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Federal Government College, Ijanikin

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Federal Government College Lagos (FGCL)

Established: 1975
Principal: Mrs. Okebukola
Location: Lagos State, Nigeria

The Federal Government College Lagos (FGCL) is a co-educational secondary school in Lagos, Nigeria. It was established by the Federal Ministry of Education in 1975. The idea of this college in Lagos was conceived in the minds of the authorities of the Federal Ministry of Education early in 1974 when they thought it necessary to have one co-educational institution for Lagos state as there were in all the then 12 states of the Federation.

School song

Builders of bridges across young minds,

In words and deeds with might and main,

Here we bring a resolve that finds,

In service it's joy and ample gain,

Knowledge we seek wherever it winds,

Discounting costs, defying pains,

For there we are taught,

Liberty lies, where fear recedes and prejudice dies.

Since to build is the faith we bear,

Let us procure each fitting tool,

Honor and truth we must hold dear,

Justice we learn inside our school,

And outside its walls both far and near,

We hear the boom of its changeless rules,

Build to last, build on me,

I am the basis of Unity.

Onward pressing one and all,

We must endeavor to play our part,

Ever heeding the clarion call,

Never lacking in the zeal to impart,

The values acquired, both great and small,

With hands and heads united with heart,

Let us pursue the task in hand,

Like a loyal and obedient band.

School prayer

Almighty God,

By Whose Grace alone,

Builders achieve lasting success,

Enrich our founts of opportunities and fortify our wills,

To construct edifices of truth, justice and service,

So that we may Magnify God, our school and our nation always.
