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Vico and Vicoletto of Zuroli

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Vico, and Vicoletto, of the Zuroli
At the bottom left you can see one of the three marble plaques placed in the alleys and alleys of the Zuroli.
AreaDecumano Maggiore
LocationBetween Via dei Tribunali and Via Forcelle, in Naples, Campania, Italy

The Vico, and Vicoletto, dei Zuroli, also called Vicolo dei Zurli (Vicolo de' Zurli)[1] are two historic alleys in the city of Naples, they are located near Via Forcella (Furcella in Neapolitan) in the historic center of the city, they are located near the Forcella district in the historic center of Naples, near the church of Pio Monte della Misericordia (an art museum and historical site of Naples since 2005), between Via dei Tribunali and Via Vicaria Vecchia, in the Pendino district.

They converge in Via Carminiello ai Mannesi, where the archaeological excavations of San Carminiello ai Mannesi are located, from which the street takes its name.



The Vico, and the Vicoletto, of the Zuroli[2] are located behind Via Duomo, in the Decumani area, the ancient center of the city. The alley is located between the Decumano Maggiore in the upper part of Via dei Tribunali and the Decumano Inferior (more commonly known as Spaccanapoli) in the lower part of Via Vicaria Vecchia, in the ancient Capuana district (so called because there was a road that led to the Campania city of Capua[3]), the current Pendino district.


The Greek system provided for a strictly orthogonal road scheme in which three streets, the widest (about six metres[4]) and largest, parallel to each other, called plateiai (singular: plateia), crossed the ancient urban center dividing it into four parts. Furthermore, these main streets were cut perpendicularly, from north to south, by other smaller streets (about three meters wide) called stenopoi (singular: stenopos) or more improperly cardini, which streets today constitute the alleys of the historic city center, these streets were intersected perpendicularly by stenopoi in a north-south direction, still recognizable today in streets such as: Via Atri, Vico Giganti, Via Duomo, Vico Zuroli and many others.[5]

The Boccapianola family

In ancient times the place was called Boccapianoli, from the surname of the noble Boccapianola family who once lived there.

In the year 1301 Giovanni Boccapianola had a noble palace built near the church of Pio Monte della Misericordia, by the architect Giacomo De Sanctis, in pure Gothic style.

The Zurolo family

The noble Zurolo family then found a home there between the 14th and 15th centuries, acquiring the noble palace.

Subsequently the toponym of this place was replaced in Vico, and Vicoletto, dei Zuroli.

Greco-Roman aqueduct

It is attested that a small branch of the Greco-Roman aqueduct of Naples also passed through the Vico dei Zuroli, from Via dei Tribunali to Via Forcella, making it a circuit; the water conveyed was called acqua della Bolla, because it was also called Polla from the hill that rose underground.[6]

Entrance portal to the Zurolo palace with piperno ashlar, in via dei Tribunali in Naples (NA).


Noble families residing in the alley

Previously the place was called Vico dei Boccapianoli (''de' Boccapianoli''),[7][8][9] since the noble Boccapianola family lived there, the noble Zurolo family then found their home there between the 14th and 15th centuries, later having their noble palace built in pure Gothic style, which still exists today.[10] This noble family was very important, so much so that they also had the seat of Capua in Naples[11] and the toponym of the place changed its name, taking theirs until today.

Stories linked to the place

In 1898 Almerinda d'Ettorre, a young 25-year-old woman who lived in Vico dei Zuroli at number 2, began to have apocalyptic visions of the future of the world and then made religious prophecies, also claiming to be in direct contact with Jesus Christ, the which would have foretold her own death and resurrection, which should have occurred on August 10 of that same year.

Arriving at the fateful 10 August, nothing of what she predicted happened, nor did she perish at the hands of God. At the end of the episode, the Catholic Church defined the case of Almerinda d'Ettorre as a phenomenon of demonic possession.[12][13]

Street plaque - Vicoletto dei Zuroli, from which it takes its name from the noble Zurolo family, placed on a wall of a building located in the Pendino district of Naples (NA).


Historical sources

  • Francesco Gammella (1834). Il muto per Napoli, ossia Le mille e quattrocento strade, vichi ecc. reperibili da tutti opera compilata da Francesco D. V. [The silent era for Naples, or The thousand and four hundred streets, alleys etc. available to all, work compiled by Francesco D. V.] (in Italian). F. Gammella.
  • Gino Doria (1979). R. Ricciardi (ed.). Le strade di Napoli saggio di toponomastica storica [The streets of Naples essay on historical toponymy] (in Italian). R. Ricciardi. pp. 75 and 483.
  • Luigi Cangiano (1843). "Parte Prima-Origine, amministrazione, distribuzione ed uso delle acque potabili della Città di Napoli" [Part One-Origin, administration, distribution and use of drinking water in the City of Naples]. In typography of L'Aquila by V. Puzziello (ed.). Su le acque pubbliche potabili della citta di Napoli e de' modi di aumentarle memoria di Luigi Cangiano [On the public drinking waters of the city of Naples and the ways of increasing them, memory of Luigi Cangiano] (in Italian). tipografia dell'Aquila di V. Puzziello. pp. 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Street plaque - Vico dei Zuroli, from which it takes its name from the noble Zurolo family, placed on a wall of a building located in the Pendino district of Naples (NA).
Gothic style portal of the Zurolo palace located in the Vico of the same name.

Archival sources

Secondary sources

Yearbooks and essays

Newspaper articles

  • Mario Giobbe (August 6, 1898). "La farsa di Vico Zuroli" [The farce of Vico Zuroli]. Corriere di Napoli. The article talks about the case of the false seer of Vico, and Vicoletto, of the Zuroli.

See also


  1. ^ Carlo Celano; et al. (Salvatore Palermo) (1792). Delle notizie del bello, dell'antico, e del curioso della citta di Napoli, per gli signori forastieri, raccolte dal canonico Carlo Celano napoletano; divise in dieci giornate, .. Giornata terza · Volume 3 [Of the news of the beautiful, the ancient, and the curious of the city of Naples, for foreign gentlemen, collected by the Neapolitan canon Carlo Celano; divide into ten days, .. Day three · Volume 3] (in Italian). Vol. 3. Leaving this church, moving forward, on the right you can see an alley formerly called the Angini, today the Porteria di San Giorgio. Next are two other alleys. The one on the left, which goes up towards the minor door of the Cathedral, in ancient times as today, was called de' Zurli. Naples (NA). p. 220.
  2. ^ Francesco Gammella (1834). Il muto per Napoli, ossia, Le mille e quattrocento strade, vichi ecc. reperibili da tutti, con designazione dei quartieri respettivi opera compilata (in Italian). p. 62.
  3. ^ Pietro Giannone (1833). Nicolò Bettoni e Comp. (ed.). Istoria civile del Regno di Napoli di Pietro Giannone con annotazioni 1 [Civil history of the Kingdom of Naples by Pietro Giannone with annotations 1] (in Italian). The neighborhood of Capuana, so called, because from this district the road to Capua was taken, in addition to the main square, it embraced many other smaller streets and alleys, of which (as all those of the other three regions) for the most part took the name , or from the families who lived there, or from the Temples, or from the public buildings that were here. Thus in this neighborhood there were: the alleys of the Sun, and ray of the Sun, named after the famous Temple of Apollo, which was built here. That of Dragonario, Corneliano, Corte Torre, di S. Lorenzo ad Fontes, delle Zite, Corte Pappacavallo, Ferraro, Santi Apostoli, da' Filimarini, de' Barrili, Gurgite, Rua de' Fasanelli, Caracciolo, Boccapianola, de' Zurli, de' Carboni, Manoccio, and Rua de' Piscicelli. Nicolò Bettoni e Comp. p. 618.
  4. ^ Donatella Mazzoleni (1999). Arsenale (ed.). Palazzi di Napoli [Palaces of Naples] (in Italian). Arsenale. ISBN 9788877432193.
  5. ^ Staff of Archemail. "Il complesso archeologico di Carminiello ai Mannesi" [The archaeological complex of Carminiello ai Mannesi]. Archemail. In particular, three large straight streets, called plateie, ran east-west following the current directions of: -via Pisanelli, via Anticaglia, via SS. Apostles (upper plateia); -via S. Pietro a Maiella, via Tribunali (median plateia); -via B. Croce, v. S. Biagio dei Librai, via Vicaria Vecchia, via Forcella (lower plateia). These streets were intersected perpendicularly by stenopoi in a north-south direction, still recognizable today in streets such as: via Atri, vico Giganti, via Duomo, vico Zuroli, etc. Thanks to the perfect intersection between plateiae and stenopoi, the insulae were formed, rectangular blocks with standard dimensions of m. 180 x 35. The insulae of Carminiello ai Mannesi were delimited by the median plateia (Via Tribunali height) and the lower plateia (Via Vicaria Vecchia height) and by two stenopoi (Via Duomo and Vico Zuroli) and were divided by a further stenopos, which no longer exists today.
  6. ^ Luigi Cangiano (1843). typography of L'Aquila by V. Puzziello (ed.). Su le acque pubbliche potabili della citta di Napoli e de' modi di aumentarle memoria di Luigi Cangiano [On the public drinking waters of the city of Naples and the ways of increasing them, memory of Luigi Cangiano] (in Italian). The aforementioned aqueduct enters Naples passing under the second tower which remains in the ditches. Sant'Anna a Capuana, in which site the water corresponds to the height from sea level of 50 palms, passes for a stretch under the monastery of S Caterina a Fornello, and I continue underneath the Capuana road, where it splits in two. Then one branch runs under the Largo della Vicaria road, and the other, passing under the Courts building, joins with the first in the site that corresponds in front of the entrance door of said building. The path of the aforementioned aqueduct continues, traveling towards the left side of the Strada dei Tribunali up to Vico dei Zuroli, where it turns and below the same vico reaches Strada Forcella. [pagg. 12, 13 and 14] The aforementioned main aqueduct, from Porta Capuana to its end, has various ducts and branches on its sides, of which the main ones are: Il formaletto de' Cuoci and Marinella, that of S. Caterina a Formello and the mills, that of Cape-della Vicaria, that of Maddalena, that of Matarazzi and that of Scapilata: these six branches correspond to the left side of the aqueduct from Porta Capuana to Vico della Pace . On the straight side of the aqueduct under the Vico dei Zuroli there is another branch called Ramo d'Arco. [pag. 15]. tipografia dell'Aquila di V. Puzziello. pp. 12, 13, 14 and 15.
  7. ^ Carlo de Lellis (1654). Discorsi Delle Famiglie Nobili Del Regno Di Napoli [Speeches of the Noble Families of the Kingdom of Naples] (in Italian). Vol. 2. Naples (NA). pp. 19, 21, 22 and 23. The noble Boccapianola family previously lived in these alleys.
  8. ^ Carlo De Lellis; et al. (Rispoli, Ignazio, Savio, Onofrio.) (1654). Discorsi delle famiglie nobili del Regno di Napoli del signor Carlo De Lellis. Parte prima [-terza]. Vol. 1. Translated by Speeches of the noble families of the Kingdom of Naples by Mr. Carlo De Lellis. Part one [-third]. Naples (NA). pp. 359 to 368. A summary of the most important events in the history of the noble family.
  9. ^ Miscellanea Napoletana (2021). Miscellanea Napoletana [Neapolitan Miscellany] (E-book). Edizioni Finoia. p. 137. ISBN 9788832180091. The Boccapianola family lived in the Forcella district, the area of Naples that today is called vico and vicoletto degli Zuroli, before the advent of this other Neapolitan noble family.
  10. ^ Staff of DETTINAPOLETANI.IT (August 3, 2021). "VICO DEI ZUROLI" [VICO DEI ZUROLI]. DETTINAPOLETANI.IT-IL DATABASE DEL CONOSCERE PARTENOPEO (The toponym, which goes from Via dei Tribunali to Via Vicaria Vecchia, takes its name from Zurolo, also known in the neighborhood as Zurlo (another common form) or Zuroli (in the plural), who once lived there.) (in Italian).
  11. ^ Carlo Celano; et al. (Salvatore Palermo) (1792). Delle notizie del bello, dell'antico, e del curioso della citta di Napoli, per gli signori forastieri, raccolte dal canonico Carlo Celano napoletano; divise in dieci giornate, .. Giornata terza · Volume 3 [Of the news of the beautiful, the ancient, and the curious of the city of Naples, for foreign gentlemen, collected by the Neapolitan Canon Carlo Celano; divided into ten days, .. Day three · Volume 3] (in Italian). Vol. 3. ...for this noble family from the Capua seat who [281] lived there. Naples (NA). p. 220.
  12. ^ L. S. Olschki, ed. (1995). Biblioteca dell'"Archivum romanicum." Storia, letteratura, paleografia · Volumi 264-265 [Library of the "Archivum romanicum." History, literature, paleography · Volumes 264-265] (in Italian). The story of the visionary who lived in Vicolo degli Zuroli, cited by Mario Giobbe, in the newspaper article La farce di vico Zuroli, in the Corriere di Napoli, published on 6 August 1898. L. S. Olschki. ISBN 9788822243652.
  13. ^ Mario Giobbe (August 6, 1898). "La farsa di vico Zuroli" [The farce of Vico Zuroli]. Corriere di Napoli. The article talks about the case of the false seer of Vico, and Vicoletto, of the Zuroli.

Web newspaper articles

  • Staff of the site (3 August 2021). "Topographic Data for Naples Guidebook". Interactive maps, guidebooks and gazetteer of toponyms. Leaving this church, moving forward, on the right you can see an alley formerly called the Angini, today the Porteria di San Giorgio. Next are two other alleys. The one on the left, which goes up towards the minor door of the Cathedral, in ancient times as today, was called the Zurli, for this noble family of the Capua seat who [281] lived there. Retrieved 2023-11-10.
  • (REDATION) REDAZIONE (3 August 2021). "VICO DEI ZUROLI". DETTINAPOLETANI.IT-IL DATABASE DEL CONOSCERE PARTENOPEO (in Italian). The toponym, which goes from Via dei Tribunali to Via Vicaria Vecchia, takes its name from Zurlo (or Zuroli), who once lived there. Retrieved 2023-11-10.