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Macbutch (talk | contribs)
→‎Other derived languages: updated description of OCamlDuce (said it added pattern matching to OCaml but OCaml already has this)
ToohrVyk (talk | contribs)
→‎Education: See talk page.
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*[[Wrocław University]]
*[[Wrocław University]]

OCaml is also used to teach Computer Science (mainly [[algorithms]] and [[complexity]] theories) in the French [[Classes Préparatoires]] (Preparation Courses), for students studying Computer Science (almost replacing [[Pascal programming language|Pascal]]). At the [[University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]], OCaml is often used to teach design, parsing, and interpretation of programming languages in the Department of Computer Science's CS421 ("Programming Languages and Compilers") course.
At the [[University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]], OCaml is often used to teach design, parsing, and interpretation of programming languages in the Department of Computer Science's CS421 ("Programming Languages and Compilers") course.

==Derived languages==
==Derived languages==

Revision as of 12:08, 15 October 2006

Objective Caml
Stable release
3.09.2 / April 14, 2006
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeProgramming language
LicenseQ Public License (compiler)
LGPL (library)

Objective Caml (OCaml) is the main implementation of the Caml programming language, created by Xavier Leroy, Jérôme Vouillon, Damien Doligez, Didier Rémy and others in 1996. OCaml is an open source project managed and principally maintained by INRIA.

OCaml extends the core Caml language with object-oriented constructs.

OCaml's toolset includes an interactive toplevel, a bytecode compiler, and an optimizing native code compiler. It has a large standard library that makes it useful for many of the same applications as Python or Perl, as well as robust modular and object-oriented programming constructs that make it applicable for large-scale software engineering.

OCaml is the successor to Caml Light. The acronym CAML originally stood for Categorical Abstract Machine Language, although OCaml abandons this abstract machine.


ML-derived languages are best known for their static type systems and type-inferring compilers. OCaml unifies functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming under an ML-like type system.

OCaml's static type system eliminates a large class of programmer errors that may cause problems at runtime. However, it also forces the programmer to conform to the constraints of the type system, which can require careful thought and close attention. The type-inferring compiler greatly reduces the need for manual type annotation (for example, the data type of variables and the signature of functions usually do not need to be expressly declared, as they do in Java). Nonetheless, effective use of OCaml's type system can require some sophistication on the part of the programmer.

OCaml is perhaps most distinguished from other languages with origins in academia by its emphasis on performance. Firstly, its static type system renders runtime type mismatches impossible, and thus obviates the need for runtime type and safety checks that burden the performance of dynamically typed languages, while still guaranteeing runtime safety.

Aside from type-checking overhead, functional programming languages are, in general, challenging to compile to efficient machine language code, due to issues such as the funarg problem. In addition to standard loop, register, and instruction optimizations, OCaml's optimizing compiler employs static program analysis techniques to optimize value boxing and closure allocation, helping to maximize the performance of the resulting code even if it makes extensive use of functional programming constructs.

Xavier Leroy has cautiously stated that "OCaml delivers at least 50% of the performance of a decent C compiler" [1], and benchmarks have shown that this is generally the case [2].


OCaml features: a static type system, type inference, parametric polymorphism, tail recursion, pattern matching, first class lexical closures, functors (parametric modules), exception handling, and incremental generational automatic garbage collection.

OCaml is particularly notable for extending ML-style type inference to an object system in a general purpose language. This permits structural subtyping, where object types are compatible if their method signatures are compatible, regardless of their declared inheritance; an unusual feature in statically-typed languages.

A foreign function interface for linking with C primitives is provided, including language support for efficient numerical arrays in formats compatible with both C and FORTRAN.

The OCaml distribution contains:

The native code compiler is available for many platforms, including Unix, Microsoft Windows, and Apple Mac OS X. Excellent portability is ensured through native code generation support for major architectures: IA32, AMD64, PowerPC, Sparc, IA64, Alpha, HP/PA, MIPS, and StrongARM.

OCaml bytecode and native code programs can be written in multithreaded style. However, because the garbage collector is not designed for concurrency, multiple OCaml threads in the same process cannot run concurrently in real time [3].

Code examples

Snippets of OCaml code are most easily studied by entering them into the "top-level". This is an interactive OCaml session that prints the inferred types of resulting or defined expressions. The OCaml top-level is started by simply executing the "ocaml" program:

  $ ocaml
       Objective Caml version 3.09.0


Code can then be entered at the "#" prompt. For example, to calculate 1+2*3:

  # 1 + 2 * 3;;
  - : int = 7

OCaml infers the type of the expression to be "int" (a machine-precision integer) and gives the result "7".

Hello World

The following program "hello.ml":

print_endline "Hello world!";;

can be compiled to bytecode:

$ ocamlc hello.ml -o hello

and executed:

$ ./hello
Hello world!

Birthday paradox

OCaml may be used as a scripting language, as the following script calculates the smallest number of people in a room for whom the probability of completely unique birthdays is less than 50% (the so-called birthday paradox, where for 1 person the probability is obviously 100%, for 2 it is 364/365, etc.) (answer = 23)

On a Unix-like operating system, save it to a file, chmod to executable (chmod 0755 birthday.ml) and run it from the command line (./birthday.ml).

#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun ocaml

let size = 365 ;;

let rec loop p i =
  let p' = float(size - i) *. p /. float(size) in
  if p' < 0.5 then
    Printf.printf "answer = %d\n" (i+1)
    loop p' (i+1) ;;
loop 1.0 1

Arbitrary-precision factorial function (libraries)

A variety of libraries are directly accessible from OCaml. For example, OCaml has a built-in library for arbitrary precision arithmetic. As the factorial function grows very rapidly, it quickly overflows machine-precision numbers (typically 32- or 64-bits). Thus, factorial is a suitable candidate for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.

In OCaml, the Num module provides arbitrary-precision arithmetic and can be loaded into a running top-level using:

  # #load "nums.cma";;
  # open Num;;

The factorial function may then be written using the arbitrary-precision numbers operators =/, */ and -/ :

  # let rec fact n =
      if n =/ Int 0 then Int 1 else n */ fact(n -/ Int 1);;
  val fact : Num.num -> Num.num = <fun>

This function can compute much larger factorials, such as 120!:

  # string_of_num (fact (Int 120));;
  - : string =

Triangle (graphics)

The following program "simple.ml" renders a rotating triangle in 2D using OpenGL:

  let _ =
    ignore( Glut.init Sys.argv );
    Glut.initDisplayMode ~double_buffer:true ();
    ignore (Glut.createWindow ~title:"OpenGL Demo");
    let render () =
      GlClear.clear [ `color ];
      GlMat.rotate ~angle:(Sys.time() *. 0.01) ~z:1. ();
      GlDraw.begins `triangles;
      List.iter GlDraw.vertex2 [-1., -1.; 0., 1.; 1., -1.];
      GlDraw.ends ();
      Glut.swapBuffers () in
    Glut.displayFunc ~cb:render;
    Glut.idleFunc ~cb:(Some Glut.postRedisplay);
    Glut.mainLoop ()

The LablGL bindings to OpenGL are required. The program may then be compiled to bytecode with:

  $ ocamlc -I +lablGL lablglut.cma lablgl.cma simple.ml -o simple

or to nativecode with:

  $ ocamlopt -I +lablGL lablglut.cmxa lablgl.cmxa simple.ml -o simple

and run:

  $ ./simple

Far more sophisticated, high-performance 2D and 3D graphical programs are easily developed in OCaml. Thanks to the use of OpenGL, the resulting programs are not only succinct and efficient but also cross-platform, compiling without any changes on all major platforms.


OCaml is a general-purpose programming language, but some of its more popular applications include:

Computer science

Natural science

OCaml is also widely used in physics, chemistry, biology and, more recently, bioinformatics:


OCaml is used as an introductory language in many universities, including:

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, OCaml is often used to teach design, parsing, and interpretation of programming languages in the Department of Computer Science's CS421 ("Programming Languages and Compilers") course.

Derived languages


MetaOCaml [4] is a multi-stage programming extension of OCaml enabling incremental compiling of new machine code during runtime. Under certain circumstances, significant speedups are possible using multi-stage programming, because more detailed information about the data to process is available at runtime than at the regular compile time, so the incremental compiler can optimize away many cases of condition checking etc.

As an example: if at compile time it is known that a certain power function x -> x^n is needed very frequently, but the value of n is known only at runtime, you can use a two-stage power function in MetaOCaml:

let rec power n x =
  if n = 0
  then .<1>.
    if even n
    then sqr (power (n/2) x)
    else .<.~x *. ~(power (n-1) x)>.;;

As soon as you know n at runtime, you can create a specialized and very fast power function:

.<fun x -> .~(power 5 .<x>.)>.;;

The result is:

fun x_1 -> (x_1 *
    let y_3 = 
        let y_2 = (x_1 * 1)
        in (y_2 * y_2)
    in (y_3 * y_3))

The new function is automatically compiled.

Other derived languages

  • Fresh OCaml which facilitate the manipulation of names and binders,
  • JoCaml which integrates constructions for developing concurrent and distributed programs,
  • GCaml adding extensional polymorphism to OCaml, thus allowing overloading and type-safe marshalling,
  • HDCaml, a hardware design and verification language,
  • AtomCaml provides a synchronization primitive for atomic (transactional) execution of code.
  • OCamlDuce extends OCaml with features such as XML expressions and regular-expression types.

See also


Programs written in OCaml

Commonly used


  • GeoProof - a dynamic geometry software
  • MinCaml - a small tutorial compiler written in OCaml.


  • Confluence is a language for synchronous reactive system design. A Confluence program can generate digital logic for an FPGA or ASIC platform, or C code for hard real-time software.



  • HOL theorem prover
  • Coq is a proof assistant.
  • Orpie - a fullscreen RPN calculator for the console. Its operation is similar to that of modern HP calculators.
  • FFTW - C FFT library, most of whose performance-critical code is generated by a program written in OCaml.