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Oxel är nära besläktad med en Korkeken.
originary NUMIDIEN i can tell about
Upptäcktes 2013 av Jesper som senare belönades med Nobelpriset i biologi.
NUMIDIA about our cooking , culture , tradition , principe , religion,politic ...
Oxeln av denna typ växer endast utan för 391 vid ABB Västerås.
first NUMIDIA is not like tunisia or moroco.Each country is unique has different storty juste like humain
1- our ethnicity , physical origine are different juste like in the USA. there are
who look spanich , french , jewish , indian , italien , grec , english , polish ,russian ,africain, even nordic , turkish arabic ...ect
People of A mix of europeen countries who believed in the christ or torah habitated in NUMIDIE ,lived together happy,get more mixed by getting families , everything was fine until the turkish arabic muslim BARBAROUSS king Soulayman or as they call him SULTAN SOULAYMAN . sultan in arabic mean king .Who invad the mediteraneen and with his commandant pasha rennamed ibrahim after the king converted him to islam after he was his slave because of the previous religion . he born christian in Parga ., Greek .The turkish had for goole delete the christianity from the world and to arabize poeple .
that s why they renamed NUMIDIE Algeria in the MARE INTERNUM OR MEDITERANNEN SEA .Algeria mean in arabic islands because for the turkish who were arabic they saw NUMIDIA having lot of islands .
As the NUMIDIEN people were chrestian or jewish they turkish used them as slaves after that next step was to oblige them to become arabic to learn arabic , change their names to arabic names and ti islamize them with strongly .
> beside this .Since unfortunately the french just left Algeria, in the 1962 (
the nightmares just began again meaning biroctatie , corruptions everywhere even in
offices , you need to know someone for to get a papper . The worse was theirs
politic law in 1962 that obliged all population the arabisation and of course
meaning too religious pressure ... meaning to oblige them to convert to
islam . they had not respect for people origins ( because we have
different origins ) their languages , religions people were scared
no one could talk or protest because they were throuwing people in
prisons who try to talk . that s why they are even trying to delete slowly
the romain and grec traces like monuments and sites , therame by building
on top of them , or building betong unfinished site houses that look
horrible arround the romain archeological sites , they used of lot
beautiful churches and cathedrals because we have many by changing them
to stupid mosques or library or somthing like that .
> ex : a so wonderful magnificient praying place such an cathedral and
then ......they get the most stupid idea is to name it mosque XXXXX for ex
. or library
> 2- The cooking
> we do have lot of differents cooking it depend of the place and the origins :
> spanish cooking exemple :
> we have omelette made from frites , onion , eggs , sometimes with parsley
in spain they call it spanish tortilla .
> we have in the ouest of Algeria an other spanish meal a verry popular dish
fast food that it s called CARANITA OR CARANTIKA made with eggs , oil ,
salt , backing powder ,milk, chickpea flour after it is cooked they sell it
in baguette .
> french cooking :
> salty like : frites , all types of sallades (veg mix + with or wituout eggs,
chiken , fish ...ect ) ,sometimes with or without mayonnaise , vinaigrette (
sallad sauce based of citron or vinegar , salt , olive oil or oil) .
> Soups , potage (veg soups , mix veg soups , cereal soups like rice , vermicelle
.... )
> mashed potatos (purée),gratin veg with or without meat it depend. hachi par
montier , cigare or as some called it Bourak ( meat rolled with sometimes chees
, black olives rolled up in thin bread and then they steak it or grill it in
oven or fry it
> the most consummed for all full year in all the country
> *La patisserie or the pastery :
> crepes , pain au chocolat , croissant,milles feuilles , petits pains matin ,
macaron , petit four ou gateaux sec , flan , creme dessert , gateau au citron ,
gateau au chocolat , la buche the new year cakes , birthdays cakes ,
madeleine or muffins , palmiers ..... ect of the lonng liste
> *la boulangerie or the bakery :
> the bred number one of the all the country is the traditionnal BAGUETTE
since then french established in Algeria . Availble in all stores .Algerians
every day they make a lonng queus in the bakeries waiting the baguette for
it comes warm out of the oven. they are verry big consummer for the fresh warm
crispy baguettes . that s why each family easly buy 5 , 10 , even 20
baguettes for onely one day or half day , and in the evenin they buy again
more . it s possible to buy a lot because it s verry cheap.1 baguette cost 8
dinar in bakery and 10 dinar in some epiceries or other stores . equivalent of
o,o1 euro .
> Italien cooking :
> Popular Algerian Fast food n*1 Pizzas in Pizzerias
> home cooking spagethie bolonaise , with sauciges or what they call merguez
, rosmarin in grills , they cook with onion , garlic , pepper , olive oil ...ect
> tomatos sauces ( sauces tomates ) for special pizza or spagethie or even for
meat and veg steaked
> kabyle population in Algeria use olive oil in every thing for beauty skin
, hair in the food even to steak it , in couscous . Couscous or Csoucssi
is berber origine ( kabyle ) . Couscous is served different options:
> 1- in mix with cooked salty veg and olive oil
> 2-or with salty cooked sauce of veg and meat
> 3-or with sugar and steamed raisin or fresh raisin
> 4- fresh datlles
> the couscous dish is served with turned milk like youghrt milk
> for the clothes i week days they dress europen clothes but in events or
fiests there are lot of differents traditionnal dresses . we have
traditionnal kayble dresses from kabyles or amazigh people origins ,
traditionnal algerois dresses from alger people , traditionnal oranaise
dresses from Oran region people , traditionnal SHRAOUI DRESSES people from
Sahara ( they have different mentality , different language , principes ...ect )
> there is chawi or chaoui traditionnal dresses from the east of the country (
they have also an other type of mentality and talk different talk then the others
regions . we say about them that they are stubborne people
> we do have traditionnal tlemcenienne dresses from people of the regions
of Tlemcen who has their famous Andalous music
> and an other population from the middle east countries that they emmigrated
got mixed who have the taste in the food and music for their origins they
like the midlle eat tv , food , music
> Unfortunatly Algeria of today is not like europeen countries meaning the
traffic humain is not controlles and identified . today if an arabic for
middle east is poor or in trouble he can just escape by moving with his familly
to Algeria and becomming Algerian.there is no visa , no residence permit . but
if it is an europeen then he need a visa . Verry sad but it is like that . No
justice with their dirty politic.
> so yes in the same country we have differents kind of origins , regions ,
> different from what they eat , the why they think , the way they dress ,
their type of music . tradition , and religion . the religion must be discret if
it s not muslim otherwise trouble . the politicians had putt hard pressure
since the french left by arabisation by obligation and islam for all ( it
was the official nightmare law )
> no democracie . no one want to be killed or insulted or sent to jail if
someone don t want to applicat
> their laws
> my parents are frech and we had a hard time with the arabic to fill the
pappers... likey ... the pappers forms they made them in arabic and french
otherwise disaster
> me i was always bad in arabic to understand it and learn it that s why in
school i was brilliant onely in europeen languages spanish , german ,french
,swedish , english but bad verry bad in arabic i even had a zero in exams
. me i am christian but i am discret and hate arabic the muslim propably
think that i am a muslim but i am not . in Boumerdes where i lived we had
neighbours too jewish but they extremly discret we just want to live
in peace without troubles . sometimes in some places beein quite save your
life and make you live in peace far from problems

Revision as of 12:58, 26 July 2013


Oxel är nära besläktad med en Korkeken. Upptäcktes 2013 av Jesper som senare belönades med Nobelpriset i biologi. Oxeln av denna typ växer endast utan för 391 vid ABB Västerås.