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Operation Tractable

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Operation Tractable
Part of Battle of Normandy

Canadian forces moving towards Falaise, August 141944
DateAugust 14August 21, 1944
Result Strategic Allied Victory
Tactical Stalemate
First Canadian Army Nazi Germany Army Group B
Commanders and leaders
Harry Crerar
Guy Simonds
Poland Stanisław Maczek
Nazi Germany Kurt Meyer
Nazi Germany Walter Model
2 Infantry Divisions
2 Armoured Divisions
1 Armoured Brigade
1 Panzer Division
2 Infantry Divisions
Casualties and losses
1Canada: ~3,500
Poland: 1,704 casualties
1Discussed in detail in "Casualties" subsection

Operation Tractable was the final Anglo-Canadian offensive during the Battle of Normandy, aimed at capturing the strategically important town of Falaise, and subsequently the towns of Trun & Chambois. The operation involved the combined forces of the First Canadian Army & the British 2nd Army against German forces of Army Group B. Despite a relatively slow start to the offensive, marked by limited gains north of Falaise, innovative tactics by Stanisław Maczek's Polish 1st Armoured Division in the drive for Chambois allowed for the Falaise gap to be closed by August 191944, trapping close to 300,000 German soldiers in the Falaise Pocket.

Although the Falaise gap was nominally closed on August 19, a protracted series of brutal engagements between two battlegroups of the Polish 1st Armoured Division & the 2nd SS Panzer Corps on Mont Ormel continued to prevent the gap from being completely closed, allowing thousands of German troops to escape. Throughout two days of nearly continuous fighting, Polish forces managed to hold off counterattacks by elements of seven German divisions (including four SS-Panzer Divisions, one Parachute-Division, one Infantry Division, & 1 Panzer-Division), the defense characterized by massive artillery-barrages & "fanatical resistance" on the part of the Polish 1st Armoured Division. On August 211944, elements of the First Canadian Army relieved the few survivors of the protracted battle, finally closing the Falaise Pocket and leading to the capture of nearly 200,000 men.


When the US First Army broke out of the Normandy beachhead during Operation Cobra on July 25, 1944, the town of Falaise quickly became a major objective of Commonwealth forces, as its capture would cause almost all of Army Group B to be surrounded.[1] As a result, Generals Guy Simonds & Harry Crerar had planned the Anglo-Canadian offensive, code-named Operation Totalize. The operation was the inaugural battle of the First Canadian Army, which operated as a full unit for the first time.[2] Although initial gains were made, particularly on Verrières Ridge & Cintheaux, the offensive stalled on August 9, as strong German counterattacks resulted in heavy casualties for Canadian Armoured Divisions.[3] By August 10, Anglo-Canadian forces had reached Hill 195, directly north of Falaise.[4] However, they had been unable to capture the town itself.

Offensive Strategy

Operation Tractable was designed with similarities to Operation Totalize in mind.[5] However, unlike the previous operation, Tractable would be launched in full daylight. An initial bombardment by medium-bombers was to weaken German defenses, and was to be followed by an advance by the 4th Canadian (Armoured) Division on the western flank of Hill 195, while the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division attacked on the eastern flank, with the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade in support. Their advance would be protected via a large smokescreen laid down by Canadian artillery.[6] Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery hoped that Canadian forces would have achieved control of Falaise by the end of August 14. From there, all three formations would punch towards Trun, 18 kilometers east of Falaise, with the additional assistance of the Polish 1st Armoured Division. From there, a linkup with American forces at Chambois could be accomplished quickly.[7]

German defenses were confined to a single main formation: the 12th SS Panzer Division. However, additional forces from two infantry divisions were also present (by this point, the 272nd Grenadier Infantry Division had been withdrawn from the front-lines). Had the attack been a complete surprise, Canadian forces likely would have succeeded in breaking through the defenses rapidly.[8] However, a Canadian Officer lost his way while moving between divisional headquarters. He drove into enemy-lines, and was promptly killed. He was carrying a copy of Simonds' orders.[9] As a result, German forces lined a majority of their heavy armour along the expected line of approach.[10]

The Battle: August 14 — August 16

The Opening Phase

Operation Tractable began precisely at H-Hour on August 14, with 800 Lancaster & Halifax bombers blanketing German forces.[11]. In a chain of events similar to those in Operation Totalize, many of the bombers mistakenly attacked Canadian positions instead of German ones, leading to some 400 casualties among Polish & Canadian forces.[12] As the bombing progressed, artillery laid down a thick smokescreen while two Canadian divisions attacked.[13] Although their vision of Canadian forces was severely hampered, German units still managed to inflict severe casualties on the 4th Canadian (Armoured) Division as the division moved southward towards Falaise. One of the casualties was the 4th Armoured Brigade's Commander; Brigadier Leslie Booth.[14] Throughout the day, continual attacks by the 4th Canadian & Polish 1st Armoured Divisions managed to cross the Laison River. However, limited access to crossing points allowed for accurate German counterattacks (primarily by units of the 102nd Panzer Battalion) against both divisions.[15] The town of Potigny fell to Polish forces in the late afternoon.[16]

By the end of the first day of operations, forces of the 3rd & 4th Canadian Divisions had reached Point 159, directly north of Falaise. However, they had failed to reach Falaise itself. In order to bolster the forces pushing towards Falaise, Simonds ordered the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division to move towards the front-lines, with the hope that the extra offensive power would be sufficient to capture the town.[17]

Capturing Falaise

Although progress was slower than planned on the first day of the offensive, Operation Tractable resumed on August 15, with both Armoured Divisions pushing southeast, towards the hills east of Falaise.[18] The 2nd & 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, with the support of the 2nd Canadian (Armoured) Brigade, continued their push south towards Falaise itself.[19] On August 15, the 4th Armoured Division was able to capture Soulangy, after harsh fighting in their push southeast. However, the gains of the two Armoured Divisions were minimal, as strong German resistance prevented an outright breakthrough to Trun.[20]

On August 161944, forces of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division entered Falaise itself, encountering minor resistance from Hitler-Youth & German Infantry forces.[21] Although it would take until the 18th to clear all resistance in the town, the first major objective of Operation Tractable had been achieved. Lieutenant General Simonds began to shift the bulk of his Armoured forces for a drive towards Trun, and the eventual closing of the Falaise Pocket.[22]

The Battle: August 16 — 19

The Drive for Trun

File:Polish bren guns.jpg
Polish Bren-Gun Carrier moving through Fontaine-les-Basset, towards the final objective of Chambois

The drive for Trun by Polish & Canadian Armoured Divisions had truly begun on August 16. Most of these attacks, however, were in preparation for the overall drive for Trun & Chambois. On August 17, both Armoured Divisions of the 1st Canadian Army began their assault on the town.[23] By the early-afternoon of the same day, the Polish 1st Armoured Division had managed to completely outflank the 12th SS Panzer Division, enabling several battlegroups to reach both the 4th Armoured Division's objectives, as well as significantly expand the bridgehead northwest of Trun.[24] At this point, Stanisław Maczek, the Polish Divisional Commander, split his forces into four battlegroups.[25] One of these battlegroups struck southwest, cutting off Trun and establishing itself on the high-ground dominating the town, as well as the Dives river valley. This allowed for a powerful assault by the 4th Canadian Armoured Division on Trun. The town was liberated on the morning of August 181944.[26]

The Polish drive for Chambois

As Canadian & Polish forces liberated Trun, Maczek's second Armoured battlegroup maneuvered southeast, capturing Champeaux & anchoring the envelopment towards Chambois across a six-mile front.[27] At its closest, the front was a mere four miles from forces of the 5th US Corps in the town. By the evening of August 18, all four of Maczek's battlegroups had established themselves directly northwest of Chambois (one outside of the town, one near Vimoutiers, and two at the foot of Hill 262, northeast of Chambois).[28] With re-enforcements quickly arriving from the 4th Canadian Armoured Division, Maczek was in an ideal position to close the gap the following day. However, the presence of the Polish Armoured Division also alerted the commander of the 2nd SS Panzer Corps, Field Marshal Walter Model, of the imminent need to keep the gap open.[29]

Closing the Gap

Early on August 19, General Simonds met with his divisional commanders, so as to plan out the final workings of the drive to Chambois. The 4th Armoured Division would move towards Chambois, on the western flank of two battlegroups of the Polish 1st Armoured Division.[30] Two additional battlegroups from the Polish Armoured Division would strike eastward, in a bid to secure Hill 262, thus covering the eastern flanks of the assault on Chambois.[31] The 2nd & 3rd Infantry Divisions would continue their grinding offensives against the northern extremities of the Falaise Pocket, continuing to inflict heavy casualties on the now-exhausted 12th SS Panzer Division.[32]

The assault on Chambois began almost immediately after the meeting, with one battlegroup of the Polish 1st advancing towards Chambois, with forces supplied by 4th Armoured Division's "Currie Task Force" covering their advance from the west. Simultaneously, two Polish battlegroups moved for Hill 262. Despite heavy German resistance, Battlegroup Zgorzelski was able to secure Point 137, directly west of Hill 262.[33] By early afternoon, Battlegroup Stefanowicz had captured Hill 262 itself, completely annihilating a German Infantry Company in the process. As a result of the vicious fighting, Polish casualties accounted for nearly half of all casualties sustained by the 1st Canadian Army.[34]

By late-afternoon of August 19, Canadian & Polish forces had linked up with the American 80th Division & 90th Division already stationed in the town. The Falaise Gap had been closed. However, as the linkup occurred, Model's 2nd SS Panzer Corps had begun its massive counterattack against Polish forces on Hill 262, in an effort to reopen the pocket.[35] With American & Canadian forces facing German counterattacks in their sectors, the Polish Armoured Division would have to fight two veteran Panzer Divisions, if the gap was to remain closed.

2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattacks

General Elfeld of the German 84th Korps, having surrendered to Canadian & Polish forces on August 201944

In the early morning of August 20, two strong German formations, the 2nd SS & 9th SS Panzer Divisions, counterattacked two Polish Battlegroups stationed on Hill 262.[36] Simultaneously, the 16th Infantry & 12th SS divisions attacked American & Canadian forces from within the pocket, managing to open several small channels in the eastern side of the pocket.

By mid-morning, 2,000 survivors of the German 2nd Falschirmjäger Korps had managed to create several holes in the Canadian forces along the Dives Crossings, as well as Point 117.[37] At approximately noon, several units of the 10 SS, 12th SS, & 116th Panzer Divisions managed to break through these weakened positions & out of the Gap, with the intention of heading eastward and out of Normandy.[38]

However, by mid-afternoon, re-enforcements from the an Armoured Battlegroup under Major David Vivian Currie managed to reach St. Lambert-sur-Dives, denying two German Armies the ability to escape. Over the next day and a half, the battlegroup repulsed almost continual attacks by German forces, destroying 7 German tanks, 12 88mm Antitank Guns, & 40 vehicles. In the brutal fighting around Lambert-sur-Dives, Currie's battlegroup was able to inflict nearly 2,000 casualties on attacking German forces, including 300 killed & 1,100 captured.[39] By the evening of August 20, the Germans had exhausted their attack against St. Lambert-sur-Dives, when the surviving members of the 84th Korps, commanded by General Elfeld, surrendered to Canadian & American forces near Chambois.[40] For his actions at St. Lambert-sur-Dives, Major Currie was awarded the Victoria Cross, the only Canadian to receive the award during the Normandy Campaign.

Hill 262 (Mont Ormel)

Polish Infantry moving towards cover on Hill 262. August 201944

While Currie's battlegroup stalled German forces outside of St. Lambert, two battlegroups of Maczek's Polish 1st Armoured Division were engaged in a protracted battle with two strong SS Panzer Divisions. Throughout the night of the 19th, Polish forces had entrenched themselves along the three main lines of approach (south, southwest, northeast).[41] Directly southwest of Hill 262, German units progressed through what was later known as "The Corridor of Death", as Polish units were able to inflict extremely heavy casualties on German units moving towards Hill 262 with a well-coordinated artillery barrage.[42]

From the Northeast, the 2nd SS Panzer Division attacked in full force, against the four Infantry Battalions & two Armoured Regiments of the Polish Battlegroups on Hill 262.[43] The 9th SS Panzer Division would attack from the north, while simultaneously preventing Canadian units from re-enforcing the Polish Armoured Division. Having managed to break out of the Falaise Pocket, the 12th SS, 10th SS, & 116th Panzer Divisions would attack Hill 262 from the southwest. If this major obstacle was cleared, German units could initiate a full retreat out of the Falaise Pocket.[44]

The first attack against Polish positions was by the "Der Fuhrer" Regiment of the 2nd SS Panzer Division. Although the Podhale Rifles battalion was able to repel the attack, it exhausted a significant amount of its ammunition.[45] The second attack was devastating to the dwindling armoured forces of the Polish battlegroups. A single Panzer, positioned on Point 239 (northeast of Hill 262), was able to destroy five Sherman Tanks within two minutes.[46] At this time, the 3rd Parachute Division, along with an Armoured Regiment of the 1st SS Panzer Division, attacked Hill 262 from within the Falaise Pocket. This attack, however, was easily repulsed by Polish artillery, which "massacred" German infantry & armour closing in on their positions.[47]

As the assault from the southwest ran out of steam, the 2nd SS Panzer Division resumed its assault on the northeastern edge of the ridge. As a majority of the Polish units were now concentrated on the southern edges of the position, the 2nd SS Panzer Division had linked up with the 3rd Parachute Division by noon, opening up a full-route out of the pocket.[48] By mid-afternoon, German forces had significantly benefited from the second route out of the pocket, allowing upwards of 10,000 German troops to escape.[49] Despite being overwhelmed by strong counterattacks, Polish forces continued to hold the high-ground on Hill 262 (referred to as Mont Ormel by the French & as The Mace by the Polish), enacting a deadly toll on German forces through the use of well-coordinated artillery barrages.[50] Irritated by the presence of these still-dangerous units, General Hauser, commanding the 2nd SS Panzer Division, ordered the positions "eliminated".[51]. Although substantial forces, including the 353rd Infantry Division & several battlegroups from the 2nd SS Pz. Division, attacked the Polish positions, inflicting heavy casualties on the 8th & 9th Battalions of the Polish Armoured Division, the counterattack was ultimately defeated by "tenacious" Polish forces. However, the battle had cost them almost all of their ammunition, leaving them in a precarious position.[52]

At 7PM on August 201944, a 20-minute ceasefire was arranged, to allow for German forces to evacuate a large convoy of Red Cross vehicles. Immediately following the passage of these vehicles, the fighting resumed & intensified. Although the Germans were incapable of dislodging Polish forces from the hill, the Polish had reached a point of exhaustion.[53] Ammunition at frighteningly-low levels, the Polish forces were forced to watch as the remnants of the 47th Panzer Corps left the Pocket, being incapable of stopping its retreat. Polish artillery, however, continued to bombard every German unit that entered the gap made by German counterattacks. However, Stefanowicz, commander of the Polish battlegroups on Hill 262, was very skeptical of their forces' chance of survival.[54]

"Gentlemen. Everything is lost. I do not believe Canadians will manage to help us. We have only 110 men left, with 50 rounds per gun and 5 rounds per tank… Fight to the end! To surrender to the SS is senseless, you know it well. Gentlemen! Good luck – tonight, we will die for Poland and civilization. We will fight to the last platoon, to the last tank, then to the last man"

The End: August 211944

German forces surrendering in St. Lambert on August 211944

After the brutality of the fighting that had occurred during the day, night was welcomed by both German & Polish forces surrounding Mont Ormel. Fighting was incredibly sporadic, as both sides avoided contact with one another. However, frequent artillery barrages by Polish forces interrupted German attempts to retreat from the sector.[55] By morning, German attacks on the position had resumed. Although not nearly as coordinated as the day before,[56] the attack still managed to reach the last of the Polish defenders on Mont Ormel. As the remaining Polish forces repelled the assault, their tanks were forced to use the last of their ammunition.[57] At approximately noon, the last elements of SS forces launched a final assault on the positions of the 9th Batallion. Polish forces defeated them at point-blank range. Incredibly, the two battlegroups of the Polish 1st Armoured Division had survived the onslaught, despite being completely surrounded by German forces for three days. Polish casualties for the Battle of Mont Ormel were 325 killed, 1002 wounded, 114 missing, or approximately 20% of the division's combat-strength. Within an hour, forces of The Canadian Grenadier Guards managed to link up with what remained of the two Polish Battlegroups.[58] By late-afternoon, the remainder of the 2nd & 9th SS Panzer Divisions had begun their retreat to the Siene River. The Falaise Pocket had been closed, and over 100,000 men captured.


By the evening of August 21, a vast majority of the German forces remaining in the Falaise Pocket had surrendered.[59] Nearly all of the strong German formations that had caused significant damage to the 1st Canadian Army throughout the earlier portions of the campaign had been nearly destroyed. For example, by the end of Operation Tractable, the formidable opponent of Canadian forces throughout the campaign, the 12th SS Panzer Division, had lost 94% of its armour, nearly all of its field-guns, & 70% of its vehicles.[60] Composed of close to 20,000 men & 150 tanks before the campaign, it had been reduced to a mere 300 men & ten tanks.[61] However, several strong German formations, notably the 2nd & 9th SS Panzer Divisions, had managed to escape eastward to the Seine River. Conservative estimates for the number of German soldiers captured in the Falaise Pocket approach 50,000.[62] However, some estimates put total German losses in the Falaise Pocket as high as 300,000.[63]


German equipment destroyed near Mont Ormel

Exact casualties for Canadian forces involved in the battle are difficult to determine. However, the general estimate for Canadian casualties from August 8 — 21 is put at over 5,500 casualties, including 1,470 fatalities.[64] The casualties taken in Operation Tractable were significantly higher than those taken in Totalize (although the 4th Armoured Division was hit harder in the first operation than in Tractable). As a result, the best estimates for casualties taken in Operation Tractable are put at approximately 3,500, with an unspecified number of fatalities.[65]

German casualties are also quite difficult to determine. Although semi-reliable figures can be found for total casualties within the Falaise Pocket, it is difficult to determine how many of these were attributed to Canadian forces. It is known, however, that Canadian forces took over 13,000 prisoners in the closing days of the battle.[66][67] Significant casualties were also taken in the Battle for Mont Ormel against Polish forces. However, the exact statistics are unknown. Although German forces were easily capable of replacing human casualties (still having two armies in France), German equipment losses were staggering.[68] These included 200 tanks, over 1,000 guns, & 5,000 other vehicles.[69] The Polish 1st Armoured Division is credited with destroying significant amounts of equipment in their defense of Mont Ormel.[70]

By contrast, Polish casualty figures for Operation Tractable are easier to determine. Since their movements against Chambois & Mont Ormel, Polish casualties totaled 325 killed, 1002 wounded, & 114 missing.[71] Previous to the attacks on Chambois & Ormel (August 14 — 18), Polish fatalities totaled 263.[72] This brings total Polish casualties in Operation Tractable to 1704, of which 588 were fatal.


  1. ^ D'Este, Pg. 404
  2. ^ Zuehlke, Pg. 168
  3. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 230
  4. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 230
  5. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  6. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  7. ^ D'Este, Pg. 429
  8. ^ D'Este, Pg. 430
  9. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  10. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  11. ^ Operation Tractable, Memorial Montormel
  12. ^ Operation Tractable, Memorial Montormel
  13. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  14. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  15. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 231
  16. ^ Operation Tractable, Memorial Montormel
  17. ^ Loyal Edmonton Regimental Museum
  18. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 188
  19. ^ Juno Beach Centre, Normandy, France
  20. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 232
  21. ^ Juno Beach Centre, Normandy, France
  22. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 188
  23. ^ Encircling the Falaise Gap
  24. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 192
  25. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 192
  26. ^ Zuehlke, Pg. 169
  27. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 192
  28. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 193
  29. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 193
  30. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 193
  31. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 232
  32. ^ Zuehlke, Pg. 169
  33. ^ Closing the Falaise Gap
  34. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 195. By the night of August 18, Polish fatalities totaled 263, while Canadian fatalities totaled 284
  35. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattack
  36. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 195
  37. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattack
  38. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 196
  39. ^ VAC, David Vivian Currie
  40. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps Counterattacks
  41. ^ D'Este, Pg. 456
  42. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattacks
  43. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 196
  44. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattacks
  45. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 197
  46. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps conterattacks
  47. ^ Van-Der-Vat, Pg. 168
  48. ^ Van-Der-Vat, Pg. 168
  49. ^ Van-Der-Vat, Pg. 168
  50. ^ D'Este, Pg. 458
  51. ^ Van-Der-Vat, Pg. 168
  52. ^ D'Este, Pg. 458
  53. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattacks
  54. ^ 2nd SS Panzer Corps counterattacks
  55. ^ D'Este, Pg. 458
  56. ^ The End of the German 7th Army
  57. ^ The End of the German 7th Army
  58. ^ Juno Beach Centre, Normandy, France
  59. ^ Vand-Der-Vat, Pg. 169
  60. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 233
  61. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 233
  62. ^ the End of the German 7th Army
  63. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 233
  64. ^ Juno Beach Centre, Normandy, France
  65. ^ Zuehlke, Pg. 169
  66. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 232
  67. ^ Zuehlke, Pg. 169
  68. ^ Bercuson, Pg. 233
  69. ^ the End of the German 7th Army
  70. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 199
  71. ^ the End of the German 7th Army
  72. ^ Jarymowycz, Pg. 195


  • Bercuson, David (2004). Maple leaf Against the Axis. Ottawa: Red Deer Press. ISBN 0-88995-305-8
  • D'Este, Carlo (1983). Decision in Normandy. New York: Konecky & Konecky. ISBN 1-56852-260-6
  • Granatstein, J. L. (2004). The Last Good War. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. ISBN 978-1550549133
  • Jarymowycz, Roman (2001). Tank Tactics; from Normandy to Lorraine. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner. ISBN 1555879500
  • Juno Beach Centre. Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France
  • Van der Vat, Dan (2003). D-Day; The Greatest Invasion, A People's History. Toronto: Madison Press Limited. ISBN 1-55192-586-9
  • Zuehlke, Mark (2001). The Canadian Military Atlas. London: Stoddart. ISBN 0-77373-289-6

See also