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Robin Wood (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

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Principal Robin Wood is a recurring character on the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The character - the son of a Slayer shown in the episode "Fool For Love" is present for most of season seven and is played by D.B. Woodside.


Robin is the first principal of the newly rebuilt Sunnydale High School when Dawn begins her sophomore year. At first Buffy wonders if he may be evil, but nevertheless accepts a job offer from him. For much of the season, hints are dropped that Robin is aware of the mystical situation in Sunnydale - he finds and buries Jonathan's body, for example - but the viewer is left without any indication as to which side he fights for.

In the episode "First Date," it is revealed that Robin's mother Nikki Wood had been a Slayer and that he is a "freelance" demon fighter. On a date with Buffy, Robin explains that his mother was killed by vampire in 1977 on a New York subway car; Robin later learns, from the First Evil, that this vampire is Spike. As retribution for his mother's murder - and possibly also because Spike becomes a wedge between Robin and Buffy, romantically - Robin conspires with Giles to distract Buffy and then kill Spike. However, the plan fails and Buffy realizes what has gone on, temporarily alienating Robin from the group. After Faith's return, Robin returns to the fold and becomes interested in Faith; the two become physically intimate in "Touched," though it appears to be a one-night stand. Prior to the final battle in "Chosen," Robin expresses concern that Faith viewes men as mere sex objects, and pledges to surprise her if they survive. Though badly wounded in the battle against The First Evil, Robin surprises Faith - who finally expresses her feelings for him - by surviving.