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List of assassinations and assassination attempts

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The following is a list of some of the most famous assassinations and assassination attempts. It is not intended to be exhaustive.

Assassin Year (AD format) Target Result Comments
Jing Ke 210 BC Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang Survived One of the earliest documented attempts.
Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and others 44 BC Roman Dictator Julius Caesar Killed Resulted in Civil War and indirectly to the end of the Roman Republic
Balthasar Gérard 1584 Dutch Stadtholder William the Silent Killed The first assassination carried out with a firearm.
Guy Fawkes 1605 King James I of England, Parliament of England Survived See the Gunpowder Plot.
François Ravaillac 1610 King Henri IV of France Killed Religious murder.
Charlotte Corday 1793 French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat Killed Later often seen as a patriotic act.
John Bellingham 1812 UK Prime Minister Spencer Perceval Killed First and only U.K. Prime Minister to be assassinated.
John Wilkes Booth 1865 US President Abraham Lincoln Killed
Charles J. Guiteau 1881 US President James Garfield Killed Died 80 days following the shooting.
Ignacy Hryniewiecki 1881 Tsar Alexander II of Russia Killed Assassination plot concluded with bombs.
Frederick Russell Burnham 1896 Mlimo, the Ndebele religious leader Killed Effectively ended the Second Matabele War.
Gaetano Bresci 1900 King Umberto I of Italy Killed
Leon Czolgosz 1901 US President William McKinley Killed
Alexandros Schinas 1913 King George I of Greece Killed Possible conspiracy.
Gavrilo Princip 1914 Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand Killed Considered the start of World War I.
Raoul Villain 1914 French socialist leader Jean Jaurès Killed The assassin was tried and acquitted in 1919.
Fritz Joubert Duquesne 1916 Lord Kitchener, British Field Marshal and Secretary of State for War Killed Killed on the HMS Hampshire by an act of sabotage.
Unknown 1922 Michael Collins Killed Killed in an ambush firefight near the end of Irish Civil War
Eligiusz Niewiadomski 1922 First Polish President Gabriel Narutowicz Killed Killed five days after his inauguration, while attending the opening of an art exhibit at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw.
Vlado Chernozemski 1934 Alexander I of Yugoslavia Killed Killed in Marseille during a state visit.
Rex T. Barber and Thomas George Lanphier, Jr. 1943 Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet Killed See Operation Vengeance.
Claus von Stauffenberg 1944 German dictator Adolf Hitler Survived See the July 20 plot.
Nathuram Godse 1948 Political and Spiritual Leader Mahatma Gandhi Killed
Talduwe Somarama 1959 Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Solomon Bandaranaike Killed Assassinated by a Buddhist monk as part of a conspiracy.
Jean Bastien-Thiry and the OAS 1962 French President Charles de Gaulle Survived
Nguyen Van Cu and Pham Phu Quoc 1962 President of the Republic of Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Survived See 1962 South Vietnamese Presidential Palace bombing
Lee Harvey Oswald 1963 US President John F. Kennedy Killed Official reports have concluded that Oswald acted alone, however significant doubts remain for many.
Jack Ruby 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald Killed
Norman 3X Butler, Thomas 15X Johnson, Talmadge Hayer 1965 Activist Malcolm X Killed Tensions and departure from the Nation of Islam
James Earl Ray /
Loyd Jowers
1968 Political activist Martin Luther King Killed Ray was convicted on a guilty plea but later recanted, while a 1999 civil trial convicted Jowers and 'unknown others', while also noting that 'governmental agencies were parties' to the plot.
Sirhan Sirhan 1968 US Senator Robert F. Kennedy Killed
Prince Faisal bin Musa'id 1975 Saudi King Faisal Killed
Dan White 1978 San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk Killed Killed over not reappointing Dan White supervisor
Kim Jae-kyu 1979 South Korean President Park Chung-hee Killed See Park Chung-hee assassination
Mark David Chapman 1980 John Lennon Killed An act to become famous.
John Hinckley, Jr. 1981 US President Ronald Reagan Survived To impress actress Jodie Foster.
Khalid Islambouli 1981 Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat Killed Rare attack carried out by a group.
Mehmet Ali Ağca 1981 Catholic Pope John Paul II Survived
Group of army officers 1981 Bangladeshi President Ziaur Rahman Killed Plotted by a faction of officers of Bangladesh Army led by General Abul Monjur.
Satwant Singh and Beant Singh 1984 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Killed Assassinated by personal bodyguards.
Provisional Irish Republican Army 1984 British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Survived Detonated a bomb at the Grand Hotel during the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton.
Unknown 1986 Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme Killed Killed by a handgun on his way home from a cinema on a street in central Stockholm.
Thenmuli Rajaratnam 1991 Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi Killed Killed in an explosion triggered by a LTTE suicide bomber.
Janusz Walus 1993 South African Communist Party leader Chris Hani Killed Anti-Communist killing
Unknown 1993 Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa Killed Attack carried out by an LTTE suicide bomber on May Day parade.
Yigal Amir 1995 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Killed Attack carried out by Israeli opposed to Oslo Accords.
Dipendra 2001 King Birendra of Nepal Killed See Nepalese royal massacre.
Volkert van der Graaf 2002 Dutch Election Candidate Pim Fortuyn Killed The attack took place in a parking lot outside a radio studio in Hilversum, where Fortuyn had just given an interview.
Maxime Brunerie 2002 French President Jacques Chirac Survived Attempted to shoot the President during the Bastille Day Military Parade.
Zvezdan Jovanović 2003 Serbian Prime Ministar Zoran Đinđić Killed Killed his victim with a sniper rife (a relatively rare type of assassination, see there), suspected to have acted for organized crime backers.
Unknown though widely believed to be Syrian intelligence 2005 Former Lebanese Prime Minister and billionaire Rafik Hariri Killed The assassination is done via car bomb in Beirut.
Unknown 2007 Benazir Bhutto Killed Killed while entering a vehicle upon leaving a political rally for the Pakistan People's Party in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.