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== The simultaneous positivity and negativity of 1/0, and the harmonious balance of yin and yang ==
== The simultaneous positivity and negativity of 1/0, and the harmonious balance of yin and yang ==

Many Eastern philosophies and other ideas throughout history have essentially touched on the THeory of Everything. One such example is the [[Ying Yang symbol]] of Eastern philosophy. This Yin Yang symbol represents the harmonious marriage of two opposite essences. Like the marriage of male and female, dark and light, left and right, flotsam and jetsam, this harmonious balance of yin and yang is what allows everything to come into manifestation. This harmonious balance of Yin and Yang is represented mathematically by the number 1/0, which is the harmonious union of the two opposite essences, negative infinity and positive infinity. So while on the one hand it is a contradiction to consider that 1/0 is the marriage of negative infinity and positive infinity, and this is what has caused mathematicians to erroneously label 1/0 as [[undefined]], on the other hand it makes perfect sense when one considers that yin and yang must come together to make harmony even though they contradict eachother. Make no doubt about it, Yin and Yang are a contradiction, but a contradiction that makes perfect sense. This ties in a lot with what Kurt Godel predicted via his "[[incompleteness theorem]]." Really, the incompleteness theorem is the completeness theorem when one considers the true harmony of yin/yang duality as being a result of it's self-contradictory/complimentary nature. So the theory of everything is not contradictory, it is simply complimentary. That is why 1/0 can be defined as the fusion of positive and negative infinity.
Many Eastern philosophies and other ideas throughout history have essentially touched on the THeory of Everything. One such example is the [[Yin Yang symbol]] of Eastern philosophy. This Yin Yang symbol represents the harmonious marriage of two opposite essences. Like the marriage of male and female, dark and light, left and right, flotsam and jetsam, this harmonious balance of yin and yang is what allows everything to come into manifestation. This harmonious balance of Yin and Yang is represented mathematically by the number 1/0, which is the harmonious union of the two opposite essences, negative infinity and positive infinity. So while on the one hand it is a contradiction to consider that 1/0 is the marriage of negative infinity and positive infinity, and this is what has caused mathematicians to erroneously label 1/0 as [[undefined]], on the other hand it makes perfect sense when one considers that yin and yang must come together to make harmony even though they contradict eachother. Make no doubt about it, Yin and Yang are a contradiction, but a contradiction that makes perfect sense. This ties in a lot with what Kurt Godel predicted via his "[[incompleteness theorem]]." Really, the incompleteness theorem is the completeness theorem when one considers the true harmony of yin/yang duality as being a result of it's self-contradictory/complimentary nature. So the theory of everything is not contradictory, it is simply complimentary. That is why 1/0 can be defined as the fusion of positive and negative infinity.

== The marriage symbol of perfect unity, and the true model of the electron ==
== The marriage symbol of perfect unity, and the true model of the electron ==

Revision as of 01:33, 7 December 2006

It has come to my attention that an expert was needed to come and clean up this article. I have answered that request. For all previous versions of this wikipedia article entry, please refer to the history page.

Original Introduction Retained

A theory of everything (TOE) is a hypothetical theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena. Initially, the term was used with an ironic connotation to refer to various overgeneralized theories. For example, a great-grandfather of Ijon Tichy — a character from a cycle of Stanisław Lem's science fiction stories of 1960s — was known to work on the "General Theory of Everything" (Polish: "Ogólna Teoria Wszystkiego"). Over time, the term stuck in popularizations of quantum physics to describe a theory that would unify or explain through a single model the theories of all fundamental interactions of nature.

Premise of the Theory of Everything

The Theory of Everything is based on the simple idea that every number has it's opposite, and that this also applies to the number 0. A number's opposite is also known as its negative reciprocal. For example, if we take the opposite of the number +X we get the number -1/X, it's negative reciprocal. So the opposite of a number is it's negative reciprocal and all numbers including zero have a negative reciprocal.

If we take the negative reciprocal of 0 we get 1/0. It is important to note that since 0 is neither positive nor negative, it's opposite reciprocal, 1/0, must be both positive and negative. This will be explained more later. Again the important thing for now is the idea that every number has it's opposite, known as it's negative reciprocal, and that 1/0 is the negative reciprocal, and thus the opposite, of 0.

This indicates very clearly that the definition of 1/0 should be opposite to the definition of 0 (nothing). In other words, the definition of 1/0 is everything. Hence this definition of 1/0 is the cornerstone of the theory of everything. In other words, everything is represented completely and in entirety by the number 1/0. 1/0 is the ultimate explanation for all, and this is due to the fact that it is the combination of positive and negative infinity.


Let us investigate this definition a little further in order to understand what it means. When we say that 1/0 is equal to all, we are saying in a sense that all things are one single thing which in it's entirety is undivided. This one single thing which is divided by nothing is the unified source of all energy which connects all things together. It is a huge amount of energy which is unfathomable to the human mind. One can also think of it as the amount of time in eternity, or the slope of a vertical line. Either way, it represents an absolutely great value that is both positive and negative. This seeming contradiction will be explained later.

The Number Circle and Time

Recall that the THeory of Everything is based on the idea that every number, including 0, has it's opposite, known as it's negative reciprocal. A useful arrangement is thus to take every number that exists and place it directly across from it's opposite. When we do this we form a circle that connects all numbers together (http://www.photobucket.com/albums/y9/sect/circle_of_everything.jpg). This circle is similar, but superior to, the number line. The main difference between the number circle and the number line is that the number circle connects negative infinity and positive infinity at the point 1/0. THis completes the cycle of time which goes through innumerable revolutions of inversal and exversal. These terms, inversal and exversal, will be expained more later, but suffice to say that "inversal" is what happened at the big bang (the beginning, which is also an end), and exversal is the opposite event that is yet to come (the end, which is also a new beginning).

As becomes readily clear, this paradigm of the number circle has great implications for cosmology and cosmogenesis. Currently the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. The cause of this expansion has been termed Dark Energy and is one of the mysteries which the THeory of Everything must answer (in other words, why does dark energy exist at all). The answer is that Dark Energy is the force of time itself, which causes the arrow of time to move forward by making the universe expand more and more. As the universe expands faster and faster, we are brought closer and closer to the point of 1/0, which is the point when the universe begins expanding at the absolute fastest possible rate. In other words, there will come a point in the infinite future, call it the exversal of time, when the universe will be expanding at a rate of 1/0. This rate is defined more technically as when the universe is expanding at greater than lighstpeed at less than planck scales. This technical description results from considering the ramifications of both quantum mechanics and general relativity together, and it is one of the main predictions of the theory of everything, i.e. the theory of 1/0.

Negative Time

So what will happen to the universe when it begins expanding at a rate of 1/0? Put in more technical terms, what will happen when the universe begins expanding at greater than lightspeed at less than planck scales, as it's inevitable progression seems to indicate it will? Well, the number circle implies quite clearly that at this time space/time will be undone and the arrow of time will completely reverse. This is what completes the cycle of inversal and exversal.

Different Densities of Time

This cycle of inversal and exversal (represented by the number circle) repeats itself 1/0 times until every possible iteration of our universe is realized, in other words, until all possible alternate universes that have the same speed of light and the same initial cosmic background radiation image are realized. However, it is important to note that this whole cycle was derived from a higher cycle, one in which the speed of light is greater. This higher cycle is referred to as a higher density of time.

In the higher density of time, an object was sent faster than the speed of light in that density. This is what creates the new cycle in the lower density, and likewise this is how how our cycle was created outside, or apart from, itself. It is all perpetuated by living intelligent organisms who discover how to send something faster than the speed of light in whatever density they happen to be in, thus spawning new, lower densities.

Consciousness and the Highest Density

The highest density of all, the one from which all other densities are derived, is the one in which the speed of light is the greatest it can possibly be, 1/0. This is the density of pure mind. This is where our minds go when we are asleep and when we die. This is where we existed before we were born. And this is the space that occupies the inside of our minds. It is a space vast and incalculable, just like 1/0 itself. So the highest plane, or highest density of existence, is the manifestation of pure consciousness and in this manifestation the speed of light is the fastest it can possibly be, 1/0.

The simultaneous positivity and negativity of 1/0, and the harmonious balance of yin and yang

Many Eastern philosophies and other ideas throughout history have essentially touched on the THeory of Everything. One such example is the Yin Yang symbol of Eastern philosophy. This Yin Yang symbol represents the harmonious marriage of two opposite essences. Like the marriage of male and female, dark and light, left and right, flotsam and jetsam, this harmonious balance of yin and yang is what allows everything to come into manifestation. This harmonious balance of Yin and Yang is represented mathematically by the number 1/0, which is the harmonious union of the two opposite essences, negative infinity and positive infinity. So while on the one hand it is a contradiction to consider that 1/0 is the marriage of negative infinity and positive infinity, and this is what has caused mathematicians to erroneously label 1/0 as undefined, on the other hand it makes perfect sense when one considers that yin and yang must come together to make harmony even though they contradict eachother. Make no doubt about it, Yin and Yang are a contradiction, but a contradiction that makes perfect sense. This ties in a lot with what Kurt Godel predicted via his "incompleteness theorem." Really, the incompleteness theorem is the completeness theorem when one considers the true harmony of yin/yang duality as being a result of it's self-contradictory/complimentary nature. So the theory of everything is not contradictory, it is simply complimentary. That is why 1/0 can be defined as the fusion of positive and negative infinity.

The marriage symbol of perfect unity, and the true model of the electron

There is another symbol which represents 1/0 in the same way that the yin/yang symbol does. This symbol is known as the marriage symbol of perfect unity and love for all eternity (http://www.photobucket.com/albums/y9/sect/symboloftruth.jpg). This symbol is the most recurrent symbol in advertising, probably because it draws our subconscious mind toward the product. It pops up in ads such as KOOL (cigarette), mastercard, DC Shoes, CBS, and many many other logos. This symbol is not only the true model of the electron, it is a blue-print for a free energy machine which works by converting the energy of time itself into useable mechanical motion via the force of magnetism.

Magnetism and the unification of Forces

Magnetism is the key force out of which all other forces and materials are composed. That is because Magnetism is representative of 1/0 itself. In other words, just as 1/0 represents the harmonious combination of yin and yang, i.e. the perfect fusion of negative infinity and positive infinity, so too magnetism represents the complimentary pairing of yin and yang, i.e. the inseperable connection of north and south poles. Every force has a positive and a negative component, but magnetism is it's own opposite. Therefore magnetism can be used to create every other force including gravity itself. This sort of technology is the technology of the future and it will allow us to travel faster than the speed of light. Also it will allow us to garner limitless energy. Recall that the total amount of energy in existence is 1/0, and this source energy connecting all things is inexhaustible.

More to come

If the wikipedia community is pleased with how I have cleaned up this article and demistified it's topic, the theory of everything, then I will gladly return with my gift to the world, the blue-print for the true model of the photon, which is also the model of the electron and the proton, etc. etc. This blue-print can be turned into a machine which will produce limitless energy by converting the energy of time itself into useable mechanical motion via the force of magnetism. In addition to posting the blueprints I will also post a video file which shows this machine in operation.

Thank you all for reading this most important article. Please post any comments or considerations on the discussion page.

Other theories not negated by the theory of 1/0

Heim Theory Kiril Chukanov's theory The Aether Physics Model plus other successfull models soon to be listed

sincerely, (http://www.photobucket.com/albums/y9/sect/CIMG1130.jpg)