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Number Eight (Battlestar Galactica)

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Template:BSG Character Template:Spoilers Lieutenant Junior Grade Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii, Number Eight[1], and Lieutenant Sharon 'Athena' Valerii Agathon refer to a collection of humanoid Cylon characters on the television series Battlestar Galactica, a reimagining of the classic show of the same name. They are portrayed by Grace Park. Two prominent Number Eight copies named "Sharon Valerii" have served as Galactica pilots using the respective call signs "Boomer" and "Athena." "Boomer" bears little resemblance to the Boomer of the original Galactica series.


Many Number Eight copies have been seen in various Cylon-occupied areas and in leadership positions; two are featured as central characters. A multitude of Eights are found aboard the Basestar orbiting Kobol that Sharon Valerii destroys. Another Eight is shown as a Cylon leader when both main character Eights are elsewhere.

Sharon "Boomer" Valerii

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sharon "Boomer" Valerii is a Cylon sleeper agent programmed to believe that she really is human. For example, she has been implanted with false memories of being raised on Troy by her parents Katherine and Abraham Valerii, who supposedly died in an accident that killed all the members on the mining colony (whether or not Katherine and Abraham actually existed is questionable). In the time before the mini-series, Boomer and Chief Galen Tyrol are romantically involved, despite the fact that their relationship is against military protocol (she is an officer, he is enlisted). Due to her programming, she performs a number of sabotage actions (including bombing the Galactica's water tanks), which she has no conscious memory of, although in time she begins to suspect something may be wrong with her. She even asks Gaius Baltar to administer a blood test to find out if she is a Cylon. Although his test demonstrates that she is in fact a Cylon, for his own reasons he tells her she is not. She is greatly relieved for a while, but over time becomes increasingly aware that something is wrong with her, and even attempts suicide. Tyrol hides evidence that would implicate her in the water bombing, but later suspicious events cause him to break off his relationship with her.

Sharon's programming ultimately takes over and she shoots Commander William Adama, putting him in a coma. She and Tyrol (suspected of being a Cylon because of his relationship with her) are put in the brig, interrogated and brutalized by Colonel Saul Tigh, who has taken command of Galactica in Adama's incapacity. Gaius Baltar ultimately forces her to tell him how many other Cylons were onboard by threatening Tyrol. She is shot and killed by Specialist Cally, who blames her for Tyrol's imprisonment. (Cally herself is in love with Tyrol as is made clear in later episodes). Sharon dies in Tyrol's arms. Her last words are, "I love you, Chief."

In the episode "Downloaded", it is revealed that Boomer's consciousness has been downloaded into a new body, yet she resists being identified with the Cylon cause. She is viewed as a hero among the Cylons, but in this episode she and fellow Cylon Caprica-Six, transformed by their love for humans in previous incarnations, decide to try to persuade the Cylons that some of their actions against mankind are wrong. Because of her and Six's actions, she is, for a time, threatened with "being boxed," that is, not allowed to have herself downloaded into a new body when the current one is killed/dies. She is among the Cylons that find New Caprica and tries to show that humans and Cylons can co-exist, and functions as a member of the Cylon governing council that controls the puppet human government under President Gaius Baltar. She seems to have accepted herself as a Cylon and is fully integrated back into their society.

On a Cylon Base Ship, Boomer has been seen attempting to care for Athena's hybrid child Hera, who is mysteriously ill. She is frustrated by the child's deteriorating health and their inability to bond even though Boomer has "tried everything". When Athena arrives on the Base Ship and determines that Hera would best be treated by a human doctor, Boomer accuses her of having planned to take Hera back to Galactica from the start. Boomer says that the failure of New Caprica has taught her that humans and Cylons can't co-exist and that they should go their separate ways, and thinks that Brother Cavil may be right that the Cylons aren't supposed to have children. She threatens to snap Hera's neck, but her own neck is snapped by Caprica-Six for endangering the future of the Cylon race.

Sharon "Athena" Agathon

Another instance of Sharon, who is fully aware of her true nature, also appears in the series. This Sharon also seemed to possess memories of the experiences of Boomer (at least until the later episodes of the first season), including memories of her relationship with Tyrol. She expresses happiness for Tyrol and Cally, who now have a child together.

Cylon-occupied Caprica

She first appears when she joins Lt. Karl 'Helo' Agathon after he is stranded on the Cylon-occupied planet Caprica. She pretends to help him, when in fact she is working with the other Cylons on an experiment to have him fall in love with her. While her intentions at the beginning of the experiment are strictly part of the Cylon plan, she eventually falls in love with Helo, and tries to help him escape from the other Cylons. Helo discovers her true identity when he sees another Number Eight copy on Caprica (who attempts to kill him but is shot by Sharon), but Sharon eventually convinces him that she loves him, and also reveals that she is pregnant with his child. This pregnancy is the first successful attempt at a humanoid-Cylon/Human Hybrid, and as a result is of great importance to the Cylons.

While on Caprica, Sharon and Helo encounter Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace, who realises that Sharon is a Cylon "copy" and attempts to shoot her, but is stopped by Helo. Sharon flees in Starbuck's captured Cylon Raider, casting doubt on her intentions, but returns later to aid Helo and a human resistance movement rescue Starbuck from a Cylon facility. Though only Helo trusts her, the group allows Sharon to accompany them as they rejoin President Laura Roslin's portion of the Colonial fleet, separated from Galactica.

Return to the Colonial Fleet

Sharon's life is again threatened upon her return to the Colonial fleet, after William Adama's attempted assassination and Boomer's death, first when Lee 'Apollo' Adama attempts to shoot her and Helo intervenes, and second when Roslin orders her thrown out an airlock until she uses her knowledge of the Tomb of Athena on Kobol as leverage. She demonstrates her loyalty several times in defending the group from Cylon ambushes during the trip to the tomb, even though she is chained and not entirely trusted.

Sharon's reunion with other Galactica personnel on Kobol is also tense, as Commander Adama initially attempts to strangle her, while her relationship with Tyrol is complicated by the events involving Boomer, as well as her romantic involvement with Helo. Despite Adama's animosity, she saves his life by exposing a plot to kill him by one of terrorist/politician Tom Zarek's followers. She tells them, "I'm Sharon, but I'm a different Sharon. I know who I am. I don't have hidden protocols or programs lying in wait to be activated. I make my own choices, I make my own decisions, and I need you to know this is my choice." Still, she is imprisoned upon returning to Galactica and is treated as an enemy by all but Helo and Tyrol.

Sharon again demonstrates her loyalty when the Galactica is threatened by a Cylon computer virus, and uses her Cylon capabilities to instead turn the virus against the large approaching Cylon raider attack force, allowing the Colonial pilots to completely destroy the enemy. Although she performs this action, she seems conflicted and pained by its repercussions (mainly the subsequent slaughter of raiders). This event causes Roslin and Adama to re-evaluate their attitude towards her, and earns her significant trust. She makes several other valuable contributions to the human cause, offering intelligence and advice on various Cylon situations.

When the Battlestar Pegasus is reunited with the Colonial fleet and its commander, Admiral Helena Cain discovers Sharon's presence, Sharon is turned over to Pegasus's "Cylon Interrogator", Lt. Thorne. Thorne beats Sharon and attempts to rape her, but is killed in the process of Helo and Tyrol intervening.

Pregnancy and birth

Sharon's unborn hybrid child is threatened when Roslin orders the pregnancy terminated, outraging Sharon and Helo, but later relents when blood from the fetus is found to be able to cure her terminal cancer. The pregnancy is allowed to continue, and in "Downloaded", Sharon gives birth to her child prematurely, via an emergency caesarean section. The daughter is named Hera. As the baby is deemed a risk to the Fleet if raised by her Cylon mother, Hera's death is faked by Dr. Cottle, and she is given to a human mother to raise, unbeknownst to either Sharon or Helo. Told that Hera died from breathing complications, Sharon assumes that Hera was in fact killed by the Galactica crew and attacks Dr. Cottle and turns on Helo. She later helps navigate a mission to rescue survivors on Caprica, but her loyalty is again called into question when she chooses not to inform the Colonials that one of the survivors is in fact a Cylon.

Post-occupation of New Caprica

In Season 3's "Occupation", it is revealed that during the year-long gap between the events of seasons 2 and 3 Sharon and Helo were married, and Sharon took Helo's surname, Agathon. With the Galactica in need of pilots after the return of the Cylons, and having earned the full trust of Admiral Adama, Sharon is sworn in as an officer in the Colonial Fleet, regaining Boomer's rank of Lieutenant. She is sent back to New Caprica as the liaison between the Galactica fleet and the resistance effort on the ground as a precursor to an attempt to free the subjugated humans from the occupying Cylons. Adama explained that she was the ideal agent, since Centurions cannot tell her from any of the other Eights. Sharon infiltrates the Cylon Base, and is able to steal the keys for the civilian ships, thus making Adama's escape plan possible. When leaving with the keys, she encounters a D'Anna Biers, a Number Three, who informs her that her child Hera is still alive.

After the successful rescue of the colonists, Sharon gains a measure of acceptance among the Galactica's pilots. When Racetrack refers to her by the old call sign 'Boomer', she replies that 'Boomer' was somebody else. The other pilots in the rec room offer suggestions for a new call-sign, many of them teasing her for being a Cylon and suggesting "Toaster". "Hotdog" suggests Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, and Sharon proudly accepts it.

Athena displays the ability to identify individual Number Eight copies, identifying Boomer (who shot Admiral Adama at the end of Season 1) when she arrives aboard Galactica to negotiate with Admiral Adama. When Colonel Tigh bars Boomer from the meeting, she repeats Number Three's message that Hera is still alive, but ailing, aboard a base star. Adama confirms this information in a tense conversation with President Roslin, and both Athena and Helo express feelings of outrage that their child was stolen from them. Athena demands at the end of Season 3 episode 11, that she be able to see her daughter.

As there is no way that Adama would let her visit the Base Ship, Athena is shot by Helo and downloaded on the Cylon resurrection ship. A Six (who is presumed to be Caprica-Six) brings to the room on the Base Ship where Boomer is caring for the child. Athena insists that Hera's illness could be cured by the human doctors on Galactica, a possibility that neither Six nor Boomer wish to consider. Athena and Boomer have a heated discussion on the fate of the child, with Boomer expressing a desire to abandon the experiment entirely and kill the child. Before Athena can intervene, Six promptly kills Boomer for considering the death of the child. Before their actions can be discovered, Six whisks Athena and Hera to a raptor, and the trio escape to Galactica.

Other Versions

  • A copy wearing a grey coat at the Spaceport at Delphi, whom Athena kills before the other Eight can shoot Helo.
  • Multiple naked copies aboard a basestar that Boomer encounters.
  • A copy who sits in a movie theatre (with other Cylon models) and watches the footage sent from the Fleet by D'Anna Biers.
  • Copies who act as "nurses" or "midwives," aiding the respective resurrections of Caprica Six and Boomer.
  • Several copies on Cylon-occupied Caprica going through daily life in the episode "Downloaded," wearing a variety of outfits.
  • Copies who are killed when Samuel Anders and Galen Tyrol detonate a bomb near a Cylon Heavy Raider.
  • A copy who sits next to Boomer during a meeting on Colonial One (during the New Caprican occupation), when the suicide bombings are discussed.
  • Multiple copies aboard the basestar that Caprica Six and Baltar inhabit.
  • A naked copy aboard the same basestar doing "exercises" reminiscent of Tai Chi.
  • Multiple copies dying aboard a diseased basestar.
  • A copy, dying from a disease aboard a basestar, who is taken captive by Galactica. Later, she and the rest of the Cylon prisoners are killed by Helo in an attempt to prevent genocide against the Cylons.


  • The callsign Boomer came from the original Battlestar Galactica series. It was the name (not the call sign) of a character played by Herb Jefferson, Jr..
  • Sharon Agathon's call sign, Athena, is also the name of an original series character. Athena was the sister of Apollo and the daughter of Commander Adama. She was a bridge officer, shuttle pilot, and occasional viper pilot.
