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Dendroctonus micans

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Dendroctonus micans
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Curculionidae
Genus: Dendroctonus
D. micans
Binomial name
Dendroctonus micans
(Kugelann, 1794)

Dendroctonus micans, the great spruce bark beetle, is a species of bark beetle native to the coniferous forests of Europe and Asia. The beetles burrow into the bark of spruce trees and lay eggs which develop into larvae that feed on the woody layers under the bark.[1]


The eggs of the great spruce bark beetle are smooth, white and translucent. These eggs are often laid in batches of a hundred or more. The larvae are legless and C-shaped, white with darker heads. They are about 5 mm (0.2 in) long when mature. The pupae are white and "mummy-like"; they are exarate, with legs and wings separate from the body. The adults are between 6 and 9 mm (0.24 and 0.35 in) long and are cylindrical in shape and dark brown in colour. The limbs and antennae are yellowish-brown, the head is visible when viewed from above, and the elytral declivity, the downward sloping rear end of the elytra, is rounded and smooth.[2]


The great spruce bark beetle occurs in the coniferous forests of Europe and Asia. It is not clear where it originated and to which countries it is endemic, but it has been steadily expanding its range westward in Europe in the last hundred years, assisted by the transport of unprocessed logs. It is present in most of Northern, Eastern and Central Europe and has reached Belgium and France, and was first detected in the United Kingdom in 1982. In Asia, it is present in Hokkaido in Japan, and in the Chinese provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Qinghai and Sichuan. It has been introduced into Turkey and Georgia, in both of which it is invasive.[2]

Dendroctonus micans thrives mostly in European settings, although its existence extends outside the continent. In addition to well-documented populations in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, recent research has revealed its unexpected colonisation of North American territories, where it has established itself as an invasive species in areas such as the Pacific Northwest and the Canadian Rockies. Furthermore, growing data reveals possible expansions into previously unrecorded regions, indicating the need for further monitoring and management measures to limit the impact on various forest ecosystems. [3][4][2]


Oriental spruce killed by D. micans

The great spruce bark beetle mainly infests spruce trees, genus Picea, but it will also attack Scots pine and several other species of Pinus, silver fir, Caucasian fir, Siberian fir, Douglas-fir, and European larch.[2]


Dendroctonus micans lives largely in spruce woods, weakening and sometimes damaging the trees for breeding and eating. These kinds of beetles are particularly common in the locations with dense spruce population. They rely on spruce trees as their major hosts for survival. Its environment is critical to reproductive success and all population dynamics in forest ecosystems. [3][4]

Life cycle

Larvae of Dendroctonus micans

The female beetle excavates a tunnel in the bark of a host tree and creates a brood chamber. Any resin that accumulates is mixed with frass (droppings) and pushed out of the tunnel, creating a purplish-brown mass known as a resin tube. A hundred or more eggs are laid in the brood chamber and the female moves on, either creating another brood chamber near the first or exiting the tree and starting again.

When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed gregariously, chewing their way in a broad front and packing in their frass behind them. There are five larval instars and when the larvae are fully developed, they create individual pupal chambers in the frass and pupate. The total development time varies with temperature and may be one to three years. The new adults may stay under the bark, mining new tunnels and creating new brood chambers, or they may emerge into the open air. Several females may mine the same area and their excavations may coalesce.[2]

Dendroctonus micans on Picea abies

The life cycle of Dendroctonus micans consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Each stage is characterized by specific survival tactics and adaptations suited for the beetle's presence in forest settings. As the beetle advances through its life cycle, senescence, or aging, becomes a vital phase that influences reproductive success and population dynamics. Understanding the Dendroctonus micans life cycle is critical for efficiently controlling beetle populations and reducing their influence on spruce tree health [5]

Home Range and Territoriality

Dendroctonus micans males exhibit territorial behaviour, defending locations that are likely to attract females for mating. They protect the region by providing appropriate host trees, which will most likely attract females to lay their eggs. This territoriality is linked to male reproductive success, which is important over studying beetle population dynamics and their impact on spruce tree health. Dendroctonus micans home range varies depending on host availability and density. Individual beetles may disperse across their habitat in search of suitable nesting sites. [4]

Tree attacked by Dendroctonus micans, and the damage that it made.
Dendroctonus micans larvae in gallery

Food Resources

Dendroctonus micans larvae feed predominantly on the inner bark of the spruce trees, that damage the tissue, and impede the flow of nutrients. As the tissue is their primary food source, but to grow and development the delivering is necessary nutrients for it. On the other hand, the adults may feed on the tree sap and other plant components, their primary function is to reproduce and infest the new host trees. The food supplies that Dendroctonus micans beetle have are critical to its life cycle and their survival in forest settings. In other words, adult Dendroctonus micans eat predominantly on phloem tissue but may also devour other plant components. To aid in nutrient cycling in forest environments, they contribute to the decomposition of dead and decaying trees. [3]

Parental Care

Dendroctonus micans perform egg-laying behaviour, as females lay their eggs in the bark of the spruce tree for larval development. Their parental care habits include protecting their eggs and selecting suitable host trees for laying their eggs. The colour of the egg can influence the host learning and egg-laying selection. This helps the females to identify the best breeding locations for their offspring. [4]


Social behaviour

Larval sociality is one of the social behaviours that Dendroctonus micans have developed. Larval sociality is the phenomenon that siblings of the species may experience that causes them to remain in close contact while they are developing inside the tree bark. Adult beetles may also engage in social behaviour, maintaining groups and feeding larvae cohesiveness in afflicted trees. This social behaviour of Dendroctonus micans beetles can help one understand the complexity of the beetle populations and their influence on forest ecosystems. [4]


Dendroctonus micans beetles engage in mating searching activity, there are two ways of interactions, the male-male interaction, and the female-male interaction, all of them impact the reproductive success and the mating selection. The male beetles commonly use exhibiting activities to lure females for copulation. The female-male interactions involve pheromones, mate choosing, courting behaviors, and copulation procedures, all of which contribute to beetle genetic diversity. Additionally, Dendroctonus micans beetles engage in complex mating behaviors involving both male-male and female-male interactions. These behaviors impact reproductive success and genetic diversity within beetle populations [5]

Survival strategies

Dendroctonus micans eggs are often placed in concealed cracks beneath the bark to shield them from predators and environmental disturbances. The larvae demonstrate an intriguing adaption known as phoretic behaviour, in which they ride on bark beetles of other species to spread to new host trees. As Dendroctonus micans develops, it undergoes a stunning change, acquiring elaborate patterns on its exoskeleton that act as camouflage against possible predators, allowing it to survive in the thick forest setting. [3]

Dendroctonus micans have defensive coloration and behaviour. Cryptic colour patterns and imitating behaviours are some of the behaviours that assist in avoiding predator detection. Dendroctonus micans commonly uses this to discourage predators and boost their chances of survival in the forest habitats. Some study defensive coloration and behaviour in Dendroctonus micans beetle that sheds light on the beetle adaptations to their environment. [5]

Parasitic Interactions

Dendroctonus micans interact with parasitic flies that come and lay their eggs on the host trees, and the growing fly larvae eat beetle tissue for food. When investigating natural enemies and disease transmission in forest ecosystems, it is important to understand the techniques used to encourage parasitic flies, as well as their impact on beetle populations. [6]


Dendroctonus micans may use local or regional dispersion to find a new host tree for mating and feeding purposes. Environmental variables such as forest disturbance or the resources availability may drive larger scale migration over considerable distances. The critical for anticipating beetle numbers and regulating their influence on spruce tree health is the way to understand the movement patterns of Dendroctonus micans. [7]

Natural Enemies

Predators, parasites, illnesses, and immunological responses all pose challenges to Dendroctonus micans, potentially reducing beetle populations and affecting reproductive success. Beetle interactions with their natural enemies play an important role in their maintaining ecological balance and managing the beetle populations in forest settings. Immunity and defensive mechanisms are critical adaptations for Dendroctonus micans survival in the face of natural adversaries. [6]


Dendroctonus micans genetics contribute to differences of the subspecies, hybridisation events, and traits. These factors have an impact on the populations and evolutions of the beetles. By investigating beetle speciation trends and the adaptive feature throughout the forest habitats it helps further understand the genetic diversity and structure of Dendroctonus micans. The hybridisation events may influence the genetic makeup of beetle populations over time. [5]


The great spruce bark beetle is unusual among members of its genus in that the beetles mate before they emerge from under the bark, while they are not yet fully chitinised. There are many more female than male beetles, often 10/1 but exceptionally 45/1, and the matings are normally incestuous, being between siblings.[2] The beetles emerge into the open air through a round hole which may be used by many beetles. They are weak fliers and many disperse by walking, tunnelling into a different part of the same tree. Others fly to nearby trees, and small groups of trees may be affected. Each tree is weakened by the tunnelling activities of the beetles and larvae; this kills the bark in a limited area, and it may be five to eight years before the tree is girdled and dies.[2]

In an attempt to control this beetle in the United Kingdom, the predatory beetle Rhizophagus grandis has been released. This specifically preys on the great spruce bark beetle and has a great ability to detect the adults and larvae infesting a tree. The predatory beetle is attracted to the frass produced by its prey which contains monoterpenes, and a suitable mixture of synthetic monoterpenes has been used to trap R. grandis in its native range, to provide insects for use in biological control.[8] A rearing and release programme for R. grandis was also undertaken, and between 1984 and 1995, over 150,000 R. grandis beetles were released in over two thousand sites in northwestern England and Wales, with surrounding areas of forest being quarantined.[9]

One ecologically important species, Dendroctonus micans, or the Great Spruce Bark Beetle, has unique behavioural adaptations that govern its interactions with forest ecosystems. Its behavioural ecology, which includes host selection, eating habits, mate finding, and defensive responses, is critical to its survival and reproductive success in spruce forests. The behavioural ecology of Dendroctonus micans reveals important information on the complexity of beetle populations, their natural predators, and their interactions with humans and other creatures in wooded habitats. Understanding the habits and adaptations of Great Spruce Bark Beetles allows researchers to create effective management techniques to protect forest health and biodiversity in the presence of beetle populations. [3]

Dendroctonus micans is remarkably resilient, with mature beetles able to stay alive cold temperatures even as low as -20°C (-4°F). This adaptability allows the species to survive in a variety of settings, adding to its ecological relevance. [10]


The physiology of the Dendroctonus micans beetle includes flight capabilities, sensory perception, thermoregulation, and digestion processes crucial for its survival and reproduction. Beetles' flight adaptations allow them to disperse and find new host trees for breeding, while sensory organs like eyes, antennae, and mouthparts help them detect environmental cues and food supplies. Thermoregulation and thermosensation are critical physiological mechanisms that let beetles manage their body temperature and respond to environmental cues in forest settings. Additionally, physiological adaptations of Dendroctonus micans include flight capabilities, sensory perception, thermoregulation, and digestion processes crucial for survival and reproduction. [11]


The gut flora and other specialized microbes found in Dendroctonus micans' microbiome that may aid in digestion, nutrient uptake, and immune system protection. Understanding the function of microbiota in beetle health and physiology is critical for investigating the interactions of beetles and their microbial partners in forest ecosystems. Additionally, the microbiome of Dendroctonus micans may play an important role in beetle survival and resilience to environmental stress. These microbial partners contribute to beetle health and resilience, highlighting the significance of studying the microbiome in understanding beetle ecology and adaptation to forest environments. [11]

Mutualistic Interactions

The micans Dendroctonus Beetles may form mutualistic relationships with plants, animals, and microorganisms in forest habitats. Mutualistic partnerships with spruce trees, for example, may include pollination services, nitrogen cycling, and positive interactions that benefit both the beetles and their host trees. Additionally, Dendroctonus micans may form mutualistic relationships with various organisms in forest ecosystems. These interactions contribute to ecosystem processes such as pollination, nutrient cycling, and symbiotic benefits for both the beetle and its partners. Mutualistic interactions in Dendroctonus micans shed light on beetles' ecological significance in forest ecosystems and highlight their reliance on other creatures to survive. [5]

Pest Control and Interaction with Humans

The great spruce bark beetle's feeding habits on spruce trees has resulted in its designation as an economically significant pest species due to the influence it has on spruce tree health and vitality. Understanding the behavioural ecology is critical for developing effective management techniques to lessen the harmful impact that they have on forest ecosystems.

Dendroctonus micans might come into contact with people and livestock in a variety of ways, including the spread of illness, agricultural applications, pollination of crop plants, control of pests, and participation in citizen scientific initiatives. Beetles' effects on forest health, agricultural productivity, and ecosystem services may have an impact on human activities and management methods in wooded regions. Additionally, conservation initiatives seek to reduce human-beetle conflicts while maintaining the natural balance of forest ecosystems in the presence of Dendroctonus micans populations. [4]


Habitat preservation, host plant management, migration monitoring, and population control strategies are the main focuses of Dendroctonus micans conservation programs, which aim to lessen the negative impact of beetle infestations on forest ecosystems. Additionally, conservation efforts for Dendroctonus micans focus on habitat preservation, host plant management, migration monitoring, and population control strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of beetle infestations on forest ecosystems. Dendroctonus micans' conservation status is affected by variables like habitat loss, host plant health, migratory patterns, and overall ecosystem health. Understanding the conservation needs of Dendroctonus micans is critical for implementing sustainable management methods that improve forest ecosystem health and resilience. [4]


  1. ^ "Great Spruce Bark Beetle (Dendroctonus micans)". Top tree pests. Forestry Commission. 11 May 2017. Retrieved 9 June 2017.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g "Dendroctonus micans (great spruce bark beetle)". Invasive species compendium. CABI. Retrieved 9 June 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e "Great spruce bark beetle (Dendroctonus micans)". Forest Research. Retrieved 2024-02-29.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Trust, Woodland. "Great Spruce Bark Beetle (D. micans)". Woodland Trust. Retrieved 2024-02-29.
  5. ^ a b c d e "Dendroctonus micans". uk beetles. Retrieved 2024-02-29.
  6. ^ a b "Biological Control of Greater European Spruce Beetle < dendroctonus micans". faculty.ucr.edu. Retrieved 2024-02-29.
  7. ^ "Scottish Forestry - Great spruce bark beetle in Scotland". forestry.gov.scot. Retrieved 2024-02-29.
  8. ^ Evans, Hugh. "Management of great spruce bark beetle". Forest Research. Retrieved 10 June 2017.
  9. ^ Lieutier, François; Day, Keith R.; Battisti, Andrea; Grégoire, Jean-Claude; Evans, Hugh F. (2007). Bark and Wood Boring Insects in Living Trees in Europe, a Synthesis. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 276–277. ISBN 978-1-4020-2241-8.
  10. ^ "Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann)". Exotic Wood Borer/ Bark Beetle Survey Reference.
  11. ^ a b Benzel, Joseph (18 June 2015). "Great Spruce Bark Beetle, Dendroctonus micans (Kugelann)" (PDF). Screening Aid.

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