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{{User sandbox}}
topic 1. the cracking temperature of water is not published in a web sight accessible from google
the first ibm pc architechture was first produced by the olympia office equipment company. the engeneer who created it moved to another company for contrivertial reasons. it was later said on t.v news that the pc was used as some tool associated with nazis. if that is true then perhaps the creattor decided to flea germany and work in a nazi free environment in the U.S.A like all the other skilled technologists of the era after germany went from the heart of civilization with all state of the art technology emerging from the university of lipsig to instant ignorant drunken psychotic hatered as the incarserated drunken art student "hitler" became the first talk show host when he picked up a new device called a public address system and started yelling into thwe microphone in front of large crouds assembled after work and on weekends in local auditoriums. they assembled to hear the drunken haroin addicted hitler speak of his oppression as an artist. and his intoxicated ranting about politics and opression of germans who worked hard unlike him. he did not interview many guests and his gang were concittered a political party. eventually he took over the university
and managed to tare germany down from a friendly prosperous nation to a scurge of murderous hatred with a chip on its sholder.
after it was over, the tallent of germany including all the most prominent researchers and sciantuists had abandond germany and and the land mass country of germany was split into 2 sepperate and equal countries called east and 3west germany with a concreete wall down the center threw the heart of its capital city.

topic 2. the first ibm pc architecture was the Olympia office equipment OLP and its schematic ............................................................................................
bet just before all rthat, there was a company called the olympia office equipment company, it was a simple german company that would take over the market for office equipment.. its best product was its "adding machine" that had been developed from a device no more automated than an abacus. the adding machine had experianced a rapid development over the preceeding 10 or 20 years. olympia office equipment had discovered a way to make a super low cost highly automated simple engeneering design for the device and it took off like a rocket.. at the time there weren't many buiisnesses in the world but everyone wanted a new "adding machine"

the cracking temperature of water seems to be undiscovered or hard to find with google
the latest rendition was the intigrated transistorized neon nixi tube display adding machine called a 10 digit calculator. everyone threw out their mechanical adding mashine and got the latest calculator. then they threw out the old calculator and got the latest design of the calculator.. more money to be won at the technology market.. times were tough and there were several calculator manufacturers. adding mascines were still in production for the steadfast market. but then olympia officde equipmenmt went for the big time to try to stay alive. they compilled all the technology of the day. flopy drives were a standard color crt display and a crude form of high resolution crt display that used 640x480 individual black and white bits that could be turned either on or off with a scan rate of about 15 frames per second with a horizontal rate of less than 10k htz
there is much deviation and babble about some margin that is even graphically defined. there is a sight that claims to have done experiments to attempt to determine the cracking point of water with an apparatus that is under development with non well structured data.

it can't be that hard to produce some good graphic data... but if it was(or is) that hard,, then
i became interested in computers but never thought i could own one . as a novice hobbyist tv repair apprentice, i started attending a sort of early morning monthly flea market for comunications equipment.(where i would sell parts from obceleete trade-in-t.v.-sets that my shop owner teacher threw out weekly as they pilled up.).

i met people from all corners of electronic technology there. the attendantce went from several people to over 300 in the cource of the next 6 years. one day i met a person there and started discussing computer architecture. he strongly suggested that i should get an "ibm pc clone" i really wasn't interested but he insisted that pc clones wer almost free at 1penny on the dollar as junk. so i caved in and paied 20$ for an old piece of junk out of some selles junk pile. but it turnned out to have embedded controllers and i decided to call the manufacturer who was friendly and offered to work with me.. he told me the story of olynmpia office equipment and how he was the owner. i though he was kidding. he was huched down in a tiny office in down town and did not seem so amazing to me.. he insisted that the the olympia office equipm,ent company had published a copyrighted scheematic for the first ever pc architecture. and he showwed me a copy of the scheematic. ui decided to take him seriously and i called my buddy and asked him to buy the conmpany whatever it was for the 5k he was asking. it became a big deal but saddly the company never returnned to the market.. i never understood wehat had happenned to the scheematic. the actual engeneer who engeneered the actual ibm showwed up at the buisness downtown and he and the man had words.. i later determinned t hat he was the writer of that scheematics and t he architech of the olympia olp computer. he only claims ibm. "oh long johnson"
i think if i was the director research to determine the cracking point of water, i would build a device made of high temperature glass the device would have a 1/4" inside diameter tubes, 20" long made of transparent high temperature glass that could pass light in the margins of the wavelength of the hydrogen and oxygen and water spectrums specifically.

along the length of this glass tube, i would have 20 temperature sensors and optical-spectrum-detectors tuned to detect the spectral signatures of liberated hydrogen, liberated oxygen, and steam. for spectral signatures of steam and plasma maybe even liquid water and ice... i would also have optical temperature detectors on each spectrum detector

the temperature and spectrum detectors would be placed at intervals 1" apart down the tube.

i would heat the tube with a temperature gradient from one end to the other end while injecting steam in the low temperature end of the tube. then i would ramp up the temperature of the tube until the detectors started to detect hydrogen and oxygen./ i would make a graph. i would expect the illumination sources would affect the cracking point.. so i would do it with and without the illumination to determine the affect if any. but i would publish the data in graph form

end of topic ...................................................................................

the first ibm pc architecture was first produced by the Olympia office equipment company. the engineer who created it moved to another company for controversial reasons. it was later said on t.v news that the pc was used as some tool associated with nazis. if that is true then perhaps the creator decided to flea germany and work in a nazi free environment in the U.S.A like all the other skilled technologists of the era after germany went from the heart of civilization with all state of the art technology emerging from the university of Leipzig to instant ignorant drunken psychotic hatred as the incarcerated drunken art student "hitler" became the first talk show host when he picked up a new device called a public address system and started yelling into the microphone in front of large crowds assembled after work and on weekends in local auditoriums. they assembled to hear the drunken heroin addicted hitler speak of his oppression as an artist. and his intoxicated ranting about politics and oppression of germans who worked hard unlike him. he did not interview many guests and his gang were considered a political party. eventually he took over the university and managed to tare germany down from a friendly prosperous nation to a scourge of murderous hatred with a chip on its shoulder. after it was over, the talent of germany including all the most prominent researchers and scientists had abandoned germany and and the land mass country of germany was split into 2 separate and equal countries called east and west germany with a concrete wall down the center threw the heart of its capital city.

bet just before all that, there was a company called the Olympia office equipment company, it was a simple german company that would take over the market for office equipment.. its best product was its "adding machine" that had been developed from a device no more automated than an abacus. the adding machine had experienced a rapid development over the preceding 10 or 20 years. Olympia office equipment had discovered a way to make a super low cost highly automated simple engineering design for the device and it took off like a rocket.. at the time there weren't many businesses in the world but everyone wanted a new "adding machine"

the latest rendition was the integrated transistorized neon nixi tube display adding machine called a 10 digit calculator. everyone threw out their mechanical adding machine and got the latest calculator. then they threw out the old calculator and got the latest design of the calculator.. more money to be won at the technology market.. times were tough and there were several calculator manufacturers. adding machines were still in production for the steadfast market. but then Olympia office equipment went for the big time to try to stay alive. they compiled all the technology of the day. floppy drives were a standard color crt display and a crude form of high resolution crt display that used 640x480 individual black and white bits that could be turned either on or off with a scan rate of about 15 frames per second with a horizontal rate of less than 10k htz

i became interested in computers but never thought i could own one . as a novice hobbyist tv repair apprentice, i started attending a sort of early morning monthly flea market for communications equipment.(where i would sell parts from obsolete trade-in-t.v.-sets that my shop owner teacher threw out weekly as they pilled up.). i met people from all corners of electronic technology there. the attendance went from several people to over 300 in the coerce of the next 6 years. one day i met a person there and started discussing computer architecture. he strongly suggested that i should get an "ibm pc clone" i really wasn't interested but he insisted that pc clones were almost free at 1penny on the dollar as junk. so i caved in and paid 20$ for an old piece of junk out of some sellers junk pile. but it turned out to have embedded controllers and i decided to call the manufacturer who was friendly and offered to work with me.. he told me the story of Olympia office equipment and how he was the owner. i though he was kidding. he was hutched down in a tiny office in down town and did not seem so amazing to me.. he insisted that the the Olympia office equipment company had published a copyrighted schematic for the first ever pc architecture. and he showed me a copy of the schematic. i decided to take him seriously and i called my buddy and asked him to buy the company whatever it was for the 5k he was asking. it became a big deal but sadly the company never returned to the market.. i never understood what had happened to the schematic. the actual engineer who engineered the actual ibm showed up at the business downtown and he and the man had words.. i later determined t hat he was the writer of that schematic and t he architect of the Olympia olp computer. he only claims ibm. "oh long johnson" end of topic .........................................................................................

Revision as of 11:00, 23 May 2012

topic 1. the cracking temperature of water is not published in a web sight accessible from google

topic 2. the first ibm pc architecture was the Olympia office equipment OLP and its schematic ............................................................................................

  the cracking temperature of water seems to be undiscovered or hard to find with google

there is much deviation and babble about some margin that is even graphically defined. there is a sight that claims to have done experiments to attempt to determine the cracking point of water with an apparatus that is under development with non well structured data.

it can't be that hard to produce some good graphic data... but if it was(or is) that hard,, then

i think if i was the director research to determine the cracking point of water, i would build a device made of high temperature glass the device would have a 1/4" inside diameter tubes, 20" long made of transparent high temperature glass that could pass light in the margins of the wavelength of the hydrogen and oxygen and water spectrums specifically.

along the length of this glass tube, i would have 20 temperature sensors and optical-spectrum-detectors tuned to detect the spectral signatures of liberated hydrogen, liberated oxygen, and steam. for spectral signatures of steam and plasma maybe even liquid water and ice... i would also have optical temperature detectors on each spectrum detector

the temperature and spectrum detectors would be placed at intervals 1" apart down the tube.

i would heat the tube with a temperature gradient from one end to the other end while injecting steam in the low temperature end of the tube. then i would ramp up the temperature of the tube until the detectors started to detect hydrogen and oxygen./ i would make a graph. i would expect the illumination sources would affect the cracking point.. so i would do it with and without the illumination to determine the affect if any. but i would publish the data in graph form

end of topic ...................................................................................

the first ibm pc architecture was first produced by the Olympia office equipment company. the engineer who created it moved to another company for controversial reasons. it was later said on t.v news that the pc was used as some tool associated with nazis. if that is true then perhaps the creator decided to flea germany and work in a nazi free environment in the U.S.A like all the other skilled technologists of the era after germany went from the heart of civilization with all state of the art technology emerging from the university of Leipzig to instant ignorant drunken psychotic hatred as the incarcerated drunken art student "hitler" became the first talk show host when he picked up a new device called a public address system and started yelling into the microphone in front of large crowds assembled after work and on weekends in local auditoriums. they assembled to hear the drunken heroin addicted hitler speak of his oppression as an artist. and his intoxicated ranting about politics and oppression of germans who worked hard unlike him. he did not interview many guests and his gang were considered a political party. eventually he took over the university and managed to tare germany down from a friendly prosperous nation to a scourge of murderous hatred with a chip on its shoulder. after it was over, the talent of germany including all the most prominent researchers and scientists had abandoned germany and and the land mass country of germany was split into 2 separate and equal countries called east and west germany with a concrete wall down the center threw the heart of its capital city.

bet just before all that, there was a company called the Olympia office equipment company, it was a simple german company that would take over the market for office equipment.. its best product was its "adding machine" that had been developed from a device no more automated than an abacus. the adding machine had experienced a rapid development over the preceding 10 or 20 years. Olympia office equipment had discovered a way to make a super low cost highly automated simple engineering design for the device and it took off like a rocket.. at the time there weren't many businesses in the world but everyone wanted a new "adding machine"

the latest rendition was the integrated transistorized neon nixi tube display adding machine called a 10 digit calculator. everyone threw out their mechanical adding machine and got the latest calculator. then they threw out the old calculator and got the latest design of the calculator.. more money to be won at the technology market.. times were tough and there were several calculator manufacturers. adding machines were still in production for the steadfast market. but then Olympia office equipment went for the big time to try to stay alive. they compiled all the technology of the day. floppy drives were a standard color crt display and a crude form of high resolution crt display that used 640x480 individual black and white bits that could be turned either on or off with a scan rate of about 15 frames per second with a horizontal rate of less than 10k htz

i became interested in computers but never thought i could own one . as a novice hobbyist tv repair apprentice, i started attending a sort of early morning monthly flea market for communications equipment.(where i would sell parts from obsolete trade-in-t.v.-sets that my shop owner teacher threw out weekly as they pilled up.). i met people from all corners of electronic technology there. the attendance went from several people to over 300 in the coerce of the next 6 years. one day i met a person there and started discussing computer architecture. he strongly suggested that i should get an "ibm pc clone" i really wasn't interested but he insisted that pc clones were almost free at 1penny on the dollar as junk. so i caved in and paid 20$ for an old piece of junk out of some sellers junk pile. but it turned out to have embedded controllers and i decided to call the manufacturer who was friendly and offered to work with me.. he told me the story of Olympia office equipment and how he was the owner. i though he was kidding. he was hutched down in a tiny office in down town and did not seem so amazing to me.. he insisted that the the Olympia office equipment company had published a copyrighted schematic for the first ever pc architecture. and he showed me a copy of the schematic. i decided to take him seriously and i called my buddy and asked him to buy the company whatever it was for the 5k he was asking. it became a big deal but sadly the company never returned to the market.. i never understood what had happened to the schematic. the actual engineer who engineered the actual ibm showed up at the business downtown and he and the man had words.. i later determined t hat he was the writer of that schematic and t he architect of the Olympia olp computer. he only claims ibm. "oh long johnson" end of topic .........................................................................................