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* [http://www.sega.com/gamesite/chromehounds/index.php Official Sega of America ''Chromehounds'' site]
* [http://www.sega.com/gamesite/chromehounds/index.php Official Sega of America ''Chromehounds'' site]
* [http://chromehounds.com/jp/ Official Japanese ''Chromehounds'' website (some English content) (Xbox 360)]
* [http://chromehounds.com/jp/ Official Japanese ''Chromehounds'' website (some English content) (Xbox 360)]
*[http://www.achieve360points.com/game/chromehounds/ Achievement List]

[[Category:2006 video games]]
[[Category:2006 video games]]

Revision as of 07:14, 4 March 2007

Chromehounds cover art.
Developer(s)From Software
Designer(s)From Networks
Platform(s)Xbox 360
ReleaseJapan June 29, 2006
PAL July 7 2006
North America July 11, 2006
Australia July 18, 2006
Genre(s)Mech simulator
Mode(s)Offline: 1 , Xbox Live: 1-12

Chromehounds is a video game for the Xbox 360. The game is set in an alternate universe where mechanised HOUNDs (a kind of mech) battle for control of Neroimus, a fictional region. The game features a system for personalized customization of the player's mech and an online campaign mode where players wage war in a persistent world over Xbox Live. The game is similar to the MechWarrior and Armored Core series, the latter of which was also developed by From Software.

Nations in Chromehounds

The world of Chromehounds is divided into three fictional nations that make up the Neroimus region that the game takes place in. They are as follows:

The Democratic Republic of Tarakia

Area: 68,540km2

Population: 4,520,000

Capital: Xeres

Ethnicity: Mixed

Language: English

Religion: Multi-religion/Denominational

Head of State: President (4yr term)

Gov. Type: Republic

Industries: Farming, Iron & Steel, Machinery

Currency: Tarakian Dollar

A multi-ethnic nation located in the Western region of Neroimus. Although the nation declared independence after the Eastern European War (1981-92), the connections with its Western European allies to counter the Ex-Soviet/Afghan power within Neroimus is hard to deny.

Since the War of Black Sea (1998-2000), the nation has been heavily supported by the U.S.A. which was interested in expanding into their Eurasian diplomacy. Tarakia is more modern and democratic compared to its neighbors in Neroimus, but it struggles to find a common consensus within the country.

Type of Weaponry: Tarakia has a high variety of weaponry, but the parts have middle of the line durability, weight and performance.

The Republic of Morskoj

Area: 62,380km2

Population: 3,580,000

Capital: Ostrov

Ethnicity: Native of Morskoj, and Hispanic

Language: Morskovian, Russian

Religion: Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, others

Head of State: President (4yr term)

Gov. Type: Republic

Industries: Mining, Timber, Farming, Metallurgy

Currency: Isra

The former Soviet state is located in the Eastern region of Neroimus. The people of Morskoj are now independent, but suffered many hardships as a minority when the U.S.S.R. had control. Geographically, the country is covered with rigid mountainous areas which were once rich with mining resources.

Morskoj currently faces a state of tension against the Great Soviet Socialist Republic who is scheming for a reunion. However, the nations are on much friendlier terms with the Republic of Russia who is also in opposition of the G.S.S.R.

Type of Weaponry: Morskoj supplies HOUND pilots with high performance weaponry. These weapons are very strong and have high durability, but they are quite heavy.

The Kingdom of Sal Kar

Area: 20,800km2

Population: 2,300,000

Capital: Qara

Ethnicity: People of Sal Kar and Anglo-Saxon

Language: Karic and German

Religion: Sal Kari State Religion (which is Atheism)

Head of State: Supreme Consul

Gov. Type: Limited Monarchy

Industries: Oil, Gas,

Currency: Ziyad

The extended history of the Sal Kari Dynasty is rooted to the ancestors of the great Ottoman Empire. Historically, the nation experienced a prolonged period of hardship since their kingdom's fall, but recovered greatly during the period when the Middle East was reorganized.

Despite the fact that this nation was forced to depend on imported foods and consumer goods due to the nation's size and desert land, the world quickly turned its attention to Sal Kar since their abundant underground resources were discovered.

Religiously, the nation pledges not to fight a war, but its military arrangements are aggressively updated.

Type of Weaponry: Sal Kar prefers high performance weaponry. Sal Kar weapons are lightweight and have high performance, but they have less durability.

Role types

There are six different mech classes known Role Types (RT for short) to choose from in Chromehounds. Each class of mech has seven different missions in the single-player campaign mode.

The different RTs are:

Soldiers are all-purpose combat vehicles and are the most balanced out of the six types. They are front line specialists.(Designated with the color blue in game)

Snipers specialize in taking out their opponents from afar. They are sniping specialists.(Designated with the color yellow in game)

Defenders are heavily armored and can take high amounts of damage. They are armor specialists.(Designated with the color orange in game)

Scouts are quick, light-armoured mechs that are good for capturing enemy communication towers, known in the game as COMBAS towers. They are mobility specialists.(Designated with the color green in game)

Heavy Gunners carry long-range artillery weapons and are useful in destroying enemy installations. They are artillery specialists.(Designated with the color purple in game)

Tactics Commanders lack heavy firepower and defense, but they serve to direct the battle by supplying orders to their squad and are capable of forming their own network area, which is usually referred to as NA. They are information specialists.(Designated with the color red in game)

However, these Role Types are more broad definitions instead of rigid classes. Hybrid types can be created in the Garage (i.e. Soldier Scouts, Sniper Gunners, etc.).

The Patch

In early Feb of 2007, From software released a patch for this game in an attempt to balance the power that had been obtained by the hounds mentioned in the "Hound Trends" section. As a result the afore mentioned trends are no longer as effective, and in some cases no longer viable. The rest of the game remains but is now dominated by fast moving RTs as players adjust to the changes.

The online community has, in general, reacted very badly to the patch.

Since the release of Chromehounds, online play has seen trends in the building of HOUNDs.

One such trend is the Double Cannon (DD) build. This build has immense firepower and range and is still fairly mobile. This HOUND is equipped with two double barreled Heavy Arm cannons, which are free download parts from the Xbox Live Marketplace. Many players consider this build to be 'overpowered' or 'unbalanced' because of its firepower and speed.

On the flipside, the Chicken build relies on its small, fast legs and light arms for unmatched speed, and is often equipped with short-range mortars. These serve the dual purpose of maintaining the Chicken's lightweight policy and providing decent firepower.

Another trend is the Quad-Cannon (QC) build. This is another build with heavy firepower and decent speed. This build is equipped with four cannons, usually above the cockpit. Since the cannons are of medium weight, the player can choose to either have a heavy cockpit, or install multiple plates of armor.

Cockpit armor is another trend used in Chromehounds. This is used in nearly all of the HOUND builds online. A player mounts a piece of armor in front of the cockpit to absorb damage instead of the cockpit being damaged. Cockpit armor can be installed in a variety of ways and does not weigh much. Cockpit armor is considered a must by most Chromehounds players.

Yet another trend seen in Chromehounds is the missile tower build. It consists of tracked legs and several Sal-Kar light missile launchers stacked in a column. Topped with a light cockpit and generator, this build is effective at mid-close range, unfortunately it is weak against long range tactics.

The "Post Patch" trendy build is the Shotgun Scout (Shottie). This is a fast wheeled vehicle that is loaded with shotguns, it's goal is to destroy bases as quickly as possible. Splash damage (the 'area of effect' damage from high explosive rounds, most commonly those used by artillery weapons) was reduced in the recent patch, which has weakened the Heavy Gunner role type, previously the best defence against light, fast Hounds. Entire squads of these builds now roam the battlefield trying to circumvent the opposing team attempting to avoid combat and win the match by base destruction. Various tactics are being developed to counter this, but many players feel that further changes need to be made in another patch.

Garage mode

In game screenshot of the HOUND garage

Chromehounds features a fully-functional garage mode where the player can customize HOUNDs from the ground up. While the garages in each mode are functionally identical, HOUNDS constructed in single player are limited to the parts won in single player missions.

HOUNDS are based on a modular design with several categories of parts:

  • The chassis is the base of the HOUND and provides mobility. There are many types of chassis, such as wheels, legs, quads, treads, and hovercraft. When their durability is depleted they slow to approximately half their maximum speed, but they can never be completely destroyed.
  • The cockpit is where the pilot is located. Your HOUND is only destroyed when the cockpit is destroyed. Parts which remain visible when "destroyed" such as the legs will redirect any further damage taken to the cockpit.
  • System parts fit in slots within the cockpit and modify the hounds attributes. Mobility parts increase the speed and acceleration of the HOUND. System parts increase the stability and rotation speed of the chassis. Weapon parts increase aiming stability and control how many weapons may be fired simultaneously.
  • The generator supplies power to the HOUNDS electronics. It also provides additional joints to attach parts. If destroyed in battle, movement will typically slow drastically and most support parts will cease functioning.
  • Light arms are smaller weapons which typically have a hexagonal joint structure. Notable exceptions include Tarakian and Morskovian anti-HOUND rockets, chainguns, and most shotguns.
  • Heavy arms are very large and heavy weapons which have unique joint structures. Three types currently exist: Large cannons or double cannons, Large rocket packs, and guided missiles.
  • Assist parts are an oddball category which includes parts which add extra functions to a HOUND ranging from thermal vision to missile defenses to extra armor plating.
  • NA makers function similarly to a portable COMBAS in that they allow any friendly within range to talk to teammates within the Network Area. Additionally, they display the locations of any enemy or friendly within the NA to the Commander HOUND. They typically weigh as much as heavy arms and drain a massive amount of energy. A requirement for Commander HOUNDS.
  • Spacers reposition other parts to prevent collisions and interference of movement. Can also create extra points to attach weapons

New parts for HOUNDs can be unlocked by completing single-player missions, purchased in in-game shops and some parts are available for free/pay download on Xbox Live Marketplace. Special parts can also be bid on in the Lottery. These include experimental parts developed by your own country, and captured parts won in battle. Every day at approximately 2:00 AM EST winners are chosen randomly and the bidding begins again. The selection of captured parts changes every day, and occasionally old experimental parts are moved to the normal shop and new ones are placed in the lottery to replace them. Bids are limited on a squad basis and higher ranked squads are allowed to place more bids.

Neroimus War

The Neroimus War is an online campaign mode which involves the three countries fighting for the continent of Neroimus. Players must join a squad, the equivalent of a clan or guild in other online games, to participate in the War. The map of Neroimus is divided into several areas connected by paths. Each area is divided into several maps. Players may launch a mission within any enemy area adjacent to a friendly area, or in any friendly area which is under attack. Victory yields merit points, which raise your rank, captured parts for the lottery, and capture points. When a country has gained a certain amount capture points on a map, 25,000 to 32,000 for normal battlegrounds and 50,000 for capital cities, that map is turned over to the country. An area belongs to the country which has the most capture points in its maps. When a capital city falls, all areas under that country become part of the conquering country, and players may only fight to reclaim their capital, or seek asylum in another country. The War ends when one country controls the entire map or after two months have passed. After a war ends, squads may choose to change alliance to a different country, and then the next War begins. It should be noted that all of the experimental parts have become available, now only captured parts are available.

Critical response

Early critical response to Chromehounds has been varied. Most gaming critics have complimented the game's online play functionality and customization options, but have criticized it for having a poor story, average graphics, and slow-paced gameplay. The general consensus is that it is a game that one either loves or hates. These same complaints have been shared by Chromehounds' spiritual predecessor, From Software's Armored Core series.

  • Famitsu: An average of 8.25 out of 10
  • 1UP.com rated the game 8/10 [1]
  • Eurogamer: 4 out of 10 [2]
  • Gamebrink rated the game 56/100 [3]
  • Gamepro rated the game 3.00/5.00[4]
  • Gamespot.com rated the game 7.9/10 [5]
  • Team Xbox rated the game 8.7 out of ten [6]
  • Gametrailers.com rated the game 7.4 out of ten [7]
  • IGN rated the game 6.9 out of 10 [8]
  • Official Xbox Magazine rated the game 6 out of 10 [9]
  • Xplay rated the game 3 out of 5

Known glitches


On several forums, including the official Sega forums, there have been complaints of player's Xbox 360s freezing while playing Chromehounds[10]. Despite the number of reports neither Sega, From Software, nor Microsoft have been able to reproduce the issue. Sega has officially acknowledged that there may be a problem here[11] and here[12], however it must be noted that it is most likely a problem in the first generation hardware that is being exposed by Chromehound's higher system demands. Firstly, it does not crash at a certain location, rather it can crash anywhere in the game. Secondly, newer Xbox 360s appear to have fewer crashes than older ones. Both of these may point to an issue in the first generation hardware, but this is unconfirmed. This issue can happen with other games also, likely involving overheating, though many players have had complaints of freezes without overheating and while using add-on fan units.[citation needed]

-999,999,999 credits

Players have reported that at various times while playing Chromehounds on Xbox Live, their credits dropped to -999,999,999. Sega has acknowledged this particular issue and has set up a support squad which users can join to have the problem resolved[13]. Squad leaders may request help for their squads via Sega[14].

This glitch has been fixed with the 9/5/06 Chromehounds patch. Even though the patch is fixed, the service that reimburses the glitch still remains active.

Unidentified Weapons

During the wars, Sal Kar unleashed their Unidentified Weapon, usually spotted in the South Cemo Oil fields of the Gazi area.

When squads picked that area to fight in, the objective switched to "Defeat the Unidentified Weapon." Many people believe it to be an effect of the Sal Kari's losing streak, their elected presidents, or amount of donations. Sal Kar players received a news report stating that it was a squad of mercenaries and, upon entering the mission, would win instantly as the Unidentified Weapon destroyed the enemy in one attack. Sal Kar players could only choose the battleground once. Players who defeated the Secret Weapon and those who had the Secret Weapon win the battle for them received a medal.

Recently, Morskoj unleashed its own Unidentified Weapon, in the East Salma Woods of the Xivera area. The weapon is a huge rail-train that is host to a large howitzer, as seen in the introductory cinematic. Along with its primary cannon, it also has dozens upon dozens of other howitzers, missiles/rockets and other heavy weaponry. One shot from its primary cannon will destroy a player.

Presently, Tarakia's Unidentified Weapon is still unknown. With the drop in player activity online, it is unlikely that the Tarakian Unidentified Weapon will ever be deployed.