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Talk:County of Eberstein

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Johnsoniensis (talk | contribs) at 12:16, 13 March 2024 (wp x 2). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Passage removed from the article

The following passage was originally added by User:MarkMEstein, 10:17, 7 December 2008. I removed it from the article since it's quite questionable:

Grafen von Eberstein (Swaben and Frankonian/Bavarian line)

In addition to the Baden line of the von Eberstein family; there is a separate Count von Eberstein line in Swabia.


the Swabian or Bavarian line of the von eberstein family goes back to BERTHOLD [I] von Eberstein . 1085. While the name of Berthold's wife is not known; two children are referenced, EBERHARD [I] and Berthold [II]: BERTHOLD [II] (born before 1113) married ADELHEID, daughter of UNKNOWN in 1113. Berthold [II] & his wife had three children: EBERHARD [II] 1113, HUGO, born in 1113, died in 1137 (?) and BERTHOLD III. BERTHOLD [III] . 1113 to 37. was married. The name of Berthold's wife is not known. Berthold [III] & his wife had one child:

BERTHOLD [IV] (died 1158 or after, burried in the Herrenalb monastery). He founded the monastry Kloster Herrenalb [1150]. The History of Salem Monastery lists those present at a court of "duce Friderico", including "Bertoldo de Ebirstein", undated but dateable to 1152. Berthold IV married UTA, daughter of UNKNOWN (died in 1185 and also burried in Herrenalb). Berthold IV and his wife had four children: ALBERT . Graf 1180 and EBERHARD [III] (died 1218/19). Eberhard II and Kunigunde had two more daughters, OTA . Nun at Berau [1150] and later became Abbess of Frauenalb in 1193; and HADWIDE, also Nun at Berau in 1150 and later Nun at Frauenalb.

EBERHARD III, Graf von Eberstein 1195. married KUNIGUNDE von Andechs, daughter of BERTHOLD I Marchese of Istria, Graf von Andechs & his first wife Hedwig --- (married after Feb 10 1207). The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses lists (in order) "Poppo summus prepositus Babenberch, Mathildis marchionissa de Hohenburch, Kunigundis comitissa de Eberstein, Sophia comitissa de Hennenberch, Berhtoldus dux et marchio…"[1], increasing the probability that all were children of "Berhtoldus marchio". It is not known which Graf von Eberstein was Kunigunde's husband, but Graf Eberhard [III] is the best fit from a chronological point of view. The necrology of Diessen records the death "IV Id Feb" of "Chunigundis com"[2]. 1207. GRAFEN von EBERSTEIN [3].

The Frankonian line of von Eberstein includes [Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein]http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Albrecht_von_Eberstein who later served the Swedish King in the 30 year war and later led a Danish army. [4]

My remarks:

  • How do you know they are separate lines of the same family and don't just happen to share the same name?
  • Berthold, Eberhard, etc. are in fact members of the "Baden" line. It would be correct to call them "Swabian", but they have nothing to do with Bavaria. They were actually not a "Baden" line, but competed with their neighbours, the Baden family. They lived in a region that is called "Baden" today, but was Swabia at the time.

--Sitacuisses (talk) 21:08, 21 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses I, MGH SS XVII, p. 328.
  2. ^ Necrologium Diessense, Augsburg Necrologies, p. 7
  3. ^ ES XII 28-29, extinct in the male line in 1660
  4. ^ Druckschriften von und über Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein im VD 17