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Octopus Pie

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Octopus Pie
Author(s)Meredith Gran
Current status/scheduleMonday, Wednesday, Friday
Launch date2007-05-14 [1]
Genre(s)Life, Humor

Octopus Pie is a webcomic written and drawn by Meridith Gran. It focuses on the misadventures of two 20-something women living in Brooklyn, New York. It is currently updated three times a week and around 50 strips have been published so far. The comic has been featured in an article in The New York Daily News[2].


The comic is light humor, with some occasional swearing and partial nudity. While initially relying on the juxtaposition of the two protagonists, Octopus Pie also has the "feel" of an indie comic, focusing on young urbanites, usually from Gen Y. In that way Octopus Pie is similar to such webcomics as Scott Pilgrim, Questionable Content and Strip Tease.


Eve Ning Eve is a post-grad from Brooklyn who has already become embittered at just about every aspect of her life, and the universe in general. Grumpy and cynical, Eve works at Olly's Organix, an organic food grocer. Throughout the first chapters of the strip, she gradually begins to open up to her room mate, as well as taking a romantic interest in Will, an associate of Hanna's.

Hanna Thompson A classmate who went to the same preschool as Eve, Hanna is the stereotypical free spirit in every way possible. Found by Hanna's mother on Craigslist, she initially breaks into Eve's apartment, and is able to stay simply because Eve is unable to force her out. As the story progresses, Hanna is revealed to be the founder of the "Bake'N'Bake" brand recipe kits, which sounds just like the name suggests. She is romantically involved with Marek, who is is also a partner in her "Bake'N'Bake" venture.

Eve's Mom Smug, snarky and a divorcee. It would appear she disliked James (Eve's previous boyfriend); she is the one who arranges for Hanna to move in with Eve.

James, Eve's existentialist ex, he broke up with her during a cell phone conversation. He returns later in the strip with a new girlfriend.

Marek Hanna's boyfriend and co-founder of "Bake'N'Bake", is a shaggy and often silent counterpart to Hanna's exuberant personality, a disciple of the Zen of Duck.

Will A nice young man who works at the shipyards, he is an associate of Hanna's, through whom he eventually meets Eve.

Plot Arcs

Introductions [3]

Fairly self explanatory, introduces the general flow of the comic. Eve has just broken up with her boyfriend, James, and Hanna moves in. Eve's job and the general state of her life is introduced.

Bicycle Rights [4]

Eve's bicycle (Mr. Pedals) is stolen, which prompts her to become paranoid about security.

Bake n' Bake [5]

Explores the mystery of what Hanna does for a living, also introduces Marek and Will.

Another story arc, concerning ducks, has been recently concluded, but as of yet has no official name.


While Octopus Pie is primarily a humorous strip, it has dealt with wider social issues, such as the right for women to go topless [6].


Meridith Gran is a web cartoonist and artist who has had several previous web comics, such as Not Gonna Take it, and the more readily available Skirting Danger. Meridith, along with RPG_World, Men In Hats, and Josh Merman were the founding members of the now defunct Bagofchips web comic group, set up along similar lines as Keenspot and Blank Label Comics. The group disbanded shortly after its inception, as most of the artists abandoned their respective projects. However, Meridith has had a few short animated films, including First Run and Polar-oid which is available through her site.

External links