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Birthday problem

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In probability theory, the birthday paradox states that in a group of 23 (or more) randomly chosen people, there is more than 50% probability that some pair of them will have the same birthday. For 57 or more people, the probability is more than 99%, although it cannot be exactly 100% unless there are at least 366 people in that group.[1] This is not a paradox in the sense of leading to a logical contradiction, but is called a paradox because the mathematical truth contradicts naive intuition: most people estimate that the chance is much lower than 50%. Calculating these probabilities, and related ones, is the birthday problem in mathematics. The mathematics behind it has been used to devise a well-known cryptographic attack named the birthday attack.

A graph showing the probability of at least two people sharing a birthday amongst a certain number of people.

Understanding the paradox

The key to understanding this problem is to think about the chances of no two people sharing a birthday: what are the chances that person 1 has a different birthday from person 2 and that person 3 has a different birthday again and person 4, etc. Each time another person is added to the room, it becomes less and less likely that their birthday isn't already taken by someone else. If one has a sample space of n people, the first person has 365 possible birthdays to choose from. The 2nd person would have only 364, the 3rd would have 363, and so on and so forth. This would be compared with any person being able to have any birthday with no restrictions (in short, all people have 365 possible birthdates.) This leads to the equation below.

The actual birthday problem is asking if any of the 23 people have a matching birthday with any of the others — not one in particular. (See "Same birthday as you" below for an analysis of this much less surprising alternative problem.)

Since in every group of 23 people there are 23*22/2=253 pairs, which is more than half of the number of days in the year, the chance that one of these pairs has a matching birthday is not small. For 28 people, the number of pairs exceeds the number of days, and the probability of matching is considerably greater.

Calculating the probability

To compute the approximate probability that in a room of n people, at least two have the same birthday, we disregard variations in the distribution, such as leap years, twins, seasonal or weekday variations, and assume that the 365 possible birthdays are equally likely. Real-life birthday distributions are not uniform since not all dates are equally likely.[2]

It is easier to first calculate the probability p(n) that all n birthdays are different. If n > 365, by the pigeonhole principle this probability is 0. On the other hand, if n ≤ 365, it is given by

because the second person cannot have the same birthday as the first (364/365), the third cannot have the same birthday as the first two (363/365), etc.

The event of at least two of the n persons having the same birthday is complementary to all n birthdays being different. Therefore, its probability p(n) is

This probability surpasses 1/2 for n = 23 (with value about 50.7%). The following table shows the probability for some other values of n (This table ignores the existence of leap years, as described above):

n p(n)
10 12%
20 41%
23 50.7%
30 70%
50 97%
100 99.99996%
200 99.9999999999999999999999999998%
300 (1 − 7×10−73) × 100%
350 (1 − 3×10−131) × 100%
366 100%


The Taylor series expansion of the exponential function

A graph showing the accuracy of the approximation 1 − exp(−n2/(2⋅365)).

provides a first-order approximation for :

The first expression derived for p(n) can be approximated as


An even coarser approximation is given by

which, as the graph illustrates, is still fairly accurate.

A simple exponentiation

Very basically, the probability of any two people not having the same birthday is 364/365. In a room of people of size N, there are C(N, 2) pairs of people, i.e. C(N, 2) events. We can approximate the probability of no two people sharing the same birthday by assuming that these events are independent and hence by multiplying their probability together. In short we multiply 364/365 by itself C(N, 2) times, which gives us

And obviously if this is the probability of no one having the same birthday, then the probability of someone sharing a birthday is

Poisson approximation

Using the Poisson approximation for the binomial,

Again, this is over 50%.

Approximation of number of people

We can also approximate this using the following formula for the number of people necessary to have at least a 50% chance of matching:

This is a result of the good approximation that an event with 1 in k probability will have a 50% chance of occurring at least once if it is repeated k ln 2 times.

An upper bound and a different perspective

The argument below is adapted from an argument of Paul Halmos.[3]

As stated above, the probability that no two birthdays coincide is

We are interested in the smallest n such that p(n) > 1/2; or equivalently, the smallest n such that p(n) < 1/2.

Replacing 1 − k/365, as above, with ek/365, and using the inequality 1 − x < ex, we have

Therefore, the expression above is not only an approximation, but also an upper bound of p(n). The inequality

implies p(n) < 1/2. Solving for n we find

Now, 730 ln 2 is approximately 505.997, which is barely below 506, the value of n² − n attained when n = 23. Therefore, 23 people suffice.

Note that the derivation only shows that at most 23 people are needed to ensure a birthday match with even chance; it leaves open the possibility that, say, n = 22 could also work.


The birthday problem can be generalised as follows: given n random integers drawn from a discrete uniform distribution with range [1,d], what is the probability p(n;d) that at least two numbers are the same?

The generic results can be derived using the same arguments given above.


The birthday paradox in its more generic sense applies to hash functions: the expected number of N-bit hashes that can be generated before getting a collision is not 2N, but rather only 2N/2. This is exploited by birthday attacks on cryptographic hash functions and is the reason why a small number of collisions in a hash table are, for all practical purposes, inevitable.

The theory behind the birthday problem was used in [Schnabel 1938] under the name of capture-recapture statistics to estimate the size of fish population in lakes.

Other birthday problems

Reverse problem

For a fixed probability p:

  • Find the greatest n for which the probability p(n) is smaller than the given p, or
  • Find the smallest n for which the probability p(n) is greater than the given p.

An approximation to this can be derived by inverting the 'coarser' approximation above:

Sample calculations

p n n p(n↓) n p(n↑)
0.01 0.14178√365 = 2.70864 2 0.00274 3 0.00820
0.05 0.32029√365 = 6.11916 6 0.04046 7 0.05624
0.1 0.45904√365 = 8.77002 8 0.07434 9 0.09462
0.2 0.66805√365 = 12.76302 12 0.16702 13 0.19441
0.3 0.84460√365 = 16.13607 16 0.28360 17 0.31501
0.5 1.17741√365 = 22.49439 22 0.47570 23 0.50730
0.7 1.55176√365 = 29.64625 29 0.68097 30 0.70632
0.8 1.79412√365 = 34.27666 34 0.79532 35 0.81438
0.9 2.14597√365 = 40.99862 40 0.89123 41 0.90315
0.95 2.44775√365 = 46.76414 46 0.94825 47 0.95477
0.99 3.03485√365 = 57.98081 57 0.99012 58 0.99166

Note: some values falling outside the bounds have been coloured to show that the approximation is not always exact.

Same birthday as you

Comparing p(n) = probability of a birthday match with q(n) = probability of matching your birthday

Note that in the birthday problem, neither of the two people are chosen in advance. By way of contrast, the probability q(n) that someone in a room of n other people has the same birthday as a particular person (for example, you), is given by

Substituting n = 23 gives about 6.1%, which is less than 1 chance in 16. For a greater than 50% chance that one person in a roomful of n people has the same birthday as you, n would need to be at least 253. Note that this number is significantly higher than 365/2 = 182.5: the reason is that it is likely that there are some birthday matches among the other people in the room.

Near matches

Another generalization is to ask how many people are needed in order to have a better than 50% chance that two people have a birthday within one day of each other, or within two, three, etc., days of each other. This is a more difficult problem and requires use of the inclusion-exclusion principle. The number of people required so that the probability that some pair will have a birthday separated by fewer than days will be higher than 50% is:

k # people required
1 23
2 14
3 11
4 9
5 8
6 8
7 7
8 7

Thus in a group of just seven random people, it is more likely than not that two of them will have a birthday within a week of each other.[4]

Collision counting

The probability that the kth integer randomly chosen from [1, d] will repeat at least one previous choice equals above. The expected total number of times a selection will repeat a previous selection as n such integers are chosen equals

Knapsack paradox

A related intuitive paradox arises in the knapsack problem from computer science. Some weights are put on a balance; each weight is an integer number of grams randomly chosen between one gram and one million grams (one metric ton). The question is whether you can transfer the weights between the left and right arms to balance the scale. If there are only two or three weights, the answer is very clearly no. If there are very many weights, the answer is clearly yes. The question is, how many are just sufficient?

Some people's intuition is that the answer is above 100,000. Most people's intuition is that it is in the thousands or tens of thousands, while others feel it should at least be in the hundreds. The correct answer is approximately 23.

The reason is that the correct comparison is to the number of partitions of the weights into left and right. There are 2N-1 different partitions for N weights, and the left sum minus the right sum can be thought of as a new random quantity for each partition. The distribution of the sum of weights is approximately Gaussian, with a peak at 1,000,000 N and width , so that when 2N-1 is approximately equal to the transition occurs. 223-1 is about 4 million, while the width of the distribution is only 5 million [5].


  • Zoe Emily Schnabel: "The estimation of the total fish population of a lake", American Mathematical Monthly 45 (1938), pages 348-352
  • M. Klamkin and D. Newman: "Extensions of the birthday surprise", Journal of Combinatorial Theory 3 (1967), pages 279-282.
  • D. Bloom: "A birthday problem", American Mathematical Monthly 80 (1973), pages 1141-1142. This problem solution contains a proof that the probability of two matching birthdays is least for a uniform distribution of birthdays.


  1. ^ It is possible that a group of 366 people all have different birthdays, if one of the birthdays is February 29; then the probability that two are the same is 100% only when there are at least 367 people in the group. Also, birthdays are not evenly distributed throughout the year; not only does February 29 occur significantly less than any other day, but birth rates vary for the other 365 days. To keep things simple, all calculations in this article presume that there are 365 days in every year, and that birthdays are evenly distributed among those days. This will cause all these calculations to be very slightly wrong, but they are sufficiently accurate for the purpose of illustration.
  2. ^ In particular, many children are born in the summer, especially the months of August and September (for the northern hemisphere) [1], and in the U.S. it has been noted that many children are conceived around the holidays of Christmas and New Year's Day; and, in environments like classrooms where many people share a birth year, it becomes relevant that due to the way hospitals work, where C-sections and induced labor are not generally scheduled on the weekend, more children are born on Mondays and Tuesdays than on weekends. Both of these factors tend to increase the chance of identical birth dates, since a denser subset has more possible pairs (in the extreme case when everyone was born on three days, there would obviously be many identical birthdays). The birthday problem for such non-constant birthday probabilities was tackled by Murray Klamkin in 1967.
  3. ^ In his autobiography, Halmos criticized the form in which the birthday paradox is often presented, in terms of numerical computation. He believed that it should be used as an example in the use of more abstract mathematical concepts. He wrote:

    The reasoning is based on important tools that all students of mathematics should have ready access to. The birthday problem used to be a splendid illustration of the advantages of pure thought over mechanical manipulation; the inequalities can be obtained in a minute or two, whereas the multiplications would take much longer, and be much more subject to error, whether the instrument is a pencil or an old-fashioned desk computer. What calculators do not yield is understanding, or mathematical facility, or a solid basis for more advanced, generalized theories.

  4. ^ Abramson, M. (1970). "More Birthday Surprises". American Mathematical Monthly. 77: pp. 856-858. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  5. ^ Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Boris Pittel (2001). "Phase Transition and Finite Size Scaling in the Integer Partition Problem". Random Structures and Algorithms. 19(3-4): 247–288.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)