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By controlling new Judges and Archons, these two people held a HUGE amount of control in the game, and were known to hound players who crossed them completely out of Nexus:TKOTW by constant arrests (leading to inability to progress as a game character or to be involved in many facets of the game) or deletion of Community Board posts they disagreed with, or even banishment of the character.
By controlling new Judges and Archons, these two people held a HUGE amount of control in the game, and were known to hound players who crossed them completely out of Nexus:TKOTW by constant arrests (leading to inability to progress as a game character or to be involved in many facets of the game) or deletion of Community Board posts they disagreed with, or even banishment of the character.

"Vini" also continues the charade of "oversight" on nexus by controlling the Pawn Primogen character Vini as well as the "justice archon" Neul, thereby overseeing himself and destroying any semblance of checks and balances. In this role he has summarily banned, jailed, or had deleted dozens of patron accounts and characters, with no formal hearing or course of redress for the victims of his actions. These abuses have caused massive dissatisfaction and loss of customers for NexusTK, and is predicted to lead to the eventual end of the game as a viable product


Revision as of 00:15, 20 June 2007

Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds
Developer(s)NEXON Inc.
Publisher(s)KRU Interactive
ReleaseKR 1996
NA 1998

Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds (Korean:바람의 나라), alternately known as Nexus TK or simply Nexus, is an MMORPG, currently run in the US by Kru Interactive. Nexus began as a U.S. version of the Korean game 바람의 나라 (Baramue Nara, or simply Baram) developed by NEXON Inc. of Korea, and is loosely based on Korean mythology and on a series of graphic novels by an artist named Kim Jin. Development of Baram began in Korea in 1994 and the game was released in 1996. One year later, it also entered Beta in the United States, going commercial in 1998. In 2005, the US subsidiary of NEXON changed its name to Kru Interactive and took over running Nexus, Dark Ages, and Shattered Galaxy as an independent company. Most of the employees of the subsidiary were laid off but the management remained the same as it was when the company was a subsidiary of NEXON.

A few features that distinguish Nexus from other MMORPGs are its 2D tile graphics, intense player involvement, a central storyline, and its anime-like style. The highly popular game Lineage was based on a fork of the Nexus server software; its developer, Jake Song, was one of the original developers of Baram. Nexon pioneered distributed game servers in 1999 and set a record of 12,263 simultaneous users in a single world.

The Setting

Nexus takes place in a land called the Kingdoms. The Kingdoms are then divided into three actual Kingdoms: The Empire of Buya, the Kingdom of Koguryo, and the Kingdom of Nagnang. (These kingdoms are located on the land mass that includes China, Korea, and sections of Russia.) There is also a popular fourth Kingdom, called Han, that is not yet open in the game, but to which players and the storyline often refer to for roleplay purposes. Each Kingdom has its own monarch, army, and various clans and subpaths. The Kingdoms may have feuds amongst themselves, and often have roleplay disagreements or alliances, although most of these feuds are often between the Outcasts and the Aristocrats, rather than the kingdoms.


The Empire of Buya is officially ruled by Emperor haemosu(korean:해모수). The current General of the Buya Imperial Army is General Bullmunk, though all Buyan Imperial Soldiers will forever remember General Haemosu as their commander. Buya is home to the Do, Shaman, and Muse subpaths. The cities that take place within Buya are Buya, Sanhae, Arctic Village, Tok-Do, Naju, Kimchon, and Yu Ryang. Buya is loosely based on the ancient kingdom of Buyeo In additon, Don't replace Korean history .


The Kingdom of Koguryo was officially ruled by King Yuri (after whom the years are named) until he died in Yuri 82, Fall ((June 28th, 2006)). Koguryo was actually run by his son, Prince Mhul. Because of King Yuri's death, Mhul is now King. The current General of the Koguryo Royal Army is General Hatiki. Koguryo is home to the Chongun, Spy, Merchant, Diviner, and Monk subpaths. The cities that take place within Koguryo are Kugnae, Hausson, Masan, Onyang, and Kangnung. It is loosely based on the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo.


The Kingdom of Nagnang is ruled by Prince Kija. The current General of the Legion of Nagnang is Adragonsclaw. Nagnang currently hosts no subpaths but has several clans of its own including Silla, Kurimja, Forsaken, Pegasus, and Alizarin. Nagnang is a country divided into two by separate institutions, and could therefore be thought of as having multiple regions. The cities that take place within Nagnang are Kusan, Chunchon and Kyongju.

The Wilderness

The Wilderness is a broad expanse owned by no one. It is home to a large number of creatures, locations, and natural resources. The Wilderness is home to the Barbarian, Geomancer, Druid and Ranger subpaths.


Hunting (for experience, and also money and items) can be done in a large variety of areas of various themes and moods. Very popular is the Mythic Nexus, where each of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac have a cave or dungeon, each of which is instanced three times at vast variance in difficulty. Mythic hunting is popular with players no matter what their experience, though some players above level 99 may favor the Vortex area, particularly for its lucrative items.


Leeching, i.e. the practice of raising a character's level by unconventional means, usually attractive to players because it is typically a much faster method of leveling, is a problem in Nexus. Unlike some MMORPGs, there is a relatively small experience penalty for having members of a much higher level in ones hunting group. Therefore, players can abuse this by grouping with a powerful high-level player who can kill larger monsters than fighters of the player's level. This causes great imbalance in the game, disaffecting more honest players and upsetting the balance of paths.

PK Combat

This is unregulated free-for-all PK, and can happen at any time in certain areas. Vale is a very large PK-enabled map, any person may be attacked by any other. However, due to the fact that some important locations are here, some subpaths have rules prohibiting Player killing, especially initiating PK combat, in the Vale. The Sire Pit is one of the public arena rooms in the Buya city arena. It is the most popular of the arenas due to its convenient location near East Gate and the fact that there are likely to be at least a few PK-minded players hanging around there at almost any time. There are hosted PK events known as carnages, that take place every day.


The Nexus Calendar has an 8:1 ratio with real time. Hence a game day takes up 3 hours of real time, and one year is 45 real days. Dating before transition between versions 3.0 and 4.0 is rather inexact, and often simply referred to as "before the Great Shift." Years in-game are often called "Yuris" because dates are officially noted as "Yuri XX" etc., meaning the XXth year of King Yuri's reign. For example, the Great Shift occurred in Yuri 23. Also, births, quest completions, and the like appear as "Yuri --, season" in character legends. Innkeepers refer to months as "moons" and use a 24-hour clock.

Free Trial

A free trial is offered in NexusTK which allows a player to attain level (insight) 49 before they must pay for play. At the end of ten days, the character's trial is over immediately and cannot be logged into again unless registered. An account costs US$9.95 a month for four characters. During the free trial period players are able to do many quests, join a basic path, as well as chat and interact with all other players.


There are four basic paths in Nexus. In addition to the basic four paths, Nexus TK has what is known as the subpath system. Each path has four subpaths, these subpaths bestow additional abilities and promote roleplay amongst the community. One of the subpaths is not player controlled (known commonly as NPC subpaths) and can be joined by anyone of the base path. The other three are PC subpaths: they are run entirely by the players, and are responsible for holding a huge number of events and enhancing roleplay. All players start out as a level one peasant before joining a path. A peasant can only learn one spell (a basic self-heal spell), and have limited abilities. Upon reaching level five, a Peasant must choose a path in order to advance to the sixth level.


The Warrior is the basic "tank" class. Warriors can use a wide variety of weapons, and have a wide variety of armors available. Of special note is their ability to hit enemies on all four sides, which distinguishes them from the other melee class, the rogue. They can gain numerous special abilities, treated as spells, available to boost their damage. With the advent of polearms, a still-controversial class of weapon, warriors and rogues roles in groups have been largely homogenized, with a few exceptions: Warrior vita attacks do not consume mana for their damage calculation.


Chung Ryong(korean:청룡)

The Chung Ryong path is the Warrior NPC subpath. The Chung Ryong is the Blue Dragon, the Warrior Totem. Warriors who join the Chung Ryong can obtain a weapon called a Chung Ryong Scale, and learn a spell called Rage. The Rage spell is incremental and can be re-cast every 120 seconds, stacking up to six times. Each time it is cast the warrior's attack damage is multiplied, but the armor is also lowered. When the cumulative duration finally expires, the warrior loses a percentage of hit points, how many depending on the highest level of Rage reached.


The Chongun are considered to be the warrior nobility of the Kingdoms. Founded by the female warrior Madog (who also founded the Bear Clan), the path is based on the principles that one's motherland comes before all else. Values such as courage, valor, and honor are all founding ideals set forth in the Chongun Creed, and recorded in the Kwanhonsagje (The Chongun Scroll).


The Do are monk like weapons masters who believe in the balance of life. They train others in becoming mastery of weapons, and also host the Do Masai Tournaments. The Do doesn't believe in using the Polearm, a weapon many other paths consider to be a requirement in hunts because of the immense damage it can cause with the right abilities.


The Barbarian Horde is a group of warriors who have renounced the Kingdoms and live in the Wilderness. They are not a path as much as they are a family: they are like a clan in some respects. The Barbarians can train others in Wilderness Survival, and the Guides may perform Blood Oaths.


The Rogue is the other melee class. The Rogue's specialty is dealing massive damage to a single enemy. Rogues have special abilities which make them harder to hit. Notable is their ability to ambush an enemy and appear behind it (strikes from behind do more damage). They can also become invisible, causing their next strike to do 9x the normal damage. A Rogue can also transform into certain creatures, which used to prevent enemies of that type from attacking on sight.



The Baekho is the Rogue NPC subpath; the White Tiger. Rogues who join the Baekho obtain a weapon called a Nimble Blade, and learn a spell called Cunning. Cunning is similar to the Warrior's Rage in that it is can be stacked, with the benefits increasing with each cast. Cunning will improve protection and damage with each cast, and at its highest, will provide 85% more defense and 12x the normal damage.


The Merchants are a path of traders and sellers. In addition, they police the Marketplace, removing those who attempt to scam others. As part of their path activities the Merchants go on Treasure Hunts and perform other tasks for the community. Merchant Guides can also engrave items.


The Spy path is extremely secretive, and few outside of their ranks know the extent of their influence and power. What is known is that they are buyers and sellers of information. Many are also great (if somewhat sneaky) fighters, and they will often hold tournaments for the community to compete in. They are the most corrupt of the Sub paths.


The Rangers are woodsmen: they live in the Wilderness and live in harmony with nature. They are particularly skilled with the Bow. The Rangers may train others in the arts of Foraging, Archery, Camouflage, Cartography, Security, Trapping, and Tracking. In addition, they will sometimes go on scouting expeditions with individuals or groups.


The Mage is the overall magic user. Mages have a relatively high damage output at low levels, however at higher levels in groups, their primary task is to immobilize and incapacitate enemies, which allow warriors and rogues to more effectively deal with them. When mages amass very high amounts of mana, and the 5-way inferno spell, they can once again focus on providing the group with a high damage output. Mages can also cast protective spells on their adventuring group and have a limited ability to heal others. The Mage can also transform into certain enemies, preventing those enemies from attacking on sight (though they will attack if attacked first).


Ju Jak(korean:주작)

Ju Jak is the Red Phoenix and the Mage NPC subpath. Mages who join the Ju Jak obtain a staff called the Ju Jak Staff, and learn a spell called Evocation. Evocation, when cast, will restore all of the Mage's mana (similar to Invoke), and will also heal them up to 1/3 of their maximum vita.


The Diviners are Seers and Oracles for the Kingdom. They can read karma and can tell the future in a myriad of ways. They will often hold fortune teller events, and possess the ability to purify marriages. In addition, the Diviner Guides can perform an I Ching reading that can have an unknown number of effects on absolutely anything, including items, karma, money, appearance, or even life and death.


The Shaman are those who commune with the Spirit World. They are secretive and often seen as menacing by those who do not know them. The Shaman's host a game called Grave Robbers, and hold an extemporaneous storytelling competition called Mudang Sori. Shamans have the ability to reveal Totem Spirits for people and grant several quests, including that which gives the Ceremonial Fire, Spirit Drums. All Shaman Guides and a few members also have the ability to perform marriages.


Geomancers are essentially Taoists and Feng Shui masters, mages of the earth. They seek the ultimate balance. They have the ability to perform Ba Gua readings that can reveal truths about the past, present, and future. The Geomancers also hold events where, by finding certain tokens at their House of Chi, one can win many sorts of prizes. They can teach the making of elemental orbs.


Poets have extremely powerful healing spells as well as protection spells. In addition, they have access to the most powerful curses in the game, and can at higher levels become invulnerable for a short time. They also have the ability to summon creatures which will fight any opponent their summoner attacks, or that causes damage to the summoner.


Hyun Moo(korean:현무)

The Hyun Moo is the Poet NPC subpath. Hyun Moo is the Black Turtle, the Poet Totem. Poets who join the Hyun moo obtain a staff called a Life Lance and learn a spell called Hyun Moo Revival. Revival, when cast, will restore all of the Poet's health and all but 10,000 of the player's mana. In addition, if the player is dead, the player will be brought back to life.


The Druids are Poets who seek to live in harmony with nature. They celebrate the passing of the seasons and know great amounts of Herbalism and of the Wilderness. The Druids can help one discover what element a player is aligned with.


Only the most patient and humble make it within their walls. They strive to find the truth in all things veiled by deception and illusion. A Monk believes the route to enlightenment and Nirvana lie in the Eightfold Path and meditation. Although they are peaceful, they are trained to fight and defend.


The Muses are artists and actors, and they often put on performances of all sorts in their theatre. In addition, Muses can dye people's clothing in a myriad of colors.


In addition to choice of path and subpath, players can further specialize their character with alignments. There are three alignments available: Ming-Ken (Light), Ohaeng (Balance), and Kwi-Sin (Dark). These alignments may in turn have different interpretations within a particular subpath (for example, a Dark Druid is prohibited from being 'evil', while a Dark Shaman may be).


The clan system in Nexus is a sort of guild system, except very rigidly enforced. Clans, as opposed to subpaths, operate more as a family than anything else: members are encouraged to know each other and participate in many clan activities. There are currently 16 official clans. Each official clan exists in one city, and receives a Clan Hall and a number of other special things, such as Clan Helmets, a Clan Bank, and so on.

Player Positions

Because of the unique nature of Nexus's development, players often have positions of true power within the game. Some official positions that can be held by players are Judges, Tutors, Archons, and Carnage Hosts.

National Armies

Each Monarch of the Three Kingdoms (Koguryo, Buya and Nagnang) has their own respective Armies, which provide formal protection for their respective Kingdoms. Each Army functions in a similar manner to a clan, with players having potential access up until the Rank of General (which is for most purposes the same as Clan Primogen), with The rank of Commander reserved for the Nation's respective Sovereign.

The Commander interestingly and arguably holds no power over each Army's day to day running, but may request actions via their Nation's General.

The Buyan Imperial Army is currently under the control of General Bullmunk.

The Koguryan Royalist Army is currently under the control of General NyKid.

The Nagnang Army, renamed the Legion of Nagnang in 2004, currently is under the control of General Adragonsclaw.


Carnage Hosts

There are several types of organized PK events, collectively called "Carnages", within Nexus. These are large scale battles which take place between great numbers of players. Interested players can apply to become Carnage Hosts and assist in running the Carnages. They have certain special abilities within the Carnage arenas, such as assigning players to teams, ejecting unruly players, etc. The current Head Carnage Host of NexusTK is Gnoff.

Types of Carnages


Riches, generally just called "Carnage", is the oldest of the games. It was initially run by Bringer, a Nexon character, then turned over to player management, either by known or anonymous players. Riches is a straightforward team PvP battle. The players are divided into teams and fight, the rounds are varied by the amount of teams.


Bloodlust works similarly to a Carnage of Riches except that there is no item or experience reward at the end, and is also known for its unique and interesting theme games where special rules, goals, or victory conditions are established. Until Bloodlust wins were made a requirement for Sam San status, Bloodlust existed solely for the fun of a team battle. The Bloodlust arenas are more widely varied than the Riches arenas, having such things as obstacles, walls, areas with limited access, etc. In addition to the simple team vs. team battles, Bloodlust.

Elixir War

A game similar to Capture the Flag. There are two teams, red and blue, and the object of the game is to retrieve the opponent's elixir, which is located on the opponent's home base. Each team member is automatically issued a bow and arrows that dye their team's color. If a team member hits an opponent with ones color, the player is dyed and must stand perfectly still until hit by a team mate, which restores. If the dyed player moves while dyed, the player is sent to the sidelines and remains out of the battlefield for the rest of the round. Elixir War winners have the choice of 12 dye potions or Long sheaths as an award.

Fox Hunt

A Fox Hunt is a team event wherein teams of six players, all riding horses, compete to capture the opposing team's fox, which follows that team's captain. The basic idea is to form a box around the opponent's fox or captain before the opposing team does so to the players team. Success at Fox Hunt requires a lot of strategy and cooperation.


Carnages are claimed by hosting by some hosts that run from favoritism. Whether a rule-breaking participant is banished, or if teams are unfairly balanced, or even grudges. One of the previous Carnage head, named Dethsgift, was found guilty of stealing money from the carnage department, and was replaced by Sindella. Most people of the staff disliked her and believed she wasn't ethical enough to be put in such a position, so most quit, leaving only a few hosts. She was replaced within one week by a veteran host named Worldwalker. Such actions caused much controversy in the community.

Abuse of Judge and Archon Positions

It is well-known that "Marama's" real life husband plays the character "Tip", who for many years (1999 until March, 2006) was the Head Judge, with power to review and reverse or change sentences given by other judges for law-breaking. Tip also had a huge influence in choosing new judges or dismissing "unfit" judges. This was compounded by the fact Marama's "mortal" character, Sarina, is the head of the Mage Subpath "Diviners", leading her to choose many Diviners as Archons, giving them a huge advantage in settling inter-subpath and non-subpath disputes, plus many instances of claims of favoratism in cases where Diviners were involved in "crimes" or where other characters insulted or otherwise gave offense to Diviners, facing "justice" retribution by both the Judges (led by Tip, Sarina's real life husband) or the Archons (led by Sarina's alter-character, Marama, plus many Diviners as Archons). It also led to cyclical authority loops, where Marama (Sarina) chose an Archon to supervise the Sub-Path elders, meaning Marama chose the person to oversee her Sarina/Diviner elder character, essentially supervising herself. Therefore, both Tip and Marama, real life husband and wife, had virtual control of every aspect of the game with virtually no outside supervision or possibility of being over-ruled in any of their decisions.

By controlling new Judges and Archons, these two people held a HUGE amount of control in the game, and were known to hound players who crossed them completely out of Nexus:TKOTW by constant arrests (leading to inability to progress as a game character or to be involved in many facets of the game) or deletion of Community Board posts they disagreed with, or even banishment of the character.

"Vini" also continues the charade of "oversight" on nexus by controlling the Pawn Primogen character Vini as well as the "justice archon" Neul, thereby overseeing himself and destroying any semblance of checks and balances. In this role he has summarily banned, jailed, or had deleted dozens of patron accounts and characters, with no formal hearing or course of redress for the victims of his actions. These abuses have caused massive dissatisfaction and loss of customers for NexusTK, and is predicted to lead to the eventual end of the game as a viable product


Poetry Revels

The Poetry Revels are hosted weekly by Kru and the Archons who are assisted by Poems. There is a different them each week, such as "Love," "Danger," etc. There are six placings in each competition: First Place, Second Place, and 4 Honorable Mentions.

Black Sunday

Originally, the Poetry Revels were hosted by the Muses. Each week, the poems sent in to Revels would be filtered so that the Muses would not know who they were voting for. A board in the original Subpath area (which was then switched to Poetic Justice inside the Muse Garden) would then contain the poems for the Muses to read. Each Muse would then go through every poem, then vote for honorable mentions, first and second place.

Unfortunately, some Muses found a way to corrupt the system to make profit. Poetry wins were needed for Il and Ee san (A culture mark, rather) and therefore they could charge ludicrous amounts of money to vote for their poem. If the poem won, the Muse would then be paid and the winner would walk off with a Revels mark, and generally Il/Ee san.

A ring of Muses were caught doing this at one point, and after months of investigation by the then Muse Elder Kiyone, and a group of his most trusted, they caught those who were accepting bribes and cast them out of the path, branding them. Those who they accepted bribes from were also branded.

After this, the Poetry Revels was turned back over to Nexon (who later became Kru) to prevent further tampering of the voting system.

Story Contests

Story Contests are hosted by the Clans and Subpaths. contest open every two weeks. Winners of these contests will often receive material rewards (provided by the sponsor), and the First Place winner will receive a Legend Mark. There are usually three winners for the Story Contests


Nine villages, three for each kingdom, exist containing houses which players can rent. Many floorplans and features are offered for houses. First a player chooses house based on the location, size (large, medium, or small), and external appearance of the house. Players can choose from a number of maps, depending on its size, for the interior appearance. An NPC is included with the house and manages many features.


External links

Official Sites