It doesn't tell me anything. The Chinese title 大纪元, however, may mean something. My dictionary gives me the translation "The Great Beginning of an Era". Mlewan 08:18, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Falun Gong claims there are "epochs" of repeated universe histories, from creation to destruction. "Epoch" Times is pretty much equivalent to the Chinese title of "The Grand Epoch." It refers to Falun Gong. Most of the many Falun Gong media have names transparently linked to Falun Gong or, self-referentially, to Falun Gong media discourse.
I have also heard the explanation that the paper was begun in 2000, at the beginning of a new millenium. I am pretty sure your explanation is closer to the true inspiration of the name, however.
Dajiyuan literally means "Grand Epoch" or "Great Century". The Epoch Times was founded at the beginning of a new century and new millenia. The name takes note of that, and also suggests this is a very significant time in the world with issues such as the situation in China and Global warming as examples. The term does not refer to the teachings of Falun Gong. --Playing fair 13:33, 3 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

RE: allegations regarding Falun Gong and Epoch Times


I've been updating the languages some, which are sometimes still switched back. Korean and Ukrainian editions are in fact apparently in print. To verify the lanugages listed, go to http://english.epochtimes.com/language.html. I think it best if the article stays consistent and lists the same number of languages stated in the introduction (which should at this point be 9), until that number gets too long to be practical. (Of course, if someone thinks it's already too long of a list, let me know how long you think it should be so I won't keep updating!)

Under the "history" section, I believe that what Li Hongzhi is currently cited as saying is correct--the paper was founded by Falun Gong practitioners, with a (if not the) pricipal motive from what I can understand being to create a forum in which the concerns facing Falun Gong practitioners would be heard by the general public. I do not know how many of the involved founders had journalistic experience, although I would think that a core of them did have either journalistic or related experience, and that those who were not reporters quickly became such--thus the paper's statement that it was created by a small group of journalists in 2000 would not be innacurate either, and keep from putting off those who might think it was a "Falun Gong" paper and not related or of interest to them.

I don't think that Minghui is associated with the Epoch Times (ET) in the same way that Sound of Hope (SOH) and New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) are. I have always understood that ET, SOH, and NTDTV are all part of the Epoch news/media group, whereas Minghui (Clearwisdom) is a site specifically for Falun Gong practitioners that may be used from time to time as a news source. I have never understood it to be an actual affiliated media. This is not made clear from the current phrasing. Also, what is the last source mentioned? I don't recognize it as an affiliated Epoch group media.

Financial Section

In the new financial section, I had taken out "daily" in the sentence that describes the Epoch Times as the most widely distributed free daily newspaper. It has since been replaced. While the Chinese version is daily (at least for the regions I know about), I thought most of the other languages were weekly or bimonthly (or biweekly for a time in New York), depending on the region and country. Therefore, although I don't think the article currently states the frequency of publication, it seems confusing to say it is the most widely distributed daily newspaper, especially for readers who may have had experience with the English version as a weekly paper. So I'm wondering if there's a good way to make this clearer.

Based on looking at the layout of the Epoch Times, wouldn't any normal person realize they get at least some financing at least from ads like most papers do? This doesn't seem so mysterious and unknown to me; they aren't about to run all those ads for free, except the ones that are specifically associated with the newspaper itself or with their partner media. I'm not trying to say this necessarily accounts for all funding, but I recall ads were included in this section a while ago, and was promptly deleted.

RE: allegations regarding Falun Gong and Epoch Times

The Epoch Times from what I can tell is largely put together by Falun Gong practitioners at present, who as I understand were instrumental in its founding. However, contributions to the paper do not consist solely of practitioners' contributions, nor is it by any means intended to be that way. I don't think the large practitioner contribution is something that people who work on the paper generally deny when asked. It just isn't necessarily something that they shout to the rooftops because the paper is not intended to be judged by the spiritual inclinations of its writers; it is intended to be judged by its content. If you need my source, it is my own experience helping with the paper.

It says, "The paper rarely publishes letters and opinions that do not suit its cause, such as pro-communist and anti-Falun Gong comments, which the paper deems unnecessary. The Times argues that most, if not all government-censored Chinese news sources already contain opinions in agreement with Chinese governmental policies."
Where is the news in this paper? Why do they need to masquerade as a newspaper if their objective is to cast Falun Gong in a sympathetic light by propagandizing "the other side," whatever that is...
It says "The Epoch Times is a conservative Chinese newspaper, " It's not a newspaper and it's not conservative (conservative in what?) It's an anti-CCP pamphlet with a mix of editorialized news and shrill opinions, printed in a newspaper form factor and left out in Chinatowns everywhere for free and picked up by people for entertainment or to wrap fish.
Even if there are more articles about Falun Gong in the paper than in others, its mission is not to cast Falun Gong in a sympathetic light. If you want to see the paper's goal, go to http://english.epochtimes.com/aboutus.html.
Yeah, whatever. They didn't start out as the English version. Their reputation precedes them.
Actually, not necessarily. As a non-Chinese speaker, I am not aware of Chinese-language media unless I am told about it specifically, and I was aware of and learned about the English version before the Chinese version. I therefore was not able to judge the paper based on its Chinese-language reputation, because I did not have access to information about it except through following up on English-language Epoch Times connections.

Here are some non-profit declarations showing the money trail between Falun Gong and Epoch Times(Form 990, Page 2, Part III c):

Southern USA Falun Dafa Association. $10,350 were given to Epoch Times in 2002, $22,700 in 2003, $14,750 in 2004: http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2002/760/692/2002-760692185-1-9.pdf http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2004/760/692/2003-760692185-1-9.pdf http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2004/760/692/2004-760692185-1-9.pdf

Falun Dafa Association of New England. $57,609 were spent on computer and print media, $97,755 in 2003, $116,823 in 2004: http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2002/043/576/2002-043576893-1-9.pdf http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2003/043/576/2003-043576893-1-Z.pdf http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2004/043/576/2004-043576893-02038ba1-9.pdf

(These are but two examples of the hundreds of FLG non-profits in US.)

Thanks for posting these.
In the first group, the second page seems to have been moved.
This first set also looks more valuable than the second for tracing a trail between Falun Gong and the Epoch Times. Falun Dafa practitioners in general do seem to produce a lot of flyers, CDs, etc. meant to inform about Falun Dafa. These include things like introductory flyers, and the "False Fire" CDs produced a few years ago to counter negative media coverage after the self-immolation incident in Tiannamen Square. I imagine the associations would also have some use for computers to help them update Falun Dafa-related websites and such. So there's no real proof in the second group that any portion of the "computer and print media" went directly or indirectly to the Epoch Times.
In the first group, would at least some of this have been given for various event advertisements? It would make sense to me that advertisements are not for free, since the Epoch Times is not owned by Falun Gong (or officially affiliated on the same level like the other Epoch media are), and the Epoch Times might be one likely place to advertise information about practice sites and workshops. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:46, 7 December 2006 (UTC).[reply]

RE: allegations regarding Falun Gong and Epoch Times

If my personal experience is any guide, The Epoch Times definitely is connected to the Falun Gong organization. I was given a copy by someone who was proselytizing for them. She was distributing the paper together with other pieces of literature promoting Falun Gong and their web site. And she told me that by reading these things I would understand better who the Falun Gong were.

Falun Gong practitioners do not normally distribute the Epoch Times with their flyers. This inaccuracy has been up as fact several times in the article, despite its subsequent removal by different parties. Also, although the Epoch Times is most definitely not meant to be a newspaper on Falun Gong and reports mostly on other topics, it does contain more articles than most other media sources to update people on the difficulties facing the practice in China today. Letting people know about this is actually more important to most practitioners than trying to convince people to start practicing, which they aren't supposed to push or force onto anyone anyway. This leads me to wonder whether "proselytize" is actually an accurate word for what they are attempting to do, although I agree that the reality of it might often seem otherwise. Regardless of any connection to Falun Gong, the greater number of Falun Gong articles may have been her actual reason for distributing it along with the flyers.
The number of people associated with Epoch Times is few compared to the total number of Falun Gong believers. Without commenting on my strong suspicion of the strong link as originally stated, it still seems quite conceivable that a few individuals with anti-CCP political agendas may take advantage of Falun Gong as a haven.--yiliu60 03:51, 13 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
My my they certainly polarized, bending and lying the truth like only give falungong side to public my comunity are been victim by they news.http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/6-5-3/41164.htmlDaimond 08:57, 15 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Have you submitted feedback regarding this article? You can do it online. The paper won't necessarily change the way they do things like this unless people insist that they need to do so.
what for it would open and indentify my place instantly and be target by they crime act, remmeber they conection each other, and i think i had enough of them and they karma fruitly result: they been kicking forever from our place and create anti falungong group in indonesia.Daimond 16:16, 1 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

With regards to the accusation of Epoch Times as the mouthpiece of Falun Gong, it seems there are already at least one or two publications out there through which Falun Gong represents itself openly. Compassion magazine is one of them. I think I remember someone mentioning another to me, although I can't remember what it was called.

The Chicago Reader recently published about the Epoch Times, and mentions some of the connections with Falun Gong. One section in particular says, "In 2000 a group of practitioners retaliated [to the persecution of Falun Gong], choosing a name evocative of the new millennium and launching the Epoch Times as a Chinese-language newspaper distributed in expatriate communities. The paper's representatives insist the Epoch Times isn't controlled by Falun Gong and doesn't speak for Falun Gong -- though contributions from individual Falun Gong practioners help keep it afloat. What's certain is that if China hadn't put its foot on Falun Gong's neck the Epoch Times wouldn't exist." The link to the article is http://www.chicagoreader.com/hottype/2005/051014_1.html.

This article essentially states that Falun Gong is not affiliated with the Epoch Times. My personal opinion is that it is -- I suspected as much the first time I ever picked it up, and it seems like way too big a coincidence that it popped up in New York at about the same time as Falun Gong demonstrations and literature handouts; the party line of the two is identical; distribution techniques are very similar; and an inordinate amount of space is devoted to the subject. I believe the argument that Falun Gong already has official organs, so why would it need the Epoch Times, to be extraordinarily weak. It has always been in any organization's interest to make people believe that it is supported by unbiased sources. In fact, nobody denies that the Epoch Times is a Chinese newspaper, but if you read the newspaper itself, the Chinese connection isn't apparent at all until you notice the strategically placed articles about China. I believe this obfuscation is probably intentional. Of course, this is all my personal opinion, which has no place in Wikipedia. But the opinion that the two are unrelated is just that, an opinion, and it has no place in Wikipedia, either. So I'm removing it from the article. --Masterofzen 21:38, 25 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


A previous version of this article stated that with regards to the Epoch Times' penchant for negative reporting on China, "It should be noted that although a concentration of these articles may be published in the Epoch Times, many of these negative reports can also be found in neutral overseas Chinese newspapers." Does anyone know if other overseas Chinese papers do carry these articles? A lot of US papers do carry some of them. Should something about this be added back in?

That depends on how you define "neutral newspaper". It is a fact that most papers in almost any language take one stance or another to some degree. In the US, for example, NY Times and LA Times are left leaning newspapers, while NY Post and Wall Street Journal are conservative. In my opinion, there are hardly any newspapers that are neutral. So to answer the question, you can find plenty of these negative-China stories in anti-PRC overseas Chinese papers, such as those Taiwan affilaited ones like the World Journal and International Daily News. However, I would hardly call these papers "neutral". Pseudotriton 06:07, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

CCP renunciations

The number of CCP renunciations reported by the Epoch Times is constantly revised on their site. This number recently broke 4 million, so it would be more current to keep this number in the article than to change it back to 3.5 million. If you want to check revisions to this number, go to their English website at http://english.epochtimes.com. It's not too hard to find their updates on this subject. Thanks.

The number of CCP renunciations reported by the Epoch Times is still going up. It is now over 4.6 million.
Their so called 'renunciations' are a joke, and should be put onto petitiononline.com. There's no confirmation of identity or membership, and even non-members, babies, dead people, and non-existant people can be signed into, and each IP can be signed more than once. They recently held an anti-China rally on October 1 in Sydney, and I saw local Australians signing, 'renouncing' their CCP membership. Since when did CCP employ foreigners as members? These 'renunciations' means nothing and are not legally recognised, unless done through the proper channels (US immigration forms I-400 & I-485, and [2].

The current article says that "no major CCP official in either the central or regional governments had ever resigned because of the 'Commentaries.'" I'm not entirely convinced that this is not at least a little misleading. There was a case this summer of two diplomats in Australia, Chen Yonglin and Hao Fengjun, who resigned within about a month of each other. I don't know what you'd count as a major officials, but the cases were widely publicized in Australia, and Chen Yonglin received some attention from the New York Times. It seems the Chinese government was (naturally) a bit worried about the publicity the defections were receiving, in any case. It seems also that they may both have been influenced by the Nine Commentaries in their renunciations. Although most reports mentioning this specific point are associated with the Epoch Times, there seem to be a few mentions elsewhere, too.

Diplomats hold little power in or outside China, and it's more likely that these two left the embassy (not resigned) for personal reasons (such as wanting to betray China because its poor) rather than the 'Nine Commentaries'. These two never quoted from 'Nine Commentaries' and are, according to themselves, free from outside influences. Since then these two has disappeared off the media, and faced wrath from the general Chinese community in Australia.

This comes from http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-7-7/30101.html, which is a statement of the Chinese defector Han Guangsheng (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_Guangsheng): "After carefully reading the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” I feel even stronger that the CCP’s rule that is forced upon the Chinese people is a tragedy for the Chinese nation. Therefore, I admire very much the courage in of former CCP diplomat in Sydney Chen Yonglin and former “6-10 Office” officer Hao Fengjun, who came out publicly to resign from the CCP and to expose its crimes. I would like to come out to support them so that they know they are not alone."

It seems in here that he claims that he and others including Chen Yonglin resigned as a result of reading the 9 Commentaries. I knew about Chen Yonglin's defection and assumed it was because of the 9 Commentaries since he gave exclusive interviews to the Epoch Times. So when I read: "Regardless, the commentaries have had no discernible effect on Chinese politics, and no CCP official in either the central or regional governments is known to have resigned on account of the "Commentaries"." I thought that that wasn't right. I would say that the 9 Commentaries has had some effect on Chinese politics since having diplomats defect and give speeches against a government must have some impact. And if Chen Yonglin resigned after reading the 9 Commentaries, that means at least 1 official resigned because of them.

What that text said was "major, influential officials inside China". FLG and Epoch Times claimed that over 10 million people resigned because of the "9 commentaries", yet only two minor embassy workers has came forward. Both Chen and Hao has now disappeared from the media, and influenced little inside China. --PatCheng 14:50, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There are a few recent articles (Oct. 27-28 2006) that have been posted on the Epoch Times Website regarding the defection of Jia Jia, Secretary General of the Science and Technology Association of Shanxi Province from the Chinese Communist Party. The articles state that it was directly related to the Nine Commentaries and articles from the Chinese version of the Epoch times. Has anyone seen any articles about this elsewhere? See below for links to three English Epoch Times articles about him:

It seems like maybe a few other places have begun to report briefly on it, but it's still not treated as a big deal by most media. There was mention of him on Channel 8 in San Diego yesterday, and I think there was supposed to be an article on him in Washington somewhere, but I'm not really sure which paper or where to look for that one.


When making reversions, please make sure you check all the reversions you make to be sure the edits you are cutting aren't actually based on anything. Among the last few reversions, there was a mention of a second recent award won by the Epoch Times in Canada during Ethnomedia Week 2005 earlier this month (September). The Epoch Times did receive recognition in this ceremony, and it is worth note regardless of Wikipedia writers' opinions of the newspaper itself. The mention of the Epoch Times itself can be found at http://www.nepmcc.ca/articles/awards03.htm (the paper's publisher was recognized), which can be reached from Ethnomedia Week website at http://www.nepmcc.ca/frnt.htm. Thanks.

I find it rather ironic that this cut was made by the editor who seems to want to cut out any seemingly negative parts of the article, and limit the views presented on this page. One of the other editors accused you of "Falun Gong vandalism" in his reversion because of this, as the significant number of Falun Gong practitioners involved in the paper was discussed above. I don't know if you're a practitioner trying to defend the paper or not, but if you really consider yourself to be one, I am rather surprised that you would go about engaging in edit wars when there is a perfectly decent discussion page on which to explain your edits, and perhaps reach some resolution might be reached. (I would appreciate your using the discussion page a little more regardless. Having the page change so often makes it more difficult for the article to stay stable, gain any reliability, and eventually be updated and improved.) I'm sorry for my impatience with this, as I realize I haven't been much of a help taking a stance in or stopping the edit wars up to now.

CCP members resigning

has caused over 5.2 million CCP members to resign. The number is somewhat disputed, as anyone regardless of Chinese citizenship or CCP membership can sign more than once.

Can sign what more than once? Or should it read "can resign more than once"? AxelBoldt 22:29, 1 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Biblical ?

The paper's Chinese editions tend to carry a large number of articles promoting traditional Chinese mythology and Biblical stories

I don't think the Chinese edition contains a significant amount of Biblical stories in any sence. Maybe Falun Gong stories is a better term.--Skyfiler 16:10, 2 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually they refered to the CCP as the anti-Christ and that the CCP will be destroyed by "God". I didn't know Falun Gong worshipped a god.--PatCheng 00:10, 9 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

maybe they were refer to Li Hongzhi, but I am not sure because they have their own definition of Christianity.--Skyfiler 01:34, 9 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Falun Gong practitioners don't worship anybody, Li Hongzhi included (or at least they're definitely not supposed to, or they're not following the teachings of Falun Gong!).
Based on what I've read and heard from practitioners' perspectives, I don't think that practitioners mean that Li Hongzhi will destroy the CCP as "God," although he certainly seems to play that role in many regards. I think in general practitioners believe that given the nature/laws of the universe, heaven, earth, today's society, etc, or however you wish to express everything that is relevant to us currently, put together with the past and present of the CCP, the CCP cannot survive and will (and is) destroying itself.

Why even give them credit by discussing all their claims like they are real? Pseudotriton 06:14, 21 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You don't have to give Falun Gong credit, you can always wait and see. But in the mean time why not get informed and judge for yourself.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by HappyInGeneral (talkcontribs) .
HappyInGeneral, most of these claims do have a taint of truth in them, but do please take them with a grain of salt. Seeing your user page, it seems that you are a practitioner of Falun Dafa. Don't be so emotional. I'm not denying the acts of torture or the organ snatching, but even the US government has said that even though the claims are true, they are overly exaggerated. Plus, the organ snatching seems to have some elements of conspiracy theories. - XX55XX 20:46, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Page is protected

I have protected the page from editing as there has been an extremely aggressive edit war with no discussion whatsoever. Please use the talk page.Blnguyen | Have your say!!! 01:19, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Are the disputed parties progressing towards resolution? I have seen no discussion at all in the past ten days. If there is no objection, I will request unprotection. Calwatch 23:32, 18 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Wouldn't it make more sense to provide one link to the main page-where users can open up foreign editions of the paper by clicking on a separate set of links-instead of having 13 individual links to foreign versions of the same paper?
There's also links that lead users to other, foreign-language, editions of the paper, IIRC. Ruthfulbarbarity 18:01, 15 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I tried adding a link to the language editions page of the English site, which lists other language editions and provides links to them. It doesn't seem to be working from the main page, despite the fact that I tried to format it just like the other web links. Does anyone know why this is? Could someone who knows how they work fix it? Thanks!

Opinion line in first paragraph removed

"Its arbitrary judgements pertaining to the Communist Party of China have often proved to be the most notorious forms of anti-China propagandas."

I'm removing this sentence. from the first paragraph. I think it should be obvious why. It is already stated that critics find the paper biased. The terms "arbitrary", "notorious", "anti-China" are clearly highly debatable and don't belong here. Perhaps it could go elsewhere with a citation?

Blatent POV pushing by an anon IP. It's gone. CovenantD 14:30, 25 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Controversial sentence describing "Dafa"

Tomananda this is a recurring theme - how Falun Dafa is to be defined. To you it is a mind control cult with political objectives, Li Hongzhi is such-and-such, etc.. To practitioners it is traditional Chinese cultivation practice. You have come up with Fa-rectification and weeding out corrupt beings this time. I would put "a form of traditional Chinese meditation practice". Well, how should we decide how Falun Gong is defined in one sentence? I think the only way to do so is to, by dialogue, discuss the reasons for each different approach until reaching a consensus about the best sentence to use. By reasoning we will be able to find which is the most appropriate. I disagree with defining it the way it is now on the page. Fa-rectification is one way of understanding it, however I would say that it is not the most immediate thing, the most obvious thing, or the most basic thing. It is actually a POV to put it that way. I will try to use an example, though this may not be a good one, I just hope it illustrates my point. When people ask, who is George W. Bush? The standard response woud be, The President of the United States. Not, the greedy capitalist who cheated his way to the top and is now waging false wars for his countrys interest... etc.etc., some other things. That's just an example, it's nothing. The point is that in normal ways of talking and understanding things, the way something is most briefly defined is through the most surface method, the most obvious thing about a subject, or the mainstream thing about the subject, or what that subject itself says. It is to try to reduce the matter of one specific opinion. Describing Dafa in that way is a matter of one specific opinion. Describing as what I said, however, is not. That is the way Falun Gong manifests - the exercises and people following moral standards - and that is the way it is understood by the majority of people who come into contact with it, and it is the way that it is generally conveyed in the public sphere - as a form of Qigong with moral princples. So I would propose using that description for those reasons. I know the reason you want to use Fa-rectification and weeding out corrupt beings. But that is actually not a reason to include it in wikipedia. The actual reason, aside from your personal mission, needs to be a bit more sound than that. So you should explain why what you are saying should take priority over the mainstream interpretation of Falun Gong, or the immediate, surface and most obvious interpretation of Falun Gong. --Asdfg12345 11:22, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Asdfg: As editors, we just need to report from our sources. In the case of the Epoch Times article, I am not proposing to report that the Falun Gong is considered a cult by some cult experts. We should, however, report what Li himself has said about the purpose of the Epoch Times and how he thinks it should be run by his practitioners. With that goal in mind, I have just expanded the edit. By relying on additional quotes from Li himself (all from the same speech in San Francisco) it becomes clear what Li considers to be important concerning "validating the Fa." You'll notice that when talking about the Epoch Times and other Falun Gong media mouthpieces, Li clearly has "Fa-rectification" and the disintergration of the CCP in mind. You should also note that when talking about the use of the Nine Commentaries as a tool for destroying the CCP, Li does not add any language about "truthfullness, benevolence and forebearance"....so your addition of that language here, which is reporting what the Master himself has recently told his disciples who work in Falun Gong media outlets, what they should do and why, does not quite fit.
Surely if the Master wanted to define the role of the Epoch Times editors in purely moral terms, he would have done so. But instead, he defined their roles in instrumental terms...that is, the Epoch Times must work to destroy (or "disintegrate" as he says in this speech) the CCP. The meaning is really unambigous. Please read the entire speech and you will see that what I have summarized here amounts to fair and correct reporting. --Tomananda 03:08, 30 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Here are some quotes to support the sentence about the Dafa:
Li states that (only he and...) the Dafa offer salvation:
Why is it that a being needs to be saved by Dafa and me personally? Or, to put it plainly, [think about] what kind of a being is worthy of salvation by the Great Law of the cosmos? For a being who is saved, could it just be about personal Consummation? So what kind of being deserves to be a Disciple of Dafa? Would you say those people who hide in their homes and "study the Fa" do? Or those who only want to gain from Dafa but don't want to give for Dafa? Furthermore, what about those who, while Dafa disciples are being persecuted, don't want to speak up for Dafa and yet still "read the book" at home and try to get things from Dafa--what kind of people are they? You be the judge.
“My Version of a ‘Stick Wake-up’” (October 11, 2004) [3]
Li states that the dregs of humanity and degenerate world will be weeded out:
Once the saved ones have attained the Fa and left, the dregs of humanity and degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out. Essentials for Further Advancement II, item 28
Even though the meaning is correct in the sentence I provided, I can offer a different version of the same sentence which only relys on direct quotes:
"The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos” which offers salvation to those beings who are worthy, while “the dregs of humanity and degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out” in a process he calls “Fa-rectification.” [4] --Tomananda 08:44, 30 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This is not a discussion for the ET page. This has proven to be very complex, requiring the participation of many editors to resolve, just as we've tried on the Falun Gong page. Tomanada, you know this, so don't try to make it seem so simple. It seems that you're trying seize an opportunity to impliment your biased definion of Falun Gong into another Wiki article. Until we can reach some sort of decision on the main page, there should not be any attempt to define Falun Dafa on this page. There is a link, that's good enough for now. Mcconn 17:56, 30 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No, a link is not good enough. We can't introduce a term like "Dafa" and not say something about it in the context of salvation, since Li himself made reference to salvation when talking about the mission of the Epoch Times. Once again you are attempting to obscure the teachings at a higher level. Li has a clear vision of what the Epoch Times needs to do in relation to his Dafa and Fa-rectification, and since he is the Master whose disciples maintain the Epoch Times, it makes no sense to ignore this important material. How can you possibily call my edits "biased" when they rely on direct quotes from Master Li? In fact, why do you think the Epoch Times has the word "epoch" in its title? Don't you think a Wikipedia article needs to report this stuff, or are you going to continue to try to suppress this material, thereby obscuring Li Hongzi's role in defining the purpose and operations of the Epoch Times. --Tomananda 18:58, 30 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This article is not neutral. Why is it that a small group of individuals can dominate this article with their bias POV when it is clear that the majority oppose the decision? I wholeheatedly agree with the comments made by Asdfg12345 and Mcconn here - clear and simple, this is not an accurate description of Falun Gong, nor have I ever read any reference of "weeding out dregs of humanity" in The Epoch Times or it's mission statement. It seems, everyone else that has tried to change this comment would agree. What is your real motivation here? To report fairly and in a neutral manner or diffuse your own opinion? Certainly not the former. --Playing fair 11:40, 3 December 2006 (UTC).[reply]

What nonsense! Some of us actually think that this article must report Li Hongzhi's statements concerning the origin and purpose of the Epoch Times. Your master has said that the Epoch Times was created by Dafa disciples for the purpose of validating the Fa. He has also said the the purpose of the Epoch Times is to save people. Those are his words, not mine. Finally, it makes no sense to introduce a term like "Dafa" in this ariticle without clarifying what it has to do with salvation. Since the purpose of the Epoch Times is to save people, don't you think a reader of this article deserves some exposition as to what it is people need to be saved from? Hence the insertion of a brief sentence to explain that. The original sentence that appeared was:
"The term Dafa refers to Li's "Great Law"[3]which offers universal salvation and is at this time weeding out corrupt beings in a process called 'Fa-rectification.'"
If you prefer that original sentence to the new one, I am ok with making a substitution. But in either case, there is no legitimate editorial justification for deleting this information all together. For you to claim that this is simply my POV is total nonsense. --Tomananda 19:51, 3 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with tomananda people like me must know what this epoch time did and for? if not it would mistaken to normal or standrat news, like me before and very confused with they articel without wikipidia information maybe i would stay confuse and darknes with they way to release the news or question they way to release news. Epoch time certainly not only have below standart journalist but not credible as news. It's look like people try minoring the fact what epoch time did?. even until now the financial resouce of epoch time are closed to public. for some certain reason they don't want other people know who finance them Daimond 15:37, 6 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Tomananda please dont assume that everyone who offers a diffent opinion practices Falun Gong. My agency works with the local office of The Epoch Times in both English and Chinese so I have seen how they work. I can say that this article, as it currently stands, does not present an accurate representation of the newspaper and its mission statement. From what I see, you and a few selected individuals continue to dominate this article with your edits while your POV is very clear and reflected in your choice of quotes and sources. I am simply trying to keep a professional playing field here. As to the financial resources of The Epoch Times not being public knowledge - that is the right of any private company. The newspaper speaks for itself, readers can make up their own minds based on the content and that is why people choose to continue to read it. --Playing fair 23:13, 12 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
don't bullshit in here, playing profesional it look like you are not one as you said. if speak that epoch time have right not to publish they source, So where the right to know for us who behind this epoch time and the conection. and i have seen they work to damage my comunity if you forget it, and the news paper are misleading ( not only below standrat journalist and many bending the fact) and doing great crime, what you do make it more worst and make people question what you motif behind, looks like the falun gong try hide and have try sperated the epoch time with falungong activity. and this other The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos” which offers universal salvation to all sentient beings, at the same time weeding out those who have become corrupt and who damage the cosmos, in a process he calls “Fa-rectification this made by falungong folower when i said vague they not understand. this word as reader looklike sood good the comestic word than other term but if you look carefully and question the word, would make you relize there are wrong in this word and these word who look like good would indicate and destroy the founder falungong its self. Its clear there some people try insist use this word would not understand with this word they indicate the founder of falun gong as liar. when people question who this all sentient being or all being in this word. did they think animal world? and where the falungong wild animal folower voluntry come out from jungle to hear the teach of you founder ? did the founder speak to bunch crazy dog, tioger, lion and shark and suddenly they understand and do meditation, etc, as you founder teach?. so congratulation to some falun gong people who insist to use this word certainly the falungong folower are speak they founder are liar maybe you founder would give you medal of honor to falungong folower who stamp and label you founder falungong as liar. What i could said they indicate they founder as liar, this word grant me right to call you founder as liar cause you said it you founder as liar.Daimond 16:18, 18 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Daimond we are talking here about EpochTimes, if you have problems with the credibility of the articles, please point those out, and perhaps offer proof about it. Making only slander only talks about the person who is doing the slander not about the thing that is slandered. --HappyInGeneral 11:02, 30 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
About Tormananda's brief explanation of Dafa. The word Dafa appears in the following context:
However as revealed by Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa), the Epoch Times "was established by Dafa disciples for validating the Fa." [5]
As you can see it's about Dafa disciples, so the explanation follows: "The term Dafa disciple refers to practitioners of Falun Dafa"
What else would you want to explain here about Dafa disciples? After all there is the link for Falun Dafa, so everything is explained there. --11:02, 30 December 2006 (UTC)


The introduction is to explain what The Epoch Times is in an objective manner, not to launch straight into criticizm - which seems to be the case right now. As was mentioned by Asdfg12345 above:

"When people ask, who is George W. Bush? The standard response woud be, The President of the United States. Not, the greedy capitalist who cheated his way to the top and is now waging false wars for his countrys interest... etc.etc., some other things. That's just an example, it's nothing. The point is that in normal ways of talking and understanding things, the way something is most briefly defined is through the most surface method, the most obvious thing about a subject, or the mainstream thing about the subject, or what that subject itself says. It is to try to reduce the matter of one specific opinion."

This is a relevant point for this part of the article too. For instance, if you check out one of the links in this article to the Wikipedia explaination of the Communist Party of China then you will note that the article does not launch straight into critisizm toward the government and any critisizm is quite lightly worded... considering. Oddly, unless I missed something while skimming through, there doesnt seem to be any mention of their atrocious human rights record (which is an undisputed fact to anyone who has been brought up outside of China) except a solitary link to the Tiananmen Massacre at the bottom of the page. This just goes to show that this is an encyclopedia - not an avenue to vent one's own interpretation of what the newspaper is and its background.

So I have incorporated some information from the ET website and am adjusting the introduction to the following:

The Epoch Times (Simplified Chinese: 大纪元; Traditional Chinese: 大紀元; Pinyin: Dàjìyuán) is a privately owned and independent, general-interest newspaper. The founding Chinese-language Epoch Times started publishing in response to the growing need for uncensored coverage of events in China. It has been in continuous publication since May 2000. Headquartered in New York, the newspaper has local bureaus and a wide network of local reporters throughout the world. Currently distributed free-of-charge in roughly 30 countries worldwide, The Epoch Times maintains editions in ten languages in print, and 17 languages on the web.
Subjects covered include international and national news, business, science and technology, arts and entertainment, life, health, sports and travel, although varying in different countries.
The newspaper claims to have a special strength in its coverage of China and human rights issues, and frequently contains articles with strongly opinionated views on the Communist Party of China (CPC), mainland Chinese society, and groups against the CPC, especially Falun Gong. While the paper claims an independent stance, it has been criticized as being biased with links to Falun Gong and having an anti-Communist stance.

I feel that these short paragraph summarize the content of the rest of the article that follows. What does everyone think? --Playing fair 15:21, 12 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I think this introduction introduces things more completely than the other one that was previously (and that is now) there. I have read the notes others have written in the article history section and the rest of this discussion, and think this introduction still contains the points I would have thought they are concerned about. (Actually, I think it takes note of all the views expressed in the other introduction period.) But evidently I am wrong about others' concerns. Those who disagree with this introduction, it might be helpful if you could explain more completely why your introduction is better instead of just changing it back again. 06:15, 13 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I don't totally disagree with your version of introduction, Why don't you introduce it here for discussion before deleting the old version? --Yueyuen 08:10, 13 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thats fine, but nothing was deleted. Check out the history, I edited the most recent version by adding content, not deleting. Then my second attempt was to make the same changes with a previous version that still had the quote in the history. Oh, I also corrected the date of the introduction of the 17th language. If there is something that I missed then why not just add in the missing info rather than enter into a revert war? --Playing fair 09:48, 13 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I found it unfair to reader for delete conection betwen falungong and epoch time certainly some people try to hide some fact about the conection( very clear). The conection are important to see the way the epoch time behave and atitude so many people would not miss interpertion they way or confuse by the action, like they way epoch time and falum gong cloberation crime do to our comunity. it would clear they position why they involved falun gong crime activity. Daimond 15:46, 18 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm sorry if I don't understand what relationship this comment has to this section. This section is to discuss two different intro's, neither of which exclude the link to Falun Gong. I think you have strong feelings about this, but personally, I also haven't seen any evidence of the collaboration in criminal activity, or that Falun Gong practitioners generally organize or commit crimes period.

The page is now unprotected again, and I haven't seen any discussion explaining why Playing Fair's is less complete, so I've changed it back. 00:31, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Quit CPC

You know, at this rate and by simple arithmetic, in about 4 years around 100,000,000 people would have quit the CPC, whose current membership is below 70 million.

I think I will contribute to the cause by asking my son and all of his Canadian friends to quit the CPC. They have been devoted members of the Communist Party of China for years, and after reading the Epoch Time's exposure of all the evil deeds, all the negative impact the CCP has left in China, they have decided it is time to renounce their membership. I will encourage them as it is obviously the right thing to do. I will also ask my mom, my aunts, my next-door neighbor to do the same. Oh, the mayor too, don't forget him! He loves Falun Gong and therefore hates the CCP. They would all love to submit one of these forms telling the Epoch Times they want to forever quit the CPC. Let's see that's... 25 or so people. Not quite enough. But I am working for the cause to rid China of all evil. So I am eternally happy.

Colipon+(T) 08:53, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If you realise the evil nature of the things the CCP is doing to innocent people then you actually should renounce it and let your son know about these things as well. You should just present him the information about what the CCP does to people and let him make up his own mind about it. It is the same with others. It is an issue of an invidual's conscience and what kind of path they want to take. Everyone needs to give their own stance on this. Don't take it so lightly. If you lose your conscience you lose everything.--Asdfg12345 02:52, 26 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Colipon's point is not to comment on the Chinese Communist Party. It is to comment on why he finds the Tuidang movement to be ridiculous and lacking in credibility. I don't think he would participate with a renunciation or otherwise regardless of what he thinks of the CPC because he does not find it an effective method of combatting the issues you are trying to raise.
I do agree that he is being disrespectful of the conscience aspect. His sarcasm actually really bothered me the first time I read his statement. But I do not think that it is because he cannot see any value in ideals or any of the CPC's faults. I think a lot of people I know would probably agree that, well, yeah, the CPC has done a lot of bad things, regardless of whether they have read the Nine Commentaries. But to speak of it in such black-and-white terms as is presented in the Nine Commentaries and by Tuidang, or as Falun Gong practitioners see them (good vs unreedeemable evil with no grey area), is linguistically speaking a bit out of the movies for a lot of people. I think for some people, this makes the Nine Commentaries less comprehenible and rather alienating.
In addition, the heavy Falun Gong participation in the Epoch Times makes it seem a bit wierd-- it's as if it's part of an effort by Falun Gong practitioners to undermine the CPC because of what the Chinese gvt is doing to them, and who knows from the outside how much of this has gone on cyclically, and to a Falun Gong outsider, it could seem very much like everyone's just angry at everyone else and pointing fingers all over the place.
Oh thank you. I must apologize if my sarcasm seemed lacking conscience, but it is all I have left after exhausting all the other options (dialogue, constructive criticism, perspective analysis, logical reasoning, spiritual examination, recounting of personal stories, etc.), frankly. I would rather not use it until I have no choice. Colipon+(T) 21:21, 28 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Anonymous person I hope you have read about the horrendous suffering that Falun Gong practitioners endure at the hands of the CCP. I hope you are clear about what is going on. In the end I do not actually understand what Colipon has against Falun Gong. Even if all the teachings were made-up, Falun Gong would still be a benign force. Besides, everyone who practices feels like their lives have been saved. I used to smoke heaps of weed, listen to drum n bass all the time, watch porn, and not really give a shit. Now I wake up early and do the exercises, I am extremely healthy, kind to everyone in my family, sleep less, do more things, and I listen to Bach and Mozart. We have benefited so much from Dafa in so many ways, and we want to tell people that. We think it is a pure and wonderful thing. We want them to stop killing and torturing practitioners in China. It is so simple. I don't know what stops some people from seeing that.--Asdfg12345 22:28, 30 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Asdfg, there is no need to tell me what I already know. That's why I was just hoping that if you or another practitioner reading this page is part of the Tuidang effort (or any other aspect of your efforts), you'd be able to use what I said to find a way to reach a wider audience and keep from alienating people. You did not seem to see what I was trying to say in Colipon's words or in mine. But then again, I think this has been an issue since the beginning, and I haven't seen that anyone has done much about it. I am just sorry that you aren't addressing the intellectual needs of all of those who still could understand and support what you are trying to address.
(More simply I hope: I think most people do see that you are trying to stop killing and torturing, and would normally love to help. But in most cases where people don't help, it seems to me it is because practitioners in general are doing it in a way they cannot relate to, in a way they do not see as effective, or in a way that alienates them. Unfortunately, this is happening rather too often, and the problem has still not been resolved.)

Colipon's equation

Asdfg, let me present this to you one more time. I am not for what the CCP are doing, my feelings are basically represented in the following equation:
Communist Party of China's persecution and whatever horrible things they may have done
does not equal
Falun Gong can paint itself with legitimacy

Or actually, even simpler,

I actually commend your efforts, asdfg. I would've stopped trying long ago. If I were you I'd stop arguing with these ignorant souls including Colipon and just go home and cultivate and listen to my classical music. They're never going believe me anyway.

Colipon+(T) 04:09, 31 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I still do not really understand Colipon or his attitude, but can you please explain your remarks further, anonymous person? I understand that the purpose of tuidang is to stop the persecution. The CCP does such awful deeds, and after 5 years of writing letters, petitioning, protesting and so on, then jiuping came out to put an end to the persecution by disintegrating the party. If they stopped persecuting do you think practitioners would keep doing these things? It is just to stop the persecution that these things are being done. Not a single practitioner has raised an arm against the CCP or nor will any ever respond with violence. I won't repeat again the enourmous injustice of this whole thing. The response, tuidang and jiuping, plus all the things practitioners are doing, including the involvement of media outlets, those things seem like a pretty peaceful way to handle it. It is simply a matter of telling people about what is happening, and that is basically all practitioners have done. If people want to make a principled choice, if they can recover their conscience and stand up to these atrocities, then that is really good for them, and reading jiuping and renouncing the party is their chance. I am expressing my understanding. You are right when you say that I do not understand what you (or you and Colipon) are getting at. I am sorry. You will have to really spell it out for me.

Also, Colipon, I have not wanted to argue with you. I have tried to explain my perspective to you, and also tell you how I have benefited from Dafa, so that you hear for yourself. I do not think that you should have bad thoughts in your mind about Dafa, I mean that I do not see any reason for anyone to think bad about it. If one were to evaluate it by its function, that is if you looked at the outcome of what practicing Falun Gong has brought people, you would see that Dafa just makes people good. Like I say, it's really simple.--Asdfg12345 21:31, 2 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I pretty much just called myself ignorant. Let's leave it at that. Colipon+(T) 08:48, 3 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Asdfg: Your pronouncement that "Dafa just makes people good" is circular. In effect, you are saying that the Falun Gong and Li Hongzhi can't be criticized because it "makes people good." Thus the debate is closed. We are good, so don't you dare criticize us! This is circular reasoning at its worst. What can be said about Li Honzhi is that he tells his practitioners that they are good, in fact actually morally superior to non-practitioners. He teaches that only practitioners can detect the existence of Truthfullness, Benevolence and Forebearance in the cosmos, but "ordinary people" cannot. Thus FG practitioners are given "special knowledge" by the Master which sets them apart from the rest of humanity. As a result, practitioners are capable of incredible arrogance.
In Spain, Samuel and I encountered practitioners who came up to us to preach not only how good the Dafa is, but how good they, themselves were. The leader of your group in Spain actually threatened Samuel and the organizers of the conference with jail time for supposedly violating Spain's hate speech laws. His legal argument was this: any criticism you make of the Falun Gong amounts to hate speech, because it will be used by the evil CCP to support it's persecution of us in China. What utter nonsense!
Long before Li Hongzhi had his teachings banned in China, he was encouraging his followers to harass and threaten his critics. If the Dafa really were a "good" philosophy, it would not need to be propped up by legal threats against its critics. You can't have it both ways. If practitioners were actually to live up to their own stated principles of "Truthfullness, Benevolence and Forebearance" they would not suppress the free speech of their critics in such vicious ways. Here on Wikipedia it's the same thing. Although you don't treaten lawsuits against your critics (that would get you barred from Wikipedia for sure) you constantly delete any material which you think puts the Falun Gong in a bad light. Ironcially, that includes your Master's own words. --Tomananda 20:07, 4 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Could you FLG people just let the Communist Party of China self-destruct? They face so many social, political, economic, and international challenges they're bound to collapse sooner or later anyway (go read Social issues in the People's Republic of China). Buddha Law says so too. I'd advise you to stop wasting all this energy convincing people the Communist Party is evil so it could collapse. It just makes FLG look horribly opinionated and biased to the neutral eye. Colipon+(T) 21:26, 4 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

References & justification for NPOV tag

In addition, I find the fact that almost all "references" on the page link to the Epoch Times itself to be disturbing and highly biased. I will work towards fixing this obvious shortcoming by promoting NPOV. For now the tag has been placed on the article. Please do not remove it arbitrarily without discussion first. Thank you. Colipon+(T) 04:23, 25 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Does Li Hongzhi make the Falun Gong look bad ?

The relentless blanking of material which reports what Li Hongzhi actually says to his disciples about salvation and the Fa-rectification has got to stop. Most recent case in point: an anyonymous editor has just deleted the Li Honzhi quote from this sentence:

The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos” which offers salvation to those beings who are worthy, while “the dregs of humanity and degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out” in a process he calls “Fa-rectification.”[6].

His/her justification for this deletion is that it makes the Falun Gong look bad. Since this particular quote from Li Hongzhi is relevant to the subject and well sourced, I see no justification for deleting it simply because "it makes Falun Gong look bad." Li has made many statements of this sort on the Fa-rectification and has frequently talked about "weeding out" beings in his Fa-rectification process. This material is essential for an understanding of the Falun Gong and what motivates practioners to work to destroy the CCP. Li tells his practitioners that only they can detect the moral principles of the cosmos--Truthfullness, Benevolence and Forebearance--and that if they live up to their requirements as "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples" they can look forward to salvation and becomming gods with Li's help. Li has made the concept of "Fa-rectification" the central event in his Falun Gong theology. It is the essential motivating force for practitioners and they look forward to its completion soon. Certain categories of people are being "weeded out" during this Fa-recifiction process. According to Li, this is a cosmic event which he himself initiated, the gods no longer caring about human beings because we have all become too corrupt. I have written one very short and simple sentence relying on a direct quote from Li which sums up this point. If that sentence makes Falun Gong look bad, don't blame me, blame Li Hongzhi. --Tomananda 21:23, 4 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

History, part II

See Paper denies representing Falun Gong By NAHAL TOOSI, Associated Press Writer.

"The Epoch Times began as a Web site based in an Atlanta suburb after its founders grew alarmed about what was happening to fellow Falun Gong members in China, Gregory said." (Stephen Gregory, chairman of the board for English-language editions.)

This differs from what the Wikipedia article says. BlankVerse 10:36, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Changes on 2006-02-05 explained

1. fixed typo from newpaper to newspaper

2. here:

As stated by Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa), the Epoch Times "was established by Dafa disciples for validating the Fa." [1] The term Dafa disciple refers to practitioners of Falun Gong. The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos” which offers salvation to those beings who can meet his requirements, while “the dregs of humanity and degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out” in a process he calls “Fa-rectification.”[7].
Here first you explain what the term Dafa stands for here: “The term Dafa disciple refers to practitioners of Falun Gong.”
Then you explain the term Dafa again here? “The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos”... “.
I think this is a mistake and typo slipped in, because the word Dafa would be a duplicate, however explaining the word Fa which is not in the dictionary and which you might have wanted to explain, makes sense. So in the second sentence word Dafa changed with word Fa. So I fixed this and now the sentence reads: “The term Fa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos” ... “

3. I changed

“The term Fa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos” which offers salvation to those beings who can meet his requirements, while “the dregs of humanity and degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out” in a process he calls “Fa-rectification.”[8].”
The term Fa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos”[9].
Because the term Fa here is representing “Great Law of the cosmos”, which would be somewhat literal translation, however I doubt that you can explain the “Great Law of the cosmos”, here in just a few words.

4+5. Original sentence:

“Because of this, the paper has over the years been accused by the Chinese government as well as concerned people outside of China of being a propaganda mouthpiece of Falun Gong.”
changed to
“Because of this, the paper has over the years been accused by the Chinese government as well as some people[citation needed] outside of China of being a propaganda mouthpiece of Falun Gong.”
Because the word concerned is POV, at best there where some people, also added Citation needed, because I would like to know who they are.

6. fixed typo: criticise to criticize. Also changed statement:

“It is dismissive of positive developments in mainland China such as economic growth.”
“It is critical of positive developments in mainland China such as economic growth, by presenting the human and environmental costs of this growth, and pointing out how the CPC members used a unique totalitarian and capitalist system to shift the wealth to themselves.”
because, it is not dismissive, but critical to the way the economic growth was achieved.

7. Original statement:

“At their Chinese language renunciation website [10], it was stated that "the evils of the Communist Cult will be punished by God at Judgment Day", "The CPC will be destroyed in 2005", and called on members of the CPC to burn Communist memorabilia. [11]
changed to
“At their Chinese language renunciation website [12], it was stated that "the evils of the Communist Cult will be punished by God at Judgment Day".”
Because I looked at [13] and it seems (according to my limited Chinese knowledge) that is talking about a prophecy which was made in the past and according to it the CCP rain would end at 2005. It did not declare that the CCP will end in 2005. So please leave this quote out until you find an English version of it, which is verifiable by English readers. Thank You.

PS: please comment here each point you wish to revert. Thank You.--HappyInGeneral 12:45, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I wish to revert "3" and I have done so. This is because I believe that is not an accurate description of the word "Fa" in this context, and the reference cited does not really provide that information either. There are some comments above in this section: Controversial sentence describing "Dafa", good idea to read it. I was going to copy some things out of it but it would have ended copying the whole lot. I will assume you have read it and that others who will engage in this discussion will have read it. Tomananda makes good points about the purpose of the paper and its relationship to the salvation of sentient beings. I also feel that it is relevant to include this information. That is, what Li Hongzhi has said about the role of the paper should be reported. However, it should not be reported according to what Tomananda thinks, or with his particular goals in mind. It should be reported in full and neutrally. If someone wants to get to work on that, create a little subsection with a small explanation, that is fine. It should be a quick explanation, because it would be wikinappropriate to explain the whole Fa-rectification here, then again on more pages. There should be something small with links so people can get the idea. This isn't an attempt to suppress the teachings, but to make sure they are properly presented. I can't work on this now becuase I am doing stuff on the Falun Gong overseas page. I apologise for that, but after I do the other things I have to do on wikipedia I will do this. Just a small box or section to explain that the paper was started by Dafa disciples to clarify the truth and save sentient beings, based directly on the words of Li Hongzhi, I think that would be in order. The now customary imaginative or extravagant interpretations should be avoided. --Asdfg12345 15:40, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Again referring to the section above (Controversial sentence describing "Dafa"), and that after it, the basic point I would like to reiterate is that the representation of "Dafa" proposed by Tomananda, or "Fa" as now being promoted, is not a definition we have agreed up or reached a consensus upon, and nor can it be said to be a neutral or accurate representation of those words. Just because there is a footnote to Teacher's words does not signify that the quote is a faithful summary of them, nor does it mean that the words represent a NPOV on the subject. For example, we could just as well write "Dafa refers to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which is thought of as the characteristic or spirit of the universe in the teachings of Falun Dafa.", or "Dafa refers to Falun Dafa, a traditional Chinese practice based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." And I also explained above how in general in presenting things, anything, and especially on wikipedia, the mainstream, surface, or most obvious explanation of something is given. At the most basic or surface level Falun Dafa is a set of qigong exercises and free teachings. There is much more than that, of course, but in giving the example about Bush before I said that the official definition or explanation of something is usually given, and competing definitions, or more detailed explanations are presented later. That is why I am removing that stuff. --Asdfg12345 17:40, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Asdfg, The fact that Dafa means "the great law of the cosmos" is definitional, so we agree on that. However, there is no justification for deleting what is equally important, a reference to Fa-rectification. Li has spoken clearly about the role of Dafa in judging all beings (that's a direct quote) and also in providing salvation. These concepts of salvation and judgment are not unique to Li. I am not insisting on one particular Li quote over another (there are many which would fit just as well in the disputed sentence), but rather your refusal to allow the subject itself to be referenced here. --Tomananda 18:48, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You have not addressed my concerns or problems at all. The concept of cultivation practice, for example, or the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, are equally central and important. Salvation and Fa-rectification are very important too, and I am not saying they are not. I am saying it is a POV you are pushing to define "Dafa" in that way in this context. I proposed, in another section or in a little box a short explanation of the relationship of the Epoch Times to those concepts, and i think that would be more appropriate. Giving biased definitions of these highly contested terms is not. Again, it is not that I refuse these topics be discussed or mentioned here. Not at all. But I refuse their inaccurate or biased portrayal based on your own concepts and according to your POV. I proposed several other ways "Dafa" may be characterised briefly here just to demonstrate that point a bit more, and also suggested a more neutral way to present the paper's role in the salvation of sentient beings, which I think your reference does not really seek to address. In particular, I have not seen your recent edit - but if you put that stuff about "the worthy ones are offered salvation while the rest are weeded out", which I have explained to you is a huge misrepresentation of the concepts you referring to (this discussion is on the Falun Gong/talk page) - then that would be stepping further over the line of appropriate editing behaviour. --Asdfg12345 19:06, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There is no need to define "Dafa" at all on this page. That's what the Falun Gong page is for. If people are really that curious they can click on it and go to the Falun Dafa page. It's enough to say that a "Dafa disciple" is a person who practices Falun Dafa. This article isn't about Falun Dafa, it's about the Epoch Times. Mcconn 03:19, 6 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Your argument is not convincing. Dafa can be mentioned briefly on this page just as compassion, tolerance and truthfulness are mentioned on many pages.--Pirate101 06:51, 6 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Dafa is mentioned briefly, in the sentence: "The term Dafa disciple refers to practitioners of Falun Dafa." --HappyInGeneral 13:13, 6 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Pirate101 are you able to please draw attention to some past edits of your that have added information to wikipedia? All I can see is blanking with little explanation or reverting to the kind of unsourced and one-sided stuff we get from Tomananda and Samuel. Also note that from now on I will be keeping an eye on the timing of your edits in conjuction with other relevant users, and paying closer attention to your contributions to wikipedia. I also hope you will stop restoring the contested and inaccurate material. There are many unaddressed issues above, and alternatives have been proposed. I explained all this to User:Tomananda on the Falun Gong talk page, so you probably already know.--Asdfg12345 01:45, 8 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Rolling back my own edits

I saw too late that the editor I reverted had struck through his controversial statements on the Talk:Falun Gong page. Since he has done so, my characterization of his editing status (which I have since reverted) is no longer accurate, IMO. --Fire Star 火星 17:55, 6 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Statement about the Dafa and Fa-rectification (response to Asdfg)

I have read your long post on this subject and despite all that you have said...plus all the many quotes you provide from Li...you have not suggested any language which quickly summarizes the Dafa and Fa-rectification for this section. As I've said all along, I do not object to alternative wording or the substitution of a different Li quote to replace the one I propose. Instead, my objection is that you constantly seek to remove a reference to Dafa and Fa-rectification in this article. First as to relevance: As a practitioner, you are fully aware that Li has made you responsible for working towards the elimination of the Chinese Communist government as a condition for your own salvation. Li constantly refers to the role of "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples" in his speeches to Falun Gong practitioners world wide. He has also stated that the Epoch Times was created for the purpose of validating his Fa. Given this background, it is essential to report in this article the clear connection between Li's teachings on Dafa and the Fa-rectification and what he expects of his disciples, some of whom manage the Epoch Times.

You state in your long post that "Tomananda's interpretation of Li Honghzi making things up to keep pace with the political situation in China has no relevance." No relevance? How can you possibly suggest that there is no relevance in Li's teaching about the role of his "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples" and the destruction of the CCP? Li constantly connects these two thoughts in his lectures and there are an abundance of quotes to support that. The problem, Asdfg, is that I don't believe you are willing to allow this information to be honestly reported in Wikipedia. The FG's relentless campaign against the CCP cannot be fully understood by Wikipedia readers unless they know the basic teachings on what a Fa-rectificatin Dafa disciple must do to reach salvation. Li casts the battle between his Dafa and the Chinese Communist Party as a monumental cosmic battle between good and evil. And it's the non-negotiable role of all his disciples, as well as the editors of the Epoch Times, to do everying possible to further the ultimate goal.

Let me break down the component parts of the sentence you continually delete from this article:

  • The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos”
  • which offers salvation to those beings who are worthy,
  • while “the dregs of humanity and degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out”
  • in a process he calls “Fa-rectification.”[7]

Surely you agree with the first part: that Dafa refers to Li's "Great law of the cosmos". He has said that on various occassions, and I don't think we should argue about it here. Also, you must surely agree to the action of Dafa: which is that it "offers salvation to those beings who are worthy." If you need me to provide footnotes of each of these points, I will.

It's the rest of the sentence which I think you object to. As you know, the quote about "the dregs of humanity and the degenerate world" came in an earlier quote from Li, and I think that may be what causes the problem for you. Since you and the whole army of "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples" are now dedicated to exposing the "evil and wicked CCP" as a mandatory act to achieve salvation, you no doubt may find it odd for me to use an earlier Li quote, going back to the time when he was more focused on degenerate beings in general, rather than specifically those beings who resist his Fa-recitifaction by supporting the CCP. Do you deny that there has been a change of focus in Li's statments about the target for Dafa's judgment in this regard? No matter, even if you do it is not an essential point for this article.

As you know, I had previously proposed a longer edit on this subject for the Introduction page:

Li claims to provide salvation for mankind[2] and his Dafa (great law) is judging all beings in a process called Fa-rectification.[3] In the Fa-rectification process, all beings will be judged based on their moral quality and the attitude they have towards the Fa-rectification. Li states: “Once the saved ones have attained the Fa and left, the dregs of humanity and the degenerate world that are left behind will be weeded out.” [4] In more recent speeches, Li has stressed that “the old forces are to be weeded out during Fa-rectification, the vile party (the CCP) and the evil specters will likewise be weeded out…and all who have a hand in what they do.” [5]

But certainly we can both agree that a statment of that length would be too long for the article on the Epoch Times. So once again, I invite you to offer some compromise language for the Epoch Times page. For example, how about replacing the earlier Li quote with the more recent one since it does, after all, directly effect the role of the Epoch Times as an outspoken advocate for the destruction of the CCP. So using that approach, the new sentence would read:

  • The term Dafa refers to Li’s “Great Law of the cosmos”
  • which offers salvation to those beings who are worthy,
  • while “the old forces are to be weeded out" in a proces called "Fa-rectification," along with the the vile party (the CCP) and the evil specters...who have a hand in what they do” --Tomananda 23:40, 10 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I have to say first of all that you have not introduced anything new to your argument, or addressed the issues I raised in my points above. I could very well respond with a compilation of previous responses. In the end you have only repeated the same things you have always been saying, and when you say, for example "As a practitioner, you are fully aware that Li has made you responsible for working towards the elimination of the Chinese Communist government as a condition for your own salvation." and "No relevance? How can you possibly suggest that there is no relevance in Li's teaching about the role of his "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples" and the destruction of the CCP?" nothing has changed, because wikipedia does not report original research, and your identification of Fa-rectification with the destruction of the CCP is merely that. Find a source which makes that equation. That is your own pet interpretation. I am going to simply quote Olaf's reference to the relevant policy:

Tomananda is not allowed to exploit a primary source and make his own interpretation about it: "Dafa refers to...", etc. That is a good example of original research, as defined by Wikipedia policies: "Any interpretation of primary source material requires a secondary source." [40] However, if this statement is published by a reputable secondary source, and the source comments on an alleged interrelationship between the Epoch Times and these words, anybody is entitled to report the existence of such allegations in the article and summarize or quote them directly. Of course, this doesn't mean that primary sources are altogether proscribed in Wikipedia. "Although most articles should rely predominantly on secondary sources, there are rare occasions when they may rely entirely on primary sources (for example, current events or legal cases). An article or section of an article that relies on a primary source should (1) only make descriptive claims, the accuracy of which is easily verifiable by any reasonable, educated person without specialist knowledge, and (2) make no analytic, synthetic, interpretive, explanatory, or evaluative claims. Contributors drawing on entirely primary sources should be careful to comply with both conditions." (ibid.) ---Olaf Stephanos 16:52, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

And as for the legitimacy of the interpretation itself, I will briely quote Teacher:

"It is for the purpose of saving all beings and saving the people in the world today that we help people to see the wicked CCP for what it is. Of course, no matter how the CCP tries to hide the evil face of its wicked gangster regime, once the world’s people come to know it for what it is, they will realize that it is evil, and they will not cooperate with it anymore, choosing instead to withdraw from the Party. And that is when it ceases to exist. But that is not what we are trying to do—our goal is to save sentient beings." Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago

Maybe you accidently missed that part, I am not sure. One thing I acknowledged was that there should be some explanation that the inception of the paper was for, and continues to be for the purpose of the salvation of sentient beings; find the direct words of Li Hongzhi which say that and it is fine. That should be stated, because it would obviously constitute an important piece of information from a primary source for the article. That is not in question, and it is quite separate from the current conflict.

Another aspect of this conflict is about your interpretation of Li Hongzhi's words, which is also original research, and about the way you put them in these articles. If you request I can make a post specifically in response to why it is mistaken to characterise things as you have. In the meantime, yes I do very much dispute the "those who are worthy" clause - and if you want to refer to this, from 14th of Dec, 2006:

"...BTW, Li himself has talked about a being who is worthy of salvation by the Great Law of the cosmos" so that's why I used the word "worthy" in my paraghraph. Here's the complete Li quote:"

Why is it that a being needs to be saved by Dafa and me personally? Or, to put it plainly, [think about] what kind of a being is worthy of salvation by the Great Law of the cosmos? For a being who is saved, could it just be about personal Consummation? So what kind of being deserves to be a Disciple of Dafa? Would you say those people who hide in their homes and "study the Fa" do? Or those who only want to gain from Dafa but don't want to give for Dafa? Furthermore, what about those who, while Dafa disciples are being persecuted, don't want to speak up for Dafa and yet still "read the book" at home and try to get things from Dafa--what kind of people are they? You be the judge. “My Version of a ‘Stick Wake-up’” (October 11, 2004) http://faluncanada.net/library/english/jw/jw041011_e.html

You do not have to, as I will now repeat what I said earlier:

That article is directed toward the situation of Dafa disciples and about who is worthy of being a Dafa disciple; it is referring to Consummation and salvation for Dafa disciples - not about the general situation for those who will be saved but who do not practice cultivation. The word "salvation" has been used in different senses. It muddles the issue by interposing one meaning with another. You may not have done that deliberately, and I won't accuse you of deliberately trying to muddle things up. I will just say that it is now pointed out to you.

But back to the edit in question, I think in the end there is another issue and it is a more important one to consider, and it is that any definition of "Dafa" in this context is not necessary, or relevant - at all. I object to your definition of "Dafa" on the grounds of original research, which it most certainly is, but I also object to the need for defining "Dafa" in this part anyway. That includes saying "Dafa is just gentle meditation exercises and the principles of Zhen-Shan-Ren which has benefited millions of people." I would also object to that, you know. This page needs to talk about the Epoch Times through the use of WP:reliable sources. Li Hongzhi is a primary source, so what he has said about the paper can be included. If there are comments from Li Hongzhi stating that the purpose of the paper is for the salvation of sentient beings, and that it was started for the salvation of sentient beings, that is relevant information and should be included. Giving a definition of "Dafa" - when "Falun Gong" is already quickly defined in the introduction, and when there is an article on Falun Dafa where, if we ever get around to it, these terms will be properly explained - is simply not relevant or necessary. That is above and behond the violation of original research and the strong POV you are pushing. These are quite different issues, and you are perhaps unintentionally confusing them. By the way, it really is quite a sensational edit you are pushing, and I am surprised you have taken my refutation of it so seriously. In fact, it does not matter if I do not keep removing it, because there are other editors who won't stand for it, either.

Why don't you give me a little bit of time? I have a bit of a to-do list at the moment for things I have got to do on wikipedia, so I will add this to the list, and I will put in a reasonable and responsible paragraph about the paper's role in the salvation of sentient beings, according strictly to the words of Li Hongzhi. That is what this article needs, you have well pointed it out, and for that I acknowledge and thank you.--Asdfg12345 04:59, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Asdfg: There is a clear and undeniable link between the mission of the Epoch Times, according to Li, and the mission of "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples." Li is quite clear about this and it is most definately relevant to this article. You seem to acknowledge that I am correct about that and you ask me to give you a little bit of time. But you also have gone ahead, once again, and deleted the sentence in question. This is not cooperative editing. I again ask that you come up with your own wording to complete the sentence. And by the way, you didn't even respond to my questions above. I will re-iterate: Do you or don't you agree with the first two segments of the sentence as I have presented them? --Tomananda 05:42, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
PS: I forgot to respond to your challenge of my use of the word worthy. You correctly cite the Li quote, which is:
  • "Why is it that a being needs to be saved by Dafa and me personally? Or, to put it plainly, [think about] what kind of a being is worthy of salvation by the Great Law of the cosmos?"
And yet you reject my formulation of this thought which is:
  • "The term Dafa refers to Li’s 'Great Law of the cosmos' which offers salvation to those beings who are worthy..."
What, exactly, is incorrect in my formulation? Do you disagree that according to Li "The term Dafa refers to Li's 'Great law of the cosmos'"? Or do you disagree that "the Dafa offers salvation to those beings who are worthy..."? Rather than my having to defend what seems to be a straight forward rendition of your master's teachings, why don't you explain to me exactly what is incorrect in that portion of the edit? You do agree that the Dafa offers salvation to beings, don't you? Is it just that you object to the term "worthy"? If so, why don't you suggest another formulation that preserves the basic concept, rather than to reject what amounts to an accurate indirect quote from your own master? --Tomananda 06:15, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Once again we reach this point. Let's just get the mediator to look at this one. Any response to the above comment would merely be copy-pasting my earlier posting. I'd also say it's too late for these tricks, and that you should change your tactics right now. I am talking generally. This latest edit is the last in a series of edits and behaviours that are unnacceptable according to at least the basic wikipedia policy of WP:Original Research. What I suggest is that from now on you start finding things in journals, especially peer-reviewed ones, books, newspapers etc., to advance the arguments you want to make. You have found some, to be sure, but I'd say you need to keep doing it, because there is a whole lot of content on these pages that you will have to start accounting for real soon. As for this, I have already responded. I will now leave a message on the mediators page. --Asdfg12345 10:41, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Roll back own edit, express committment to wikipedia policies and principles

Actually, let me append one thing (you may like this part, Tomananda): I will not make that revert again for the rest of this month. There should be obvious reasons for this. One of them is to try and demonstrate in an open and dignified way that I want my edits to be in good faith, that I do not want to engage in edit wars, that I believe in the principles of wikipedia, and also that I believe that in the end this behaviour, which I now see is at least WP:TE and quite probably also WP:DE, will be otherwise dealt with appropriately. It is also to demonstrate that consensus is opposed to this edit and this type of behaviour in general. That's all for now. Let me draw Armed's attention to this. As I mentioned I have quite some other things to do, so I will not check this page again until I do it all, then we will see what should be done. You win, Tomananda. --Asdfg12345 11:55, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Li says the Dafa is the "Great law of the cosmos"

Li says the Dafa is the "Great law of the cosmos" but if I report this in Wikipedia I am "playing tricks" and Asdfg will flag that statement as "dubious"? Give me break! I am not violating any Wikipedia policies by reporting the words of your Master. If I can't report your Master's words complete with appropriate citations), then you can't either. Should I start blanking your Li quotes now? The problem is not in my editing, Asdfg, it is in your refusal to accept any honest reporting about what Li calls the teachings "at the higher levels." You acknowledge above that the Fa-rectificication does have a direct relationship to the mission of the Epoch Times. I thank you for that acknowledgment. But what you don't do is allow me to report on that (using your master's own words) or, alternatively, provide your own edits. You make excuses, saying you will get to this eventually.

Other Falun Gong practitioners made similar excuses on the Falun Gong talk page many months ago. Please understand that I have great sympathy for you. The Master has created quite a predicatment by having you believe certain things, but then demanding that you not talk about those things with "ordinary people." By my way of thinking, that makes you brainwashed...or at least incapabable of thinking independently about the higher teachings of Master Li. If you could think independently, I'm sure you would be able to construct a simple sentence about the Dafa judging all beings (actually that's what Li himself says) and then adding something about Fa-rectification and how it relates to the mission of the Epoch times (or for that matter your own mission as one of Li's "Fa-rectification Dafa disciples." That is what Li calls his disciples these days, isn't it? Or do you think I'm making up those words too? Or playing tricks?

Asdfg, this issue has been at the core of the editor debates since the very beginning. If you go back and check the discussion pages in March, 2006 (almost a year ago), you'll see much discussion about the need to report on all the teachings of Master Li. You'll see, for example, that it took many months of heated debate and endless reverts to get agreement on the section on homosexuality. You'll also see that it consists of a compiliation of direct quotes from Master Li, all of which are fully cited from Falun Gong's own web pages. Back then is when I first introduced some edits on Li's Fa-rectification and then, as now, it elicited a series of attacks against me and my intentions. In effect, nothing I have ever reported (I say reported instead of "written" because I always use Li's own words) has ever been accepted by the FG practitioners. At the same time, no FG practitioner has ever written (or reported) in a simple and concise way about the judgment of the Dafa and the elimination of beings who are not worthy. Again, those are Li's words, not mine. Yes, it's true that more recently Li has changed his focus on this subject. Now, instead of talking about the elimination of degenerates during the Fa-rectification, Li tends to direct all his attention to the "evil and wicked Chinese Communist Party" and ayone who dares to resist his Fa-rectification or think badly about it.

Asdfg, many reputable cult experts in the United States consider these kinds of manipulative techniques a form of brainwashing, or "undue influence." Real psychological damage can be done to an individual when he is made to give up his ability to reason independently. And I know from direct personal experience that Li Hongzhi has damaged more than one family in the United States, leading to divorces and other kinds of break-ups, all in the name of his "Dafa."

As an editor on the Falun Gong pages, my objective is not to take a stand on the Chinese Communist Party (sorry about that!). I believe I have acted in good faith all along, exercising restraint and flexibility in the editing process, yet also suffering an enormous amount of personal attacks. I put up with the attacks against me (didn't you recently characterize me as "inarticulate" when writing about the FG?) and Samuel puts up with all the legal threats from the Falun Gong, becauase we both recognize there is a story to be told about the Falun Gong which the Western media has yet to fullly understand or articulate. That story...let's call it "the dark side of Falun Gong"...can be told in Wikipedia simply by allowing an honest reporting of what Li teaches, plus reporting the opinions of academics and other critics of the Falun Gong. That's what I have done from the very beginning and its what I will continue to do. --Tomananda 18:32, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]